
The sharp claws scratched the golden armor on the chest of the undead creature Saw Shovel, leaving white marks on it.

Although the speed was gained, the intensity of the attack was still a little bit worse.

Saw was forced to take two steps back. The undead creature put away its previous contempt. The Queen in front of her was not comparable to the ordinary Queen. It could be felt from her burst of combat power that the opponent's combat power was not inferior to that of the King. A tough opponent!

Two big swords were overlapped in an X shape in front of him. The saw-shovel undead creature injected energy into the two big swords and quickly released an X-shaped energy from the big swords. Come out, aiming directly at Sister Tiger.

Facing the energy attack, Sister Tiger quickly fires powerful yellow light bullets from her sharp claws.


The collision of the two energies suddenly exploded. Sister Tiger and the undead creature with the saw shovel each took a step back under the impact of the explosion.

Originally, Sister Tiger did not have any energy attack methods and almost relied on close combat.

The energy she now controls The attack method came from the memory of the saber-toothed tiger. Unexpectedly, the yellow light bullet fired just now did not take advantage of him.

He was really surprised that the attack just now could kill Sister Tiger. , at least the opponent could be injured, but the result was not life or death. Sister Tiger just took a step back and was not injured at all.

The saw-shovel undead creature already knew that Sister Tiger was moving very fast. It is impossible to give him any chance to get close to him easily.

Once he is approached, even his own protective shield may not have any effect. The protective shield can only release energy at a distance in front of him to block the incoming attack.

The strength exceeds the defensive power of the protective shield, and it may be broken directly on the spot.

There is another possibility, that is, when the two sides collide together again, the fierce battle will even occur. Even stronger than before.

Seeing how fierce the battle was, Yoshinaga Miyuki felt nervous for a moment, not because of anything else, but because she was a Queen in the same category as Tiger Sister. It is a joy to be able to defeat Category King.

Even though Miyuki Yoshinaga is not fighting this battle, she hopes that Sister Tiger can win.

"Lu Li, who do you think will win between the two of them? Is it possible for Chengguang to win?"

Although it feels like Sister Tiger has a certain advantage, it doesn't seem to be strong at the moment.

The longer this battle lasts, the more disadvantageous it will be for Sister Tiger.

She has super explosive power and extremely fast speed, but she doesn't With enough stamina, it is likely that the speed of action will become slower and slower as the battle progresses. A quick and quick blitzkrieg is more suitable for Sister Tiger and can bring out his greatest advantage in a long-term tug-of-war.

It will become more disadvantageous for him as time goes by.

According to Lu Li's observation, Sister Hu is currently at her peak, so she doesn't have to worry about insufficient endurance.

"The battle is still going on. Cheng Guang's current state has reached its peak. If he takes advantage of this opportunity, there should still be a certain probability that he can deal with Category Kig.

Of course, if you can't take advantage of your current strongest strength to solve the category Kig, that would probably be more troublesome.

Although Chengguang has fast speed and good strength, she does not have as much endurance as that guy. As time goes by, her disadvantage will become more obvious."

After listening to Lu Li's analysis, Yoshinaga Miyuki nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, Cheng Guang has very good combat power, which has been seen before, but when it comes to endurance, Yoshinaga Miyuki really doesn't know this. Weakness.

This is why Lu Li took the initiative to bring this weakness up, otherwise Miyuki Yoshinaga would have been able to maintain the most agile speed. Sister Hu's current attack speed is not something that the saw-shovel undead can keep up with.

PS: Thank you. One by one, Zang Marant’s monthly votes!.Chapter

465: Queen’s victory! King was fooled!

If it weren’t for the protective cover, Senior Tachibana would have been beaten even more embarrassingly.

As a majestic type of King, it is actually not as good as a type of Queen in terms of combat. It is simply embarrassing to say that. Through this battle, Sister Hu also exposed another shortcoming, that is, her attack speed is not fast enough.

, but she did not display the combat power to match this speed. She only knew how to use sharp claws to attack, but did not use any other attack methods.

This attack method was relatively simple and could not be destroyed quickly. The protective shield of the saw-shovel undead creature.

Of course, it cannot be said that there is no damage at all.

There are obvious cracks in the protective shield of the saw-shovel undead creature. This is enough to show that Tiger Sister's attack method is effective.

However, the intensity of the attack was not enough, resulting in cracks in the protective shield, but it has not yet collapsed. The speed is already there, but the strength must also be improved so that the combat effectiveness of Sister Tiger will be stronger again.

Slammed hard on the protective shield, the protective shield that had already appeared cracks finally couldn't hold it anymore.


Only a crisp sound was heard. The protective shield could no longer withstand the strength of Sister Tiger's attack and was shattered in an instant.

Facing the shattered protective shield, a flash of disbelief flashed in the red eyes of the undead saw-shovel creature. In this wave of He took a few steps back under the impact.

The protective shield had been broken, which meant that he could not easily resist the attack from the front.

Although it could be repaired, it would take time to use the protective shield again.

This battle was almost over. The winner was determined. As a type of Kig, the saw-shovel undead creature did not expect that he would lose to Sister Tiger, and the opponent also broke his protective shield, making him look so embarrassed.

Powerful, is this still an orthodox Queen?

Of course, he has seen the Queen, and her strength is absolutely impossible.

Something must have happened to make her stronger in terms of strength. He is comparable to Kig in his category, and is even a little stronger than him.

If the battle continues, there is more than half a chance that he will lose.

If he wants to cooperate with Lu Li, the prerequisite is that he must defeat Sister Hu. Only in this way can he be qualified to discuss cooperation with Lu Li.

At this moment, the saw-shovel undead creature has no idea how to defeat Tiger Sister. He can only act according to the situation, even if he keeps dodging left and right, he wants to find the saw-shovel undead creature as much as possible. Sister Tiger's weakness, but there are still many traces on the golden armor.

Compared with the beginning, the saw-shovel undead creature now completely loses its appearance as Kig.

In the extreme battle, everything. The combat power of Category Queen and Category King are not at the same level.

If the two sides fight, there is no doubt that Category King will win. But this time, the battle between King and Queen will take a major turn. It's not a King, it's a Queen!

Seizing the opportunity, Sister Hu used her claws to directly knock away one of the Saw-Shovel Undead's swords.

Suddenly, the weapon was missing, and the Saw-Shovel Undead said something bad in its mind.

Before he could react, his chest suddenly hurt. It turned out to be Sister Hu's terrifying knee that hit his chest.


This time, the saw-shovel undead creature could no longer stand and was knocked to the ground in embarrassment.

After rolling a few times, it stopped.

As for the other big sword in his hand, after spinning several times in the air, it was stuck straight into the ground.

This battle is basically over here.

Saw-Shovel Undead lost to Tiger Sister!

Until now, the saw-shovel undead creature felt very incredible.

When is the category Queen? So powerful?

In frontal combat, it was able to crush itself to the extent that it was beyond the understanding of the saw-shovel undead creature.

The severe pain in his chest told him that this was reality and a fact.

He lost!

The undead creature with a saw and a shovel was very cautious, but was defeated by Sister Tiger.

Miyuki Yoshinaga, who witnessed the entire battle, was also very surprised.

She never thought that Category Queen would have a chance to win when facing the terrifying Category King.

But all this is because of one person.

Land from!

It was because Lu Li gave that memory to Cheng Guang that her strength increased step by step.

I defeated the elephant undead before, and now I defeated the sawshovel undead.

It can be said that Shiromitsu's changes in strength far exceeded Miyuki Yoshinaga's expectations.

Sister Tiger, who landed smoothly, felt very shocked when she saw the undead creature lying on the ground in a mess.

She has always thought that one day she would be able to defeat Category Kig, and now she has done it.

Ten thousand years ago, there was a battle between her and the Saw-Shovel Undead, but that time she lost miserably.

Basically, it was a one-sided torture. The power of the undead creatures with saws and shovels was still reflected in Sister Hu's mind just now.

I just didn't expect that the saw-shovel undead creature that could completely crush me in strength has now become my defeat.

What brought me all this was the saber-toothed tiger memory in my body.

"you lose."

Looking down at the saw-shovel undead creature from a high position, Sister Tiger suddenly felt a sense of revenge.

She was beaten miserably ten thousand years ago and completely lost to the opponent. Now that she wins back, it can be regarded as revenge. Qiu.

Lying on his back and sawing the undead creature, he felt very bitter at the moment. He never expected that he would lose to his former subordinate.

Not only did he lose, but he also lost miserably. It was used, but it still failed to avoid the fate of defeat.

This is enough to show that Sister Hu's strength is beyond doubt.

"Yeah, I lost."

Even though he was very uneasy in his heart, his tone seemed very calm, as if he didn't take this matter to heart.


The saw-shovel undead creature is a very tolerant and cautious guy.

In order to be able to Find, find a way to seal the undead creatures and win the final victory. You have always chosen to avoid the battle, and finally killed the King Lu Hiroshi. You successfully got the card of the three-headed dog from that guy, and with that card you can seal the undead. Of course, the Saw-Shovel Undead didn't know about the three-headed hell dog card. Step by step, Lu Li came to the Saw-Shovel Undead and looked down at him.

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