He wants to use his greatest advantage, close combat!

Cerberus combines the advantages of all undead creatures and has very powerful melee capabilities.

The sharp claws on his left wrist emitted bursts of cold light, seeming to tear the target into pieces.

Just when the Cerberus River was approaching, Lu Li stopped immediately.

Since the other party has already come, there is no need for him to go there


The sharp blade on Lu Li's right wrist collided with Cerberus River's claws, and bright fire burst out.

Looking at the terrifying and ferocious Lu Li in front of him, and the pair of scarlet eyes staring at him, Cerberus River acted as a Tianwang Lu Boshi's consciousness suddenly and inexplicably tightened

"Tianwanglu, are you very confused now, why can I master such a powerful power?

And this power does not come from undead creatures, but is a power you have never seen before?"

A calm voice came, as if Lu Li was not fighting at all, but doing something insignificant.

Cerberus did not answer Lu Li, but seized the time to immediately launch the next round of attacks..Asking for flowers

"Clang, clang, clang!!"

Mars suddenly appeared between the two of them. Cerberus wanted to find a chance to break through Lu Li's defense, but found that he couldn't do it.

The other party was like an iron wall, and he could do it in the face of his endless attacks. He was so comfortable that Cerberus felt that Lu Li might not have used all his strength at all and was just having fun fighting him.

"I can tell you a secret, after all. Even if a dead man knows the secret, it will be of no use."

Lu Li's voice also reached the ears of Chengguang and Yoshinaga Miyuki.

Looking at each other, both of them had strong curiosity in their eyes as to what the so-called secret in Lu Li's mouth was.

Following Lu Li, they walked step by step. They unlocked the secrets of Lu Li a little bit , but as they explored the secrets, they discovered that there were too many secrets about Lu Li.

"In the first extreme battle ten thousand years ago, I won the final battle, but for some reason, the sealing stone expelled me from this world and exiled me to the void.

But by chance, I went to another world, where I grew tremendously and became stronger and stronger.

The power I am using now comes from that world. Do you think why things are different from what you think?"

Lu Li's voice echoed in his ears, and Cerberus finally understood why Lu Li had power that he had never seen before.

This power was not the power of this world at all, but came from another person whom he did not know. The world he knows.

As for where the other world is, he doesn't know....

Unexpectedly, something like this happened ten thousand years ago. No wonder a second extreme battle would be held.

There are no winners in the first extreme battle. Of course, another one is needed to once again determine the ruler of the earth. However, the winners of the two extreme battles are human beings.


The sickle blade on his left arm slashed across Cerberus's chest.

Hit by Lu Li's blow, Cerberus stepped back continuously.

After taking a few steps back, he stepped hard on the ground, leaving a trace on the hard ground. After making a footprint,

Cerberus Chuan seemed to have found a possibility, and said quickly,

"Lu Li, this extreme battle has nothing to do with you. As long as you leave, you will live in another world. Don't interfere with me anymore. I can give you whatever you want!"

Anyway, the Extreme Battle only detects whether undead creatures exist in this world. If it goes to another world, the sealing stone will naturally not be able to detect it.

If possible, he really doesn't want to fight Lu Li, an enemy with unknown strength.

An unknown enemy Be careful if you get involved, everything will be over.

He has planned so hard for so long, and even created the fifty-fourth undead creature. Isn't this plan just to become the master of the earth? At this point, he naturally didn't want his plan to fail.

If Lu Li's conditions could be met, it would be a good thing for him to voluntarily withdraw from this extreme battle.

"Give me everything I want? you sure?"

Lu Li couldn't help but want to laugh. Cerberus would never give him what he wanted.

"That's right! No matter what you want, I'll give it to you!"

Feeling the pain coming from the chest, Cerberus Strait, like other undead creatures, can also feel pain.

"What I want is very simple, the fifth category Ace, and... the sealing stone.

It was impossible for Cerberus Strait to give either of the two things Lu Li asked for: the fifth category Ace was the three-headed hell dog card he was actually using, so how could he give it to him?

After giving it, he became an ordinary person again, and it was absolutely impossible for him to do such a stupid thing.

As for the sealing slate, with this thing, I can wish to become the master of this world in the future and build a new world.

Therefore, no matter which one it is, Cerberus cannot give Lu Li


The attitude is very firm. Cerberus will not hand over these two things even if he is killed."

"So I said it a long time ago, the outcome is already determined."

Lu Li had already guessed the result, so he didn't take what Cerberus Strand said just to heart at all.

"But...since you are not willing to give it, then I can only take it by force.

Suddenly, the six tentacles hidden behind Lu Li's back suddenly extended.

The tip of the tentacle was a sharp blade, with bursts of cold light blooming from it.

The six tentacles spread their teeth and claws behind Lu Li, adding an element of terror to the already ferocious Lu Li.

"Are you ready? coming."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li stood still and did not move, but the six sharp-edged tentacles behind him immediately moved.

"Clang, clang, clang!!"

Each tentacle can emit a very powerful force. Under the repeated attacks of the six sharp-edged tentacles, Cerberus looked very embarrassed.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of Eternal--Ark! No.

476 Chapter can't escape! The fifth category Ace is obtained!

When you dodge in a hurry, there will always be some parts of the body that are scratched by the sharp blade

, which can bring out green blood, which is unique to undead creatures. Blood.

Miyuki Yoshinaga was dumbfounded.

Cerberus, who should have been terrifying in her eyes, couldn't even fight back when facing Lu Li.

The difference in combat power between the two sides was really huge. There were countless bruises on his body, and Cerberus didn't expect that he would be beaten so badly.

The ground was covered with green blood.

Look, Cerberus' whole body was stained with green blood. It was so embarrassing to go up.

His feet gave way, and when he was about to fall, Cerberus suddenly took a step forward, barely holding on to his body and not falling, but now he was like this. How long can Cerberus hold on in this situation?

It's useless not to want to fall. He will still have to face Lu Li's violent attacks.

At this time, an idea came to Cerberus' mind:


Now it seems that the only way for him to escape is to fight back after a long time. If he continues to fight in his current state, he will not have any advantage at all.

He underestimated Lu Li at the beginning and overestimated his own strength.

He never expected that he would be beaten so badly when facing Lu Li. With a plan in mind, Cerberus found that there didn't seem to be anything blocking him, so it would be fine if he just escaped.


He once again released fire bombs one after another, trying to confuse Lu Li's vision.


The explosion splashed countless gravel and dust, and the vision was limited for a while, and the smoke filled the battlefield.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Cerberus immediately turned around and ran away.

The pain in his body reminded Cerberus"Zero Nine""Zero", hurry up and escape.

You only have this chance to escape. If you can't escape, everything will be over.

Lu Li has the best chance to escape while he is completely defenseless.

However, Cerberus is obviously a little too much. Of course.

In order to prevent this from happening, the surrounding space had already been blocked.

The moment they moved out, Lu Li blocked the surrounding space.

First, to prevent Cerberus from finding an opportunity to escape. The second is to prevent the sealing stone from leaving.

With the space blockade, even if the sealing stone wants to leave, it is necessary.���After a lot of effort, Cerberus Strait was unable to escape.

The outcome was already doomed from the beginning.

Cerberus was just wasting his efforts by doing this.

"not good! That guy wants to escape!"

Cheng Guang's eyesight was very good, and he immediately noticed that Cerberus was trying to escape.

He was about to take action to stop Cerberus, but in the next second, Cheng Guang froze on the spot.

"what's the situation?!

She couldn't believe what she saw:

Cerberus, who was running away quickly, seemed to have hit a wall.

Miyuki Yoshinaga was very smart, and she had already guessed immediately that Lu Li must have used some other method.

Stunned and bumped into an invisible wall, Cerberus took several steps back.

There was nothing in front of him, and he was completely blinded.

Walking forward and reaching out his hand, he found that there was an invisible wall in front of him. Although he couldn't see it, he could feel it. how come?!

He was very shocked. He knew everything about the situation around the institute. It would be impossible for such a situation to happen.

Something is obviously wrong!

Suddenly, Cerberus recalled the magical power when Lu Li directly used space transfer to bring them all out.

Is it possible......Is this also the use of that magical power?

He couldn't care less now. Cerberus Strait immediately raised the sharp claw on his left hand and launched a frantic attack on the invisible wall.

But Cerberus soon discovered that although his claws could easily cut the target, there was no way to destroy this invisible wall.

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