As for the effect of breaking away from the sealing stone slab, it is currently unclear.

Although Lu Li is a human being and not a living creature, he has long been out of the control of the sealing stone, so naturally no white light will fly out.

The two of them came to Lu Li's side and looked at the place where the sealing slate exploded and disappeared.

Miyuki Yoshinaga smashed her mouth and said in shock

"Lu Li, really solved the sealing slate!」!"

This is simply something that I dare not even think about. The sealing stone slab is a high-ranking god, so how can it be solved?

The fact was before her eyes, and she still felt a little unbelievable.

Seeing the disbelief on her face, Lu Li smiled and said

"how? Do you think it’s incredible? I have told you before that one of the purposes of my coming back this time is to seek revenge on the sealing stone. you believe it?"

Hearing this, Miyuki Yoshinaga nodded vigorously.

Things have already happened in front of you, how could you still not believe it.

Cheng Guang, on the other hand, was relatively calm in her heart. She had already guessed what Lu Li would do.

But she didn't expect Lu Li's His strength has reached such an incomprehensible level, far beyond his own estimation.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Lu Li is also a god who can destroy him. god

"By the way, what was the white light flying out of our bodies just now? What's the use of that thing?"

Blinking her eyes, Yoshinaga Miyuki was still a little concerned about the white light just now.

Cheng Guang shook her head, how could she know what the white light was.

The two of them looked at Lu Li in unison. I think Lu Li must know about this

"Your power comes from the sealing slate. It created you, so it naturally has to ensure that you are under control, so that white light is used to limit your power.

Now that the sealing slate has been destroyed by me, the white light has lost its owner, and naturally there is no way to continue to restrict you."

Lu Li's explanation made the two people suddenly realize.

It turned out to be this, that the power was actually the sealing stone used to control them.

It was right to think about it. After all, not all undead creatures are willing to engage in extreme battles. In order to ensure the limit. The battle is going on smoothly, and the sealing slate needs to control all the undead creatures.

All this is to be able to select the final winner.

Now that they have lost their restraints, the two people suddenly feel light, as if they are no longer shackles. During the battle, it is not ruled out that there will be undead creatures who are unwilling to fight each other, and at that time, the sealing stone will use this power to forcefully provoke their struggle.

After thinking about this, Cheng Guang couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

"To put it bluntly, we are just chess pieces used for screening.

According to her, this is indeed the case.

Spreading her arms and stretching, Yoshinaga Miyuki showed a relaxed expression on her face

"Well now, the extreme battle is over. Although it is a fruitless battle, it may also be a good thing for us."

Just because they were selected, they were forced to accept the fate of participating in the extreme battle.

For the prosperity of the ethnic group, they were forced to embark on this road where they could only keep fighting.

With the sealing stone slab destroyed, all of this It's finally over

"Let's go, the matter has been resolved, and I have got what I want."

Speaking, Lu Li took out the three-headed hell dog card that was sealed by him before.

With this card, Lu Li can open a new form.

At this time, Aikawa Hajime also successfully suppressed the restlessness in his heart, suppressing The wildness that belonged to Jokr was gone.

He didn't know what happened just now. He only saw a ball of white light flying out of his body.

Then the ball of white light disappeared without a trace.

He didn't know why, but he felt a little heavy. On the inside, he felt a lot more relaxed, and it seemed that Jokr's wildness had been weakened.

He had encountered this situation before, and it was the first time he had encountered it.

Aikawa Hajime stood up and rode. The motorcycle sped towards the Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

Just now, he felt the power of Kenzaki Kazuma's transformation into the Imperial Sword. Will the next time the opponent transforms, will he stir up the Jokr deep in his heart? It's hard to say.

He planned to go back for the time being and talk to Kazuma Kenzaki about it later.

On the other hand,

Tachibana Sakuya and Kazuma Kenzaki looked at Shima Noboru who had recovered and asked quickly.

"Mr. Shima, what happened to you just now? Why didn't you leave all of a sudden?

Moreover, a ball of white light flew out of your body and suddenly disappeared."

Hearing this, Shimsho came back to his senses, and his eyes revealed his thoughts.

He felt that the shackles in his body were removed.

A long time ago, Shimsho already knew that there were shackles in his body, which were seals. The restraints given by the slate are to prevent them from escaping from this extreme battle.

Logically speaking, the restraints in the body should be impossible to disappear unless...Unless the sealing slate is destroyed!

Such an idea suddenly pops up in his mind. Jiu Sheng doesn't know whether this is true or not.

Sensing the concerned eyes of the two people, Shima Sheng shook his head.

"."The white light just now should be the restraints in the bodies of our undead creatures. It comes from the sealing stone slab, which is the restraints of the creator.

It has completely disappeared now, and I still don’t understand what happened."

The sealing stone slab was destroyed. This is something that I dare not even think about. After all, it represents the ruler and God!

The power of God is unparalleled. Who can fight against God?

Suddenly, Shimasho's mind A figure appeared in the middle.

Lu Li!

Could it be him?

According to previous speculation, Lu Li should be the real winner of the first extreme battle. What happened next to start the second extreme battle? People know it.

But what is certain is that there may be a deep conflict between Lu Li and the sealing stone.

It is not yet clear what this conflict is based on the current situation, and whether it can really pose a threat to the sealing stone. There is only one target, and that is Lu Li.

When it comes to who can solve the sealing slate, the only person Shima Noboru can think of is Lu Li.

Apart from that, he really can't think of anyone else who can deal with the seal. Slate.

After hearing Shima Noboru's answer, Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Saku also showed puzzled expressions. Apparently they didn't understand what Shima Noboru meant.

After noticing the confusion between them, Shima Noboru continued.

"Let me tell you this, the creator is gone, so the constraints on us are naturally gone.

The extreme battle is over, and the bonds in the bodies of all undead creatures have been released. Even if they continue to fight and become the final winner, the world will not be changed."

After such an explanation, Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Sakuya were stunned. They had no idea what the outcome would be.

"The ultimate battle is over?! How could it end so suddenly? Is something big happening?!"

Although they can understand, they can't understand why the Extreme War ended suddenly. It's really abnormal.

If the Extreme War is to end, the last winner must be left, but at present There are still other undead creatures out there

"Let's go, let's (Qian Zhao's) talk as we go, I'll tell you things on the way."

On the way, Shima Noboru told them all his guesses and what he knew without reservation.

Jinju, who was still alone at the moment, finally recovered.

The feeling in his body just now A force suddenly left, allowing him to feel that his restrained body was being liberated.

"What happened to the sealing tablet?"

Before, he had guessed something.

Since they were all excavated by the Board, the sealing stone slab probably also existed in the research institute of Tianwang Lu Boshi.

At that time, because he was afraid of Tianwang Lu Boshi's power, he never dared Go there easily.

But now, the power of the sealing stone to restrain them has disappeared. Jin Ju suddenly has a bad feeling in his heart.

If there is something wrong with the sealing stone, it is very likely that this extreme battle will be meaningless, even if he In the end, he found a way to win this extreme battle, and there would be no reward.

No matter what, he had to determine the current situation of the sealing stone

, and Jin Ju rushed there immediately without stopping. Tianwang Lu Boshi's research institute wanted to go there to see the situation.

But when he arrived, he saw a mess outside the research institute. As for the research institute, the situation didn't seem to be very exciting.

Seeing such a situation, Jin. Ju suddenly felt his heart sink.

Could it be that there was something wrong with the seal as he thought?

The alarm sound spread very far throughout the institute, but there was no other movement. Taking this opportunity, Jin Ju sneaked in, ready to take a closer look. The conditions inside the institute were not good, and there were signs of damage everywhere, as if they had been attacked by some terrifying beast.

It can be said that he has turned everything over, but no results have been found.

The sealing stone seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

Faced with this situation, Jin Ju's heart suddenly sank, but now he tried his best to think on the bright side. , he had to consider the worst case scenario, the end of Chapter 479? The unwilling King! The test subject in human skin"

If there is really no existence of the sealing stone, there is no way to have the power to dominate the world after winning. With power, all undead creatures naturally have no idea of continuing to.

Win or lose, the end result means nothing.

Their idea of prospering their respective races also became a failure.

In order to win this extreme battle, Jin Ju had been hiding for so long just to wait until this time.

But now Jin Ju knows that without the restraint of the ruler of the sealing stone slab, the undead creatures will not be forced to fight.

But at the same time, they also lost the goal of fighting.

Walking towards the outside of the research institute with dull eyes, Jin Ju looked quite depressed at this time.

He couldn't accept this result for a while, it was such a huge blow.

After all, I have worked hard for all this for so long, but in the end I got nothing.

Not long after arriving outside the institute, he discovered a place where a battle seemed to have broken out.

Here he found some bits and pieces.

Judging from the situation, the battle should have occurred not long ago. Who could it be?

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