After transforming back into human form, Yoshito Hirose's face was gloomy. Just when he was making plans, he didn't expect that his home would be robbed!

Even the boss behind the scenes has been killed, so what's the situation?

"Land from! It must be him, and only he, who can kill Mr. Tianwanglu!

The only person he could think about was Lu Li.

Apart from him, no one else can deal with Lu Boshi, the King of Heaven

, not even the King of this category in front of me.

"Land from? I see. Is that man’s name Lu Li?

How about it? Do you want to cooperate with me? We all have a common enemy anyway.

Let's work together and get what we need. What do you think?

Jin Ju Although this extreme battle seems to be over, Jin Ju doesn't want to give up just like that.

He still wanted to give it a try to see if he or he could summon the sealing stone after the final victory.

How could the fight that had been fought for so long end suddenly at this moment?

Jin Juyou has a persistence in his heart, and he is unwilling to end this battle just like this.

Hearing that the other party wanted to cooperate with him, Yoshito Hirose didn't hesitate at all and nodded directly to agree.


We can cooperate. At least with the current situation, I can't deal with Lu Li alone."

At this time, Hirose Yoshito was thinking about how to deal with Lu Li.

As for Kenzaki Kazuma's path, judging from the current situation, it should be dead.

If for no other reason, the first thing to do is to conduct research. He needs a lot of funds, and now that he doesn't have the support of Tianwang Lu Boshi, where will he get a lot of funds? And the person who is the culprit of all this is Lu Li. No matter what, he must remove this obstacle that hinders his plan!

He wanted to eliminate Lu Li at all costs. After getting the answer he wanted, a smile suddenly appeared on Jin Ju's face. With the help of Yoshito Hirose, he might be able to create it.

Produce more test bodies and use quantity to eventually kill Lu Li.

In Jin Ju's opinion, this is a feasible solution.

If the quality is not good, then quantity will win. Sufficient test subjects would probably require a lot of funds. Jin Ju could find a way to get enough funds.

The two guys hit it off and agreed to cooperate with each other.

Then they began to study the next plan. How to proceed?

In the bar that was the base of Mutsuki Uejo, all the cards except the Ace cards he transformed into were now taken away.

Mutsuki Uejo was sitting alone in front of the bar, feeling very bad. , drinking sullenly.

Obviously he is the strongest knight, but why can't things develop as he wants?

Not only did he fail to seal the category Kig this time, he even used all the cards he already had. , he feels very irritable now


With a roar, he slammed the wine glass in his hand to the ground.


The wine glass shattered, and glass shards flew everywhere.........Asking for flowers 0

"hateful!! CategoryKig........How dare that guy take all my cards away! asshole!"

The image of Shima Noboru emerged in his mind, and his heart was full of hatred.

The guy Mingming had already taken back his card, but he had no intention of giving it to him, but kept it in his hand. How could he I don't hate him.

But the problem is that he doesn't even have a card now. In terms of combat power, I'm afraid any of the other three knights can beat him.

He was originally supposed to be the one who used Q to fight, but now he has undoubtedly become one. The weakest knight is frustrated!

Unprecedentedly frustrated!

"no! I have to get all those cards back! By what method? correct! Don’t these guys care about the safety of ordinary people? That....Don't blame me for being rude!"

With a fierce light in his eyes, Mutsuki Kamijo was ready to take risks and attack ordinary people.

As long as he uses ordinary people or someone as a hostage, these self-proclaimed righteous Kamen Riders will definitely return the card to him.

If you don't give it back to yourself, then let's see who is more ruthless!

With this already in mind, Kamijo Mutsuki directly picked up the bottles on the bar and drank heavily.


After finishing the wine, he smashed the bottle directly on the ground.

The easiest way is to be Kamijo Mutsuki's girlfriend, to be precise, the former girlfriend of Kamijo Mutsuki.

Nozomi Yamanaka!

With just a phone call, he can directly Call the other party out.

Then call the Kamen Riders and ask them to redeem him with his card.


Kamijo Mutsuki has already made up his mind about using his previous girlfriend as bait. I don't think there's anything wrong with it at all....

Thinking of this, Kamijo Mutsuki immediately took out his cell phone and called Yamanaka Nozomi.

The phone just rang and was immediately connected.

"Hello! Is it Mutsuki?! Mutsuki, where have you been during this time? Why don't you contact your family? You didn't contact me either?

Where are you now?!.....

As soon as the phone was connected, a concerned voice came from inside, and a sneer appeared on the corner of Mutsuki Kamijo's mouth.

This is the result we want!

"Wangmei, I have nothing to do, can you come out for a while?"

Imitating the previous voice, Kamijo Mutsuki pretended to be very cowardly.

After hearing this, Yamanaka Nozomi agreed immediately without any hesitation.

"good! I'll come out right away. Where are you?!"

She has called Kamijo Mutsuki countless times for so long, but no one answered them all, or they were directly blocked.

Now she finally answered the phone, and finally had a chance to see him. It's natural for Yamanaka Nomi to Not wanting to give up.

After finally choosing a location, Kamijo Mutsuki put on his black hat and set off.

This plan must only succeed, not fail!

He must get those cards, and only by getting those cards can he start again. Restore combat effectiveness.

The extreme battle has ended prematurely due to Lu Li's intervention.

There is no winner in this extreme battle. No race has won from this battle, which means that the world has been destroyed. No new master will be born.

The mission is almost completed, and Lu Li still has two things to do. The two things are to fight against the undead creatures of the Emperor Sword and Emperor Gren.

Everything was turned upside down just to see Lu Li again and have a good fight.

Unfortunately, Lu Li did not show up, but Lu Li was not particularly clear about the specific battle situation after that.

He didn't know whether he had obtained the sword now. Spade Kig, Lu Li is very much looking forward to fighting him. He can wait for a few more days to see if he can get the Emperor Gelian together. By then, one versus two is not impossible, but if he wants to get it together.

Emperor Ge Lian still used Jin Ju's strength.

Of course, this had nothing to do with Lu Li.

He didn't want to help Ge Lian conquer Jin Ju's Kig. Whether he could regain the opponent or not depends on Ju Shuo. Also himself. What he has to do now is to wait for these two guys to complete their final form before starting the final battle.

During this time, Lu Li can take a good rest for the time being.

, Lu Li himself was also affected by the destructive power, but the impact was not significant. Lu Li recovered quickly.

"Lu Li, now that the extreme battle is over, what should we do next?"

Miyuki Yoshinaga suddenly lost her goal and had no idea what she was going to do next.

After all, they lived in the past to win the ultimate battle, and now they no longer need to compete for these.

Having lost their goal, it feels like the whole The future seems to be a lot more confusing.

Not only Yoshinaga Miyuki, but also Shiromitsu.

Since they have been following Lu Li for a long time, they don't particularly care about the extreme battle, but after all, it is what they have fought for.

Chapter 481: The one who is cruel is the strongest! The intelligent god of the earth cannot let it go so easily.

Even though they have witnessed the fact with their own eyes, there is still a certain gap in their hearts.

Lu Li could naturally feel the confusion in his heart.

"Now that the extreme battle is over, you are free and can do whatever you want.

I will leave this world soon, and you will naturally leave with me when the time comes.

The other world will be better, you will know when the time comes.

I have already decided���The two of them left Lu Li. This was decided before, and of course they would not go back on their word.

Both Chengguang and Yoshinaga Miyuki's eyes lit up.

Previously, they were looking forward to what the other world would be like and whether it would be very different from this world.

It won't be long before they can go to another world and live in another world.

Of course, the two of them had expectations in their hearts, and they had even begun to imagine what the other world would be like.

It can relieve boredom just in time. They have already been exposed to everything they should be exposed to in this world.

"When are you leaving?"

At this time, the confusion in Miyuki Yoshinaga's eyes has disappeared without a trace. She can't wait to leave immediately.

"I have to wait a little longer until I finish taking care of the rest, and then I can leave.

There are more interesting things in that world, you can look forward to it first"

"good! Then I'm looking forward to it."

Nozomi Yamanaka came to the agreed place and waited for Mutsuki Kamijo.

During this period, she couldn't contact him no matter what, and even went to his house without any news.

Mutsuki Kamijo's parents even took the initiative to report this incident. The police wanted to find Kamijo Mutsuki as soon as possible.

However, Kamijo Mutsuki hardly showed up during this period. Even if he reported it to the police, it was of little use.

This time,"817", Yamanaka Nozomi did it specially. I came to Kamijo Mutsuki to find out.

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