Lu Li now really wants to have a fight with Kenzaki Kazuma, who can fuse thirteen undead creatures, and the imperial sword he transformed into.

After waiting for so long, I finally didn't let myself wait in vain. The Imperial Sword finally appeared.

As for Emperor Gelian, I don’t know how long it will be before Jin Ju is sealed by Ju Shuo.

But now that I have an imperial sword, I can relax my muscles and bones in advance. I can also try it. The power of the fifth category Ac hell three-headed dog:

"I'm going out for a trip, do you want to come with me?"


The neat voices of the two people rang out. Obviously, they both guessed what Lu Li was going to go out to do.


Just now they had noticed a burst of fighting intent in Lu Li's eyes.

Whenever there was fighting intent in Lu Li's eyes, it meant There will definitely be a battle. After Tachibana Sakuya left, Shima Noboru went to 3.8 to find Kenzaki Kazuma. After learning what happened just now, Kenzaki Kazuma told him.

Suddenly stood up in surprise

"What?! That guy Mutsuki actually kidnapped his girlfriend and wanted to exchange his cards?!"

He even thought for a time that his ears had heard it wrong. Is this guy Kamijo Mutsuki so ruthless now? He didn't even spare his girlfriend.

No wonder he was so surprised. After all, even though Kamijo Mutsuki had The behavior was a bit hateful, but he didn't do anything too outrageous.

But this time, things were completely different.

He used his girlfriend to threaten them to hand over the card. This behavior was simply unmanly.

"Kenzaki and Mutsuki have now been completely swallowed up by the category Ace and have no self anymore.

Although it would be best to leave this matter to Tachibana, I'm worried that he won't be able to do it.

So I want you to go with me. If Tachibana can't do it, then I'll leave everything to you.

Mutsuki's existence will only threaten the safety of more people, and he has become a complete undead creature."

His tone was heavy. He didn't want this matter to come to this point.

But there is no way, the matter has come to this point.

If we continue to let it go, the situation will become more and more serious, and I'm afraid it will happen. Can't control it anymore

"good! I am coming too."

Kazaki Kazuma took a deep breath and made a decision silently in his heart.

It is meaningless to think about anything else at this time, and he must find a way to solve this matter.

And Mutsuki Kamijo has done everything he can until now. He has made many mistakes, and this time he even went too far, threatening them with his beloved woman.

This behavior is unforgivable! As soon as he put on his helmet, Kenzaki Kazuma quickly rushed to his destination.

He will also be indecisive, but compared to Ju Shuo at this time, he may be a little more decisive.

Chapter 482 You. Let me solve it! Lu Li: Finish it for him personally!

In the blink of an eye, Ju Shuo has also arrived. The place that Shiro Mutsuki said.

Before he came here, Kamijo Mutsuki was already waiting here with Yamanaka Nozomi, who was lying on the ground quietly.

Looking at Nozomi Yamanaka who was in a coma, Jushuo also had a flash of remorse in his eyes.

It was all because of himself that the couple became like this, and he felt very sorry.

"Senior Tachibana, have you brought what I want?"

Kamijo Mutsuki sneered. He didn't feel anything bad about what he did.

He just wanted to achieve his goal, and he didn't feel anything wrong with what he did.

What's more, He can no longer be considered a human being.

Although his body is still the same as before, and the blood flowing out is still red, his will has completely become an undead creature.

Ju Shuo did not immediately take out the awakening card. Staring straight at Mutsuki Kamijo, he asked in a deep voice

"Mutsuki, do you know what you are doing now? Wangmei, she is your girlfriend and she has always been very concerned about your safety.

But you are hurting her so much now. Do you think your behavior is worthy of her love for you?!"

I thought Tachibana Shuo would also say something, but I didn't expect this.

Kamijo Mutsuki curled his lips in disdain.

"girlfriend? Does this stuff mean anything to me? She is now just a tool I use to exchange things. alright! Don't tell me whether you have these things or not. Have you brought what I want?"

He was very eager to get back his own card, but he didn't have time to wait here slowly with Ju Shuo. With a slight sigh in his heart, Ju Shuo also took out the card from his pocket.

If he could, he really didn't want to Return these cards to Kamijo Mutsuki, but now, he has no choice at all.

He already knows in his heart that Kamijo Mutsuki, as Shima Noboru said before, has been completely destroyed by the spider undead.

It can be said that he is controlled by his will.....Maybe he is no longer a person.

Can people be so ruthless and unjust?


At this time, Nozomi Yamanaka, who was lying on the ground in a coma, suddenly opened his eyes in a daze and was startled when he saw the unfamiliar environment around him.

But when she saw the figure standing in front of her turned out to be Kamijo Mutsuki, her mind immediately recalled 17 things that had happened before.

I... was knocked unconscious by Mutsuki Kamijo!

"Mutsuki! you....Why did you knock me out?"

Hutching her slightly sore neck, Yamanaka Nozomi sat on the ground, her eyes full of doubts.

Kamijo Mutsuki and Tachibana Shuo also invariably focused their eyes on her.

Seeing Yamanaka Nozomi suddenly waking up, Kamijo Mutsuki I was a little surprised.

I thought that the other party would be asleep for a longer time, but I didn't expect that he woke up so quickly.

But now, the important thing is to get his card back.

Seeing that Ju Shuo has not moved yet. Kamijo Mutsuki couldn't help but frown and urged.

"Tachibana-senpai! Move quickly and don't test my patience!"

He doesn't want anything to happen, and I also want to get the card I got back as soon as possible. Seeing that Mutsuki Kamijo didn't have any emotional changes when facing Nozomi Yamanaka, he knew that Mutsuki Kamijo had indeed changed. He already had it in his heart.

Decided, Tachibana Shuo also threw out all the cards in his hand.

When these cards were thrown out, all the cards were thrown in a mess.

Seeing his cards scattered everywhere, Kamijo Mutsuki's expression suddenly changed. He rushed over to pick up the cards.

This was Tachibana Sakuya's purpose.

He threw these cards closer to him just to distract Kamijo Mutsuki from his previous position. When the card was played, Jushuo also immediately took out the knight belt buckle



Quickly rushed up and passed through the blue light curtain. Ju Shuo had also turned into Ge Lian.

"hateful! That was the original idea! Don't even think about stopping me!

Kamijo Mutsuki has naturally discovered what Gren wants to do.

It's nothing more than trying to lure yourself away in this way, and at the same time contain yourself, and even want to kill yourself here.

Not that easy!

Quickly taking out the knight's belt buckle, Kamijo Mutsuki shouted loudly



Passed through the purple light curtain, transformed into Lenger, and rushed forward immediately.

His goal was still those cards. As long as he could get these cards, he would not necessarily lose.

This time, he even wanted to

Even though he didn't have the corresponding type of Queen, he could at least get the awakening fusion machine first. Nozomi

Yamanaka, who had just woken up, looked at what was happening in front of him. She was very surprised.

She had no idea what was going on and why there were two Kamen Riders fighting.

The most important thing was that one of them was Tachibana-senpai whom she knew, and the other was her boyfriend. Cheng Muyue.

What happened?


Looking at that green figure, Nozomi Yamanaka didn't understand what was happening at all!

Why do the two Kamen Riders fight each other, and why does Kamijo Mutsuki undergo such a big change:

Since Lengel takes the lead, he naturally reaches the place where the card fell faster and starts picking up the card quickly.

Of course, Ge Lian couldn't let him succeed and immediately used the awakening gun to shoot

"Bang bang bang!!"

Bullets flew out from the muzzle one after another, hitting the back of Lenger's hand accurately.

After picking up a few cards, Lenger was forced to stop and dodge quickly.

Although the knight The armor has good defense, but it does not mean that it can resist all attacks: it will also cause injuries to oneself. It will be more beneficial to the next battle to avoid all the cards. But at least it was reduced to half, which was enough for the time being. Leng Ge immediately drew out his awakening staff and rushed towards Ge

Lian. It was the same after he defeated the opponent and then picked up the card.

Then, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

There were not many emotional fluctuations, but he did not show too much fighting power. He and Lian Ge were evenly matched and did not have an advantage.

In this case, Lian Ge's fighting power was actually stronger, even faintly. To suppress Glenn's feelings

"Senior Tachibana, it is wrong for you to deceive your juniors. We agreed to make an exchange, but you have to use this despicable method."

Glian hit Lenger's arm with a sweeping leg kick, knocking him back two steps.

"Without further ado! Since I made you become like this, then I have the responsibility and obligation to change you back!

If you can't change back! Then... let me deal with you personally!"

Hearing this, Leng Ge immediately sneered.

"hehe! Get rid of me? Then I would like to see who among us can solve who!

I am.....Use Q to fight!

The fierce battle between the two didn't look like a fake at all.

Nozomi Yamanaka really couldn't understand. They were obviously Kamen Riders, but why did they fight so hard?

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