Just like the previous Tianwang Lu Boshi, nothing was left in the end.

If you look carefully, you will find that the knight's armor on Leng Geer is crumbling bit by bit. To be precise, it is affected by the power of death and has begun to be gradually damaged.

The same is true for the knight's belt buckle at the waist.

The cheeks on his face were broken, revealing a face that looked very childish, but his face was full of a mixture of viciousness and pain.

It was the first time that Ge Lian encountered this situation, and he was shocked. He was worried that Lu Li was really not joking and was planning to kill Kamijo Mutsuki.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Ge Lian quickly pulled out three awakening cards.

Diamond 2 Bullet Arms, Diamond 4 Swift Woodpecker/Crow, and Diamond 6 Flame Firefly!




The three awakening cards were integrated into the awakening gun, and a faint golden light bloomed from his body.

The wings behind Ge Lian spread out, and he jumped straight into the sky.

At high altitude, he used his wings to absorb the electrical appliances in the air, making him It was converted into energy, increasing the power of this fatal shot.

Aiming the gun at Lu Li, Ge Lian quickly fired.


The flame-enhanced bullets fired at high speeds in high altitude went straight to Lu Li on the ground.

Cheng Guang, who noticed this scene not far away, immediately wanted to rush out to help Lu Li.

But Yoshinaga Miyuki on the side suddenly caught her

"Don't panic! It's not like you haven't seen Lu Li's power before.

Even that scary guy Cerberus is no match for him. Do you think this Kamen Rider is his match?"

What Yoshinaga Miyuki said is very reasonable. She is very confident in Lu Li's strength and is not worried about anything abnormal at all.

After hearing what Yoshinaga Miyuki said, Shiromitsu thought about it carefully and it seemed that this was what happened.

What she said just now What happened? Why was she suddenly worried about Lu Li?

Cheng Guang was quite curious about the changes in her heart. She had never had such a mentality before.

Facing the flame-enhanced bombs falling rapidly from above, Lu Li didn't even have any extra thoughts. action.

Suddenly, a huge shield appeared above Lu Li.

This shield looked similar to the shield held by the undead creature, but it seemed to be larger.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The flame-enhanced bullet exploded instantly when it hit the shield, bursting out a very terrifying energy.

The flames of the explosion were crazy and wanton, but there was no way to touch Lu Li.

"You see, he has already helped you like this, but unfortunately he can't help you. No one can stop the person I want to kill!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the knight's belt buckle that Lu Li held in his right hand collapsed under the influence of the power of death.


With a little force, it was crushed into pieces.

A card fell out from it. This photo was naturally an Ace card.

Because the knight's belt buckle was destroyed, Lenger was forced to cancel his transformation.

The awakening cards he finally got back were scattered all over the place. Chapter

484: The Annihilation of Kamijo Mutsuki! The Imperial Sword and the New Transformation!

Witnessing the destruction of his knight system, Kamijo Mutsuki's pupils suddenly shrunk. Eyes full of wonder

"My knight system?!"

He didn't understand at all why the knight system was destroyed.

Shouldn't this thing be very strong?

At this time, the knight buckle had become fragments all over the ground, and it looked like it had not been repaired at all. Maybe.

Kamijo Mutsuki was very angry, but he couldn't do anything. He could only watch.

He couldn't even move, so what could he do? He didn't even have time to get angry!

When we reached the upper city, Mutsuki wailed.


It turned out that it was the atrophy of muscles and the decline of body function that made Mutsuki Kamijo couldn't help but cry out in pain.

He never thought that this inexplicable power could be so terrifying.

Nozomi Yamanaka was in shock , after hearing Kamijo Mutsuki's cry of pain, he immediately came back to his senses.

Noticing Kamijo Mutsuki's state at this time, Yamanaka Nozomi could no longer care about the fear in his heart, and was about to run over to plead for mercy, but Gren suddenly stopped. It landed in front of Wangmei in the mountains, blocking her way.

"Don't go there! That guy is too dangerous, even if you go there it will be useless!"

Of course Greene also wants to help Kamijo Mutsuki, but the person he is facing now is Lu Li, and he can't really help him just by saying help.

The other party is a terrifying undead creature. If Yamanaka Nozomi really wants to help him, If there is a conflict, he will probably die.

Regarding this, Greene really misunderstood Lu Li. After all, Lu Li was a human before and became the ancestor of human beings.

There was no reason for Lu Li to attack someone casually as a human being.

Yamanaka Nozomi was a very qualified girlfriend with a kind heart, so Lu Li would not embarrass such a little girl.

"Tachibana-senpai, go help Mutsuki! I beg you! Go quickly!"

Yanzhong Nozomi grabbed Gelian's arm, her eyes full of pleading.


Being stared at with such eyes, Green couldn't refuse.

But he knew very well that if he took the initiative to go up, he was just delivering food.

At this time, Kamijo Mutsuki, who had been wailing in pain just now, suddenly stopped wailing.

Then, under the surprised gazes of Yamanaka Nomi and Gren, Kamijo Mutsuki's body actually turned into sand and fell to the ground bit by bit.

In the end, the whole person completely disappeared.

Nothing was left except the tattered clothes.

Shan 270 Zhong Wangmei, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, was immediately hit hard.

He immediately rolled his eyes and fainted.

Seeing Nozomi Yamanaka fainting and about to fall to the ground, Ge Lian hugged her

"Hope beauty! Hope beauty!"

But no matter how he called, there was no movement at this time. Yamanaka Nozomi had witnessed the situation just now, and it would be difficult to wake up for a while.

The visual impact was too strong, and her boyfriend was actually in front of her. His eyes turned into dust, and nothing was left.

No matter who this happened to, it would probably be a bit difficult to accept.

Although Ge Lian had a very strong psychological endurance, he was also affected by what he saw just now. It was a huge shock.

A living person just disappeared and turned into dust.

Lu Li was so cruel and ruthless.

After dealing with Mutsuki Shangcheng, Lu Li didn't care about the cards that fell on the ground. Interested.

He didn't lack any cards, so there was no point in asking for these cards.

Looking at Nozomi Yamanaka who was unconscious due to Kamijo Mutsuki's death, Lu Li walked over and noticed that Lu Li was walking towards him. Nervously, he raised his wake-up gun and pointed it at Lu Li.

"Land from! What else do you want to do?!"

There was a hint of fear in his tone unconsciously. He was not sure what Lu Li was going to do at this time.

Could it be that... this guy wanted to do something to himself and Nozomi Yamanaka!

No wonder what he would think. , Mainly because Lu Li directly killed Kamijo Mutsuki without any hesitation, and after killing Kamijo Mutsuki, Lu Li didn't even change his expression.

Faced with this situation, how could he not be nervous?

With a slight wave of his left hand, an invisible force directly knocked the awakening gun in Ge Lian's hand to the ground.

When Lu Li suddenly appeared in front of Ge Lian, Ge Lian was stunned. He was suddenly startled.

Without thinking much, Ge Lian stood between Lu Li and Nozomi Yamazaka.

Just like before, an invisible force threw Ge Lian away and he fell to the ground in a panic.


He didn't understand at all how Lu Li did it, and he threw himself out all at once.

He slowly squatted down and placed his fingertips between Shanzhong Wangmei's eyebrows.

When faced with this situation, Gelian stood up tenaciously. , shouted

"Get out of here! You are not allowed to hurt her!"

He failed to protect Kamijo Mutsuki just now, and his heart was already filled with self-blame.

If Lu Li had allowed Lu Li to hurt Yamanaka Nomi, then he would probably spend his whole life in regret.

But a moment later, Lu Li moved his finger Open.

Turning his head to look at Ge Lian, who was charging towards him angrily, Lu Li shook his head helplessly.

The other party still didn't realize the difference between him and him, and it had no effect at all if he insisted on going his own way.

"In the way!"

The next second, Ge Lian felt a huge force coming from his body, and his whole body was directly pressed to the ground.

It felt like he was carrying a mountain on his back. It was very heavy and he wanted to support his body. Can't stand up

"Damn it~!"

The hands holding the ground kept shaking, but my body still couldn't get up.


Suddenly, there was a roar/whining of a locomotive.

A blue locomotive was connected and finally arrived at the scene.

After seeing Kazuma Kenzaki arriving, Green suddenly felt happy


Kazaki Kazuma, who took off his helmet, quickly came to Gelian and wanted to help him up, but found that he couldn't do it at all.

"Senior Tachibana, what are you doing?....Land from?!"

He noticed Lu Li, and his expression suddenly changed. Kenzaki Kazuma was very wary of Lu Li's appearance.

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