The test subject can fully exert its own strength and has a very good sense of combat. The combination of the two creates a very strong combat power.

The saw-shovel undead creature still had the upper hand in a one-on-three situation.

But he doesn't have much of an advantage. If there are one or two more test subjects, he may just choose to slip away.

These guys don't know pain or fatigue, and injuries are nothing to them.

After a simple experiment, the saw-shovel undead creature decisively chose to stop fighting.

Under Hirose Yoshito's order, all test subjects stopped.

There are many cuts on the surface of their bodies, all of which were cut by the sword that sawed the undead creature just now.

Although it looks scarred, it does not affect it. After a little repair, you can continue to fight.

Leaving the testing site, the saw-shovel undead creature has returned to its human form.

Jin Ju had a faint smile on his face and only one thought in his mind.


Already seen���In addition to the combat effectiveness of the test subjects, there were so many test subjects that they would not be able to deal with Lu Li.

If five doesn't work, then ten. If ten doesn't work, then twenty.

Based on the existing funds and materials, Hirose Yoshito made a total of thirty test bodies.

With such a large number of test subjects, he really couldn't imagine how he would lose this battle?

There is no chance of losing at all!

A sneer appeared on Jin Ju's lips, he pushed his eyes and murmured

"Land from! I must repay the humiliation you gave me twice this time:

No matter how strong you are, can you deal with so many test subjects at the same time?"

At least Jin Ju and Hirose Yoshito don't think Lu Li can deal with so many test subjects. They are likely to win this battle.

The conspiracy of the two and the test subjects they cultivated should have It was carried out in secret.

But what the two of them didn't know was that the plan had already been exposed.

The biggest reason why it was exposed was because Lu Li was able to enter and exit the Earth Library at will. Because of the Earth's memory, he can access the Earth's memory at will without entering the Earth Library. But this is in another world. Lu Li cannot access the Earth's memory at will, but can enter and exit the Earth Library at will.

In this way, Lu Li only knew about the conspiracy between the two of them because he specifically searched for this guy Jin Ju.

After all, if he wanted to get the emperor Ge Lian, this guy's power was necessary.

As a result, Lu Li accidentally found out. Lu Li discovered the conspiracy between them.

Lu Li didn't take it seriously.

The experimental body had good combat power, but it was not enough to deal with Lu Li at any time. All the test subjects could be easily eliminated.

Of course, Hirose Yoshito and Kanei didn't know this situation. They were still complacent in thinking that the plan would go smoothly, but they didn't know the reason why they were able to continue. Carrying out this plan was just a matter of Lu Li's failure. With thirty test subjects, Lu Li really wanted to give it a try, and he should be able to have a good time at the same time.

By the way, he would find a chance to deal with this guy Jin Ju, and Emperor Gelian would be finished.

There is no way, this guy Jin Ju is really good at hiding, and Ju Shuo can't find him even if he tries to find him.

PS: Thanks to

13865. for his monthly ticket!

Chapter 488: Lu Li is targeted, the decisive battle is coming! Come out, Zodiac!

Lu Li, who is always paying attention to the situation of Yoshihiro Hirose and Jin Ju, knows that these two people have completed all the test subjects and have completed the tests.

It will not take long for these two guys to arrive.

Lu Li is looking forward to the arrival of the two of them.

He has noticed that someone has been secretly observing him in the past two days. If nothing unexpected happens, it must be the experimental subject.

Just to facilitate the subsequent actions.

Cheng Guang, who has almost completely mastered the power of the saber-toothed tiger's memory, has also become very sensitive.

In the past few days, she has certainly noticed that someone is paying attention to them secretly.

"Lu Li, the guy who was secretly following us, has been doing nothing.

It's been a few days, can't it be resolved now?"

Anyway, it always feels weird when someone is paying attention in secret. Cheng Guang doesn't like this feeling very much.

She can't wait to take action against the guy hiding in the dark.

And these days, Cheng Guang also wants to She wanted to take action, but Lu Li told her that she needed to wait. Although she didn't understand why Lu Li said that

, Cheng Guang didn't question it. Cheng Guang would not raise any questions, not before, nor in the future. This time, Lu Li did not reject Cheng Guang, but nodded and smiled.

"It's almost solved. If you want to take action, feel free to take action."

Hearing this, Cheng Guang was slightly stunned.

She originally thought that Lu Li would stop her again, but she didn't expect that he would stop her again.


Cheng Guang stood up and walked outside, directly transforming into the form of an undead tiger in the process.

Since this place itself is in a downtown area, people on the street were shocked when they saw the sudden appearance of Sister Tiger. They all fled.

They had never heard of monsters existing in this place. They had been quiet for so long, so why did monsters suddenly appear again?

Sister Hu didn't care about these people who were fleeing. , but suddenly accelerated and rushed to a location. At this time, the test subject who was observing somewhere naturally noticed Sister Hu walking towards him, and then disappeared immediately.

, it is very likely that he has been exposed.

Since the images seen by the test subjects can also be transmitted back to the research institute, Hirose Yoshito and Kanei naturally noticed it.

"Now that it has been discovered, there is no need to continue hiding it.

There was confidence in Hirose Yoshito's eyes. He felt that he was now capable of dealing with Lu Li and there was no need to worry about losing.

A total of thirty test subjects, plus himself and Jin Ju, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to lose this battle.

"Let's go, it's time for us to take action."

This sentence was said to Jin Ju on the side.

Hearing this, Jin Ju nodded calmly, with a faint cold light reflected on the lenses.

"Lu Li, and that guy, you will all be defeated by me this time!"

There was a hint of chill in his words. Jin Ju has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Now, the moment of revenge has finally arrived, and he can't wait.

As a powerful King, he has never been so miserable before, He was beaten to the point of being unable to fight back by a type of Queen.

If the other party hadn't been merciful in the end, he would have been even worse.

At the same time,

Shima Noboru was still helping Kenzaki Kazuma to train his spirit..

In this regard, it goes without saying that Shima Noboru is very powerful, and the effect is remarkable.

Suddenly, a loud shout from Shirai Torataro came from the villa.

"��Sir, Kenzaki, come in quickly! Undead creatures have appeared!"

Kazaki Kazuma, who was adjusting his state, suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the appearance of the undead.

A faint light flashed in his black eyes, which is not something humans can have.

"coming! Mr. Shima, I’m going first!"

After saying that, Kazuma Kenzaki hurriedly ran towards the villa.

Looking at the hurried back, a flash of worry flashed in Shima Noboru's eyes.

Although Kazuma Kenzaki's spirit became stronger and he was more able to control it. The power of the Imperial Sword does not mean that he will not become an undead creature.

As the transformation time increases, Kenzaki Kazuma's body has changed unknowingly, although he still maintains his human form. Characteristics, but if this continues, he will become an undead sooner or later.

There is no need to fight to the extreme now, but Shima Noboru is still unwilling to watch Kenzaki Kazuma transform from a human to an undead.

But the problem now is that he can't stop it. Kenzaki Kazuma

's stubborn character cannot be explained in just one or two sentences.

"well! hope....There's enough time, right?.‖"

What Shima Nosara hopes most is that Kazuma Kenzaki can maintain his identity as a human after the final battle.

As long as you stop in time and stop fighting, you will no longer be assimilated.

But when he thought of Lu Li, Shima Noboru suddenly felt a headache again.

It was not easy to do this, and Lu Li was completely unable to overcome it.

Although Hirose didn't want Kazuma Kenzaki to continue fighting, she knew that once the undead appeared, Kazuma Kenzaki would definitely go.

There is no point in trying to stop this, because there is nothing that can be done to stop it.

After learning the destination, Kazuma Kenzaki quickly drove his motorcycle to the scene.

At the same time, Ju Shuo also naturally received the news and rushed to the place where the undead appeared.

The test subjects that have been discovered are preparing to turn around and escape first, and then join the other test subjects before fighting.

However, compared to Sister Tiger, the speed of the test subject is not that far behind.

Sister Tiger's current speed has even surpassed the speed of the saber-toothed tiger hybrid that Mick once transformed.

The extremely fast moving speed allowed Sister Tiger to catch up with the test subject, and at the moment of passing, she stretched out her hook and scratched directly from the chest of the test subject.


The terrifying cutting force directly left several very deep claw marks on the test subject's chest.

Bang, bang, bang!

After taking a few steps back, the test subject stabilized his body.

Looking at the majestic Tiger Sister in front of him, the test subject immediately Putting on a fighting stance, the test subject pulled out a big sword carried on his back. This big sword looked slightly similar to the big sword of the undead creature with a saw and a shovel.

"After observing us for so long, you should have seen everything you should see. Now it is time to deal with you.

Presumably the guys behind you are rushing here. We can try to see which one is faster, they are coming faster, or I am faster to finish you off."

Before he finished speaking, Sister Tiger attacked again.

The terrifying movement speed was simply not something that the test subject could resist.

Although the test subject had strong analytical abilities, it was unable to analyze targets that could not be captured.

It could only see bursts of Afterimage, Sister Tiger appeared in front of the test subject.

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