Due to the characteristics of undead creatures, they are indeed unkillable. At most, they will only be seriously injured, but they can return to their original state after a period of repair.

The saw-shovel undead creature has temporarily lost its combat effectiveness. He doesn't know what kind of fate he will face next. He just hopes that he can recover as soon as possible and leave here as soon as possible.

After defeating the saw-shovel undead creature, Sister Hu immediately changed direction and began to deal with the experimental subjects.

Seeing the powerful combat power displayed by the Twelve Palaces, Sister Hu felt quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li could summon such powerful subordinates, and their combat effectiveness was not weak at all.

Although there were more people on the experimental side, the fighting situation was completely one-sided.

The test subjects were losing ground in this battle and were no match at all. Even the Libra disciples with the weakest combat power in the Zodiac were able to fight evenly against.

You can even use the ability of illusion to trick the opponent into applause.

Test Subject B looked at this side standing upside down, and suddenly felt a cold feeling in his heart.

Why are things so different from what was previously expected?!

Shouldn't they be the ones to deal with Lu Li? Why is it like this now?

At this moment, Experimental Subject B felt a little panicked for no reason.

The intention of retreat has already arisen in his heart, and Experimental Subject B does not want to involve himself in it.

As long as you are still alive, you can find a way to create more test subjects. If thirty doesn't work, then you can make three hundred!

Three thousand!

Anyway, he is a test subject now, so he doesn't have to worry about lifespan at all. There will always be a chance to deal with Lu Li in the future.

But he didn't know that he was, and Lu Li couldn't give him any chance.

Lu Li, who is about to leave, will probably not return to this world again.

As for Experimental Subject B, Lu Li had no intention of letting him go.

If the idea hits you, you should pay the price, and the price is... Experimental Subject B's life!

The figure disappeared instantly, and Experimental Subject B didn't even know where Lu Li had gone.

Suddenly, Test Subject B felt like a light on his back.

There is a pair of terrifying eyes behind him staring at him, as if he has seen through him.

Can you get the category Kig in Chapter 490? Good luck orange! The battle between the Knights and the Zodiac!

Turning around in panic, Subject B saw Lu Li very close at hand.


There was strong shock in his tone. He couldn't figure out when Lu Li appeared behind him.


Suddenly, an invisible force grabbed Test Subject B's neck and lifted him up from the ground.

Lu Li just made a strangle gesture, but did not touch Test Subject B.

Directly Lifted him up from the air!

"You could have continued living and doing your own experiments, and I had no interest in you.

But you want to take the initiative to trouble me, so all I can say is..~Tough luck for you."

With a dangerous look in his eyes, Lu Li increased the output of his mind power. The extremely powerful force strangled the neck of test subject B, and he could faintly hear the sound of being overwhelmed.

"Click, click, click!!"

Experimental Subject B kept struggling, but to no avail.

This invisible force was simply not something he could resist.

On the other hand,

Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Shuo also found this place according to the instructions of the undead creature detector.

Also coming with them was Aikawa Hajime, who felt the aura of the undead and rushed here.

When the three of them came here and saw the battle taking place not far away, the entire block was severely damaged.

Fortunately, there was nothing around. People were there, so no one was injured.

Seeing the Zodiac disciple for the first time, Kenzaki Kazuma curiously asked Aikawa Hajime.

"beginning! Have you ever seen those guys, what kind of monsters are they?"

Hearing this, Aikawa Shi frowned and shook his head slightly.

"do not know! These guys should not be undead, but other monsters."

Ju Shuo on the side also suddenly interjected.

"They're not undead creatures, and they probably aren't test subjects either. The ones fighting those monsters are test subjects. What on earth are these guys?"

At this time, Ju Shuo also noticed a figure lying next to the flower bed not far away.

"that is..?"

Quickly running over, Ju Shuo also saw the saw-shovel undead creature lying on the ground, looking very miserable.

The buckle on the opponent's waist has been opened and has not been restored yet, so naturally it cannot be closed.


Ju Shuo also never expected that Kig, who belongs to his own color category, would be lying here in a state of embarrassment.

Lying on the ground sawing undead creatures, when he noticed Ju Shuo who was close at hand, he suddenly felt desperate.

Unexpectedly He had just been defeated, and before he could recover, the Kamen Rider came.

This was so lucky! He originally wanted to escape as soon as he recovered, but it seemed that he had no chance now..

Jushuo didn't expect to see the Kig that had been solved here, and he felt very complicated.

He thought that his own King.Form was still far away, but he didn't expect that it would be delivered to him all of a sudden.

"etc!"Don't seal me, I"

Ju Shuo was not interested at all in what the saw-shovel undead creature wanted to say.

No seal?

What a joke, this guy knew at a glance that he was not a good undead creature.

Pulling out a blank card, Ju Shuo Without any hesitation, he threw the saw shovel at the chest of the undead creature.

"Damn it..!"

Pulled by the power of the seal, the undead creature was sealed unwillingly.

Picking up the card that fell on the ground, Ju Shuo also looked at the category Kg icon on it. He really didn't know whether he should be happy or disappointed now.

The category Kig who was supposed to be defeated by him was inexplicably sealed by him.

Kazuma Kenzaki noticed what was going on here and ran over immediately.

When he saw the dazed Tachibana Sakuya, he quickly asked

"Tachibana-senpai, what’s wrong?"

Coming back to his senses, Tachibana Shuo also shook his head slightly and showed the category King in his hand to Kenzaki Kazuma.

"This type Kig was lying here just now, and it had lost its combat effectiveness, so I sealed him easily."


When Kazuma Kenzaki saw this card, he was stunned on the spot.

How could it be like this?!

But after reacting, Kazuma Kenzaki's face showed joy.

"Tachibana-senpai, this is a good thing. With the King category, now you can also transform into King.Form!

With your participation, we may have a greater chance of dealing with Lu Li together!"

Before, he dealt with Lu Li alone, lost consciousness, and lost to Lu Li in the battle under the control of the wild.

After training, his mental power has become stronger now, and he will never be controlled by the wild again.

In addition, Ju Sakuya can also use King.Form now, and they have a greater chance of winning.


Ju Shuo also thought the same thing.

Since one King.Form can't deal with Lu Li, two should be able to do it, right?

The three of them walked towards the chaotic battlefield together and began to transform.





The three people who completed the transformation immediately rushed to the battlefield.

For them, no matter whether it is an unknown monster or a test subject, they are all enemies.

Since they are all enemies, there is no question of who to help, both sides have to fight.

The intrusion of the three people was naturally noticed by Lu Li.

There was such a large-scale battle here, and there were signals from the undead. If the Kamen Riders didn't come over, something would be wrong.

"The real master is here, it’s time for you to go down, Hirose......righteous people.

As soon as the voice fell, the invisible force instantly broke Test Subject B's neck.

Experimental Subject B originally had very complete vitality, but faced with this situation, Experimental Subject B could not withstand it.

Test Subject B, whose head and body were separated, fell to the ground and twitched slightly, then lost all movement.

As for Experimental Subject B's head, it was crushed into a ball of waste by Lu Li.

The troublesome guy had been dealt with, and Lu Li turned his attention back to the battlefield.

There were a total of twenty-nine test subjects at the beginning, but now there are less than half left in total, and more than half of the other half have been dealt with by the Zodiac Star disciples.

Given a little more time, the remaining experimental objects will be solved faster.

The addition of the three Kamen Riders directly made this already chaotic battlefield even more chaotic.

The disciples of the Zodiac have also become targets of the knights.

But the disciples of the Zodiac have very good fighting power. If any of the three knights fights against them in ordinary form, there is no absolute chance of victory.

If you want to defeat the Zodiac Star disciples, you have to change into a more powerful form.

At this time, Miyuki Yoshinaga appeared next to Lu Li and asked in a low voice

"Lu Li, these annoying Kamen Riders are here too, do you want to continue fighting?"

"They arrived just in time, and... I happened to be waiting for them."

The last battle, Lu Li was very unhappy, especially because the Imperial Sword was controlled by wildness and only had the instinct to fight.

He didn't want to fight with an Imperial Sword who only had wild instincts. He wanted to control the Imperial Sword.

Of course, Lu Li also found that the undead creature that was killed by Sister Hu was no longer there, and it was probably sealed!


Gelian finally evolved the Giraffe Saw , He is looking forward to fighting with the two to become Emperor Gelian and see how much power they can exert.

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