The power of evil seemed to have infected the sky, and the already dark sky suddenly turned dark.

When Lu Li passed through the sixth ring, the withered yellow light on his body had reached its extreme.

The evil aura has also reached its peak.

At this moment, Lu Li seems to have transformed into the God of Evil"


Vaguely, all he could see was a terrifying dark golden top, falling rapidly from the sky towards J below.

Feeling this extremely terrifying and evil force, J did not dare to be careless at this time.

He accumulated all his power in his right fist, and the top of his green fist exuded a faint emerald green light.

Gathering his strength to a point, J punched out his fist brazenly.

J punch!!

A very simple and crude name.

But this is one of J's special skills.

It was completely different from the ordinary punch he just punched.

J's punch gathered the energy of nature and was the power of nature's anger.

Not long after, the dark golden top, which released a terrifying and evil aura, suddenly collided with J's killing fist.

Although the feeling is somewhat similar to the time of contact just now, the power erupted by both sides at this time is completely different from the level just now.

"Boom boom boom one by one!!"

The collision of the dark golden evil energy and the emerald green energy of nature.

The impact of the two energies exploded, and an even more terrifying energy poured out in all directions.


The high-rise building kept swaying under this terrifying force.

The outer glass windows were shattered directly, and the broken glass shards were blown far away.

The earth shook!!

Under the impact of the terrifying force, the ground under J's feet suddenly cracked spider web

"His body also sank slightly under this terrifying force. too horrible!

J felt that his right arm was now completely paralyzed.

This is the negative effect brought about by the impact of terrifying power.

I didn't expect that the opponent's power would be so terrifying.

Even if he uses his special move, he is still unable to defeat his opponent.

The reason why he was able to persevere was that while he was injured, his body was also recovering.

If it weren't for his powerful regeneration ability, J would probably have collapsed by now.

But even so, under the influence of this terrifying evil force, J felt that he was already somewhat powerless.

The power of nature is also limited.

Even if it can be restored through transformation, it will take time.

But fortunately, I should be able to resist it.

But just when J thought he had withstood Lu Li's vicious thrust, he suddenly felt an even more terrifying force coming from his fist.

How can it be?!

He was extremely horrified.

He never expected that after Lu Li used his special move, he would be able to explode a second time.

My body has not fully recovered yet, so I can no longer bear the sudden second outbreak.

The arm was instantly bounced away by this terrifying force.

The dark golden top spun crazily and then directly hit J's chest.

The dark golden top spun wildly on J's chest, sputtering out bursts of sparks.

This time, J didn't resist at all.

The huge body suddenly fell backwards


His body hit the ground and slammed into the ground.

Countless gravels were splashed, as well as dust all over the sky.

J was able to withstand the fatal blow, but his body was also seriously injured.

Although he could Rely on the power of the earth to help him recover as soon as possible, but it will take some time. At this time, Lu

Li was standing on J's chest in the smoke.

He directly covered his chest.



J being aware of it, Lu Li started to re-enact J's ability.

This was indeed very powerful. , but it is not difficult to re-engrave.

This may have something to do with the nature of the power.

The re-engraving time is shorter than the re-engraving of Monya Shi's dimensional wall.

Lu Li's re-enactment is over, and J has not fully recovered yet.

"J,It's time to continue with your plans."

Lu Li's voice could reach J's ears, causing J's body to tremble immediately.

There was a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this guy who looked like the Dark Knight actually knew their plan.

He noticed J's shock , Lu Li chuckled lightly

"Although my power feels linked to evil, if I really wanted to kill you, you would probably be dead just now."

These words left J unable to argue.

Even now, J has not fully recovered. Lu Li did have a chance to kill him.

But he did not do so.

He doesn't know who this guy is, and he doesn't know. He is planning something, but it seems that he is not an enemy now!

This is the intuition of the old Showa knight!

After figuring this out, J no longer relies on the power of the earth to recover his body. The machine directly transformed into the Knight Lock Seed and disappeared in Panya City.

The Lock Seed transformed by J directly entered the Kingdom of Underworld and fell into the hands of the Dark Ambassador.

Standing with the J Knight Lock Seed in his hand, the Dark Ambassador nodded secretly.

Everything is going according to plan.

The plan is going very smoothly so far, and there are no problems for the time being.

Returning to Kuangya City

, Lu Li's body floated up again and he was looking for the next one to fight. Target!

Due to the recent successful re-engraving, Lu Li has naturally gained his related abilities.

He can grow to a huge size, and he also has the power given by nature to be able to regenerate quickly even if he is seriously injured. It is the power of the earth!

As long as he stands on the earth, the earth can always provide strength to Lu Li.

It can be said that these abilities are very useful and are completely buggy abilities in the Showa Knights.

Now, Lu Li has recovered from the World of Martial God. The last of the three engravings is left.

Judging from the remaining knights, there is currently no ability worthy of Lu Li. After all, all the old gangsters from Showa relied on transformation to gain strength.

He looked not far away.

As soon as he saw the figure falling from the sky, he was enveloped in flames and crashed into the building.

With his extremely powerful eyesight, Lu Li could see who this person was at a glance.

Jia Dou!

I met him here!

I just don’t know if the Jia Dou here is the former King of Bi.

Lu Li naturally wanted to see if he is the same as Bi. As powerful as Wang, his figure flashed rapidly in the sky. Before Lu Li could get close to the building, he heard a sound coming from inside the building.



After the mechanical sound, a large number of broken pieces of armor were seen shooting out from the building that had been knocked into a big hole.

Just as Lu Li was approaching, a swift figure suddenly shot out of the sky." Coming.

Extremely fast."

In just an instant, he appeared behind Lu Li and struck at Lu Li without hesitation.

It's Sky Knight!

You must know that this is the strengthened Sky Knight, with its own terrifying speed.

When flying at full speed, the speed can even reach the speed of light.


Just when the Sky Knights attacked, Lu Li dodged instantly and the two of them almost passed each other.

Although the fastest flight speed in the sky can actually reach the speed of light, it is difficult to achieve such speed in combat.

From the beginning of flying to the explosion, all the way to the peak of speed, it all takes time.

In combat, there is not so much time to increase speed.

But even so, this speed is already quite outrageous.

At least it is comparable to the time-upgrading of Jia Dou.

If it were other knights, they might not be able to cope with the Sky Knight with such rapid speed.

But unfortunately, the person Sky Knight met was Lu Li.

Even though the Xiuka that Lu Li is transforming into doesn't have the power to accelerate, Lu Li himself has extremely fast reaction speed.

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