Lu Li didn't want to see this happen.

What he wants is a complete golden fruit, not a golden fruit that is missing part of its power.

However, Bai Ya should not deceive himself.

After all, for Bai Ya, the most important thing is his princess.

Everything else is just a cloud.

It seems that it is time to take the princess to find Bai Ya.

Just when Lu Li was thinking this, a violent roar/whining sound suddenly came from not far away, and flames shot into the sky.


A powerful energy burst out in the distance.

Lu Li was not too familiar with this ability.

True Red!

Lu Li, who has played against True Red twice, naturally knows very well what kind of energy this guy has.

But Compared with before, Zhenhong's energy intensity has become stronger.

It seems that this guy must have eaten a lot of Helheim fruits and strengthened himself.

According to the original plot, Zhenhong has become stronger. After transforming into the enhanced form, he can easily deal with the knights of the Genesis Drive. Not only that, even Kaiwu's victory roar form is almost unable to suppress them.

How to deal with this guy?

With a little curiosity, Lu Li took the initiative to go to the place where the explosion came from. At this time, Zhen Hong became stronger than before on a busy street in Panya City. , there have also been changes on his body.

The red exoskeleton armor has stronger defense and looks more ferocious.

Not only that, his strength has also been enhanced in all directions.

The gadget is not a decoration, but can be used to launch attacks.

After the situation occurred here, the black shadow guard team rushed here as soon as possible.

Through the black shadow guard, Zhan Ji Lingma, who transformed into the Duke, saw it. At this time, Zhenhong's appearance changed drastically, and he kept analyzing his data.

The following battle also made Zhanji Lingma understand that

Zhenhong's appearance had not only changed, but his strength had also undergone earth-shaking changes. Changes.

As mass-produced knights, the Black Shadow Guards were completely overwhelmed by the strengthened True Red. No matter how many there were, the Black Shadow Guard team seemed unable to pose any threat to True Red.

"Boom boom boom!!"

"Ahhhhh one by one!!"

Accompanied by bursts of violent explosions, wailing sounds spread everywhere. The black shadow guards who were sent out to besiege were knocked upside down by the explosion.

They were very embarrassed!

Some even died on the spot under this terrifying attack.

For a time, the black shadow guards were stunned. The guards suffered heavy casualties.

Seeing that the guards were unable to deal with the huge number of black figures, Zhanji Lingma suddenly felt his heart sink to the bottom.

He did not expect that Overlordi's combat power had reached such a level. He still underestimated the opponent. At this time, Zhenhong let out a wild laugh

"Okay, let me eliminate you all! Ha ha ha ha!"

Feeling the powerful power emerging from the body, Zhenhong's current condition is better than ever.

Kuzuye Hongtae, who was injured in the previous battle, finally rushed over at this moment.

There are still scars on his face and hands. Shang was also wrapped in a bandage.

After seeing the miserable situation around him and the fact that Zhen Hong had started to destroy him indiscriminately before, Kuzuye Hongta no longer had any hope for him.

He knew that Zhen Hong would not let it go. He won't help humans.

This guy is just a lunatic who only knows how to fight.

Thinking of this, Kuzuye Hongtai didn't hesitate and took out the Shenghou Lock Seed.

"I will never let you destroy the city!


"Lock.On! Soiya! Kachidoki..Arms! Get out now! Ei.Ei.Oh!"

Kamen Rider Kaiwu. Victory Roar Form!

Seeing Kaiwu, Zhenhong knew that he had a good opponent, but after being strengthened, he didn't think he would lose.

"Inferior monkey, are you ready to be destroyed by me?"

Clenching his fists, Zhenhong instantly released a terrifying lightning strike from the big horn on his shoulder.

The lightning struck.

Kaiwu immediately took off the victory roar flags on his shoulders to resist the attack of the lightning.

But the powerful destructive power will still Kaiwu pushed back.

So strong!

Kaiwu could clearly feel that Zhenhong was much stronger than before.

The battle between the two sides was very fierce, and Kaiwu was suppressed to death even when he transformed into Shenghou form. Damn it.

If it weren't for the powerful defense of Kaiwu in Shenghou form, he would have ended his transformation long ago after enduring so many attacks.

"What's wrong? Is this all your strength is? Wasn't it quite arrogant before?"

Zhenhong's voice echoed in Kaiwu's ears.

Zhenhong has not forgotten that Kaiwu was able to fight evenly with him before.

This guy obviously holds a grudge.

Zhanji Lingma, who has been observing behind the scenes, keeps collecting two

He felt that even with his enhanced Genesis Drive, it would be difficult to deal with one of these two guys, but seeing the two of them fighting so fiercely, he felt that it was difficult for him to fight against them. Unconsciously showing a sneer

"snort! Just keep fighting. The harder you fight, the better it will be for me in the end!"

His purpose is to catch Overlord and get information about the forbidden fruit from the other party's mouth.

Seeing Zhenhong who has messed everything up, Zhanji Lingma's eyes revealed a cold light.

"It messes everything up and makes things so complicated.

After catching you and getting the information I want, I will definitely dissect you cleanly!"

The tone was full of chill.

Back to the battle.

Just when the two sides were fighting fiercely, a pink figure rushed into the battlefield.

While Zhenhong and Kaiwu were fighting fiercely at this time, the pink figure held the speed of sound in his hand. The arrow slashed hard at Zhenhong's back. Zhenhong, who was suddenly attacked, did not stagger as expected. Instead , the pink figure stopped as if nothing happened. It was Minato Yoko.

The transformation.

She didn't have to worry about this matter originally, but considering that once Zhenhong wreaked havoc, it would definitely threaten Gao Siwu and Kuzu Yejing.

It didn't matter to others, but Minato Yoko didn't forget it. Lu Li has a certain relationship with these two people, so no matter what, she can't just watch Zhenhong completely destroy the city.

"、~It's you?!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of helping him, Kaiwu was quite surprised.

However, just as he was distracted, Zhenhong directly broke through his defense.

The big sword in his hand struck Kaiwu on the chest.


There was only a scream, and Kaiwu was knocked to the ground in a very embarrassed state.

When fighting a powerful enemy, he was still distracted. This was simply asking for trouble.

The queen ignored Kaiwu and immediately said to him Zhenhong launched an attack.

The aura emanating from the opponent was very powerful, and the Queen did not dare to be careless in the slightest.


The real red sword blocked the Queen's attack with a backhand.

The sword and the sonic arrow collided together, making a dull metal collision sound, and bursts of sparks flew out.

"Is there another one? It doesn't matter, let me put you....All destroyed!"

With that said, Zhenhong suddenly punched the queen's head.

With her body's agility, the queen quickly lowered her waist and narrowly avoided this terrifying punch.

But Zhenhong's fierce attack didn't stop there. When the queen was avoiding the attack, the big horns on Zhenhong's shoulders released another terrifying fireball.

At such a close distance, the queen had no time to dodge, and hurriedly blocked her body with her hands.


The power of the explosion knocked the queen back several meters away in an instant.

She barely managed to stabilize her body, and before the queen could counterattack, the second wave of Zhenhong's attack came again.

Holding the big sword with both hands, she fiercely

Knowing that the opponent's power was superior to hers, the Queen did not choose to fight head-on. Instead, she evaded the opponent's attack with a dexterous posture , and then looked for opportunities to counterattack. This is how the Queen dealt with

Zhenhong. After being strengthened

, Zhenhong not only became stronger in combat, but also faster.

The big sword that had just been struck suddenly turned into a sweeping posture and swept towards the queen. , unexpectedly changed the direction of the sword abruptly during the slashing process, which is enough to illustrate its terrifying power.


The big sword hit the sonic arrow, and the terrifying power knocked back the queen again, and she staggered back several steps.

At this time, after Kaiwu had a chance to breathe, he immediately rushed towards Zhenhong.

He held the match rope. The big orange DJ gun and the Wushuang saber merged into one, turning into a big sword mode.

Raising the big sword, Kaiwu used all his strength to strike at Zhen Hongchuang.��

"snort! opinionated."

Zhen Hong noticed this situation and immediately snorted coldly.

PS: Thank you to ilq. for your monthly votes!

Thank you to

Happy Life for your monthly votes!

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