But Lu Li didn't give her a chance to think slowly. The awakening staff had already arrived.

Facing the dessert dopant whose fighting power is not very strong, as long as her special ability is cracked, the battle is almost over.

A series of rapid attacks, the dessert dopant was completely unable to withstand it and retreated steadily.

A large amount of creamy yellow liquid fell out of the dessert mixture.

These yellow liquids have strong adhesion and can solidify quickly, blocking movement.

Lu Li, who had already known the effect of this liquid, tried his best to avoid it from sticking to his body.

It's clear that it can be cleared, but it's very troublesome.

If you can avoid it, there is no need to get it on you.

After successfully collecting some battle data, Lu Li quickly took out two cards.

They are Club 2 Stinging Bee and Club 4 Swift Moving Rhino

"Stab (bee)!"


The stinging bee's card shadow blended into the shape, while the teleporting rhinoceros blended into Lu Li's body.


His right foot suddenly stepped on the ground, and the powerful force sent the grass on the ground flying instantly.

Lu Li held the awakening staff in his hand and rushed towards the dessert mixture at high speed.

With a sudden leap, Lu Li leaped high and used the awakening staff in his hand like a Throw it out quickly like a spear.

PS: Thanks.————Silver Eagle’s monthly pass!.Chapter

90 Priest, Conspiracy and Christmas

"call out!!"

The sound of breaking through the air came.

The dessert dopant, who had been locked and had almost no fighting power, could not escape!

The awakening staff turned into a stream of green light and instantly hit the dessert dopant's chest.


The extremely powerful force instantly penetrated her body. After the wake-up staff passed through her body, it was inserted directly into the ground behind her. The pierced dessert body lay weakly on the ground.


The manic flames, accompanied by the sound of the explosion, immediately overwhelmed her.

The battle was over, and the battle data had been collected.

Looking at the flames, Lu Li exited the transformation.

After a while, the flames of the explosion had dissipated.

In the midst of the explosion Sasaki Yukiko, who was in the middle, had thick dark circles on her eyes, lying on the ground not knowing whether she was alive or dead. She probably still hadn't figured out how she had been so cautiously exposed. He didn't dare to make any mistakes.

But he didn't expect that he would end up like this.

Facing Sasaki Yukiko who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, Lu Li didn't care about it at all. He didn't have to worry about it. The fighting and explosions happening nearby have naturally attracted the attention of many people in the Sonosaki family.

Someone will come to deal with it soon.

Lu Li doesn't care at all whether the other party is dead or alive.


At the same time, in a church.

Sonosaki Ryubei came here.

If it had been in the past, he would never have come to a place like the church.

The reason why he came here suddenly was because he wanted to come here to meet someone, someone who might be able to help him solve his troubles.

Arriving at the church, Sonosaki Ryubei also saw the person he wanted to see.

A priest.

Yes, a priest

"Mr. Ryubei! You actually came in person! What an honor."

After meeting Sonosaki Ryubei, the priest said with a smile on his face.

Obviously, this was not the first time the two met, and you can guess from the tone of the priest's words that he should know the true nature of Sonosaki Ryubei. Identity.

Without exchanging pleasantries with the other party, Sonosaki Ryuhei went straight to the topic.

"Shijima, I need you to do something for me."

The smile on his face faded, and the priest nodded solemnly.

"No problem. What are your orders, Mr. Ryubei?"

The priest's name is Robert Shishima.

The power in his hands comes from the Sonosaki family. It's not a big deal if the other party asks him to help with something.

Not long ago, Sonosaki Ryubei sent a special Gaia The memory was handed over to Robert Shijima.

The power of this memory was very special. According to Sonosaki Ryubei, if it could be used properly, it would be possible to defeat Lu Li.

"I have seen what you have done during this period. You have used the power of memory very well, so I hope you can help me deal with someone."

Sonosaki Ryubei, who had already lost half of his kingdom, did not want to remain silent any longer.

But he did not act rashly. This was also to avoid giving Lu Li and Sonosaki an excuse to attack.

This was also why he needed to borrow others. Hands, help yourself complete this task


Robert Shidao's eyes were full of curiosity.

He is the president of the Society of Darkness and Silence. He is committed to pulling all those who are in high positions or very famous into the beautiful illusion he created.

There, they will fall into a deep sleep and meet the people they once loved again. During this time, he also did a good job, exerting the power of his memory beyond its original power as long as it was the person he targeted. , without any exception.

This also relies on the memory ability in his hand to help him achieve this step.

Even if the opponent's combat power is very strong, as long as he has the memory in his hand, it is not a problem.

"Land from!"

Sonosaki Ryuhei said the name with a cold face.

It can be heard from his words that he hates Lu Li very much in his heart. If Lu Li was not affected by fear, he would have taken action long ago.

The power of fear is extremely powerful. But the premise is that he must be able to be affected by the power of fear.

If he knew that Lu Li was not affected by the power of fear from the beginning, Sonosaki Ryubei would not have accepted Lu Li at all.���Kill the unconscious Lu Li in time.

How could he easily stay with someone who could threaten his status and existence?

This is also due to Sonosaki Ryubei being too confident, thinking that the power of fear can control everything.

When everything went beyond his imagination, he discovered something and it was over

"Land from?"

Robert Shijima tried hard to recall the name, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He remembered, isn't Lu Li the son-in-law of the Sonosaki family?

The husband of Sonosaki Saeko!

The father-in-law actually wanted to kill his own son-in-law. This...Are you kidding yourself?

Looking at Sonosaki Ryubei with a puzzled expression, Robert Shijima hesitated, but still asked.

"Mr. Ryubei, are you sure you didn't call the wrong person just now? Lu Li, are you talking about your son-in-law Lu Li?"

After all, this should be the other party's family matter. He, an outsider, rashly intervenes in it. If he angers Sonosaki Saeko, he will be unable to eat and walk away.

Hearing this, Sonosaki Ryubei smiled coldly.

"That's right, it's him. This is the mission. Help me kill Lu Li. In this case, that memory will be yours forever.

If you have any problems, you can come to me."

Of course he knows that Lu Li is his son-in-law.

But a son-in-law who doesn't listen to his orders and is not under his control is worse than no son-in-law.

Especially after knowing that Lu Li and Sonosaki Saeko have joined forces, he is probably more powerful than himself. In his heart He was full of fear.

He couldn’t stay, and he couldn’t stay.

Robert Shijima couldn’t say anything more and nodded.

"In this case, feel free to leave this matter to me, and I will definitely complete the task you assigned."

As he spoke, Robert Shijima clenched his fists, his face full of confidence.

Although he didn't know what Lu Li was capable of or how strong he was, he didn't care about these and didn't need to know.

For himself He had sufficient confidence in his memory ability.

After getting the answer he wanted, Sonosaki Ryuhei left the church with satisfaction.

After walking out of the church, Sonosaki Ryuhei turned his head and looked at the church, with a look on his face. with a sneer

"Lu Li, can you stop me? Hahahaha!"

Obviously, even Sonosaki Ryubei believes in Robert Shishima's ability and thinks that he can help him deal with Lu Li.


Lu Li, who had just collected the battle data, didn't know that Sonosaki Ryubei had arranged a conspiracy against him.

Of course, if he knew about it, he probably wouldn't take this conspiracy to heart.

Any conspiracy is meaningless in the face of absolute power.

And he just holds the most powerful power.

After successfully collecting the battle data, Lu Li immediately went to the research room.

Immediately begin to adjust and calibrate the three awakening weapons accordingly.

After this calibration, it should be no problem to use Jack.form stably.

As for whether King.form can be used successfully, it’s hard to say yet.

You won't know the result until you try it next time.

Battle after battle, the power Lu Li mastered gradually became stronger.

There is a vague feeling in my heart that after I complete all the King.forms, my strength will make a qualitative leap.

As for why, Lu Li couldn't explain it himself. Anyway, he just felt like this in his heart.

This is why he already owns Wild Kalis and is also committed to researching King.form of other awakening card series.


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