Knight with Wand

Chapter 118 Castle Avalon

On the slope outside Longka Village, two militiamen squatted on the ground with their spears in their arms, swinging the wooden sticks in their hands and making crackling sounds. They were concentrating on gambling for change, and the winners laughed from time to time.

On the top of the wooden lookout next to them, the archer sat against the fence, rubbed his palms, drank beer leisurely, and looked around boredly.

Winter is about to end, the temperature is warming up, and he doesn't have to wear a thick cloak all the time to feel the cold wind. Standing guard is much easier than before.

The archer was on duty to monitor the movements in this area. Suddenly, he couldn't help putting down the wine glass, stood up, squinted his eyes, and looked at the end of his vision.

It was not the ominous nightmare forest in the south, but the hills and woods in the west. A large group of moving figures were rushing towards Longka's position.

"Damn gods!" The archer was startled, grabbed his bow and leaned over to shout at the militiamen under the observation tower: "Stop playing! There are probably dozens or hundreds of people coming from the west, maybe robbers! Go back and inform the villagers!"

The militiamen under the observation tower were startled, immediately threw down the wooden sign in their hands, turned around and rushed down the hillside.

The archer climbed down the ladder in a panic, with no intention of staying at his post. No matter whether the coming was robbers or not, he could not scare so many people with only a bow.

The three of them ran back to Longka at the fastest speed, and issued a warning to every patrol archer and militiaman they saw.

Soon, the village officials and village elders who received the news arranged for people to blow the horn and mobilized all the men to gather from house to house.

A villager mounted his horse and quickly ran towards Selva to inform the lord.

In Longka Village, every remaining man who could fight took out a variety of weapons such as spears and daggers from home. Some of them had simple armor, while others carried simple shields made of broken wooden boards, and joined the team to defend their homes and property.

Women grabbed pitchforks, rakes and sickles, took their children into their homes, and locked the doors and windows.

The village official wearing an iron helmet and chain mail rode a pack horse, led the archer squad stationed in Longka and more than 70 men of all ages armed with weapons in the village, lined up, and rushed to the western slope to occupy the high ground in advance.

The huge formation of spears and steel forks looked intimidating.

In particular, the first ten skilled archers with swords and cotton armor had already drawn their arrows and lightly set them, ready to pull the bowstrings at any time to shoot the uninvited guests who entered the range.

But the tense atmosphere gradually relaxed as the crowd got closer and closer.

The archers with good eyesight at the front had seen clearly that among the crowd, although there were young and strong men holding simple weapons, they were in a hurry and not only did not form a queue, but each of them seemed to be with their families, with a large number of women and children around them.

They did not look like bandits, but more like a group of refugees fleeing famine.

Although the threat of the newcomers was not as great as imagined, the village officials still did not relax their vigilance.

After all, refugees often turn into bandits only a thin line away.

Fortunately, Longka is now on guard against monsters in the forest day and night, and the lord also led the villagers to practice how to resist attacks.

Now facing the group of refugees without armor, the archers only need a few rounds of shooting to disperse the crowd, and the tight formation of the militia can easily defeat the opponent.

However, the contact between the two teams did not happen after all.

Seeing the archers with arrows on the hillside and the three rows of militias with a fierce momentum from a distance, the refugee team with their families stopped in fear from a distance.

The faint sobbing of women and children floated from afar.

A middle-aged leader ran up the dirt slope with his hands empty, waving his arms to indicate that he was not threatening.

"Old Jon! Jon! It's me! Polly from Aiken! We have no ill intentions, we just want to beg for help!" The middle-aged man cried out sadly to the village official of Longka on the slope.

The village official of Longka named Jon took a closer look and recognized him.

He was a villager from "Aiken Village" in the west. He used to pass through Longka to sell truffles and other spices and game specialties in the market in Pleaton, so he was considered a semi-acquaintance.

Moreover, Aiken and Longka were originally very close. The two villages traded leather products and spices, and there were many in-laws who had been in contact for many years, so they were not strangers.

Village official Jon got off his horse and asked Polly who was running up breathlessly, "What's going on? Why are you all here in Longka? Is there a disaster in the village?"

"It's terrible. Please help us, Jon. The ghosts came out of the forest and attacked the village. We were powerless to resist and scattered. We finally escaped and can't go back to the village. We are in urgent need of food to survive!" Polly begged with a sad face.

Jon's expression became serious: "Ghosts? Are you talking about those half-dead beasts?

But now you are the subjects of the Lord Gunnar in the west, why don't you go to Wofnhall for help?"

Poly said helplessly with a bitter face: "We want to, but several guys rushed to Wofnhall to report the news. It has been four days, and there is no news until now.

We have no choice but to flee to the village in the north first, but they said they have no surplus food, or they are unwilling to help us at all. The villagers fled without money and property, and they can't exchange for food. Some people can't hold on without food. I can only take everyone to the east to try to find a way to survive."

Jon felt sympathy when he heard this, but he had to harden his heart and sighed: "It's not that I don't want to help you, but after the taxation last year, Longka also has little grain now. It's still early for the harvest. You know that the grain in the warehouse now belongs to the lord.

There is really no way, why don't you wait? Opening the warehouse for relief is such a big thing, and we can only make a decision after the lord comes."

"Lord? The master of the Farolis family? How long will it take? Some people have already fainted from hunger." Polly, a grown man, was so anxious that he almost cried.

"Don't worry, you don't have to wait too long. Longka now belongs to a new lord. Lord Lohak lives not far away. If he is fast, he can get here before dark at most."

Looking at the past relationship between the two villages, Old Jon had to comfort them: "But you can't enter the village. You must stay so far away like now. Stay and wait honestly. Alas. I will try to go back to the village to find some food for you to deal with in an emergency."

Without disbanding the conscription team, the village official continued to let the militia and archers on the slope guard and monitor the Aiken villagers who fled from afar.

He went back to the village to get some food to send to Polly, but that was all he could do.

As for whether to keep these refugees, he had no right to make his own decision. He could only wait patiently for the messenger to notify the three knights.

Nightmare Forest.

City in the Forest.

On the sentry tower of the city wall, the vanguard troops of the Thorn Flower Family, who had been stationed in the fortress for many days, saw the flag of Faroris and hurriedly ordered the soldiers below to open the city gate to welcome the baron into the city.

A team of nearly a thousand people marched through the city wall and entered the streets of the fortress.

The neat and beautiful buildings opened the eyes of the soldiers and civilian craftsmen of Faroris. Their lord was not lying. There was actually a beautiful town in the nightmare forest.

Exquisite buildings were built one after another, and the water reservoirs connected to the canal bridges at each intersection, as well as the beautiful street lamp posts that can only be seen in big cities, and the manhole covers that seemed to be sewer facilities, made Baron Elliver suddenly feel as if he had come to the capital "Orlandon".

The thorn flower pioneers who came to meet led the large troops who officially entered and settled down in the city that they had roughly figured out.

From the layout of this ownerless fortress, it was originally built for military purposes, and there was a ready-made camp, so there was no need to change it at all.

Water sources, sanitation, living, defense and alert, as well as all kinds of strange facilities whose uses were unknown, were all available. As long as the army of a thousand people had sufficient food and grass, it could easily stay here until the end of time.

The army and the guards separated, and Leon followed Elifer to the northeast of the fortress, where there was a bunker building with towers on the four corners.

This might be the administrative agency that managed the town on a daily basis in ancient times. It can be seen that the Faroris soldiers who had moved in in advance had not yet sorted out a large number of ancient files in the building, as if they had traveled through time and space.

The strange time and space characteristics of the spirit-like field relatively intactly preserved these documents from thousands of years ago.

Leon glanced at the various messy documents on the table.

Now, except for Miss Lola in the Mage Tower, I am afraid that no one can understand the Lorelit text on it, and what exactly is written and recorded.

Baron Thorn Flower simply turned around and confirmed the room he would stay in temporarily, and then took Leon to the top floor of the square fortress.

He held the battlements with both hands and leaned over to look down, seeming to have an indescribable feeling for the beautiful town below.

Just when Leon was thinking about when to find a reason to sneak to the Mage Tower to meet Lola.

He saw Elifer tilt his head and look at him.

"Fort Farolis"

"What?" Leon was puzzled.

"I said. The name of this fortress." Elifer said in a low voice.

"The same as the name of the city in your territory?" Leon raised his eyebrows slightly. Although he had a hunch that the Thorn Flower Family had a connection with this ancient city, he was still a little surprised.

"Yes, if the ancient books and maps passed down from generation to generation are consistent, this is the ancestral land that the Thorn Flower family has been pursuing for many years. My ancestors may be the residents of this fortress." Elliver looked into the distance and explained: "On the large map handed down in my castle treasury, this location is the real Faroris in ancient times, the Bauhinia Castle.

And the Faroris City outside the forest was actually named after the later ancestors of the family to commemorate the ambitions of their ancestors.

Legend has it that this real Faroris Castle contains countless and inexhaustible gold and treasures. Hehe"

Elliver chuckled and shook his head, then looked at Leon: "You are the first to come, did you see any amazing treasures?"

Leon shook his head quickly: "I swear, I definitely didn't see any gold and treasures belonging to Faroris as you said, I just saw an empty city."

He told this lie with a clear conscience.

There are indeed some gold and gems in the tower, although not much. As for the treasure Neti card, it should be counted, but they are all Ms. Aphrodite's things, not Faroris.

If we really want to talk about the connection, it is reasonable for that lady's teacher, Miss Lola, to inherit it.

As for the ancestors of the Thorn Flower family, if they were just the residents who fled the castle town at the time, it would not be their turn to get Aphrodite's inheritance.

In Leon's opinion, the Thorn Flower family can now own this forest city where the wizard lord lives in seclusion with his help, which is enough to get a bargain.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not questioning, I'm just joking." Elliot looked at the serious look on the young man's face and patted the other man's shoulder armor: "What kind of treasure, even if it is really there, why not give it to you, it's an ownerless thing. Whoever finds it first will get it, as a matter of course.

And your offering of the city to me gives Thorn Flower the opportunity to expand southward, which is a hundred times more valuable than the treasure legend. "

He looked at the young man in front of him, and then at the fortress at his feet.

Ever since my father stepped into the forest to search for the last solace when his family was in despair.

Elliot realized that in the past ten years, he had overcome all obstacles and led his family to recover from difficulties, and he had long since given up on the cursed obsession.

Now he just wants to look forward. With such an upsurge in his heart, the Baron is even more determined to separate the past from the future.

"Leon, why don't you come and give this place a name." Elliot said suddenly, pressing the other person's shoulder.

"Why? Didn't you say this place is called Farolis?" Leon asked doubtfully.

"That was the name of the past. Just let the past return to the dust of time. Besides, the Thorn Flower family already has a better Faloris City."

Elliot shook his head. Although the family's current city is far from chaotic and complex compared to here, as a main city that can accommodate more than ten thousand people inside and outside and is still expanding, the scale is more than ten times larger than this, and agriculture and commerce are developed. , the wealth is endless, and in terms of actual value, it far exceeds this forest fortress.

Since the ancestor's obsession has now been realized and he intends to divide the past, he will naturally not let his main city change the name of this ancient town that is stuck in the past.

"Don't refuse. As the first person to discover this place, there is nothing inappropriate for you to name it."

Seeing Feng Jun's insistence, Leon had no choice but to nod, but his interest was aroused.

"If you say so"

Crossing his arms, Leon approached the battlements and looked around at the huge fortress under his feet that was now bustling with people because of the presence of Farolis troops.

Imagining the meaning of the forest stronghold, several names quickly flashed through his mind.



Or, go one step further.

Forget about calling it Boulder?

Leon pinched his chin, hesitantly rejected these three names.

They all suited the occasion, and he liked it very much, but the fortress beneath his feet did not belong to him after all.

A name that fits his sword-wing crest should be reserved for a castle that truly belongs to him.

While Leon was thinking about it, he suddenly looked towards the innermost side of the northern fortress.

Looking at the tower that was now disguised as a cliff by hidden magic, a more appropriate name emerged in his mind.

Are Avros and Miss Laura considered "fairies" in a certain sense?

Forget it, from the perspective of the Holy Sun Cult, it is not an exaggeration to say that Laura is a widely believed goddess.

What's more, one of them has returned to the Dead Sea, and the other exists in the world in the form of a spirit body, which is also closely related to the netherworld.

From the perspective of Hell Joke, it is a perfect match for that term to some extent.


Leon looked at Elliot and said his name: "Call it here, Avalon Castle. What do you think?"

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