Knight with Wand

Chapter 134 The Wolf Leader's Envoy

In the early morning, Leon woke up to the feeling of a gentle touch in front of him.

The beautiful skin-to-skin intimacy made him reluctant to open his closed eyes, and he just tightened the girl in his arms. The comfortable laziness all over his body made him nostalgic for the messy bed behind him.

Olivia still had heartache in her eyes, and her fingers gently brushed her lover's strong and tight chest, fearing that her fingertips would touch the other's scars.

The dark bruises on Leon's body that were clearly different from his skin color were as clear-cut as the dye splashed on the canvas.

"Does it really not hurt?" Olivia rubbed it carefully.

That was the injury caused by the lance duel between Leon and Canis.

Despite the blessings of thick armor and the resilience of the Boiling Heart, the two faced each other's charge and still dented each other's breastplates, transmitting part of the terrifying force that penetrated steel and cracked stone to each other.

The two lances picked up after the war had their blades crushed into a lump of iron.

"It's okay. Covis took a look at it for me yesterday. There were only two broken bones. They have been restored by his magic. The internal organs were not injured. With the level of magic energy in my body, such a minor injury can be repaired within half a month. You can recover." Leon closed his eyes and comforted Olivia softly.

As if to prove his "relaxed" state, he started acting dishonestly in bed again.

"Stop moving~ I have to get up, bad guy. I can't be lazy, I have to go for morning exercise." Olivia's breath became more and more messy, and her watery eyes gathered a soft light that seemed to be complaining.

But the slight struggle and swaying is not so much resistance as it is the tenderness of love.

After all, if she was really unhappy, Leon would definitely not be able to hold her because of the difference in strength between the two.

Opening his eyes, he lowered his head and kissed the wavering girl in his arms.

What should I say? Olivia was still so shy at first last night, but after seeing the shocking bruises on her chest, the girl's attitude suddenly became unexpectedly proactive and enthusiastic.

Even Leon felt a little flattered by that "studious" and gentle behavior.

If he wanted to record that unforgettable sweetness on paper forever, Leon felt that he would not be able to finish ten thousand or twenty thousand words if he wrote very hard.

Suddenly turning over, Leon grabbed the girl's hands amid Olivia's soft exclamation.

"Morning exercise?~ My husband will take you to do some morning exercise now."

He reciprocated the favor, and he responded with enthusiasm that was no less than that of the other party.

It wasn't until Azarian's knocking reminder sounded outside the door that Leon had to raise his head, let go of his lover who was whimpering and begging for mercy, and ended the early morning nonsense.

"Leon? Are you awake? The wolf leader army has sent an envoy to negotiate."

"So fast?"

Leon in the room was surprised, but then he thought about it. He lost the outstanding first heir of the family on the battlefield under heavy protection. It was strange that he was not in a hurry.

Not all the eldest sons of nobles in the world have the talent to practice martial arts. Like the eldest son of Baron Earliver whom Leon saw in the castle, the young master of the Thorn Flower family looked gentle and elegant, and had no knighthood title. His martial arts skills can only be said to be better than those of ordinary soldiers.

A truly powerful and powerful martial knight like Canis cannot be easily cultivated. Baron Gunnar would probably go crazy if such a precious son died.

"I'll be down right away." Leon replied, covering his lover with a quilt, and getting out of bed quickly to get dressed.

"You should rest a little longer, our great hero. There is nothing for you to be busy with outside for a while, so sleep peacefully."

Leon picked up his spare sword, gave Olivia instructions, and then left the bedroom and rushed to the hall on the first floor of the big house.

Azarian, Sir Ledo, Sir Marcelo and others were already sitting on both sides waiting.

Leon held his sword and sat down on his high-backed chair. Before he ordered the guards to bring the wolf leader's envoy, Sir Ledo suddenly stood up and came over.

"Sir, I saw that the envoy of the Wolf family was accompanied by a northern warlock. It is very likely that he came for the 'anti-witchcraft law'. Did your little magician use something eye-catching on the battlefield before? The magic?"

Leon's eyes were a little surprised when he heard this: "Law? What law?"

His brows furrowed slightly, feeling that it would be inappropriate to interpret the name literally. Is the use of magic prohibited in the Northern Kingdom?

But Corvis used magic in front of everyone every day, and he never heard Old Brian mention this kind of thing to him.

"Ah? You don't know the anti-witchcraft laws?" Sir Ledo was also stunned.

He had seen the beautiful young man next to him using magic to help the army unscrupulously, and he thought that Leon had already figured out how to circumvent the law or take advantage of the law's loopholes.

"Excuse my ignorance, Lord Ledo, I am a Serian. I have been loyal to Baron Earliver and became a knight of Orland not long ago. What is the specific content of this decree?" Leon asked directly.

Sir Ledo then remembered that the other party was not a native of Orlander, so he had to explain to Leon: "Since winning the war more than ten years ago and overthrowing the previous tyrants, our current Majesty Ledwin can promulgate it after he ascends the throne. banned spellcasters.

The general content is that the warlocks of the Northern Association are strictly prohibited from studying and using any witchcraft that spreads plagues, desecrates the dead, and other evil purposes in the land of Orland.

At the same time, warlocks are not allowed to assist any party in the wars and conflicts within the Orland nobles. Violators will be severely punished depending on the situation. "

Leon suddenly realized that it turned out to be a decree issued by the current king after he ascended the throne. No wonder Old Brian didn't remind him.

The other party had lived in seclusion in the countryside with Olivia for many years, and how could he know about the changes in the policies and rules of the noble lords.

"Does this decree only prohibit northern association warlocks?" Leon tried to be precise.

"No, logically speaking, it refers to all warlocks. However, the spellcasters in Orland are basically trained by the Northern Association.

Oh, your little attendant is indeed in a special situation. His accent should come from another kingdom, right? But even outside spellcasters must abide by the law.

Of course, as long as it is not discovered, a law that cannot be enforced is naturally a piece of waste paper, so you have to hide him from the northern warlock, otherwise we will be in trouble when the time comes to argue. "

"So, when you were treating the seriously wounded yesterday, several soldiers under your command assisted and saw Corvis casting spells in the surgery tent." Leon frowned.

"Don't worry, I have already ordered them to keep it secret, and if it is just treating wounded soldiers, it is not a violation of the law. Healing and rescuing people is a special exception in the law, even in war.

However, I don’t know if the child used magic to attack the enemy in public yesterday. Our enemies will not keep it secret from us. "Sir Ledo is worried about this.

Leon waved his hand. In yesterday's battle, Corvis almost exhausted his magic power just by maintaining the Neti card and replenishing his own magic. He had no energy left to cast spells. But now that he knows this weird law, he really needs to pay attention to it in the future. .

"By the way, Lord Ledo, since the law clearly prohibits warlocks from intervening in disputes between nobles.

So what if one of the parties to the dispute, the noble lord, is a warlock himself? "Leon touched his chin.

"This? I have never heard of the situation you are talking about. Forgive me for my ignorance. I really don't know if there is anyone in the country who is both a lord and a mage. In that case, I'm afraid it will have to be decided by His Majesty the King himself." Ledo shook his head.

Leon chewed his teeth silently, thinking that he was in trouble. Although Corvis did not use magic in front of the enemy, he did not shy away from using magic in the fight.

No wonder during the fight yesterday, after that guy Canis took a magic blow, he kept mumbling about shameful witchcraft and despicable spellcasters.

However, it was not difficult to fool him if he really wanted to be tough. Leon thought of an idea, and without further delay, he raised his hand to summon the envoy.

Soon, two figures with weapons seized walked into the hall.

One was wearing plate armor and was quite young. He was an old knight from the Gunnar family.

Another unfamiliar middle-aged man wears light armor outside his robe. This familiar style of dress, as well as the unique spear blade and long staff in the hands of the soldiers guarding the door, are obviously a northerner. The warlocks in the association are like Master Hilgard next to Count Trossa.

"Dear Lord Leon Pendragon, I admire your bravery in victory. I am the envoy from Wolfenhall." Old Heinkel held his helmet with one hand, raised his chest and looked at the black-haired and black-eyed man on the first seat. The young knight lord bowed deeply, flattered the winner according to noble etiquette, and then reported his name and purpose of visit.

"I am here on behalf of the Gunnar family to ask you to return Lord Canis. We can discuss the ransom and conditions, but before that, I hope to confirm his safety first to ensure that the eldest son of Baron Gunnar is safe. Subject to any unfair treatment that degrades one’s status.”

Leon leaned back in his chair and said to the old knight from the Wolf family: "Your young master's life is not in danger. I have no bad taste in humiliating prisoners of war, but don't expect me to give him any preferential treatment or activities. free.

Because of your unprovoked invasion, how many people died in this meaningless battle? I let him live in a clean cell, with soldiers taking care of him to have two meals a day so that he wouldn't starve to death. I was extra tolerant because I didn't want to escalate the conflict. "

After speaking, he looked at the man in armor next to the old knight Heinkel.

"What about you? You seem to be a warlock from the Northern Association? When can you intervene in conflicts between nobles?"

Leon was the first to speak, regardless of whether there were dates or not, he would rake them down first.

The middle-aged warlock shook his head and clarified to Leon: "Your Excellency Pendragon, please don't get me wrong. My name is Met Reddy. I was only hired by General Trossa to support the war against Cantadar. I came here to confirm the accusations made by Baron Gunnar against the Farolis family as entrusted by the Earl.

Lord Canis once wrote a letter accusing the Thorn Flower family of violating the king's decree and using black magic to drive monsters to harass the wolf leader. They provided a mummy of a knight with a Thorn Flower coat of arms, which I have already inspected. "

"That's nonsense." Leon scolded coldly.

This is easy to deal with. The living corpses that came out of the spirit-like field were indeed not caused by my own magic. Although it is difficult to explain the real reason, it is easy to refute.

"A mummy with a coat of thorns on its body? If this is called evidence, then I can get you ten hundred and put some of the Gunnar family's coat of arms on them."

Leon sneered and looked at the old knight Heinkel beside the warlock Mette, and asked: "Do you think the Faloris family are all idiots? Even if we want to do this kind of thing, why should we stay here to prove ourselves? Is it a sign of identity? Do the Gunnars only do this kind of childish frame-up?"

This is a very simple reason. Knight Heinkel is naturally speechless. Moreover, he is currently under the control of others and it is inconvenient to argue. He can only lower his head and remain silent.

Met nodded: "After the actual inspection, I also found that there was indeed no trace of necromancy on the mummy.

But according to the cavalrymen of Wolfenhall who withdrew yesterday, they witnessed a powerful warrior appearing and disappearing out of thin air during the charge. This is very similar to the spell of concealing the body. Could it be that a spellcaster "assisted" the warriors under your command to fight?" Met asked meaningfully, emphasizing the word "assisted".

"It's just a few magic tools, so what? Can't I use the treasures I bought to help the warriors fight? The magic armor engraved on the body of the young master of the Gunnar family is probably even more inappropriate, right?" Leon put away his smile and turned to sarcasm.

"I see. I have no questions. It seems that it may be just a misunderstanding. Then your dispute has nothing to do with the association for the time being." Met seemed to understand and stopped asking.

Leon was slightly surprised to see that he stopped asking so easily.

So easy to get rid of?

Leon had prepared a lot of plans in mind. If it didn't work, he would show off his skills with the Neti card of the Boiling Heart to prove that he had magic tools in his hand, and try not to expose himself as a spellcaster lord who had just learned some spells recently.

After all, the only witness who was directly hit by the magic power on the battlefield and was still alive was Canis. If they said different things, it would not be considered evidence.

But the warlock named Mette didn't seem to intend to continue to investigate whether the Thorn Flower Family violated the law.

And Knight Henkel on the side was more concerned about the safety of the young master at the moment.

So before officially starting the negotiations on the ransom and release conditions, Leon and others stood up and took them to the cell where Canis was imprisoned.

When they arrived at the prison, Knight Henkel finally saw the young master of the Wolf Family who was tightly bound by steel shackles as thick as barbells.

Such a heavy and solid burden was not Leon's intention to torture the prisoners, but just a particularly strong military knight like Canis.

If there were no such heavy solid steel shackles, ordinary iron shackles would not be able to trap the other party at all.

According to Leon's memory, the inferior shackles used by the Kantadar mercenaries to lock slaves were probably not much harder than bamboo sticks in Cannis's hands, and they could be broken with just a little effort.

Of course, in addition to being very careful about the safety of the detention, Cannis's treatment was much better than that of Mam'er at the time.

At least the cell was clean and there were soldiers who cleaned it, so there was no odor.

"Huh? Henkel, why did you bring so many people here? Are you here to see me embarrassed?" On the straw bed, Cannis, who was originally leaning against the wall leisurely, felt as if he had become a rare animal in a cage, and couldn't help but feel annoyed.

"I dare not, Lord Cannis, before you are released, I will try my best to get you more decent treatment." Old Henkel said helplessly.

Mette on the side looked around silently.

When the old knight confirmed the safety of the young master of the Wolf family and everyone left the cell, the warlock casually walked to Leon's side and asked softly, "Master Hilgard once mentioned to me a Sir Leon who claimed to have magical talent. Is he referring to you, Lord Pendragon?"

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