Knight with Wand

Chapter 146 Taking a nap under a tree

As the setting sun cast a dim light, a military whistle sounded on the construction site outside Longka.

Soldiers and craftsmen were dismissed from their posts and returned to camp to rest.

On the river bank, Leon extinguished the flames ignited on the broken sword, dragged his slightly tired body to the foot of the big tree, and sat down to take a nap.

The repeated attempts of magic not only consumed the magic in the body, but also burned the energy of the caster. Although the physical strength was not much consumed throughout the afternoon, Leon's spirit felt more tired than fighting Olivia all day. .

Leaning his back against the tree trunk, he wanted to imitate Corvis, who was napping with a little griffon next to him, and simply fall asleep on the spot.

In the open space not far away, Olivia gradually stopped moving after completing the last set of sword skills.

The girl looked up at the red sky in the distance and felt silently.

Life has changed too much. If it was still like the past, she would have gone home and prepared dinner by this time.

But now, the fields, housework, and many trivial matters of her past life are getting further and further away from her, and martial arts and reading have gradually become everything in her daily life.

Putting away the blunt sword, Olivia walked towards her lover.

Arriving under the tree, the girl bent down and picked up the broken sword that had been deformed and cracked after being repeatedly burned and cooled, and sat down against Leon's body.

"What exactly does this spell do? It just burns your weapon red. If the enemy hits you, won't it break it?" Olivia raised the still-warm broken sword in her hand, curious. asked.

"No, the reason why I burned out the weapon is because I am still not good at learning skills. Once the real 'Molten Flame Sword' is formed, the high-temperature field created by the technique will not radiate towards the inside of the attachment. The temperature of the magic flame will only move towards Pass from the outside." Leon answered Olivia's question and put his arms around each other's shoulders, lusting after each other's intimacy.

"What about you? Can you feel the magic?" Leon lowered his head and asked about the girl's progress.

When I ask this, it doesn't mean that Olivia also wants to learn magic.

According to Miss Laura, regardless of whether Olivia's soul and spirit have magical talent or not, the inheritance of blood modification in her body makes it difficult for a girl with a demonic stance to create magic spells by herself.

This also resulted in ordinary magic being unable to reside on Olivia and forge her appearance.

If she wants to use the reaction of magic to change her eye color, she can only rely on her own power to drive the high concentration of magic in her body to actively affect her eyes.

Olivia put down the broken sword and sighed helplessly: "If it's not an illusion, I've always been able to vaguely feel the sense of 'force' you and Corvis talked about, but for that force, I can only It affects them along with the movement of my body. I feel like a bucket. When I move, the water inside will slosh around, but I can't hold them up and I can't control them."

"Take your time, I really can't learn it. I'll use simple methods in the future, wear a mask, a helmet or something, but that's a bit hidden, so it seems like I'd better hide as much as possible for the time being." Leon thought.

Hiding your face is really not a good idea. When facing people of equal status or lower status, there is no problem. You can just find an excuse to deal with it.

But if she meets a noble by chance, it is impossible for a girl to take off her helmet and mask. An unethical mask will attract curious eyes and cause trouble.

Maybe he wasn't masked in the first place, so he wouldn't be suspicious. After all, although blond hair and blue eyes are rare in Orland, it is not entirely the privilege of the Drachmar family.

Thinking about how Olivia could hide her life experience, Leon couldn't help but think of the previous questions in his mind.

After hesitating for a moment, Leon still asked the girl: "If there is a chance to see your mother again and bring her back to life, would you like to try it?"

He learned at Old Brian's showdown that the girl's mother, a woman whose real name was "Lelia", died very young and was only twenty-six years old.

Olivia was only four or five years old at that time.

Leon wondered if she had any regrets about the untimely death of her loved ones.

Hearing this, Olivia raised her pretty face and looked at Leon in a daze: "Are you talking about being resurrected like Katniss?"

The girl got up from the bed with Leon that day and rushed to the cell, so she naturally knew the fact that the young master of the Lang family had died.

She was already shocked when she saw Katniss come back from the dead today, so it was not surprising to hear that her lover could resurrect the dead.

"It may not be successful, but I can guarantee that this magic will not have any bad impact on your mother's soul. It is different from the evil witchcraft in the legend. You have also read the ancient magic book and remember what is recorded in it. The Dragon of the Dead Sea?

This magic is a miracle recognized by the real God of Death. If successful, your mother can return to the human world from the underworld intact to meet you. In the future, as long as I have enough magic to maintain, she can be like a normal living person. , live with us. "Leon explained.

Olivia listened quietly, with a little hope in her eyes.

Although the girl has been accustomed to not being accompanied by her mother for more than ten years, how could she not long for the warm embrace that she vaguely remembers?

But the girl's mind suddenly flashed with the indescribable sadness on her mother's beautiful face, and she couldn't help but feel heartache.

Shaking her head, Olivia straightened up and said to Leon: "Forget it, I miss her very much, but I don't want to disturb my mother's rest."

The girl said this as if she was relieved, but before she finished speaking, she thought she had already accepted that her mother was no longer alive, but suddenly she felt a slight sadness and longing in her eyes.

She paused, endured the sudden palpitation, and lowered her head to lean on the other's chest.

Leon looked at Olivia, who suddenly looked fragile, and had to hug her tightly in his arms.

Relying on the warm comfort, the girl slowly calmed down the sadness of waiting for her loved ones.

"When I was a child, I didn't understand my mother's sadness all day long. She was very gentle to me, but I rarely saw her smile from the heart.

Until that day. My mother fell asleep quietly in bed, and no matter how she shook, she never opened her eyes again.

But that day, I saw the smile on her face that let go of everything.

My mother left with a smile, and I don't want to pull her back to this world that makes her suffer for my own willfulness."

Olivia slowly calmed down from her thoughts, she raised her head and laughed at herself: "It's funny. A long time ago, I thought it was my father who did something wrong that made my mother so sad.

Now I know that she She must have experienced many tragedies with my biological father. If she is called back to the world now, it will only continue the pain she suffered before her death. "

Gently soothing the girl's back, Leon nodded: "I didn't think about it. It is not necessarily a good thing to wake up your mother regardless of the wishes of the deceased. Not all deceased people want to live again. May she rest in peace."

But suddenly realizing the words in Olivia's mouth, Leon stared at the girl in his arms and said in astonishment: "Wait, you said biological father? You know everything?"

"Uncle Brian told you?" Leon opened his eyes wide. He clearly remembered that the other party did not intend to let the girl know the identity of her parents now.

"My father didn't say anything to me, but" Facing Leon's surprise, Olivia propped herself up and sighed helplessly: "Leon, you don't think I'm stupid, do you? Since I came back that time, I can feel the change in my father's attitude towards me."

In fact, it's not just that subtle attitude, there are more clues that make her suspicious, Olivia is embarrassed to say it directly.

Since she was teased by the big bad guy in front of her every night, she is no longer as innocent and ignorant about the relationship between the two sexes as before.

This also made her realize that she had always slept in the same room with her mother until her mother passed away when she was a child, and she had never seen them sleeping in the same room, and they had never had any intimacy like she was with Leon at the moment.

They didn't even hold hands or hug, lived in separate rooms all day, and had been together for many years without any conflicts or quarrels, and respected each other. What else can such a "couple" mean? It can only mean that they are not real couples.

"Of course I don't think you are stupid, I just haven't thought about when to tell you the truth." Leon smiled.

"Then don't tell me first. I also think that I am not ready to accept everything."

Olivia nodded gently. Since Leon is willing to protect her own destiny, she is willing to follow the guidance of her partner until the day when she can bear the truth.

"Besides, no matter who my biological father is, my family still raised me with great effort. This will not change because of blood. Brian will always be my father." The girl said, and warned Leon: "I scared my father when I came back from the forest that night. Don't tell him what I guessed." Olivia didn't want to see her old father, who had been with her for so many years, suddenly become extremely respectful and unfamiliar to her one day. "Well, but if he knew your attitude, he would be moved to tears." Leon nodded. The old knight paid too much for Olivia's family. He spent all his years and life to fulfill his oath to his old master. Until now, he can still sacrifice his life for the only offspring of the lord without hesitation. Of course, it is also because he has long regarded the girl as his own. I just don't know if he had a family before he protected Lelia and Olivia and lived in seclusion in Selva, and whether he left any real offspring. If not, Leon thought about settling down in the future, maybe he should find a companion for old Brian, maybe he is still strong and can give Olivia more nominal brothers and sisters.

After so many years of hard work, it would be too sad if this loyal old knight ended up without an heir after a hundred years.

The few days in Longka passed by in a flash.

The wait did not last too long, since the third day after Baron Elliver led the cavalry to station at Wachterburg.

The scouts who had been observing the camp of the wolf leader's army in the west hurried back to Longka to report that the wolf family's army stationed in Aiken Village had all evacuated.

The confrontation here seemed to be resolved, but it did not mean the end of the incident.

Because the army did not return to Wolfenhall, they seemed to be marching towards Wachterburg.

The day after the wolf leader's army left, the thorn flower messenger from the north brought Baron Elliver's military order.

Leon called everyone together, and after discussion, he left Azerien to guard the Longka camp, and then assembled the three leaders who had been armed with captured armor, and together with the halberd soldiers led by Sir Redo, a total of more than 100 bloody veterans in full armor, led by a group of knights, responded to the call to go north.

With the captured wolf-leader warhorse, although only the dozen people who were originally able to ride horses, including Leon's six guards, were considered to be regular "cavalry", and the dozen or so behind were only "mounted infantry" wearing cavalry armor, but if they didn't charge on horseback, it would be difficult to see the team's strength.

The heavy cavalry team of 30 people looked very aggressive at first glance. If they didn't fight with the real elite, this makeshift heavy cavalry would still be a crushing force for ordinary light infantry.

When Leon arrived at the location with dozens of heavy cavalry and a hundred heavy infantry in chain mail, outside the tall fortress wall, the formations of two armies, or three armies, had already been deployed in the field outside Sir Marcelo's castle.

The knights' flags and the swallowtail flags of the infantry square fluttered in the dense array of spears and lances, and the cold and shining sharp blades reflected clusters of cold light under the sun.

The endless army formation on the west hillside was the three thousand Wolf Family troops who had just returned to Kossos County from the Mamor County Army and had not yet been disbanded.

The group of Wolfenhall soldiers who withdrew from the Aiken camp must have already joined the lord's army.

On the north side of the camp located by the river in the field, the green deer head family emblem was flying.

The one thousand troops under the banner of the Earl of the Stag were neatly arranged in the middle of the confrontation between the two families.

On Farolis' side, of course, he was not completely unprepared for the aggressive Wolf Leader's army. On the walls of Wacht, the battlements were full of Thorn Flower soldiers standing on edge, and the crossbows and catapults on the top of the tower had already been set up.

According to the messenger's oral news.

Two hundred Marcello knights, one hundred baggage camp garrisons, four hundred Farolis city soldiers, two hundred cavalry brought back by Baron Elliver, and more than one hundred soldiers of his own.

In the Wacht area, more than a thousand Thorn Flower troops were assembled at the call of Baron Elliver.

With the advantage of defending the fortress and pass here, even if they had to fight a big battle with the three thousand Wolf Leader's army, they could still fight.

However, Leon knew that with the mediation of General Trosa, a great noble, this battle would most likely not be fought.

Baron Elliver asked him to bring some soldiers here, in addition to being a precaution, it was also simply to strengthen his momentum.

I just don't know if he has told Earl Stag about the Nightmare Forest.

Leading the soldiers into the Thorn Flower Camp outside the castle, Leon asked Old Brian to place the troops, and then went to meet the Lord with Knight Redo.

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