Knight with Wand

Chapter 158: Intersection of Life

Walking on the street, I planned to put down the paperwork first, and then go to Olivia to inform her of the good news about the apple orchard.

Passing the fork in the village, Leon suddenly heard the noise and exclamation of the people in the distance.

Not knowing what happened, he stopped and looked towards the village road to the south.

I saw roof workers standing on the beams looking around, and villagers passing by pointing in the direction.

Many young men who were building houses stopped their work and gathered around to join in the fun.

The discussion mixed with surprise and fear came from the village entrance at the south end of Selva.

What's going on?

It seems that I can still hear the villagers exclaiming about "monsters" and "spirits".

Looking across the crowd, Leon saw the foreign knight from the Southern Kingdom who was riding back to the village.

The knight errant named Larian wore a dusty cloak and did not continue riding after entering the village. He got off his horse and pulled the reins of his mount, passing through the crowd who followed him curiously.

Leon walked over and finally saw clearly what attracted so many people to come and watch.

On one side of the knight errant's horse was a huge, shriveled, yellow-brown monster head.

The monster's head is about the size of four or five basketballs, with human-like facial features, but the jawbone is protruding, the bridge of the nose is huge, the ears are like cattail fans, and the mouth is full of fangs. There are no traces of eyeballs in the wide eye sockets, and the dry and rough skin is close to it. The facial bones give the impression that they have been dead and dried for a long time, just like a living corpse in a spirit-like field.

Upon noticing the lord's approach, the villagers moved out of the way.

Larian also saw the local lord approaching, and quickly stopped, stroking his chest and saluting: "Lord Leon, I wonder when you came back? I'm sorry, I seem to have caused some commotion."

"I just returned to Selva. Did you go outside the village?"

Leon looked at the opponent's trophy and asked doubtfully: "Where did you get this monster's head? In the forest?"

He has seen many jackals, tigers, leopards and human undead, but this is the first time he has seen the living corpse of this inhuman monster. Judging from the size of the head, the torso of this thing must be too small.

Larian nodded and replied: "A few days ago, the Sambu knight came to the hotel to find me, saying that someone witnessed a huge monster wandering in the forest, but your army was transferred before and could not send anyone to deal with it. Then A knight said that he couldn't leave his post to investigate in the forest, so he thought of entrusting me to handle it. "

The knight errant spread his hands: "I think idleness is idle, and it doesn't hurt to take a trip."

"It seems that the previous cleanup was not complete, and there is still this kind of fish that slipped through the net near Selva." Leon thanked the other party for his help: "This time, it is your help again."

"It's nothing, it's just my job. It's the job of a knight errant to defeat evil monsters. Besides, the bounty offered by Sir Sambu is also very generous. I can just earn more for my travel expenses." Larian laughed.

"What's your job?" Leon raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this and said, "Listen to what you said, do knights errant all make a living by hunting monsters?"

Although he was once praised by Trossa for his knight-errant demeanor, Leon really didn't understand what the so-called "knight-errant" looked like on this continent.

So, knights errant are similar to demon hunters and bounty hunters?

How does it feel? The knight in front of me looks like a real "brave" who stepped out of a standard RPG.

"Walking chivalry and slaying monsters are the creed practiced by knights errant since ancient times. You are right to say that you make a living by hunting monsters. This is indeed one of the incomes I rely on for a living.

However, there are very few people from the ancient sect like me. I don’t know about other kingdoms, but in Kantadar, many families that were once famous as knights errant have long stopped wandering around and slaying demons like me. magic"

Larian explained with some emotion: "After all, monsters in the wild have been hunted to almost extinction since ancient times."

He turned around and patted the monster's head hanging on the horse's butt: "I have only seen this kind of quagmire troll in ancient books. It actually wanders in the forest in an undead state. I heard that there was a monster in the forest to the south of you some time ago. Many undead have appeared. Are there wizards doing evil in Selva?"

Leon shook his head and did not tell the truth: "...This is not clear, but now I have led the army back to the territory, and I will strengthen the prevention of these undead in the forest in the future."

Larian nodded as usual, but he actually had deep doubts about the safety of this place.

Although from what we can see so far, the residents here are living a healthy life.

However, in such a short period of time, he also heard about conflicts between lords, encountered assassin activities, and defeated wandering undead monsters.

If the lord in front of him had not had an excellent reputation and noble moral character, he would not have wanted to keep those six ladies here at all.

Of course, looking at Martha's and the others' attitudes, it seemed that they were 100% determined not to leave because they didn't want to be a drag.

Larian really had no position to persuade them.

The only thing that can be done at the moment is to stay a little longer and observe Selva's current situation.

If Sir Leon's army can really defend the territory competently, he can rest assured and set off again.

After exchanging a few words, Leon did not continue to disturb Larian and went to return to his life.

The knight errant bid farewell to the lord and came to the outside of the big house in the village. The movement just now had obviously alerted the guards, and Sambu was already waiting outside the courtyard.

Sir Sambu, who was slightly surprised, looked at the head of the mud troll and immediately paid the reward and thanked this genuine foreign ranger.

Now, the road of the baggage caravan in the forest was smooth again.

After receiving the bounty, Larian couldn't help missing her and quickened his pace to rush back to the hotel as soon as possible.

Although it was only a short separation, he was no longer alone outside like before.

The two or three days deep in the forest made the young knight in love feel unexpectedly like a year.

After arranging the horses to be handed over to the innkeeper outside the stable, Larian just pushed open the door on the first floor of the inn and saw Magerina sitting in a daze in the hall and the servants guarding beside her.

Magerina, who had been waiting for her partner to return, looked at the entrance as soon as possible. Seeing Larian, her sad brows finally relaxed and she immediately rushed up to greet her lover who had returned safely.

"You are finally back. Are you hurt?" Margarina asked worriedly.

"No, don't be afraid. This is easy for me. It's easy to catch." Larian pulled her to sit down, and smiled and boasted to his lover about how he killed the evil creature.

This time, he easily tracked the monster's undisguised footprints.

Although the mud troll was terrifyingly powerful, it lost many vital parts after turning into a zombie.

But its brain was much stupider than the state recorded in the book. There was no need to fight hard. He just led it to the rugged and steep slope and occupied the high ground. With the sharpness of the moonlight, he successfully cut off its head without much effort.

However, after listening to the other party's description and watching Larian's calm expression, Margarina still couldn't resolve the growing worry.

She had no objection to her partner's oath to kill demons and eliminate monsters, which was one of the reasons why she fell in love with him.

However, understanding is understanding, which will not eliminate the worries in her heart.

Since embarking on the elopement journey, she finally didn't have to wait for her lover who traveled all over the world to return, and listen to his stories of righteous deeds and experiences on the journey.

Gradually getting used to his daily companionship, when she had to face the fact that Larian was alone in danger again, the girl suddenly realized that she could no longer bear the waiting process.

Along the way, the monster commissions that Larian dealt with on the journey were just snakes, pythons, and insects, so she didn't feel too surprised.

And the last time he said he was catching a female thief, but it turned out to be a dangerous assassin, which made her a little scared.

This time, to fight against the huge troll?

In just two or three days, she tossed and turned every night, unable to stop her wild thoughts, fearing that her lover would really die.

But what should she do?

She didn't want him to go against the ranger creed that he had carried out all his life and betray his lifelong beliefs for his own willfulness.

If Larian could have a companion who helped each other every time he fought against evil, it would be great.

Alas, why are there so few rangers in the world now? The eldest daughter of the Salain family could not help but complain in her heart.

In order to keep someone to protect himself, Larian was even unwilling to take the only servant who followed him.

She couldn't help but recall the past, when her father and brothers rode horses to hunt.

The huge family cavalry guarded the monarch. Seeing that scene made her feel at ease. If only there were so many comrades who could walk side by side with her lover to slay demons and exorcise monsters at any time.

Although the destination of this trip was to join Larian's ranger knight companions who had traveled around the world with him in the past.

But the journey to the Kingdom of Dineshien was still unknown.

On the night of Selva, after dinner, Leon led Olivia back to the room, took out the documents, and showed them to her.

"More than 200 gold coins a year, half of which is your money. Now even the territories of Lohak and Azerien have less income than you. If it weren't for the fact that half of it belongs to me, even I don't have as much annual income as you now." Leon joked without exaggeration.

If we take into account the income-expenditure ratio, in fact, he and his two buddies will soon fall into a serious fiscal deficit after the army is built.

Just looking at the accounts, after the army is fully staffed, all the funds are estimated to last for 18-20 months at most.

So among the residents of the three territories, the rich woman in front of us has to be counted. With a total net income of 163 gold coins from her annual salary and apple orchard, she temporarily tops the throne of the three territories' income, which is gratifying.

"Mine? This is too much. Only half of it is higher than your fief income." Olivia was surprised.

But more feelings came from the names of the two people listed side by side on the ownership of the apple orchard.

Feeling the inexplicable feeling of belonging to the two of them, the girl felt a subtle joy in her heart.

"You saved a baroness, this thank you gift is not much. Come on, when I have time, I will take you there for a stroll. That is the dowry given to you by Lady Adelina." Leon said with a smile.

He said, and looked at the area of ​​the manor on the document again, and estimated the annual output.

With this apple orchard, there is enough raw materials. In the future, he can recruit relevant personnel and try to open a winery to brew cider.

Although he is not a material for business, fortunately there are more knowledgeable people around him. Ms. Martha may know a little bit. She will go back and ask her and Azerien to discuss in detail how to maximize the output benefits of this apple orchard.

"Look, there is a mansion in the manor. If I make you angry in the future, don't move there to separate from me." Leon pointed to the items on the document and joked.

"Then can't you not make me angry?" Olivia gave this bad guy a helpless look.

Leon secretly laughed in his heart, stood up and put away the documents, thinking that there was really no guarantee of this. Who can say that being loved is trustworthy? He is still restrained now, and after marriage, he will still use all kinds of tricks to bully her.

After chatting and laughing and keeping the documents, Leon sat at the table and took advantage of the last moment before taking a break to open the manuscript recording Olivia's martial arts and discuss with the girl the technical issues in today's training.

However, he suddenly thought of Miss Treya who was alone with everyone when he went to see Olivia during the day, trying to practice holding a sword and basic sword skills. He couldn't help asking his lover: "How can Treya live such a comfortable life?" But you suddenly want to practice martial arts?”

Hearing this, Olivia blinked at Leon: "Are you opposed to me teaching her? With her serious attitude, I can't bear to refuse, but if you don't agree, I'll tell her tomorrow."

"No, I won't object if you're not afraid of trouble. Since she's already employed by us, she's not considered an outsider. If she wants to endure hardship, how can I stop her? But I'm afraid it will take a long time to teach her properly. It's because he is physically weaker than men, so he has to spend a lot of time making up for it." Leon recalled the girl, wondering why she wanted to wield a knife or a gun.

During the brief chat, I learned that Treya did not just want to play and learn skills for self-defense, but really wanted to learn the skills to be able to wear armor and step onto the battlefield to fight with the enemy.

Please give me a chance and allow Miss Olivia to teach me martial arts. For this, I am willing to dedicate everything to the Pendragon family.

Leon's loud and clear request during the day was still fresh in his memory.

In fact, he had promised these six outstanding talents in literacy and numeracy that in the future, if there was demand in the territory, he would appoint them to appropriate positions and jobs based on their respective strengths.

This Miss Treya has an "office" but doesn't sit there, so why does she want to go to the front line with the gentlemen to kill people?

No matter what, the opponent is not as naturally strong as Olivia. With a relatively weak physique, it will undoubtedly take many times more perseverance and time than others to truly get started.

But in other words, the other party started from scratch, which can be regarded as a ready-made sample to verify the Olivia school of martial arts that he has summarized.

"Tomorrow I will ask Ms. Elena to no longer arrange for her to handle housework and chores. Since she wants to practice martial arts, she should practice martial arts seriously. I will make a training plan for her to strengthen her physical fitness. It depends on whether the girl can persist. "

Leon said, and took his lover's beautiful hands: "Remember to tell her the price. Not everyone has your special physique. Don't let her think that you have some secret method to maintain a beautiful posture.

After long-term exercise, the appearance of her skin will not be like yours. Due to the repair power in the body, her skin will be thin and tender. Her palms will form calluses, and her body will have to endure the training of scars again and again, gradually becoming rough and solid. "

"What's beautiful?" Hearing the unintentional compliment in Leon's words, Olivia blushed slightly, withdrew her little hand, rubbed her lover's face with her fingers, and said: "I have said something similar to her, But the young lady was indeed mentally prepared. Treya had seen the training of her fathers and was willing to accept such a price, saying that it would be worth it as long as she could no longer be manipulated by others."

But when it came to this, Olivia sighed.

Not being at the mercy of others is easier said than done.

Even if he was so good at fighting, if it hadn't been for the risk-of-death rescue by Leon and the other three, he still wouldn't have known what kind of misfortune he would have suffered.

Of course, Olivia still recognized the other party's determination to get rid of the current situation and not want to be manipulated because of weakness. She had experienced the pain of insufficient strength once and never wanted to experience it a second time.

"Yes, I almost forgot that she is also the daughter of a knight. She naturally understands what it takes to practice martial arts." Leon nodded. Although Miss Treya was born beautiful and quiet, she was definitely not the ignorant greenhouse flowers that she had seen in her previous life. .

Considering that his experience was even more unfortunate than that of Ms. Elena, perhaps this has given her more mental training than herself.

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

If he were to encounter the humiliation and suffering that Corvis has experienced over the years, and be under such mental torture, Leon doubted that he would definitely not be able to let go of the past as openly and calmly as the young man does now.

Finished the manuscript filled with thoughts and records.

Leon looked at Olivia who was getting up to leave, and couldn't help but sigh sadly on the chair.


The girl who had already reached the door stopped, feeling funny in her heart, and looked back at her pretending lover.

If you have to wait a while, you might not be able to bear to leave.

But Olivia snorted in her heart.

She has grown up a lot and will no longer be deceived by such hypocritical pretense. When Lonka feels sorry for the pressure the other party is under, she just cooperates honestly. As a result, she is bullied to the point of embarrassment every night.

Now we have to hang out this bad guy who has repeatedly taken advantage of others and shows no remorse.

"Leon, see you tomorrow." The girl said good night with a crooked eyebrow, feeling that she had finally won the game.

"Hmm~ Okay, good night." After hesitating again and again, Leon sat down on the bed weakly, without forcing the other party to stay.

Although he knew that a girl with a thicker skin and softer ears would definitely be retained, he was not a pervert, and he still had to give his lover enough private space.

Olivia was slightly proud, and just as she was about to open the door to go home, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

"Brother Leon, the water is boiled, can you bring it in?" Lina asked quietly from outside.

"Bring it in." Leon replied.

"Okay." The little maid with twin ponytails hummed a tune and pushed open the door.

"Sister Olivia, you are here too?" Lina came in with a bucket and a wooden basin, and asked, "Are you staying tonight? Or should I get another bucket of water?"

"No, Lina, I'm going back." Olivia smiled and shook her head.

Directly assuming that she would stay, this question was really without hesitation. Who spread it?

No longer hindering little Lina's housework, Olivia walked around the girl and walked outside.

Only took two steps.

With her keen hearing, she heard the sound of water pouring from a wooden barrel in the house, and then a light body sat on the quilt.

"Brother Leon, can you tell me the story you didn't finish last time? That one? That story about the 40,000 years in heaven."

"Oh, sure. Where did you leave last time?"

"It was about the Jade Emperor staying indoors, and the Monkey Marshal leading the generals from the nine caves to the heavens, fighting the Jade Fist's divine soldiers at the South Gate."

"How do you remember it so clearly? Let me think about it. This time I'll make it up. Oh no, let me tell you. General Snake, under the order of the Monkey Marshal, fought into the city and saw a bald general suddenly jumping out of the Jade Fist army! He was called the Black Sword Knight, named Dong Jismond."

As Leon told the story, Lina's laughter and small exclamations were heard from the room from time to time.

Olivia's every step was slower and slower.

It was not because of the strange story that was obviously confusing and incoherent.

But she noticed it with her keen hearing.

Lina in the room, I don't know if it was because of the instinct after listening attentively, the girl seemed to be sitting closer to Leon.

There was nothing strange about it. Little Lina, who had lost all her family, now regarded everyone as relatives. This close behavior was already covered up under the appearance of fear and desire for care. She was very close to her brothers and sisters who cared for her.

Olivia never thought about it before.

But now.

An inexplicable feeling came to her heart, and she didn't know why, but she suddenly felt a little unhappy.

Listening to Leon's gentle narration in the room, coaxing little Lina to laugh continuously.

Olivia quietly took a few steps back in small steps.

With gentle movements, her golden hair and fair forehead poked through the door frame, and her green eyes silently peeked into the room through the half-open door.

Lying on the bed, little Lina leaned against Leon, and the girl listened to the other's vivid bedtime story with shining eyes.

Leon rubbed his bare feet in the hot water, gesticulating with one hand and stroking little Lina's head with the other hand like petting a cat.

Seeing the distance between the two, Olivia felt a little more bitter.

I don't know if it was intentional.

As she listened, Lina actually fell on Leon's legs, yawned like a sleepy cat, and then lay there horizontally, squinting her eyes and continued to listen to the story.

Leon spoiled her, patted the girl's back, and gently lowered his voice.

This scene was like a warm father and daughter or brother and sister. It was just like a flash of inspiration struck Olivia's brain.

She blinked her eyes, looking at the way Lina leaned on Leon's legs, and suddenly realized.

In fact, Lina was only two or three years younger than herself, and because of the good food and drink during this period, her body was obviously much more developed than before.

A thought came to her mind.

Like herself, wasn't Leon also the one who saved Lina?

No, no, no! Reason told the girl that it was impossible.

Olivia frowned, and the face of Lina calling her obediently appeared in her mind. She couldn't help but feel guilty for her fantasy.

However, a feeling of sadness like a sullenness lingered in her heart.

Looking at the legs of her lover occupied by Lina at this moment,

He is mine

That position should belong to me.

Biting her lower lip, Olivia suddenly didn't want to leave silently tonight.

She raised her hand and knocked on the door gently, muttering a little aggrieved: ".Leon."

"Huh?" Leon stopped the story that was getting quieter and quieter, and looked at the door when he heard the sound.

"Olivia.? I thought you went back." He responded in a puzzled voice, still keeping his voice low.

Olivia pushed the door open, walked into the room uncomfortably with her hands behind her back.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that in a few breaths, Lina, who was lying on Leon's legs, had fallen asleep without knowing when.

This is completely. Just a child who longs for the elders to coax her to sleep.

No wonder Leon's voice is getting lower and lower.

Calm down and take a look.

Olivia found that the absurd fantasy just now was just asking for trouble.

In an instant, her cheeks were red with shame, both for Lina and for herself.

She lowered her head in frustration, and Olivia's dazzling blonde hair dimmed slightly.

"What's wrong, did you forget something?" Leon looked at his lover strangely with a lost face.

"I cough."

Olivia raised her hand and coughed lightly to cover up her embarrassment, looking at Leon with a flickering look in her eyes.

"Actually, I want to hear that story tonight, too, is that okay?"

"Ah?" Leon raised his eyebrows.

So the girl had been listening outside until now?

Can she listen to the story?

After telling the stitching story that he used to fool Lina once, he couldn't even repeat it the same way a second time.

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