Knight with Wand

Chapter 164 Silver Mountain Crossbow and Magic Materials

Looking at Deathclaw lying in the backyard basking in the sun, and Little Goethe making a fuss beside the griffin, Leon sighed, no wonder some inhumane dog owners in the previous life liked to raise tigers, leopards and lions. Looking at the lazy appearance of these big guys, he couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and love from the bottom of his heart.

It would be so safe to have such a powerful auspicious beast running home every now and then.

At first, seeing it coming so often, Leon was vaguely worried about the safety of his family.

After all, no matter how friendly the griffin is, it is a terrifying beast that can tear lions and tigers into pieces like rag dolls.

In the previous life, even tigers and leopards raised in the zoo from childhood would accidentally hurt the breeders when they were playing, not to mention this giant animal that is as big as an adult African elephant.

There is no need to worry about warriors like himself and Olivia, but there are also fragile women and children like Elena and Lina living in the mansion.

But it turns out that this creature, whose intelligence is comparable to that of humans and even Leon suspects is superior to some human fools, knows how to strike a balance when interacting with humans and will not hurt anyone by mistake.

From the fact that it slaughtered and retaliated against the Kantadar thugs but did not hurt any of the Selva villagers, we can see how high this big guy's ability to distinguish is, and the description in the magic book is not false.

I don't know if all griffins are so gentle, or if Deathclaw is just too good-tempered.

Now even the little servants at home dare to step forward and touch this savior who once saved the village.

And since Lina got excited and used a comb to comb the big guy's body, Leon found that Deathclaw came back more and more frequently.

It seems that even in another world, no animal can resist the tickling stunts of humans.

This big guy knows how to enjoy himself, but combing the hair of such a big beast, after a while, the little servants were exhausted, so Leon specially asked the craftsman to make a big brush to satisfy it.

I didn't expect to establish contact with the griffin in this way. This big guy probably regarded Selva as a safe rest stop.

It was hard for the war horses that originally lived in their own stables.

Although the noble war horses such as Wuzhui were handsome and had been trained since childhood, they were more courageous than ordinary horses and dared to charge even in the face of swords and spears.

But they were still ordinary beasts after all, and their wisdom was far less than that of the griffin. It was difficult to distinguish the enemy from the horrible beast in front of them in a short time.

And after witnessing the blood enemy wandering around several times in a row, the courtyard was filled with terrible breath. The war horses in the stables were really scared and paralyzed.

Leon had to move all his mounts far away to the stables of the Selva barracks.

This also made him have to ask someone to bring the horses every day, which was a lot of trouble.

That is, he couldn't spare his hands now, otherwise Leon planned to make a separate nest for the mother and son of Deathclaw in the future.

According to the book, griffins like heights. The Lorelits usually raise them by building tall griffin nest towers or simply digging caves on the cliffs.

Although it is also a solution to let Corvis take the little griffin out and move to another place, the boy, as his important wizard assistant and close aide, has to take care of many things on a daily basis, and it is impossible for him to be a full-time griffin breeder.

Little Goethe is too young. He has great value and no self-protection ability. He must be cared for by trustworthy people at all times. It is difficult for him to rest assured to arrange ordinary guards to guard him.

Besides, this is not a horse or livestock. Ordinary cattle, sheep, horses, and pigs are stolen at the cost of their lives. The value of a griffin cub is enough to make people risk their lives. It is not surprising if the guards steal from the guards.

In addition to the current partners and family members who can be trusted, Leon does not want to gamble with such a valuable thing.

If something goes wrong and little Goethe disappears from his hands again or encounters an accident, I don’t know how sad and angry the death claw will be.

Thinking of this, Leon suddenly understood why Deathclaw didn't take the cub away.

If the child was brought back to the nest, the spouse would die. Deathclaw, who often had to go out to find food, obviously couldn't take good care of the cub all the time.

Leon remembered that in many novels and movies in his previous life, adventurers often took advantage of legendary creatures such as dragons and griffins to sneak into their nests and steal things.

Even if this world has not seen such adventurers, there are probably many other predators in the wild, which is why griffins like to set up their nests on the cliffs of the mountain tops as much as possible.

Now that she has experienced the hunting team of Master Atias and lost her original husband, Deathclaw is absolutely unwilling to lose the last lost and found offspring before finding the next male griffin that she likes.

And leaving the little griffin in the home of a close friend like himself who will never hurt the cub, with food, water and protection, is obviously a hundred times safer than following it back to the nest on the mountain to live alone.

This long-term consideration, like human thinking, really impressed Leon with the intelligence of the griffin.

Of course, he was naturally happy to be a nanny for little Goethe. In this way, he would make friends with the mother and son of Deathclaw, which would be a great benefit for both himself and the territory.

Reaching out to touch the huge eagle head of the griffin, Leon turned to look at the back of the big guy. To be honest, he really couldn't help but be eager to try it.

But reason has been dissuading him. As friends, especially considering the intelligence of the griffin, it is probably not a wise move to rashly climb on the back of the other party.

Put yourself in their shoes. Even if they are good friends who have shared life and death, they suddenly want to ride on you one day.

It's even weirder to think this way.

We still have to be careful and try.

The guards outside the courtyard received a message from the soldiers and immediately walked into the backyard.

"My Lord, Lord Azerien has returned from Silver Mountain City, and the convoy carrying weapons has arrived at the barracks."

Leon was overjoyed when he heard this, and he could finally select heavy shield crossbowmen in the army.

He told Corvis to stay and take care of the griffin, and immediately set off for the barracks.

The second recruitment of soldiers for the army went smoothly. On the Selva side, except for the disabled who experienced the Battle of Longka last time, and a few wealthy families who did not want to step on the battlefield again and tried small business, most of the armed people chose to return to the barracks again.

But this time, they were no longer conscripted militia, but professional warriors with complete armor, the lord's personal soldiers under the banner of Pendragon Sword Wing.

And hearing that Selva officially recruited standing troops, Longka and Pleyton naturally had many young and strong men who had participated in the previous bloody battles come to sign up one after another.

There were even young men from villages and towns outside the three surrounding territories who secretly ran to Selva and tried to join Pendragon's army.

Even with the standard of admission based on merit, the quota of only eighty or ninety people was quickly filled.

So many people came to join the army, of course, not only because of the victory in the Battle of Longka, which gave Leon considerable reputation in Cossos County.

More importantly, through word of mouth in the surrounding countryside, especially among the people of the three territories, Sir Pendragon was not only brave and good at fighting, but also more and more famous for his generosity and kindness.

Such rumors were not groundless. Even in addition to the villagers of Longka and Plydon who received substantial rewards, as Selva opened up trade routes, the exchanges between the surrounding territories became more and more frequent. Villagers in other areas found that Selva, which used to have only a group of poor farmers, was now rich and the size of the village had more than doubled.

This point can be testified by the villagers who received a large amount of gifts and rushed to marry their daughters there. The wealth of Selva made the fathers-in-law who went back from the wedding boastful.

The various facilities under construction, the new houses where the residents moved, the lively market comparable to the town, the tall barracks and fortresses, all started when the knight named Leon was canonized to Selva.

In this way, many outsiders who are eager to change their current situation will certainly come here to try to join the generous knight.

Of course, Leon did not accept all of them.

After all, the high-quality soldiers outside the three territories have been screened by the previous recruitment of the Thorn Flower Family, leaving no talents that slipped through the net.

Except for some hunters with bow and arrow skills who were specially recruited into the barracks, in most cases, he still gave priority to the local soldiers in the three territories.

Coming to the almost completed Selva Barracks, walking into it, on the wide training ground, the soldiers shouted in unison, they were practicing the formation and movement of the square.

Old Brian walked through the infantry formation with a slight limp, but no one dared to ignore his majesty because of his lameness.

Not only because of the strong physique of this old knight of the previous dynasty, but also because the soldiers had witnessed the Battle of Longka, where the old and strong centurion led the way to kill the enemy bravely.

Without disturbing the soldiers' basic training, Leon rushed to the armory and saw Azerien who was supervising the workers to move the goods.

"You've come so far, you've worked hard, I'm here, go back and take a shower and rest quickly, I asked Lina to boil water for you in advance." Leon came to the carriage and greeted.

Azerien was ashamed to be asked to go on business trips for every major purchase, but the son of a nobleman was so good at handling things that he was too "useful". It was hard to trust the upright Lohak to handle things like dealing with guild merchants. Recently, the army mobilized by General Trosa frequently passed through the territory to the forest. He needed to contact foreign troops to maintain regional stability, and it was not convenient to travel far, so he had to continue to exploit his brothers.

"I'm not too tired, let me show you the things first. This time when I went to the Silver Mountain City, I really opened my eyes. The tools made by the craftsmen there are really amazing. I'm afraid that even the craftsmen in Rolandar can't compare. Even the light crossbow I bought this time is of quality beyond my expectations." Recalling the precision turning crossbow he saw in the Silver Mountain Craftsmen's Guild, Azerien sighed in his heart.

The kind of continuous shooting crossbow that can rotate the arrow nest with a press of the trigger and shoot one shot after another crazily, even if he just looked at the exhibits and listened to the merchants bragging, he could feel the horror of the weapon.

However, the price of this fine weapon is really shocking.

Azerien just compared it in his mind and estimated that only the princes and nobles could afford to buy it for fun.

According to his later inquiries in the city, it was indeed the case. It represented the highest masterpiece of Silver Mountain City's dwarven craftsmanship. It was also the lowest-selling product of the Silver Mountain City Artisan Guild.

If it weren't for the fact that every contemporary Silver Mountain City craftsman has made a dwarven crossbow as a proof of the title of master, perhaps that thing would have been discontinued long ago.

Recalling the shocking technology that was inherited from the ancient dwarven craftsmen in the legend, Azerien took Leon into the armory and opened the leather-covered moisture-proof box in front of him.

Inside were several sets of disassembled crossbows and crossbow bodies, as well as corresponding disassembly and assembly tools, winders and pulley tools.

Leon looked at the things inside and suddenly felt his eyes brighten.

It's not that he hasn't seen crossbows in this world. As early as when he was trapped in the slave cage, Leon had seen the crossbows used by mercenaries. In the city of Faroris, he also saw the crossbows in the hands of the soldiers of the Thorn Flower Family. Those looked similar to the ancient crossbows he had seen in his previous life.

But the steel bow light crossbow in the box in front of him.

Leon picked up a crossbow body and looked at it carefully. Even if you only look at the shape, it is much more advanced than the general crossbow craftsmanship.

The end of the crossbow body is not straight like most crossbows, or just a slight arc.

Instead, it presents a grip design suitable for holding and aiming like an early rifle. Looking at this human-machine function, you have to add ten points.

"I learned how to disassemble and maintain it in Yinshan. I will teach you later." Azerian said, picking up the crossbow parts and assembling them.

He quickly assembled the light crossbow, took a pot of arrows, and took Leon to the shooting range outside. He handed the crossbow and the handle pulley to Leon and taught him how to draw the bow.

Lowering the crossbow, the pulley ruler was placed on the bow, and the buckle at the end just blocked the trigger. Leon turned the pulley ruler with his heart, and after only a few turns, he filled the bowstring without much effort, which was much easier than the hard-pull pulley crossbow.

In his previous life, he played a lot with bows, but he was not very interested in crossbows. After all, there were cooler guns to replace its shape.

Putting the crossbow arrow on the crossbow, Leon took the light crossbow and aimed. He used to hold it in the form of a rifle because of its shape, but realized that he didn't need to do so with his inhuman knight's wrist strength, so he switched to shooting with one hand holding the crossbow.

Pulling the trigger, the crossbow arrow shot out with a whoosh. Feeling the force of the bowstring rebounding, Leon realized that because the pulley ruler pulled the bowstring too easily just now, he misjudged that the poundage of this crossbow was much higher than he expected.

The crossbow arrow that passed through the wind easily sank into the center of the 20-meter target. The power and accuracy surprised Leon. He put on another tool and aimed at the 50-meter target.

The arrow flew over and pierced deeply into the target again.

However, the hit position was very crooked, only hitting the edge.

Of course, Leon knew that it was not his skill or the crossbow's skill, but he was not used to this weapon.

Of course, from the perspective of ordinary people, using this crossbow to hit the target at 50 meters, the level is enough to be called an extremely good archer.

Changing to an open space, Leon strung the string and arrows again, but without aiming at the target, he casually shot the crossbow arrows.

When the crossbow arrow fell, he ran over to look for it. After a rough estimate, the farthest landing point was about 400 meters, and the actual effective range should be between 200 and 300 meters. Of course, at this distance, unless the volley of arrows covered it, if a single archer wanted to hit the enemy, it would be a lifetime of life to win the jackpot.

Considering its outstanding accuracy, Leon looked down at the materials in his hand and couldn't help but sigh that the money was really worth it.

With such low difficulty and performance, it won't take him long to have a group of archers who are equivalent to excellent archers except for the shooting speed. The excellent weapon performance even makes up for the range disadvantage of ordinary crossbowmen. Moreover, the defense of heavy shield crossbowmen is much higher than that of archers. Of course, the flexibility is definitely worse.

"Did you find the materials I want in Silver Mountain City this time?" Leon and Azerian asked him about looking for Neti materials in the big city market while walking back.

Hearing this question, Azerian, who was originally in a good mood, dimmed his eyes and shook his head helplessly. This was just the gain of this trip. The resurrection of his family was probably a long way off at the moment.

"No one has heard of Erosa Crystal, but according to a pharmacist in Silver Mountain City, the description of it not melting sounds like the 'permanent ice' recorded in ancient books, but it can only be seen in the permafrost in the far north.

I also asked the alchemists in Silver Mountain, and they have never heard of the 'Isua Soul Stone', nor the so-called alias of the Spirit Soul.

Some people know about the other things, 'Moonfall Silver' and 'Melting Mountain Gold', but they are only available in the Alchemy Guild in the Royal Capital. It is said that the things are extremely precious and rare, and are only for the royal family and never sold outside."

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