Knight with Wand

Chapter 47: Spoils of War

According to Lohak, after he went to bed yesterday, Olivia walked through the entire village and tried her best to find all the living people, barely saving some dying wounded.

At present, in addition to the more than 60 young and strong men who were conscripted and did not return, as well as Olivia and her father, there are only 76 villagers left in the village of Selva after the disaster.

More than 60 of them are women and young girls.

The only surviving men are a few young men and a few young children.

Some of them escaped the disaster by hiding in the cracks of hidden cellars and granaries in time.

The reason why some boys survived is the same as that of most girls. It is unspeakable.

The bodies of the 124 villagers who died are now placed in the open space.

As for the remains of the Kantadar people killed by the griffins, they were temporarily piled up outside the village by the survivors, and they could only wait for someone to dig a mass grave elsewhere and then bury the bodies.

The armor and weapons on the enemy's bodies had been stripped off, and most of them were now piled up in the backyard and warehouse of Olivia's house.

Rohak continued to tell Leon about the number of spoils he counted yesterday.

They found a total of 19 living war horses.

Three of them were noble mounts equipped with horse armor.

The girl's stable could only hold the most valuable horses, and the rest of the horses were temporarily placed in the yard of a nearby farm and are currently being taken care of by several children.

Rohak said this with some regret.

There was originally a noble war horse, but the horse had its hind legs cut off by Olivia in the battle and had already died of serious injuries. The hundreds of Serian gold coins just disappeared with the wind.

The remaining 16 horses with robes and armor and ordinary appearance were all mounts for the hired cavalry and knight attendants of Kantadar.

Speaking of this, Rohak seemed to have his flesh cut off, his expression twitched slightly, and he felt quite sad.

He also counted the bodies of the cavalry horses killed by the griffins. There were about thirteen or fourteen of them. Although they were estimated to be more than ten times cheaper than the market price of the nobles' top-grade war horses, no matter how cheap they were, they were still worth a hundred or so gold coins.

As for weapons, including the knight's long sword that Olivia was currently holding, a total of four noble swords were found.

There were thirty-five various swords used by knight attendants and mercenaries, most of which were not seriously damaged.

There were twenty-three cavalry lances, four of which were destroyed.

There were two long-handled knight halberd axes, one in Lohak's hand and the other in the backyard. This thing was a specially made heavy weapon. Except for Lohak, who was full of brute force, the other surviving young people in the village could not use it.

Other miscellaneous equipment, not to mention the knives and daggers, there were also two knight kite shields and some round shields of ordinary soldiers.

It is worth mentioning that six Uriah cavalry bows were found, and there were more than ninety arrows collected from various places.

Next is the armor.

The heavy knight armor that Lohak is wearing now was taken from the knight killed by Leon yesterday. This is the only one that fits him.

Although the helmet has been smashed to pieces by Leon's magic, the other parts are still intact.

In addition to this knight's plate armor, Lohak also found the armor parts that Baron Dason lost in his hometown.

After he put them together, he stored them in Olivia's warehouse, and planned to leave the most luxurious armor to Leon to try if it fits.

There are also two sets of knight's plate armor.

One set is intact, which was taken from the knight captive imprisoned in the room behind Lohak.

The other set was horribly damaged, which was torn from the remains of the knight who was killed by the griffin, with flesh and blood. Only the leg armor and helmet parts are intact, and the other parts are completely twisted and deformed.

In addition, half of the plate-chain composite armor and mercenary cavalry armor of various shapes piled up in the backyard were destroyed.

They could only piece together fifteen relatively complete sets of armor, some of which were temporarily handed over to the surviving young men along with weapons to prevent the escaped enemies from returning.

After talking about these valuable spoils, Lohak continued happily: "When collecting those armors and weapons, I also found a lot of gold and silver coins in the bag of the Kantadar bastard. This time we don't have to worry about money."

"The money they robbed was mixed with the villagers' property. It's not appropriate to take it, right?" Leon asked in confusion.

"What are you thinking? Why would I touch the villagers' things? I picked out all the local coins in Orland and gave them to Olivia for safekeeping. I took all the money with the Kantadar text logo." Lohak explained.

Leon reacted and realized that he was indeed stupid.

The villagers of Selva did not trade with the Kantardars, so the currency with enemy seals in the bags was of course the property of the Kantardar soldiers, and there would be no confusion.

"How much is it?" he asked hurriedly.

"At least more than 300 gold coins, packed in a small box, placed under Olivia's bed." Lohak pointed his finger proudly.

Well, when he slept on the floor yesterday, a huge sum of money was hidden not far from his side.

Leon listened to the details one by one, and his heart was numb.

It was indeed as Lohak said, although it was a shame to the villagers who died. But objectively speaking, this incident was a complete reversal of fate for the three of them.

Not to mention the value of the horses, armor, and weapons, just a box of money directly turned them from wanderers in the mountains into rich people.

Although strictly speaking, most of these spoils were won by the griffin.

But the noble Majesty Deathclaw should not care about the dirty money of these humans.

Then the three of them will be given a bargain.

After chatting for a while, Lohak returned the sword of the undead nobles that he had been keeping to Leon.

After saying goodbye to his companions, Leon returned to Olivia's home.

He carefully walked through the crowded lobby on the first floor, without disturbing the women and children who were sleeping soundly, and came to the backyard alone.

Sure enough, he saw a pile of armor and weapons.

A row of cavalry spears leaned against the wall, and there were various armor parts piled up in a mess next to them, and dozens of sheathed swords were scattered on the ground.

Looking at the stable not far away, three majestic noble war horses were resting in the fence shed, and their horse armor had been removed.

Leon excitedly stepped forward, as if he saw a beauty in his eyes, and couldn't help reaching out to touch one of the black horses.

The horse's head swayed restlessly, smelling the smell of strangers, and it snorted a few times in agitation when it couldn't find its owner.

But the strict domestication from childhood still made the warhorse not resist the human in front of it.

The carefully trimmed horse mane felt smooth to the touch, and Leon admired the alien mount in front of him that seemed to be exactly the same as the "horse" on Earth.

We can't afford the death claws, but it's a luxury to have a horse.

In this world still in the feudal era, owning such a precious mount is no different from owning a top luxury car on modern Earth.

The warhorse's body and limbs are full of muscles, and its strength is amazing. Its body and demeanor are also much stronger than the horses on Earth in the previous life.

Apart from anything else, Leon didn't see the baggage wagons accompanying the Cantadar people.

These war horses can wear heavy armor all the way, carry fully armed heavy cavalry on their backs, and charge into battle after a long journey. They are incredibly tough.

However, if you think about it, if you want to keep them healthy and not lose weight, I'm afraid the daily feed will also cost a lot.

This is exactly the same as raising a car in the previous life. You can afford a good car, but you may not be able to afford it.

". Fortunately, your previous master gave me a lot of gold coins." Leon played with this BMW and let the horse go after he had enough fun. He turned and walked towards the warehouse in the backyard.

The door was not locked, so he walked straight in and saw the set of Kantadar noble knight plate armor mentioned by Lohak.

The helmet with a double snake carving headdress, a tightly fitted neck guard, a breastplate connected to the hip and shoulder shield, overlapping shoulder armor and arm armor, and iron gloves, greaves, and iron boots with distinct tendons and flexible joints.

The armor seemed to be plated with silver, shiny and bright, with exquisite workmanship. The shape was a bit similar to the Gothic style of the previous life, but there were obvious differences.

Holding up the breastplate with both hands and admiring it for a while, Leon was very satisfied. Wearing this sturdy and gorgeous armor would definitely be very showy.

Unfortunately, he didn't like the snake carvings on the top of the helmet and the human face reliefs on the surface of the visor. They were too much of a Cantadar.

The characteristic decorations of the enemy culture made Leon feel uncomfortable even if there was no problem from an artistic point of view.

If he used this set of armor frequently in the future, he would have to find someone to replace the headdress and visor.

Glancing sideways, he saw the complete armor-lined inner jacket and the open-chested black robe on the side, and he couldn't wait to try whether it fit.

He took off the noble sword on his waist and put it aside, picked up the lining and robe and shook them, but when he saw the Cantadar family emblem on the black robe, Leon threw it away in disdain and didn't want to touch it again.

I'd better make a new robe in the future.

After putting on the lining, Leon tried to put on the armor.

After looking at the structure of the armor, although it was very delicately designed, it didn't seem to be the type that one person couldn't wear. It should just take a little more time.

So, the warehouse soon rang with the sound of busy work.

Halfway through, just as Leon sat on the box and turned his body with some difficulty, trying to reach the buckle of the shoulder armor at the back of his shoulder, a familiar voice came from the door.

"Let me help you."

Hearing the sound of quick steps, he turned his head and saw Olivia wearing a brand new corset.

"Thank you." Leon nodded. Although he could wear it alone, it would be better to have someone to help.

The knight master always had a servant to help him put on the armor, but it was not as hard as he did it himself.

".There are a few leather buckles at the back."

Leon stood up and obediently showed the girl the connecting parts of the shoulder and armpit armor structure.

Olivia came closer and raised her hand to help the other person buckle the leather buckles and knobs carefully.

With the help of the thoughtful girl, Leon quickly put on the armor.

He took the gorgeous sword beside him, fixed it with the scabbard on the belt around his waist, then tried to walk a little, and jumped a few times.

Hmm. It feels a little loose inside.

After all, this body is still a 16-year-old boy, and his height is currently estimated to be about 1.75 meters.

Compared with the tall middle-aged nobleman who is estimated to be more than 1.8 meters tall and has big muscles all over his body, there is a lot of difference in physique.

But it’s not a big problem. After all, armor is not close-fitting clothing, and it’s not to the point where it can’t be used if the body is almost in shape.

Looking down at the exquisite and sturdy silver armor on his body, and the noble sword on his waist that finally matches the outfit, Leon just regrets that there is no mirror, so he can’t see his showy appearance at the moment, and wonders if he looks like a serious knight.

"How is it? Is it cool?" After getting a set of luxurious armor, Leon, who was in high spirits, couldn't help but ask the girl casually.

"Cool?" Olivia didn't quite understand the pronunciation.

"Uh, I mean, I look... Oh, nothing." Leon calmed down and gave up the idea of ​​explaining.

This girl just lost so many familiar friends and folks, and it was really not easy for him to share his personal joy abruptly at this moment.

"Are you looking for me?" He asked instead.

The girl nodded quietly: "My father woke up, he wants to see you and thank you."

I came back late today, and I have to go to work in the morning tomorrow, so I have to go to bed early, so I will update 3,400 words, but I will get off work early tomorrow, and I will update 5,000 words tomorrow to make up for it.

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