Knight with Wand

Chapter 52: Thorn Flower Flag

Finally, he ran to the griffin with sweat on his forehead. This unexpected conflict was finally stopped by Leon in time.

"Calm down, these people are not enemies." Leon gestured and soothed the griffin, and finally smoothed the feathers on the big guy's neck.

"Big brother! Big brother!"

Leon heard the call and turned his head to look.

He saw a little girl sitting on the horseback of an old noble in armor, shouting and waving at this side.

He looked closely.

It was the brown-haired little girl they rescued from the mercenary thugs at the windmill yesterday.

She was still wearing the coat and trousers that Leon and his three disguised her that day, which was easy to recognize.

Little Lina stopped calling and turned back to identify: "Lord Trosa, that's one of the three foreign big brothers who saved me yesterday."

"Oh, really, that's not surprising." Trosa looked at the intimate behavior of the young man in front of him and the griffin, and knew what killed the group of Kantadar fleeing soldiers.

The old count looked down and saw that little Lina was impatient, so he raised his hand and gently held the girl's armpits and put her back on the ground from the horse's back.

As soon as Lina landed, she ran towards Leon happily.

But when she came to the middle of the road, she slowed down her pace again when she saw the huge and terrifying creature, and she dared not get close with fear in her eyes.

Seeing this, Leon turned back and patted the griffin's body: "Rest first, good brother, I'm fine, it's not too late for you to save me if something unexpected happens."

I don't know if it understood or felt that Leon had no hostility towards the army in front of him, the griffin shook its head, really cried softly, jumped up, and flapped its wings above the crowd and circled.

Only then did Leon turn around and walk towards Lina.

"Big brother, I'm glad you're okay. What about the other two brothers? Is sister Olivia also saved?" Lina ran to the other side, wiped her eyes that had just been crying, and asked anxiously.

"We are all fine, but many people in the village still died." Leon sighed. He didn't know if there were any family members of this little sister among the hundreds of bodies on the open ground.

But thinking of the situation that the girl was abducted to the windmill tower and was almost defiled that day, I'm afraid her relatives are in danger.

"But you really brought the lord's reinforcements." Leon raised his hand and rubbed her little head, and comforted and praised: "Well done, Lina."

When Leon heard the little girl say that she was going to find reinforcements, he didn't take it seriously at all. Now this big battle is really unexpected.

"No, they are not the lord's troops." Lina shook her head and explained: "I just walked to the town last night and ran into these knights. Fortunately, they are all good people. The honorable Grandpa Trosa took me back immediately after listening to my explanation."

Not the lord's army?

Leon looked at the densely packed knights not far away, looking at the flags flying and the gorgeous battle robes, and was shocked.

Especially the one with the big axe in the lead. Leon thought that if he was not mistaken, the other party's axe blade was shining. What kind of high-tech is this?

If these heroic and extraordinary heavy-armored knights were not fakes, he doubted whether his griffin friend could fight against this extraordinary army.

Leon shook his head and stopped guessing. Fortunately, they were not enemies.

Take the girl's hand and walk towards these knights in gorgeous armor. He stopped not far away.

Following the memory of the original owner of this body, he respectfully touched his chest with his left hand and bowed to the noble knights in front of him in the etiquette of the common people of the Kingdom of Serian.

"My name is Leon, and I am honored to meet all the nobles.

Please forgive me for the disaster that just happened here. I am really unable to entertain all the nobles.

But the surviving villagers have tried their best to clean up the horse tying ground and resting place."

At this moment, he was somewhat glad that he did not travel to a different world like the Ming and Qing dynasties where the rules of status and hierarchy were more strict.

At least as far as the memory of the original owner of Leon knew, in the culture of the Feru people, even as a commoner, under normal circumstances, there was no need to kneel on both knees and kowtow to the nobles.

Such behavior basically only appeared in the case of being a criminal or a prisoner.

When meeting a superior, in an informal reception, the inferior only needs to be respectful, bow, and not look directly into the eyes of the superior.

The degree of bowing depends on the status of the person doing the salute. The lower the bow, the deeper it is. However, it should not exceed 90 degrees. If it is too low, it will be considered as a foolish act of disrespect.

As for the more solemn kneeling on one knee, it will only appear in formal receptions, and it usually depends on the situation and the person.

The knights of the inner court beside the old earl remained silent in front of Leon who was saluting, and did not tell him the name of the lord.

After all, the most powerful nobles in the Kingdom of Orland have no obligation to tell their names to a commoner.

Trosa sat on his horse, looking at the polite young man, and then looked at the armor on his body.

He recognized that this outfit originally belonged to the enemy he was chasing, and he had seen the whereabouts of Baron Doson himself in the pile of corpses outside the village before.

"It's okay, young man. If there are no enemies here, my army will not stay here for too long." Trosa looked at the other party with interest.

"I heard from little Lina that you are not from Orland? This accent and word usage, are they from Rolandar?"

Leon bowed his head and answered the old man's question truthfully: "That's right, sir, but Rolandar has been captured by the Cantadar army. My companions and I were once prisoners of the enemy. Thanks to the blessing of the gods, we escaped from the bandits and wandered here after many twists and turns."

"So, those Cantadars who attacked this village were annihilated by you? Did you save this village?" Trosa continued to ask.

"To our shame, we failed to save all the villagers. We were involved in this conflict only to save our friends. In addition, most of the enemies were killed by my griffin companions, and only a few were killed by us."

Leon did not lie. Apart from the noble leader killed by Olivia, they did sneak attack and kill three cavalrymen, and he also smashed the head of a Cantadar knight with his own hands.

As for whether this counts as Miss Lola's head. Hey, they are all soul roommates living together in the same body, so what's the difference?

"Raise your head, kid." Trosa nodded slightly in appreciation: "You are not a knight of Orland, but you have the style of our knights. If what you said is honest, then I will thank you for your courage and righteousness on behalf of the people you saved."

"I don't deserve your praise." After getting the other party's permission, Leon responded modestly and straightened up.

It's okay. The old nobleman in front of him showed a very cultivated demeanor. He was noble but not the kind of arrogant guy with his nose in the sky. He felt a lot easier to deal with.

It seems that the people of Orland are more educated than the barbarians of Kantadar, and their quality is not worse than that of the Serians.

Yes, if this old man is not an open-minded person, as a great noble, how could he put an ordinary mountain village girl on his horse and take care of her personally.

"Take me to see the surviving villagers. In addition, I am also very interested in your experiences." Trosa gestured to Leon to lead the way.

"It's my great honor. Please follow me, sirs." After a smooth first encounter, Leon relaxed and led the mighty knights in the front, heading towards the village elder's house.

The village elder's house was the only one in the whole village that was quite spacious, which was why the nobles of Kantadar chose to stay there.

Of course, this group of knights had more than seven or eight times more people than the group of Kantadars, and the village elder's house obviously could not accommodate so many people.

Fortunately, not all knights followed the nobles into the village.

Some knights led some people to guard outside the village.

Some took the village elder's house as the center, surrounding it layer by layer.

The remaining knights and servants confirmed the safety of the house upstairs and downstairs.

When Trosa entered the house to rest, the whole house had been cleaned up by the women and children who had been ordered in advance.

As soon as the old earl sat down in the hall, he asked his men to summon the current leader of the village and asked the servants to randomly select some villagers to inquire.

He would not easily believe the one-sided words of the foreign boy and Lina.

What happened here still needs to be confirmed by more villagers.

Not long after, Leon, who was waiting outside the door with the noble guards, saw Brian the blacksmith limping in with a cane.

He nodded slightly to the boy, as natural as greeting, and then walked into the hall.

Passing through the knights in armor and weapons on both sides, Brian bowed his head respectfully to General Trosa sitting in the main chair.

He greeted with a panic tone like an ordinary villager: "I am Brian, and I am honored to meet all the distinguished adults."

"Are you the current leader of this village?" Trosa asked the strong old man in the hall.

"Yes, sir, I am the blacksmith of this village.

The village official had earlier taken the young men to enlist in the lord's army and was not in the village, and the village elder also died tragically at the hands of the Kantadars. All other old villagers who could speak up were killed.

Now, there are only me and a few children left in the village, and the rest are women and girls." The old blacksmith answered in detail.

After understanding the situation of the survivors, Trosa asked the old blacksmith about the attack by the Kantadars.

Brian's story was almost the same as that of little Lina, both of which said that Selva Village was attacked at dawn, but the old blacksmith added a lot of descriptions of the three foreign boys.

There was not much content, but the attitude was the same as that of Lina who was rescued, expressing gratitude to Leon and the other two.

Next, there was no difference between the several villagers summoned, except that their testimonies were more about crying about the atrocities suffered and the impression of witnessing the griffins slaughtering the Kantadars later.

Trosa roughly outlined the course of the whole incident from the survivors, and gradually let go of his habitual necessary suspicion.

"After suffering so much, he escaped from the hands of the Kantadars and came to a foreign country and was willing to help the innocent."

The old earl stroked his beard and sighed.

Recalling the first impression of the young knight wearing armor and carrying a sword, the old earl suddenly felt moved.

Such an upright and brave young man who had experienced the test of a cruel journey made him want to recruit him for training.

"My lord, I am more curious about how the child got a griffin as a companion. I have never heard of griffins living in the Grey Fir Valley before." The great knight Kailan reminded him.

"Just ask him to come and ask. Also, aren't there three of them? Where are the other two? Call them all over. I want to hear their experiences along the way. I don't know how they came to Orland."

Trossa waved her hands in a good mood, preparing to ask the attendant to call those brave foreign youths over for questioning.

Came not far away, and although I couldn't personally kill the fleeing enemies, it would be an unexpected gain if I could get a few young people worth cultivating.

Just as the attendant in charge of the summons was about to turn around and go out, he saw a knight on guard outside the village and quickly ran into the hall.

"General, the patrolling sentry reported that an army was approaching here. He saw the flag of the Thorn Flower. It should be the army of the Farolis family." The knight who came back to report took off his helmet, held his chest and saluted.

"Oh? Mr. Elliot responded quickly." Trossa said in surprise.

Of course the old earl knew that Baron Earliver was the lord of this area. After all, the other party was also the force he commanded during the southern expedition.

So he was not surprised by who the visitor was, but he was surprised that Elliot's reaction was so quick.

Just because the Farolis family's army, as one of the vanguards to attack Kantadar, suffered a lot of losses in the battle in Mamore County and returned to the territory early to repair, they probably didn't know that the remnants of the army accidentally escaped into the branch yesterday. South County is the right place.

Trossa came all the way from the battlefield to hunt down the remnants of Duoson.

If he hadn't accidentally met the girl named Lina last night, the old earl's destination would have been Baron Earliver's castle.

After all, it would be more convenient to find the local lord as a guide to search for Duosen's whereabouts.

Unexpectedly, just one day after the disaster in this village, Ellifu actually learned the news and sent troops.

"Everyone, please follow me out to meet Mr. Elliot in a moment. Although the chaos here is not our fault, the village under his rule was messed up by the enemies we chased. I still feel guilty." Trossa said.

"The flag of Lord General? Isn't it from Kantadar?"

Riding a war horse across the mountain col, Baron Earliver, wearing black armor, raised his visor and looked at the deer-headed green flag outside Selva Village in confusion.

As well as the soldiers of the kingdom patrolling around the village wearing the robes of various knight families.

The knights of the Farolis family, who had already prepared their troops and prepared to fight the Kantadar cavalry that broke into the territory, were also confused at this moment.

Soon, a knight wearing a deer's head coat of arms ran out of the village and came to the advancing Baron Earliver's army.

"Your Excellency Farolis." The visitor took off his helmet, nodded in greeting and said with a smile: "We say goodbye on the battlefield. We haven't seen each other for many days. How are you?"

"Thank you for your concern, Your Excellency Adilian, is the general here too?" Baron Earliver urged his horse forward and greeted the noble knights who fought together not long ago.

"The general is waiting for you in the village. We just got here." Adilian nodded.

"I'm sorry for my doubts, but I don't know why you are here? Yesterday I heard a report from the people, saying that three foreign spies had attracted a group of Kantadar cavalry to invade."

Elliot rode a horse and walked side by side with the other party, and asked in confusion: "Have you helped me eliminate all those enemies?"

"What? Three spies?"

Adilian raised his eyebrows and looked at Baron Thorn Flower: "Didn't you hear from the surviving villagers that there were any spies? There were three young rangers and a gryphon. All the Cantadar people were killed by them before we arrived. Oh, haha, that old boy Duosen was stabbed through, and we just packed up his body."

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