Knight with Wand

Chapter 61 Lord's Court

Following Balf, he rode to Lonka and Pleaton to recruit gravediggers.

The two villages were the same as he had learned from the conversation before.

Lonka was close to the woods, and the village environment was peaceful and tranquil, but the yards of the leather workers made the village smell bad. He must tell Lohak not to choose a downwind location when he lives here in the future.

Pleaton was very close to the town road. There were many stalls at the entrance of the small village, and even a small business station with several horse-drawn carriages for transporting goods.

With the help of Knight Balf, Leon recruited more than 70 people from the two villages, and also found the old village official of Pleaton, asking him to go to the town with a deposit to order a large number of coffins.

The two territories were not far from Selva, and it was not even sunset when Leon and Balf rushed back.

The next morning, the laborers from outside the village arrived as scheduled, and then they dug the cemetery together with the villagers who were still able to work.

Azerien was still recovering from his injuries, and Leon happened to have nothing to do for the time being, so he asked Olivia to find a few villagers to help identify the deceased and record the identity of the deceased on a wooden sign.

Since there was no time to make a tombstone, they could only temporarily engrave the name of the deceased in abbreviated form on a wooden board so that the young and strong could identify the graves of their relatives after returning home.

With sufficient manpower, the work efficiency immediately increased several times. It took only three or four days to dig all the graves in the remote woodland outside the village.

And the wooden coffins ordered from the town were also delivered to Selva in batches in the following days.

After recuperating during this period, Azerien was finally able to walk normally, and even took the time to go to see his territory with Lohak.

Seven days later, all the bodies were buried properly according to the family order, and Knight Balf, who had fulfilled his guidance responsibilities, also set off to leave Selva.

Shortly after the laborers of Longka and Pleyton received their wages from Leon and left, the young man guarding the windmill tower outside the village hurried over to report the news.

The young and strong men from each household finally came back.

On the dirt road in the countryside, under the leadership of the village official Tok, dozens of young and strong militiamen wearing leather armor, chain mail, and iron helmets, carrying spears, anxiously crossed the hillside and rushed to the village at the foot of the mountain.

They had learned the bad news from the officers of the border fortress, but they did not know the safety of their relatives. Everyone just wanted to return home as soon as possible to confirm that their relatives were safe.

However, when they walked into the village, the silent atmosphere really gave people an ominous premonition.

The young and strong men instinctively quickened their pace and soon rushed to the open space in the village market, where they saw the women and children who had just gathered.

The women and children cried with joy, and each ran to their families who seemed to have been away for a long time, and sobs followed.

The men who heard the bad news hugged their wives or remaining children and cried bitterly.

But there were still many young men with confused minds who kept shuttling through the crowd, trying to find even a familiar face of their relatives.

The futile search was doomed to be fruitless.

The men called out loudly in panic, hoping to get any response. Over time, the voices of calling their wives and children's names turned into heart-wrenching cries.

In the cemetery, the young men covered their faces in front of their family members' graves, crying non-stop. They didn't even have time to see the bodies of their relatives.

But the soil and coffins isolated many of the bodies from the tragic state of being ravaged. To some extent, it was the last mercy given by fate.

The men who became lonely were heartbroken and refused to leave in front of the graves in the cemetery for a long time.

However, the village official Toke made the final mourning in front of his parents' graves, wiped away his tears, but could not find the grave of his second son who had broken his heart.

Taking his eldest son with him, Tok asked the surviving women around him about Boris's whereabouts, but what he got in return was the disgusting and complicated eyes of the survivors.

If it weren't for Tok's past reputation, the surviving women would have wanted to spit on him.

It wasn't until he found Brian the blacksmith that Tok learned the whereabouts and the whole story of his second son from him.

". How could I give birth to such a thing worse than pigs and dogs!"

Tok's voice trembled, and his self-blaming face seemed to have aged a little more.

The charge of robbery was already heart-wrenching, but when he heard that Boris knew the disaster was coming but left his fellow villagers alone, Tok, who had lost his elderly relatives, had cried dry eyes and could no longer squeeze out tears.

Boris was his son.

But the dead father and mother were also his beloved relatives.

Tok couldn't understand that he just disciplined him a few more times, but this unscrupulous bastard even ignored the lives of his grandparents?

The man covered his face, lowered his head, and his shoulders trembled.

Old Brian patted Toke on the shoulder: "The new lord decided to wait until everyone is together before trying Boris, but if you can't accept this fact, he also allows you not to participate in the subsequent judgment."

After hearing this, Toke could only shake his head indifferently.

No matter what, he is his own flesh and blood after all, and he must personally witness his end

On the second floor of the townhouse that had been cleaned by the children, Leon was sitting by the window and heard the door next door open. He lowered his head and glanced at the figure downstairs.

The village official named "Toke" walked out of Old Brian's house in a daze and gradually went away.

Leon thought that the other party would try to come to him to plead for Boris, after all, he was a father.

But since he didn't come, he saved himself some unnecessary saliva.

Boris's crimes, both in public and private, are dead ends.

However, compared to the life and death of the village ruffian, Leon is more concerned about other issues at the moment.

He pondered how to choose words, then picked up the feather pen in his hand and dipped it in the ink in the small jar on the table.

It was very difficult to use this pen, and after a long time, he had to use a knife to repair the pen, but it was better than nothing.

Stationery that was common in the previous life is now a luxury.

Fortunately, there are still capable people in the history of this world who invented paper that can be used barely. Although it is also expensive, it is at least cheaper than the ridiculously expensive parchment.

Complaining about the price of writing tools in his heart, Leon picked up the pen and continued to write a series of Chinese characters on the brown paper.

The little Feru characters that the original owner knew could not support the explanation of the complete legal provisions, so he could only write Chinese characters to facilitate his memory.

Anyway, these things are only for himself for the time being. Except for a few wealthy families like Olivia and old Brian the blacksmith, no one in the village can read.

There was a gentle knock on the door.

"Big brother, lunch is ready."

"Oh, bring it in." Leon answered while writing.

Lina pushed open the door and put the plate on the table obediently.

She looked at her current master and saw the mysterious block characters written by Leon at the desk. Lina asked with admiration and curiosity: "So amazing, are you writing?"

"Well, I want to try to draft a code that can be used in the territory in the future, although it is not useful now."

Leon put down his pen and got up to eat at the big table.


Lina looked at the paper on the table and blinked, not quite understanding the words that sounded profound and obscure.

"It is a rule book that stipulates what people cannot do and what will be punished for doing wrong."

Leon washed his hands in a bucket of clean water, wiped the water off before picking up the food, and explained to the little maid while eating.

In fact, Leon himself did not understand the law.

But even as a semi-legal illiterate, he was not used to this social state of complete vacuum without explicit laws and rules.

He didn't even know if there were any decent written laws in the entire Orland Kingdom.

At least Leon has now learned that small villages like Selva, Longka, and Pletton definitely don't have any.

In the past, only the most basic traditional moral customs regulated people's behavior.

The way to judge crimes is either a collective discussion led by village officials and village elders like in the tea hall, or it is handed over to the local lord for judgment.

And how do noble lords judge cases?

It's obvious that it depends entirely on the lord's personal wishes and preferences.

This social form is not as good as that of Serian.

At least the Holy Sun Church in the Serian Kingdom has priests in towns and villages to popularize and read the law to the people. There are basically written items to check who has committed what crime, instead of just looking at the mood of the noble master on the day.

Shaking his head, Leon also knew that whether there are laws or not is not of much significance to the tiny territory under his name now, but who knows whether he will rule a larger territory in the future.

Now I learn to record the various customary laws of the people of Orland. If there is a need in the future, I can use it according to the teachings of Serian.

The second day after the young and strong returned home.

The villagers have not yet come out of the sadness of yesterday. Leon sent people to notify every household early and summoned all the generals and people.

Three high-backed chairs were placed side by side in the open space of the village market, facing the village house.

When everyone was almost there, Leon and his two men, who had specially put on luxurious armor to show their identities, walked through the crowd with sonorous steps and deliberately majestic expressions, and sat down one by one.

There was no way. If I don’t put on armor to show off a little, I’m afraid that the three of us are so young that I’m afraid I can’t keep these people in order.

Holding the hilt of the sword, Leon and the people stopped whispering and started to speak louder.

"You may have heard others say it, but if you don't know it yet, I will repeat it again. My name is Leon Pendragon. My two companions and I have been canonized as knights by Lord Elifer Farolis and have become your new lords. Taking this opportunity, I hope you will remember my appearance as soon as possible and don't make mistakes in the future."

Although most people were mentally prepared, the young men who returned were still a little unbelievable when they heard the young boy who looked young confirm his knighthood.

After saying that, without waiting for the villagers to respond, Leon continued loudly: "Today, I summoned you here not only to get to know each other, but also to let you and I jointly judge a prisoner and decide some things."

Leon raised his hand and signaled the two young men at the door of the village house to bring out the village ruffians.

When Boris, with his hands bound, was roughly escorted through the crowd, some young men who had not been told the whole story looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Boris, who looked ashen, had been imprisoned for quite some time. He no longer had the arrogant look he had in the village. He only had a blank look on his face, like a dead dog.

Tok in the crowd closed his eyes in pain.

Boris was taken to the open space in the middle of the crowd with staggering steps. Before Leon could say anything, he was violently forced to kneel on the ground by the two angry young men behind him.

Leon raised his eyebrows.

He had never liked kneeling, so he didn't plan this. Those two guys were just venting their anger, right?

Forget it.

"Prisoner Boris, in front of all the people, I, the Lord of Selva, now accuse you of multiple crimes.

First, you gathered a crowd to rob me and my friends.

Second, you used drugs to commit burglary.

Third, you concealed the danger and watched the massacre in disguise when you knew that you could warn the enemy of the Kantardar attack."

When Leon said the first few words, the villagers just listened silently.

But when the third sentence came out, the emotions of the young and strong who lost their loved ones suddenly boiled like boiling water.

Some men whose families were killed were impatient and cursed directly, and even pushed through the crowd to carry out lynching by themselves.

Boris's pale lips trembled in fear.


Leon frowned, raised his fist wrapped in an iron glove, and slammed the handrail heavily with a bang.

Damn it, now I know why judges and county magistrates have the tradition of smashing things when trying cases.

However, these villagers were too credulous. They didn't even present evidence, but they were ready to vent their anger after hearing nothing.

Several surviving young men hurried forward to stop the angry villagers.

Looking at the scene of the struggle, although Lohak could understand the anger, he couldn't let Leon's trial process be interrupted, so he had to stand up from his seat.

"! Everyone be quiet--!!!"

The tall boy pressed the hilt of the sword and shouted at the crowd.

The roar was extremely loud.

Leon, who was sitting next to Lohak, was startled.

He didn't know that this kid's roar was so loud.


Was Lohak's voice so loud in the past?

Leon looked sideways in confusion. The change during the voice change period was too big.

Thanks to his roar, the villagers who were out of control at the scene finally woke up and realized that there were three knights sitting on the chairs.

Although they looked so young, they were genuine noble knights, and being disrespectful to them could cost you your life.

The young men pushed the angry village man back into the crowd.

Seeing that order had been restored, Leon continued to try the initial trial process.

"For the first charge of gang robbery, there are witnesses Olivia and Hawke, Lohak, Azerien, and many villagers who saw you gathering helpers that day. Do you have anything to defend yourself?" Leon asked Boris on the ground expressionlessly.

"No! Don't kill me, Lord Leon, I know I was wrong. I was blind that day. Since I didn't accomplish anything that day, please have mercy on me." Boris cried out without cooperation. .

"Alas, I asked you to defend yourself, not to beg for mercy." Leon rubbed his eyebrows helplessly. It seems that he has to go through such a simple process by himself.

"Forget it, you're right. Your crime was forcibly stopped by Olivia, so just consider it an attempted robbery."

"Continue with the second charge. You broke into the house at night and used drugs to commit burglary, and you almost succeeded.

The drugs and incense burner used in the crime, as well as the dagger, are all evidence. Considering that this method is no different from forced seizure, it's almost the same to sentence it as burglary. Do you have any excuses?"

In the crowd, several surviving village girls heard the so-called incense burner and thought of the incense that Boris gave them diligently a while ago. The girls' faces gradually turned pale.

Boris on the ground moved his mouth and gradually stopped begging for mercy.

Looking around at the contemptuous and hateful eyes of the villagers, he consciously understood what the other party meant.

This was slowly humiliating him, just to see his own ugly appearance of being lost and tortured himself to death.

Otherwise, excuse? You saw me knock down those two little bastards with drugs with your own eyes, what else can I say?

Fear reached the extreme, and Boris was furious.

He struggled to stand up and yelled in anger: "Hahaha. Fuck you, three little bastards from Serian, do you think you are noble just by wearing this outfit?"

Boris looked at the villagers around him with red eyes, "And you lowly bastards, it's a pity that those Kantadar trash didn't kill you all.

Just wait, wait for that day. Hahaha, you all have to die, there will always be that day, you will all die!!

Just like I said. I'll go down and wait for you first!"

Leon looked at Boris, who was yelling and talking nonsense like a madman, and sighed helplessly.

An orderly trial is ultimately difficult to carry out in such a simple environment.

Since this guy doesn't want to be decent, I can only help him be decent.

I took the time to make a big map, which can be used as a reference in the works

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