Konoha Cold Wind

Chapter 77: Surprise test

   The cold wind took the little brother's hand and talked about the combination of work and rest for more than half an hour. The cheap dad Moonlight Hoshino finally rushed back and hurriedly cooked a plain noodles as a dinner for three.

   Haifeng is a salted fish. It doesn't require much food, but it suffers from the cold wind.

The noodles cooked by Moonlight Hoshino are very soft. The chopsticks break when you mix them. They are sticky when you eat them. Not only are they not chewy, they are also very sticky. The taste of the soup is also supported by MSG and salt. There is some mustard in it...all in all, it's junk food!

   The only expectation of the cold wind now lies in Yui Yui.

   If there are crayfish, then my own good day will come.


   In the early morning of the next morning, in the classroom of Class 8 of Ninja School's second year, the cold wind was already sitting in the waiting position, but it was a pity that you waited and waited for Yui Yui.

   "Cold wind, are you on your mind?"

   Iluka becomes a psychological mentor, ready to heal the cold wind.

   "No, I'm waiting for someone."

   Hanfeng stared at the door, and said, "I asked Yui for some advice yesterday, and she said to give me the answer today."

   "Then why don't you go find her?" Iluka asked strangely.

   "She hasn't come yet!" Cold Wind said helplessly.


   Iluka pointed to the diagonally forward wall, "She just came in."



   I have been staring at the door without noticing? !

   The cold wind was shocked.

  Iruka's expression looking at the cold wind was also speechless.

   "Ahem, ahem, that Iruka, thank you for your reminder."

   The cold wind cleared up his mood, then got up and passed.

   "Yui Yui Yui."

   The cold wind walked to the side of Yu Nv Yui with a smile, and asked in a low voice, "What happened yesterday..."

   Yui Yui said straightforwardly: "Yes."

   "Yes? Is there really?" The cold wind was excited.

"Well, it's called crawfish. The father of one of my uncles brought back some crawfish from the country for research, and then threw them into the waterway." Yui Yui thought for a while and said again, "I can't tell now Your crawfish live in a specific location in the country of the river, unless the war is over."

   Yui female Yui was afraid of the cold wind and went to the country of Sichuan, but she didn't expect the cold wind to ignore the country of Sichuan, and instead asked about the sewer.

   "Your uncle's father threw them in the sewer?"

   The cold wind looked expectant, "When I threw it down, did the crawfish live? Did it? Did it?"

   Yui Yui was a little dazed, and nodded.

   The cold wind is overjoyed.

The sewer is a facility used to discharge domestic sewage and rainwater. However, with Konoha’s current level of technology, the water flowing into the sewer may not even contain heavy metals. For crayfish, such sewage is not the same as playing in a hot spring. However, considering the abundant rain in Konoha, if the crayfish survive, it is likely to have been washed out of the sewer.

   Then the cold wind asked, "Yui, where do the sewers of the village lead?"

   "The big river two miles east of the village."

  You female Yui asked curiously, "Hanfeng classmate, do you think the crawfish can survive the sewer?"

   "I don't know, but anyway, Yui, thank you! You helped a lot, and I will treat you to a big meal in the future!"

   The cold wind can't wait to fly over, but considering the attitudes of Kashima Yuki, Moonlight Hoshino, and Keeko after school absenteeism, I think it needs to slow down.

   Back to his seat, the cold wind asked Iruka about the big river to the east.

  Iluka thought for a while, and said, "The details are not clear, but I know that the village led the sewage from the sewer to the big river because of the rapid flow of the river, which can wash away all the sewage discharged from the village."

   is really an extensive economic growth method.

   Not to mention how much damage this will cause to nature, let's talk about crayfish. If this crayfish really comes out of the sewer, I don't know how far it will be washed out by the river?

   Cold Wind estimated that if he were to find it alone, he would not know how long it would take.

   Then the cold wind moved in my heart.

   In a few days, isn’t it red bean’s birthday picnic?

   How about changing the picnic spot to that river?

   By the way, let my friends bgm?

   The lower reaches of the river are not suitable for picnics, but the upper reaches are not polluted, so picnics are perfectly possible.

   The cold wind looked excited, and then immediately put into action.

   But he was about to find Red Bean when the class bell rang.

   Kajima walked in on the bell, holding a stack of test papers in his hands.

   "Everyone sit down and start the exam!"

   Kajima took the test paper on the podium and looked around all the bronzes with serious eyes, "Failed students, please copy all the questions and answers of the test paper ten times! Did you hear it clearly?"

   "Listen clearly!!!"

   The Erfaan classmate sitting in the front row was hoarse, his breathing suddenly rose at that time, and then he couldn't help turning his head back to the last row of stunned cold wind: I don’t know why, I’m suddenly so excited!

   I seemed to feel the malicious look in Erpang's eyes. The cold wind that came back to his mind raised his eyebrows provocatively at Erpang, and then motioned to Iluka who was sitting next to him with his eyes.

   Two fats have a cool heart. The students with excellent theoretical knowledge in the class, Iruka is undoubtedly one of them. If Iruka helps Cold Wind cheat...

   Er fat is shocked, anxious, aggrieved, and uncomfortable. He wants to report to Yu Kashima immediately, but what can he say before it happens?

  ‘The despicable moonlight and cold wind, do I really look down on you? ’

   The Erfaan classmate lowered his head, gritted his teeth and held his pen, but did not hear Kashima calling him to send out the test paper.

   "Ito-san, Ito-san? Send out the test papers."

   Kashima raised his voice and shouted twice, finally waking up Er Fat.

"Yes, I understand!"

   Erpang hurriedly got up to hand out the test papers.

   The test paper was in hand, and when the cold wind took a rough look, the question was really big. I couldn't help but ask for help on the spot: he stabbed Iruka in the arm, and his eyes flew.

   Iluka nodded, and then suddenly shook his head, returning a look full of connotation to the cold wind.

The cold wind knows what he is worried about when he looks in his eyes. This is almost a common problem of all good students, that is, they are worried about others' reckless copying. He will copy whatever you write. Even the name will be copied exactly for you. Drag down the water and drown the kind.

   Then the cold wind winked and nodded.

  Iluka is relieved now.

   At the beginning of the exam, Kajima walked around in the classroom, his eyes were like eagles, scanning the audience.

   But although the classroom is not big, it is not too small. Every time Kashima you turn his head, there will be a bronze probe in the blind spot of his sight.

   The cold wind sat in the back row and looked at the audience. Seeing so many people in the same way, I am not alone!

So Iruka did two, and he glanced at it and did it all the way down smoothly. When half of the writing was finished, the cold wind glanced again and wrote down other topics. Of course, this time he will polish it up. Understand that if you join in, you will deduct points, but not all. In this way, you don't have to worry about passing or something.

After more than an hour, the test was over. Kashima asked everyone to put down their pens and put away the test papers. Then, he shuffled the test papers and sent them to Erfaang again, so that everyone could become a teacher of the test and review one copy. Test paper.

   "I will announce the answer now!"

   Kashima said with a serious face, "Everyone must seriously and seriously correct the test paper. After the correction, write your name after the score. Is it clear?"


   Many bronzes got other people's test papers, very excited, as if they were in charge of some life and death, and they all took out red pens and eagerly tried.

The second fat person sitting in the front row was even more dizzy. He sent the test papers and naturally made small movements. The test papers in his hand were from the moonlight and cold wind, and the test papers at the same table belonged to Iruka. The two cheated, and he could report the Moonlight Cold Wind in minutes by his real name, and gave the Langlang classroom a blue sky!

   "Then, the answer to the first question is..."

   Kashima Isaac began to announce the answer.

   Erpang changed the question very seriously, and ‘talked’ with the tablemate next to him from time to time. The more he got behind, the more ugly Erpang’s face became, and he even felt inexplicably sad and angry.

   Moonlight and cold wind, Moonlight and cold wind, you guy...you copy a test paper, you are so, so...you are not human! !

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