"Just having fun.

"That's not OK."

"You're not still holding on to your first kiss, are you?"

Qiangwei was speechless.

But if you lose, you don't lose. Although she doesn't want to prove anything and waste time on this kind of thing, Qiangwei doesn't want to make Reina laugh.

"Don't you have any more?"

"Goddess, I am pure and pure, of course I am."

"Well, don't you want to play? If you kiss me together then, I will agree.

"Haha, it's settled."

Reina agreed without thinking, looking like she wasn't afraid of anything at all.

This also made Qiangwei unable to deal with it.

But after she had said her words, there was no way she could take them back.

"I'll go, the eldest sister is so fierce that she makes me want to participate." Liu Chuang looked regretful that he missed hundreds of millions.

"Don't talk nonsense, isn't this for Xiao Lun?"

Patting Ge Xiaolun's shoulder again, Zhao Xin said: "Xiaolun, you can't lose this time, otherwise you won't get Qiangwei's kiss. Our captain will have to pay for it too!"

"Ok, I know!"

Ge Xiaolun nodded heavily.

Courage is also at an all-time high.

"Not bad, keep it up!"

Zhao Xin and others cheered for Ge Xiaolun and made the scene very lively.

In contrast.

Neji was alone here, which seemed a bit desolate.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Because confidence can never be given by the outside world, it depends on the individual.

not long time.

Lena stood up again.

"Are you all ready? No problem, we'll go outside."

"Let's go."

The group of people left the canteen and came to the deck of the Juxia.

I heard there was a martial arts competition.

Many people came to watch the show, including ordinary soldiers, senior military officials, and members of the Xiongbing Company who did not go to the canteen, such as Qilin and Rui Mengmeng.

"Let's make an agreement first. You fight back, but you can't dismantle the Grand Canyon. Failure to control your strength is also a sign of failure. So if anyone goes too far, I will directly judge him to lose. What do you think? ?" Rena asked, acting as the referee.

"I'm OK!"

Ge Xiaolun answered first.


Neji also nodded.

"Very well, let's start directly. The first person to fall three times loses.

Finish this sentence.

Reina turned around and left, leaving the venue to Neji and Ge Xiaolun.

"Come on Renzi!"

"Come on, man, show him how awesome he is!"

Xin Zhao and Liu Chuang were both cheering for Ge Xiaolun and shouting very loudly.

But Ge Xiaolun ignored them.

He only focused on Neji, trying to defeat him and successfully get that sweet kiss from Rose.

The key thing was that he had been thinking about it for a long time.

Today I finally have a chance to realize it, so I have to work hard.

"I'm offended, ha!"

Shout loudly.

Ge Xiaolun rushed towards Neji.

But as far as his footwork is concerned, it can be said that he is completely unorganized.

If you can't even compare to those senior soldiers, how can you get benefits from a master of Taijutsu like Neji?

No abilities are used.

Neji just used some Gentle Fist skills, and with a push and a pull, he threw Ge Xiaolun dozens of meters away.

Fortunately, Ge Xiaolun still has some ability.

He forcibly twisted his body in the air, and then landed on the ground with his feet first. Even if it wiped out two sparks on the deck, it still looked better than a dog eating shit.

"Come again!"

Unconvinced, Ge Xiaolun rushed forward again.

Facing Neji, it was a brutal punch. To put it bluntly, it was just a random beating.

In other words, he is relatively strong, not too slow in speed, and can be considered somewhat lethal.

But this kind of attack.

Trying to touch Neji is nonsense.

He received all the bastard punches at once, and then Neji pulled hard again, causing Ge Xiaolun to stagger two steps.

Then he raised his fist and struck.

Just hear a bang.

Ge Xiaolun, who was hit in the abdomen, flew out again.

This time he was not so lucky, but he jumped directly over the railing and fell into the cold sea water.

"Let me go, is this alien pretty boy so strong?"

Liu Chuang stared and complained.

"What a mistake. Xiao Lun is in a terrible situation this time.

Xin Zhao also covered his face, feeling like he couldn't even see.

"Can I withdraw from the competition?"

"What do you think?"

"Really, isn't this just looking for abuse?"

"There's nothing you can do about it. A man has to spit and nail every word he speaks, otherwise Qiangwei won't like Xiao Lun even more, so he has to bear the beating."

"What I want to say is Captain Lena's kiss."

…Please give me flowers………………



Xin Zhao was speechless and felt even worse.

That's when.

Ge Xiaolun also jumped out of the sea and rushed towards Neji again.

But the results he faced were no different.

Still, he was brutally beaten by Neji with one hand, leaving him unable to resist.

The reason.

Except Neji is too strong.

More importantly, Ge Xiaolun was too weak at this period.

Really knows nothing.

He hasn't even practiced the most basic close combat. Apart from being strong and able to withstand beatings, everything else is a complete mess.

"Sister Qilin, who is this person? Is he a new member of the team?"

Seeing Neji unleashing Kamui and torturing Ge Xiaolun to death, running around like a monkey, Rui Mengmeng also asked curiously.

She hadn't gone on a mission before, so she didn't know Neji yet.

"He's not a new team member, he's an alien."

"Ah? Real or fake?"

Rui Mengmeng was also surprised.

Because Taotie's appearance was so ugly, she had thought that aliens were all the same and did not conform to the aesthetics of earthlings.

"Didn't you see his eyes?"

"When I saw it, I thought it was cataracts."

What a cataract.

Qilin almost wanted to roll her eyes and said, "Have you ever seen cataracts that are so clear, clean, and very beautiful?"

"That's true, I've never seen it before."

Rui Mengmeng shook her head.

"That's okay, it's a racial trait of the person. Don't say these things in front of the person and your heart will be beaten again."

"Now that I know Sister Qilin, I'm not that stupid.

Two girls chatted.

The battle in the center of the field is coming to an end.

In fact, it is very simple for Neji to subdue Ge Xiaolun.

There are so many ways.

No matter what happens, even if he uses the confinement technique, he can win quickly.


Neji wanted to test the power of the Galaxy and get some blood samples of Ge Xiaolun, so he couldn't end the battle so simply.

After a few rounds.

Neji also gave Ge Xiaolun a chance to perform.

It's a pity that the opponent didn't grasp it, and the fight was still very scattered.

In this case.

Neji didn't waste time. He punched Ge Xiaolun directly in the face again. .

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