Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 99: Great Haruno Sakura, Almost Starved To Death?

In the dead of night.

Tsunade is sitting alone in a secluded place...  

Bury your head between your legs.

Nawaki's innocent smile kept echoing in his mind.


Tsunade never thought that the current Orochi has already studied the Forbidden Technique that can bring people back to life.

"Reanimation Jutsu..."

"Extract a certain amount of body from the deceased, use the body of the living as the container for the soul of the deceased, and then summon the soul of the deceased from the pure land of the underworld to the present world.

"The soul of the dead is attached to the container and covers the body of the living with dust, thus transforming into the appearance of the dead."

"Buying the Kunai engraved with a talisman into the back of the deceased's head can obliterate the consciousness of the deceased. It is entirely up to the caster to decide whether to retain the emotional will."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded from my ears.

Tsunade's body trembled, and he raised his head suddenly.

It turned out to be Su Bai.

"Hmph! What nonsense are you talking about here?"

"I'm talking about the resurrected Nawaki."

Su Bai calmly came to Tsunade, found a suitable place, and sat down gently.

"What? Nawaki?"

Tsunade's expression trembled slightly, but the next moment, his brows frowned a little sternly: "I don't understand what nonsense you're talking about."

Maybe it's because of a guilty conscience....

Tsunade looked angry, but his voice was a little weaker.

"The way Orochimaru revived Nawaki was to summon Nawaki's soul back from the world of purity.

"Attach to a living sacrifice, and use dust to cover the original appearance of the sacrifice, and replace it with the appearance of Nawaki."

"But apart from the fact that the body is not made of meat, it is really no different from Nawaki."


"The premise is that Orochimaru does not use the talisman to obliterate Nawaki's original will."

Su Bai's simple words caused Tsunade's heart to be greatly shocked.

She really doesn't seem to know the specific principle of Impure World Reincarnation833.

"This is the Forbidden Technique developed by Second Hokage, don't you really know anything about it?"

Seeing Tsunade's bewildered look, Su Bai smiled slightly: "In the process of killing the Third Generation, Orochimaru used this method to summon Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama

"And this kind of body can't kill the opponent in any way other than using the seal technique, or the caster himself disarms the ninjutsu."

"The shattered body will be immediately covered with new dust and restored to its original appearance."

"Think about it, is this human or..."

Su Bai paused, and said with a look of indifference: "Or is it a monster?"

"Cut! I don't know what you are talking nonsense here.

Tsunade turned his head away.

Obviously, she didn't want to give up this rare opportunity.

In fact, Su Bai knew in his heart that there was indeed a way to completely resurrect the real Nawaki.

That's what you can do with Rinnegan's Rinne Tensei Technique while Reanimating Jutsu.

Too bad Su Bai didn't want to tell Tsunade this...

Bring Nawaki back to life?

Not to mention it is a troublesome thing, but it is definitely a troublesome guy.

"Actually, it was analyzed based on the Anbu information that was watching the battle between Orochimaru and Third Hokage at that time."

"And the early performance of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama who were called up."

The pure land world does exist, and it is more like some kind of world that is different from ours, but not bad.

"The current Nawaki may be happily playing in the pure land world, and maybe in the future, he will also meet the Konoha Village ninjas who have just stepped into the pure land world.

"Heard his sister fulfilling his dream in this life, becoming the Fifth Hokage of Konoha Village, protecting what he always wanted to protect."

"At that time, Nawaki will definitely have a smile on his face and can't stop praising his sister's greatness."


The originally smiling voice changed the topic.

At this time, Su Bai's voice became a little indifferent: "But if Nawaki is brought out by Orochimaru through Impure World Reincarnation...."

"Looking at my dilapidated body that is still under the control of others, I don't know what he will think."

"In addition, Nawaki, who has always regarded his sister as an idol, if he knows that his sister has given up his dream for such a ridiculous thing."

"What do you think Nawaki would have thought?"

After Su Bai finished speaking, he looked at the silent Tsunade again.

It was obvious from her delicate expression that one could see her panic at this time.

The two sat quietly like this for a long time, Tsunade suddenly spoke up: "Are you saying that Nawaki has always regarded me as an idol?"

no! this

Su Bai thought of this in his heart, but then he sighed: "Hey! To be honest, I'm not very clear."

"But Third Hokage used to remind me of the past, the people of the past."

"If you listen a lot, you will naturally hear something."

"I think those who value Hokage's dream and Konoha Village so much will regard a ninja as outstanding as Tsunade-sama as an idol."

"After all, even people like me have such thoughts."

"Not to mention Nawaki, not to mention you are his older sister, he must be more proud than others."

Nonsense really comes out of nowhere.

When Su Bai said these words, his face didn't blush, his heart didn't beat, and even his tone didn't change in any way.

The coaxed Tsunade was both happy and sad.

Su Bai took advantage of this moment and continued: "Actually, I agree with you. After all, Nawaki, you miss him very much."

"But what Orochimaru calls Nawaki, isn't really Nawaki."

"It's just a puppet in his hand that can control you. It's Nawaki who suffers. Even after death, his soul will not live in peace.

"Even more cruel, if the deal between Orochimaru and you is really concluded."

"But it completely shattered Nawaki's dream so far. I think this is very unacceptable to him.

"It's up to you how to choose."

"It's just saying don't let things go to the end and become the last thing you want to see."

After Su Bai finished speaking, he got up slowly, opened the portal, and planned to leave.

It is enough to send the words, and it is not good to talk too much about other things.


But at this moment, Tsunade snorted coldly.

He looked up at Su Bai under the moon(bcj) light.

"If I say yes to Orochimaru's request, will you kill me with Jiraiya then?"

"And you should also know that according to the results of your secret technique, the current Jiraiya may not be my opponent. How will you choose then?"

Su Bai was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect Tsunade to ask such a question suddenly.


This is a good sign, at least it proves that Tsunade has listened to what he said before.

Tsunade is not a little girl, she is not clear about the pros and cons.

"Speak from your heart."

"Although I have the same idea as Jiraiya, but the approach is very different."

"I really have selfish intentions. If things are as you said, if you choose to cooperate with Orochimaru, I will arrest you on the spot of the transaction."

"And permanently locked in my space-time ninjutsu."


Tsunade's mouth twitched a few times after hearing Su Bai's answer.

Seems to understand what Su Bai said inside and outside the meaning.

Then he said disdainfully: "Your ambition is really lofty, is this the only hope?"

After hearing this, Su Bai didn't have any emotional fluctuations, but said earnestly: "Maybe it's because I stayed in the black market for too long.

"I always think of trying to maximize the interests of both parties."

"For me, it would be a pity if someone really killed you, it would be better to stay with me.

"Perhaps one day, you will think about it yourself?"

"I want to look at the entire ninja world, until now, to be able to make the legendary Sannin, Katsuyu Princess Tsunade Ji-sama beg for mercy."

"It will be the next person."

Tsunade: "!!!!!!"

How dare the dog man in front of this kind of nonsense say it?

Tsunade was so angry that he exploded, and immediately jumped up in a rage, "Go to hell!"

Tongtian feet descended from the sky.

However, Su Bai pinched his ankle with ease: "Don't get excited, the villagers of Renjiabao Street were just surprised by Orochimaru today."

"It's late at night, don't scare them."

"Damn bastard!"

"Since you say that, just let it go."

Tsunade stands still after Su Bai grabs his ankle

It was a bit uncomfortable for her to maintain the posture of raising her legs.

"Oh, sorry.…."

Su Bai shrugged, let go of his hand, and pushed Tsunade away by the way.



Pushed away, Tsunade's center of gravity was unstable, and he staggered to the ground. After getting up again, he found that Su Bai had already disappeared in front of him.

"You wait for me, bastard!"

"When I become a fifth hokage, I must look good on you."

Naturally, Su Bai did not hear Tsunade's angry roar.

He has already returned to his home space.

But he has a bottom line in his heart.

The deal between Orochimaru and Tsunade is probably going to die.

Even if the two really go to trade, Su Bai still has a way to deal with Tsunade.

Didn't Orochimaru want to resurrect Nawaki with Reanimation Jutsu?

It doesn't matter.....

Su Bai would tell Tsunade: Did you see the gourd in my hand? The spilled wine would turn into a sharp sword, directly sealing Nawaki's soul, even the body of the sacrifice, into the wine gourd.

Then Tsunade will be really miserable.

will lose everything.

Su Bai, who returned to his home space, just stepped out of the portal.

Something always feels wrong.

Soft underfoot.

look down...

Good guy!

Pink hair?

What are you doing lying on the ground?

Could it be that a new skill has been developed, the human carpet?

As a ceremony dedicated to welcoming the master back?

"It's terrible, it's terrible."

Su Bai was also a little horrified.

Haruno Sakura's forehead is really not so big for nothing.

Smart enough to draw inferences from one instance?

"Hey! You can get up now, you don't have to do this.

Su Bai felt helpless.

As a man, he has some small shortcomings that all men have.

But not so overbearing.

Haruno Sakura's enthusiasm really made him a little hard to bear.


"Little Sakura?"

"Can't you hear me? You can get up now."

After yelling a few times, Su Bai lightly stepped on Haruno Sakura who was lying motionless on the ground.

Suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

I go!

Could it be dead?

Su Bai didn't care too much, and quickly turned him over, and after careful observation, he found that

Haruno Sakura seemed to faint from hunger.

Su Bai: "..."


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