Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 24: What Is The Status Of Ninjas In The Ninja World?

Fog shrouded the sea in the middle of the night.

Due to the need to communicate with Hinata about some situations.

This time Su Bai did not directly choose to go to the island on the sea through the portal.

Instead, I chose to go by boat.

This is Hinata's first time traveling by boat.

I was a little curious at first, but when the fog rose at night.

She looked a little nervous.

"calm down...."

"Nothing will happen."

"What's more, even if anything happens, you can escape immediately, can't you?"

Hinata understood what Su Bai was referring to.

It was a little embarrassing for a while.

"Another embarrassment in front of Mr. Su Bai..."

Hinata thought shyly.

I don't know where to put my rubbing hands.

But overall she was in a very good mood.

After gaining strength, Hinata proceeded to the training controlled by Chakra.

The precious power gained must not be wasted.

Her behavior was praised by Su Bai.

It caused me to feel a little happy in my heart.

Of course, what shocked Hinata even more was the issue of the home pass.

She never thought that she would be able to receive such an honor.

Although the lower abdomen was engraved with strange marks, Hinata didn't think too far ahead.

I also think that the small black mark is very beautifully engraved.

Just like the Konoha Village Anbu ninjas, they all have logos engraved on their arms proving they served as Anbu.

If Su Bai knew what Hinata was thinking, he would definitely be stunned.

Can this be the same?

People's Anbu is printed on the arm....

yours is...

Printed in a more beautiful place.

"By the way, Mr. Su Bai, you said that the place we are going this time is a place where rich people gather?"

"Is there any special training there?"

In order to avoid embarrassment, Hinata changed the topic.

It's just that she was really excited and wanted to know in advance where Su Bai was going to take her.

"The isolated island that isn't even marked on the map is within the territory of the Land of Thunder."

"It belongs to the place where rich people hang out."

"There are all sorts of lavish entertainment venues and of course their favorite things."



Hinata, who was listening carefully, tilted her head, and encountered something she didn't understand very well.

"Are we going to gamble?"

The more Hinata listened, the more confused she became, with doubts, she waited seriously for Su Bai's answer.

Is there a relationship between gambling and special training?

Hinata simply can't bring the two together.


Surprisingly, Su Bai nodded, and then said: "It's just that what they bet on is not what you imagined."

"The chips are the ninjas they raised in captivity."

"Battle with ninjas..."

"Commonly known as the arena."


Su Bai's explanation obviously hit Hinata hard.

Gambling against ninjas as chips.

ah this...

This is completely beyond Hinata's understanding of the ninja world and ninjas.

In her mind, ninjas are like what Third Hokage said.

In order to protect the village, to protect the family, for this love...

Infinite power will flow out, even if you sacrifice yourself.

This spirit is called the will of fire, and it is also the essence of ninja that Hinata believes in.

However, this kind of captive ninja used for fighting and gambling is completely to subvert her cognition.

She couldn't accept it at all.

Seeing Hinata still in shock, Su Bai smiled faintly.

"You don't need to show that face."

"The living environment is different, so naturally there will be different understandings."

"What you understand is not wrong."

"The ninja world is huge, but you only see Konoha Village."

"Moreover, there will be heretics in every era, and the general justice methods used to deal with these people are useless."

"So you're going to need some extreme ways of dealing with it, and people who can deal with it."

"You don't need to know this. In the future, you still have to go your own way according to your own thoughts and ideas."

Su Bai told Hinata a little about it.

He didn't want Hinata to be exposed to things that she didn't need to think about.

The original Hinata was fine, it just lacked some confidence.

And these darker things will naturally be handled by those who have this kind of means.

After listening to Su Bai's explanation, as expected, Hinata didn't know what he was talking about.

But this does not prevent Hinata from looking at Su Bai with adoring eyes.

"As expected of Shiroyasha, you really know too many things."

The moonlight shines on Su Bai's face through the mist.

After Hinata quietly stared at Su Bai's profile for a few seconds, Su Bai's voice woke her up.

"At that time, I will arrange for you to fight against a ninja."

"Remember not to be careless, most of the captive ninjas in the arena are just like you."

"Belongs to ninjas who have blood succession limits."

"Remember one sentence, try your best to win the game, even if you kill the opponent, it doesn't matter."

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