Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 52: Hinata's Ascension Again, ChūNin Exam Arrives

[Picture: The previous picture is gone again. It seems that there are too many rivals in love, and I am scared! I really don't know who this picture is! ! ! ! 】

After the milk was boiled, Su Bai prepared everything, and the rest was to wake Hyūga Hinata from her dream and bring her home to continue to increase her strength.

And according to Hyūga Hinata's recent strenuous practice.

Su Bai also gets a very, very slight boost to the upper limit of Chakra and Taijutsu.

So faint that he couldn't even feel it.

But no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat. Even if Tsunade also practices in the future, he will also be rewarded.

It's a pity that Hinata's growth through self-cultivation is too slow, and besides gambling and drinking, Tsunade can practice?

To hell with it.

Konoha Village late at night.

Hyūga Hinata tossed and turned in bed unable to sleep.

It's been a long time since I saw Su Bai.

It's a lie to say no.

What's more, tomorrow is the Chunnin exam, and I am extremely nervous.

In the past few days, Hinata also specially went to the Konoha Village entrance to see if Su Bai was among the ninjas who came to Konoha Village.

It's a pity that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. She didn't see Su Bai at all.

Hinata, who returned home disappointed, also laughed at herself in the end.

Mr. Su Bai is a bounty hunter, how could he come to Konoha so brazenly.

What's wrong with me? Why can't I even understand this little thing.

Oh, little girl, you are suffering from lovesickness!


Hinata tried to relax herself.

"It will definitely work, I am much stronger now than before."

Just as she kept cheering herself up, she suddenly felt a change in the bed.

It seemed that something had jumped into it.


In a moment of panic, Hinata was about to scream when he suddenly remembered the Hyuga people patrolling outside his house, so he quickly covered his mouth.

The brain is running fast.

Hinata lovesick again.....

Could it be Mr. Su Bai who came to see me?

However, Su Bai was a little confused at this time.

When he came to Hinata's side through the portal, his eyes suddenly went dark.

I was also taken aback in my heart.

I thought I fell into a deep cave somewhere.

Fortunately, he found two fair legs, and realized that the transmission was in the wrong place.

"What the hell, where is this portal set?"

Su Bai cursed secretly in his heart.

At the same time, Hinata's body receded downwards, and she also got under the covers.

"Su Bai..."

"Mr. Su Bai?"

Hinata blushed when she first saw Su Bai.

But because the light was too dark, Su Bai naturally didn't notice these things.

Coupled with the fact that he was in a hurry to take Hinata home, he didn't think too much about it.

"Huh? Did I bother you?"

Seeing Hinata appearing in front of him, Su Bai inevitably thought that his appearance disturbed Hinata's rest.

"No..not at all."

Hinata shook her little head slightly.

In this strange atmosphere, Hinata's heart was pounding with excitement.

It's a pity that Su Bai didn't express much. He took Hinata's hand and said, "Go back with me first, it's not convenient to talk here."


Hinata, who returned to the home space, did not have time to go to the courtyard outside.

She didn't know about the extra cow on the property.


The faint fragrance that filled the whole room didn't seem to be a smell she was familiar with.

Nose wrinkled slightly, Hinata was suspicious.

It doesn't smell like Mr. Su Bai's.


Thinking of this, Hinata sighed inwardly.

Some complained about Su Bai's behavior of not letting her come here casually.


Naturally, Su Bai didn't know what Hinata was thinking, so he put the boiled milk in front of her.

"Drink it! This is a new secret method."

"It can make you powerful again."


Hinata heard this, her eyes flickered slightly.

Immediately, his expression was a little strange.

Can't tell if I'm surprised or moved.

gurgle gurgle.....

For what Su Bai said, Hyūga Hinata still believed very much.

I didn't think too much about it, I drank it all in one gulp.

【Hyūga Hinata drank the first bottle of milk. 】

[Congratulations to Hyūga Hinata for getting a lot of Chakra upper limit increase, and a lot of physical skill upper limit increase. 】

[Congratulations to Hyūga Hinata for receiving the award, Gentle Fist Method Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms. 】

[Congratulations to Host for getting a small increase in the upper limit of Chakra and a small increase in the upper limit of physical skills. 】

[Congratulations to Host for obtaining Blood Follower Boundary · White Eyes. 】

[The white-eyed ability is self-adaptive, you can have the white-eyed ability without changing the shape and appearance of the pupils. 】

Su Bai: "?????"

ah this...

It's not so much that he obtained the supercilious white eyes of the blood successor, but rather that his own eyes possessed the ability of supercilious white eyes.

This reward is really good.

After all, these eyes can see some things that ordinary eyes cannot see.

It is more effective to detect the depth of the other party.

Su Bai is quite satisfied.

Look at Hinata's rewards again, Gentle Fist method Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms is actually one hundred and twenty-eight palms.

On the basis of Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, another sixty-four palms were played.

My obedient.

According to Hyūga Hinata's current level, among the top twelve, it should be considered very high.

Be humble.

Except for Eight Inner Gates' overbearing body art of changing one life for another and Naruto's tailed beast.

The other Xiaoqiang should be able to be beaten by Hinata.

Not even the current Uchiha Sasuke.

If Hinata is not humble, he should be playing casually when he hits Neji.

As long as your mentality is stable and you don't stop attacking because of the identity of the opponent, you can also slap Neji on the ground with a breath.

Su Bai looked at the horrified Hinata, and said with a smile, "Hinata, I should know how strong you are now."

"If we lose again..."

"Hey, then I'm really going to be heartbroken."


As soon as Su Bai sighed, Hinata quickly stood up: "No, no, I will definitely perform well and will not let you down."

yes! The reason why I can have such a reliable strength now is all due to the blessing of Su Bai in front of me.

If this fails to perform well in the Chūnin exam, Hinata will really commit seppuku.

"Okay, let's go back!"

Seeing Hinata's firm attitude, Su Bai nodded in satisfaction.

Hinata: "......."


Hinata rubbed her little hands with a shy expression.

Just about to stay here for a while with the excuse of insomnia, but saw Su Bai's expression froze.

Then he said, "By the way, I almost forgot an important thing."


Hearing this, Hinata was a little happy, thinking that Su Bai wanted to stay.


"When you enter the second test, it's time to enter the death forest."

"Just find an excuse to leave the team temporarily, find a place where no one is around, and come to my place, so that I can enter Konoha Village according to your actual situation."

Su Bai almost forgot that Orochimaru guy again.

But in order to prevent Hinata from being passive due to his sudden appearance, he kindly reminded him.

Let Hinata find a hidden place to inform herself.

Hinata: "..."

"Mr. Su Bai?"

Hinata was a little bitter.

The hateful guy in front of him doesn't understand the girl's mind at all.

Seeming to have noticed Hinata's strangeness, Su Bai was slightly taken aback, and then added: "Why are you looking at me like that? If I can't get into Konoha Village, how do I see your performance?"

"Hit! What a little idiot."


As soon as these words came out, Hinata, who was still a little disappointed, blushed a little, but her eyes were full of anticipation.

Without thinking about it too much, she couldn't help nodding: "Well, I see, I will definitely come to inform you when the time comes."

PS: The new book asks the boss for food, flowers, votes, I am very grateful!

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