Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 76: White Yasha, You Are Finished, We Will Eat You

[Image: If she were Kurama...]

The Hyuga Clan...

Hyuga Hiashi was pacing up and down the room restlessly.

He did visit Hyuga Neji alone last night.

This behavior surprised Neji as well.

The two chatted for a long time...

And Hiashi also handed over the autograph letter left by Hizashi to Neji.


Neji seemed greatly shaken.

He didn't expect that there were so many reasons behind what happened back then.

Of course, Hiashi didn't mention Hinata's progress.

According to Neji's clever head, he also suspected that this matter might have something to do with Su Bai.

The two have a tacit understanding.

Speaking of such things will only embarrass the Hyuga clan.

But this morning.

Hyuga Hiashi received Hyuga Xia's report.

Hinata ran away again last night.

And did not return all night.

"This this.."

"It really pissed me off."

Hyuga Hiashi always has a feeling that her girl was cheated by Su Bai.

Although it helped Hinata improve his strength.

But this behavior.....

Hiashi was still very upset.

"Hey! Forget it."

"Fortunately I still have sparks, Hinata just let her go."

"Anyway, the future successor of Hyuga is Hanabi."

The helpless Hiashi can only rely on such reasons to paralyze himself.

Talk about the other side.

Hinata is miserable.

After waking up, Hyūga Hinata was still dizzy.

It's over!

This is really a big game.

What a mess last night...


The main reason is that there is really no resistance to "Zero One Seven" against Su Bai's predecessors.

Crooked and reluctantly came to the living room.

Hinata has already seen Su Bai preparing breakfast.

This scene....…

Su Bai has experienced it before.

But the one with Tsunade was too much.

The house was almost blown up.

"Oh, you're awake."

"I'm making breakfast, do you want an egg?"


After listening to Su Bai's words.

Take a break.

Hyūga Hinata suddenly turned into a steam princess.

The face was blushing directly at the base of the neck, and the ears were gushing out like steam.

Moment of excitement....

Unsteady, Hinata sat down on the sofa.


This momentary movement made Hinata's pretty face in pain tremble slightly.

Enduring the pain by force, he said, "Senior... now?"

Su Bai: "?????"

Hinata's rhetorical question made Su Bai confused.

Now Su Bai suddenly feels that the more time he spends with these Konoha Village ninjas.

His own IQ seems to have been seriously affected.

Sometimes they even don't understand what's wrong with their brain circuits at all.

Or is it that their IQ is already higher than their own.

Things said and done...

Su Bai unexpectedly appeared an incomprehensible phenomenon.

"Yes, now!"

"I'm following the article."

"I'm preparing breakfast, but I feel that eating noodles alone will lack some nutrition, so I ask you if you want to add an egg to supplement it.


Su Bai's words finally made Hinata breathe a sigh of relief.

What a shock.

"Well, then I will trouble seniors."

Hinata nodded and looked at Su Bai tenderly.

But then...

She rested her chin in melancholy, staring straight ahead with both eyes.

It's over!

I didn't go home this night.

It will definitely cause a lot of trouble.


"I want to ask, do you really have nothing to do with Konoha Village?"

"Since they know about me and you, why didn't they stop my actions?"

Hinata blinked her eyes lightly, and looked at Su Bai who was busy with breakfast with a little expectation.

If Su Bai has a good relationship with Konoha Village.

That was a really happy outcome.

At that time, even her father will not say anything about these things.

After all, Senior Su Bai is so strong.

Sure to be embraced by Konoha Village ninjas.

But it's a pity.....

Su Bai turned his head and looked at Hinata with a confused expression: "It doesn't matter, why do you ask like that.

"Maybe it's because they know that you and I have the same time and space ninjutsu, and they can't do anything to you."

"Plus you are not threatening, so I just ignore you."

Of course, Su Bai also believes that it is very likely that Konoha Village is afraid of his revenge.

After all, he said that if something happened to Hinata, he would go after Uzumaki Naruto.


Sure enough, I was thinking too much.

Hyūga Hinata shook her head and sighed inwardly.

In the end, I forced myself not to think about these problems.

Anyway, as long as Su Bai doesn't close the space channel of his home.

It is enough that she can come to her homeland to meet Su Bai.

other things.....

Take one step at a time.

Hyuga Hiashi was very upset.

Hyūga Hinata was still a little depressed.

Su Bai didn't feel any other problems, except that some behaviors of Konoha Village were quite strange.


But Sarutobi Hiruzen had a big problem.

In the conference room...010906412 Feilu 142202110]

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was gloomy again.

The urge to eat people was revealed in the fierce eyes.

"I think some of you have heard of it."

"The body of Moonlight Gale was found near Kikyo City."

As soon as this remark came out...

The audience was in an uproar.

Asuma with a cigarette in his mouth suddenly panicked: "What! Hayate him?"

Xi Hihong also had a face full of disbelief: "How could this happen?"

Yibixi was also shocked and said: "This is impossible."

Only Mitarashi Anko asked, "Did Orochimaru do it? Or...."

Everyone is still clear about the strength of Moonlight Gale.

Especially his penetration.

Even if the opponent is strong against Gale, if Gale cannot beat...

There is still a good chance of escaping.

Unless there is one point, there is a huge disparity in strength between the two sides.


The opponent's perception ability is very strong and its strength is higher than that of Moonlight Gale.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't answer Mitarashi Anko's words directly.

With a solemn face, he looked forward and said: "I sent Haifeng to follow up and investigate the person named Yakushi Kabuto.

"In the end, Haifeng's body was found from Kikyo Mountain."

"The cause of death was several wounds on the chest that seemed to be cut by sharp knives."

When Sarutobi Hiruzen said this, he paused and did not continue.

Maybe it's because he doesn't want to recall Moonlight Gale's death.

It's just that his words attracted people in the corner of the room...

Uzuki Xiyan's delicate body wearing the Anbu mask trembled slightly.

Xiyan and Haifeng can also be regarded as companions who grew up.

It would be a lie to say that there is no emotion.

But when it comes to the last step, it is indeed a lot worse.

What's more, the appearance of Su Bai seems to have changed a lot of things.

"Are you saying that Shiroyasha did this?"

Nara Shijiu reacted instantly and said immediately.

Sure enough?

After Uzuki Xiyan heard the word Baiyasha, her chest felt extremely dull.

She was very happy when she got Qiushui before.

It was thought that Su Bai might have a more special relationship with Konoha Village.

But unexpectedly, he finally attacked Konoha Village.

And the person who killed was Xiyan's partner since childhood.


In an instant, Xiyan's heart sank to the bottom of the lake.

The autumn water is not fragrant anymore.

Coupled with the feeling that her trust has been betrayed, Xiyan has the urge to find Su Bai to fight for life and death.


Women are so unreasonable sometimes.

Obviously everything is what she thinks, but she feels that the fault is on Su Bai's head.

Of course this is not such a bad thing.

Even if Su Bai knew about it, he would think it was normal.

Hey! Woman! Occasionally being unreasonable will make her even more cute.

But once you know what's going on

Hmph! The feeling of guilt at that time will slowly destroy her.

"No! I don't think Shiroyasha did it.

"After all, he has no reason."

"not to mention.………"

Saying this, Sarutobi Hiruzen shut his mouth again.

He is the one who ordered Moonlight Gale to track down Yakushi Kabuto.

And Su Bai killed Yakushi Kabuto's companion.

This obviously doesn't make sense.

not to mention.....…

The wound on Haifeng's chest looks like a wind blade wound.

The cut is extremely smooth.

"If it wasn't Yakushi Kabuto, I suspect the ninjas from Sunagakure did it.

"There must be some Wind Style masters among them."


Sarutobi Hiruzen's conjecture stunned everyone present.

Utatane Koharu immediately said, "Hiruzen, don't talk nonsense."

"I think what Lu Jiu said is right, Kikyo City is outside Konoha Village.

"There is still a chance that Haifeng will meet Shiraiyasha there."

"Not to mention that Sunagakure is our ally village."

"No matter how you say it, Shirayasha is more likely than Sunagakure ninja."


The more Utatane Koharu spoke, the more angry he became.

When Orochimaru sneaked into Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen actually hid them...

If it weren't for the death of Moonlight Gale.

He and Mitokado Homura are still kept in the dark.

"What the hell is going on with you?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave Utatane Koharu a displeased look.

He said lightly: "Many people sitting here saw the battle between Su Bai and Orochimaru that day.

"What is his purpose in killing Gale?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, and said with a lost expression: "It's not that I'm flattering Su Bai, Haifeng's strength is really far behind him."

"If Su Bai really wanted to, he would be able to crush the wind and turn his bones into ashes with a single blow."

"And the wound on Gaifeng's chest was at least cut a few times."

However at this time.

Hatake Kakashi suddenly added: "The things in the allies do not mean that everything is stable."

"It's just a paper contract."

"The alliance we signed with Iwagakure and Cloud Shinobi Village back then."

"Isn't it also that the opponent was torn apart in an instant, and took the opportunity to attack us, so that we were also caught off guard?"

Kakashi's remarks made Sarutobi Hiruzen look appreciatively.

As expected of me

man in.

The critical moment is still very calm.

After Utatane Koharu heard the words, he said nothing more.

Although she complained about Sarutobi Hiruzen's actions, it doesn't mean she doesn't understand what Kakashi said.

Wait until Utatane Koharu is silent.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued: "We have too little information right now.

"We have also secretly sent Anbu to investigate the intelligence of various countries."

"If we act rashly now, it is very likely that we will fall into a more passive end."


At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had been sullenly, finally smiled.

"And I trust you too."

"Even if something does happen, we can resist the past together."

After the meeting.

Wait till everyone leaves.

Yu Hihong turned back.


Uzuki Xiyan was also present.


Sarutobi Hiruzen was startled when he saw Yuhihong.

Feel troublesome things are coming again.

He is worthy of being a sophisticated ninjutsu professor.

Yu Hihong didn't disappoint, after taking a look at Xi Yan, she opened her mouth and said, "Master Third Generation."

"Actually, I have a motive for Bai Yasha to kill Haifeng."

I heard...

Maoyue Xiyan's delicate body trembled even more.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed and said, "Don't talk yet, let me guess what you want to say."

"You must have seen what happened between Su Bai and Xiyan before."

"Then suspect that he wants to deal with the competitor Moonlight Gale."

"Yes or no?"

Evening Red: "!!!!"

With an embarrassed expression, Yuhi Hong said with a wandering eyes:


"It turns out that the adults of the Third Generation project have known about it for a long time."

After hearing that Yuhi Hong accepted 1.1 and confessed her inner thoughts.

Sarutobi Hiruzen rolled his eyes on the spot, and almost had the urge to faint.


"I know you have a problem with Su Bai because of the Hinata thing."

"But please think about his elusive space-time ninjutsu and his own strength."

"What's the point of him going against Moonlight Gale?"

"Why didn't he just take Xiyan away and never send it back to us, wouldn't it be fine?"

"Besides, after a long time, unless Xiyan commits suicide, otherwise..."

"Hey! Forget it! I don't want to say anything more."

Maoyue Xiyan on the side was stunned when she heard it.

What do you mean?

Sarutobi Hiruzen's excited words made Uzuki Xiyan collapse even more.

It's as if he took me away, so I must be his.


How can it be!

And Yu Hihong who was in place was even more angry.

Yuhihong's pretty face was flushed by Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.

The current situation is getting more and more confusing.

Especially Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of him.

It simply gave Kuren Yuhi the feeling that Shiraiyasha is their Konoha Village favorite.

Otherwise, why does Sarutobi Hiruzen always protect him?

You can't even doubt it now.


"Xiyan, let's go out first.

"Don't disturb Lord Third Hokage any more."

Yuhihong's temper also came up.

Pulling Uzuki Xiyan to go out.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't say anything, it's better to leave, it's rare to be clean.


He doesn't know...

The more he acted in favor of Su Bai, the more Yu Hihong felt that it was Su Bai's fault.

The attitude towards Su Bai will become less and less friendly. .

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