Konoha: Hinata Went To Catch The Thief, But I Caught Him

Chapter 92: Terumi Mei: Sorry, I'm An Undercover Agent!

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The speed of the fire country daimyo is also fast enough.

Don't look at him speaking in a strange way, just like the little lady next door.

But as the daimyo of the country of fire, he is not an idiot.

After receiving the news of Sarutobi Hiruzen's sacrifice, he immediately conveyed the matter that Sarutobi Hiruzen entrusted himself.

And for this purpose, a joint meeting of the five major powers was held.

Rain Shinobi Village…


In a slightly dark room.

Space twists in a spiral.

Immediately, a man wearing an orange striped mask appeared in the room.

"I'll tell you an interesting piece of information."

Uchiha Obito looked at Payne and Konan who were sitting in the room with an extremely calm voice.

"You mean that Shiroyasha with a bounty of 800 million is actually a ninja from Konoha Village?"

"Or a disciple of Konoha Village Third Hokage?"

After listening to the information that Obito said, Konan's tone was a little surprised, but his face was still covered with a layer of frost, and he couldn't see any expression.


"The fire country daimyo has authorized Sarutobi Hiruzen to withdraw the 500 million tael reward for Shiro Yasha.

"The daimyos of the water and soil countries have not expressed their views on this matter."

"Because of Sunagakure's failure in the war against Konoha Village, the daimyo of the land of wind expressed sincerity and seconded the daimyo of the land of fire.

"Only the daimyo from the Land of Thunder expressed dissatisfaction, denouncing White Yasha for doing too much to the ninjas of their Cloud Shinobi Village."

Payne was expressionless, and glanced at Obito: "After all, these guys followed the meaning of the name of the land of fire and admitted the identity of Shiroyasha Konoha Village ninja."

"It's a pity, I thought I wanted to introduce him into our Akatsuki organization, but I didn't expect him to be a ninja from Konoha Village.

Uchiha Obito narrowed his eyes and looked at Payne: "No, the reason why they chose to acquiesce is because Shiroyasha investigated the reason for the destruction of the 12th country, which was done by our Akatsuki organization.

"And besides the three of us and Jue, all the names of Akatsuki have been exposed.

Penn: "!!!!"


The two were startled at the same time, and their expressions finally changed slightly.

"It can't be, how they know that."

"As I said, it was discovered by Bai Yasha's investigation, so I wondered how a bounty criminal knew about our existence.

There was questioning in Uchiha Obito's voice.

His eyes looked at Payne even more maliciously, as if he was complaining about his leader's dereliction of duty.

"Could it be that?"

Hearing this, Konan was puzzled and said, "Is it just because Hidan and Kakuzu wanted his bounty, and after the first battle, their identities were exposed?"

"That's unlikely."

As soon as Konan finished speaking, he interrupted his ignorant thoughts again.

Even if Kakuzu and Hidan were exposed, what's the relationship with the other four people who went out on missions?

Payne, who was silent, felt as disgusted as if he had eaten a fly.

Not long ago, he asked Uchiha Itachi to return to Konoha Village to investigate intelligence.


Now that the identities of Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame have been exposed, they should not be in Konoha Village if they are like that.

As if seeing through Payne's worries, Obito snorted coldly: "Hmph! Don't worry, with the current strength of Konoha Village's personnel."

"As long as Uchiha Itachi and Kisame Kisame are not stupid enough to make them fight to the death, they can still retreat."

"I just wonder who this White Yaksha is."

"Why is the situation of our organization clear."

What if Sarutobi Hiruzen's apprentice?

Uchiha Obito felt a little disapproving.

Moreover, Xiao organization's actions are generally relatively covert.

It can be said that the tasks received will never leave a living.

The possibility of the information getting out is extremely low.

Could it be that Uchiha Itachi passed it on?

Uchiha Obito naturally knew in his heart that Itachi could kill his people for Konoha Village.

It is absolutely impossible to truly attach to their Xiao organization.

But Obito doesn't particularly care about this matter, after all, he just uses Itachi as a tool man to help him collect tail beasts.

However, according to intelligence, the purpose of Akatsuki's organization was not mentioned at the Yinming meeting.

Come is Sarutobi Hiruzen does not know.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Fire Nation daimyo not to mention such an important matter.

"Forget it, it's meaningless to think about these things now, I have my own plans."

"I came here just to tell you that the energy of the five major countries has not yet been fully focused on us.

"Tell them a few, and pay attention later."

Kirigakure, the land of water.

This ninja village has been mastered by Uchiha Obito.

Two Kirigakure ninjas half-knelt in front of Fourth Mizukage.

One of them is a pretty female ninja.

She has green eyes, long curly reddish brown hair that covers her right eye, and pink lips.

She wears a blue tube top dress, a white belt around her waist, and dark blue nail polish on her nails.

If Su Bai was present, he would naturally recognize that this person is the future Kirigakure Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei.

Kneeling at the same time as Terumi Mei is a teenager with glasses.

She looks soft and weak, always shy.

Chojuro, the third user of the Kirigakure double sword and flounder.

"That's pretty much the mission."

"Terumi Mei, you sneaked into Konoha Village with Changjuro, settled in Konoha on the grounds of business, and fed back all the information about Shirayasha.

Fourth Mizukage said lightly.


Terumi Mei didn't think too much, and accepted the order solemnly.

For her, this is just a very ordinary undercover mission.

After Terumi Mei left, Kuraya turned his head and entered the room, his expression froze for an instant.

And the person sitting in the room is Uchiha Obito.

"White Yasha?"

Obito murmured softly.

The reason why he wants to investigate Su Bai is because he is afraid that Su Bai will affect their future plans.

"Can you investigate the people in our organization so carefully?"

"This White Yaksha must not be simple."

Obito closed his eyes and steered the Ten Thousand Years boat carefully. Anyway, the lives of people in Xunyin Village are not critical.

Even if the person sent out died after being exposed, Obito didn't feel bad.

But if you can get some favorable information, it is still worth a try.

On the wine table in Konoha Village.

Uzuki Xiyan and Yuhihong sat together again.

It's just that at this time, there is an extra person beside the two of them who came to eat.

Mitarashi Anko.

Anko was eating the meatball in his hand, looking left and right with blinking eyes.

I can't figure it out at all...

A good ninja from Anbu and a Jōnin who is in charge, what the hell is going on with these two.

Why downcast.

Apart from drinking, he didn't say a word.


There was a soft sound.

Xi Hihong put the wine glass on the table. At this time, her complexion had already started to turn red. She was afraid that she would have to lie down again after drinking a few more glasses.


"Xiyan...you said..."


Mitarashi Anko waited for Kurenai Yuhi for a long time, but only heard these few completely incoherent words.

Nothing but a sigh.

"Hey! Let me tell you what's going on with you two?"

Can't stand it anymore, Mitarashi Anko asked curiously.

Immediately, the two suddenly raised their heads and looked at Anko with their eyes slightly lowered, which surprised Anko.


For a moment, the two sighed at the same time.

Mitarashi Anko:


It's over! These two people are probably mentally ill, so stay away from them.

Thinking of this, Anko smiled awkwardly: "Ah! I remembered, I still have things to do, so I'll leave first, you two continue."

When Anko left, Yuhi Hong's nose turned sore, and she said slightly sadly: "I never thought there would be such a relationship between Third Generation and Shiroyasha."

It really gets worse the more I think about it.

Kurenai Yuhi regretted arguing with Sarutobi Hiruzen about Hinata.

They even said that Su Bai is a bitch and wanted to take advantage of Xiyan, but I never expected that Su Bai has been secretly guarding Konoha Village.

Oh, Hong Yuhi, what you thought earlier was indeed correct, but what you thought later was completely wrong.

"Now that Third Hokage is gone, I don't even have a chance to apologize to him."

As Yuhihong was talking, her beautiful eyes began to moisten.

Maoyue Xiyan also drank a glass of wine, and let out a long breath: "Hong, not only you, but me too.

"At first I thought it was Su Bai who killed Hayate, but I didn't expect to be targeted by Third Generation, the damned Sunagakure group."

Hey... 11

"I didn't expect them to team up with Orochimaru to start a war against Konoha Village."

"Hey, I'm really unreliable."

After self-examination, the two women fell into silence again.

After a while, Xi Rihong finally raised her beautiful eyes and looked at Uzuki Xiyan: "Why don't we treat Su Bai to dinner and make amends when Su Bai comes back.

Xiyan heard the sound, thought for a while, then nodded and said: "That's the only way to go."


Su Bai, who was in the space of his home, had no idea that things had developed beyond his imagination.

At this time, he was leaning against the cow, thinking about how to visualize his home.

The saplings of the sacred tree that were planted have not changed at all until now.

"Sure enough, if you want to plant a sacred tree, you must choose a treasure land in the real world for your home.

Su Bai said to himself.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen promised him that there is a way to help him solve the identity problem.

But Su Bai knew in his heart that the little old man would not live for long, and it was unrealistic to say that a person who served as Konoha Village Hokage had no means.

Su Bai also doesn't think Sarutobi Hiruzen is really stupid.

It is impossible to help myself so easily, but according to the original time calculation, it is too late.

Sarutobi Hiruzen will die at the hands of Orochimaru, and it is very likely that his own affairs will be in vain because of this.

So Su Bai found another way and chose Gaara's Sunagakure...

Even Sunagakure's environment is extremely harsh, but Gaara is young and Sunagakure is weak.

Too much help is needed.

When the time comes to fool Gaara, Su Bai can steal a piece of land in Sunagakure even if he doesn't need a formal identity.

When I'm bored, I play friendly matches with Temari.

If you really can't stand the harsh environment of Sunagakure, you can go back to your home space to live there.

Life is also leisurely and leisurely.

As soon as he thought of this, Su Bai heard a hurried shout from the home space: "Senior, are you there?"


Hearing the sound, Su Bai raised his head slightly.

It's Hyūga Hinata at it again.


The voice was very anxious.

"It's behind."

After Su Bai yelled, after a while, he saw a beautiful figure appearing in his line of sight.


Su Bai was slightly taken aback, completely confused about what happened to Hinata today.

When Xiao Nizi saw Su Bai, she trembled with excitement, and her eyes sparkled with light that Su Bai couldn't understand.

The seemingly adoring gaze seemed to want to eat him whole.

"Senior Su Bai!"

Hinata yelled coquettishly.

Su Bai was startled: "?????"

What are you doing!.

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