Konoha: I Am Uchiha, Enlightenment Heaven-Defying

Chapter 72 The Nature Of Chakra Properties

“This time it can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

"Ice Release, Broken Sword, Beheading Sword, Uchiha Obito's arm, Dead Bone Pulse, Kito Suigetsu and the secret technique inheritance of the Kito clan."

“So where do I start researching?”

After returning to the laboratory, Uchiha Shigen began to count the gains this time and began to think about where to start his research.

Without hesitating for too long, Uchiha Shigen decided to start with Ice Escape.

Uchiha Shigen already has some experience in studying blood succession limits and has successfully mastered Scorch Style.

Scorch Style is a fusion of Wind Style and Fire Style.

Ice Escape is a fusion of Wind Style and Water Style.

There is no reason why Uchiha Shigen can master Scorch Style easily but has difficulty mastering Ice Release.


After Uchiha Shigen swallowed part of Minazuki Shiro's flesh and blood, Ochiha Shigen also easily mastered the ice escape.

"Ice Escape is very similar to Scorch Style."

"Use Wind Style to increase the temperature of Fire Style, so Fire Style becomes Scorch Style."

"Using Wind Style to lower the temperature of Water Style, Water Style becomes Ice Escape.

"Following this logic, Wind Style represents temperature?"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Shigen couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The essence of wind is air flow, and the reason for air flow is the temperature difference caused by uneven heating. Hot air rises lightly, and cold air flows to supplement it, forming convection.

In other words, temperature creates air flow and creates wind.

And wind can also affect temperature.

"No, no, no~"

"The basic attributes of Chakra can represent nature, why can't it represent a concept? Or is it a more basic existence of the universe?"

“Deeply digging into all phenomena and tracing back to their origins are the basic laws of the universe.”

"The essence of wind is temperature? So what is the essence of temperature?"

"The essence of temperature is a manifestation of the average kinetic energy between molecules in an object."

"The faster the molecules move, the hotter the object, that is, the higher the temperature; the slower the molecules move, the colder the object, that is, the lower the temperature.

"From the perspective of molecular kinetic theory, temperature is a symbol of the average kinetic energy of the molecular motion of an object and a collective manifestation of the thermal motion of molecules.

"So the essence of wind is movement, which is kinetic energy. It can control temperature, but it is not temperature."

"So, what is the essence of Fire Style? What is the essence of Water Style?"

Think along these lines.

Uchiha Shigen soon had the answer.

If the essence of Wind Style is movement, it is kinetic energy.

So why can’t the essence of Fire Style be heat, thermal energy, and energy?

You know, thermodynamics is an extremely important branch of modern physics.

Whether from a macro or micro perspective, thermodynamics is a very important subject for humans to understand science and the universe.

"The zeroth law of thermodynamics, if two thermodynamic systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third thermodynamic system, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other."

"The first law of thermodynamics, in any process of a system including the transfer and transformation of energy, its total energy remains unchanged. That is, energy is conserved.

"The second law of thermodynamics, heat can only be transferred from high-temperature objects to low-temperature objects spontaneously. The direction of heat transfer is opposite to the direction of the temperature gradient. This is also called the principle of entropy increase, which shows that the world will become less and less Order is becoming more and more chaotic.

"I can tentatively regard the essence of Fire Style as energy."

"So what is the essence of Water Style?"

“Can the essence of Water Style be defined as form?”

"Solid water is ice, liquid water is water, and gaseous water is water vapor. As one of the elements, as one of the substances, water is easier to change form than other elements."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Shigen began to try to understand Water Style using the concept of form.

Open your palms and Water Style Chakra quickly gathers.


Using Wind Style to quickly lower the temperature, Water Style Chakra quickly transforms into Ice Escape Chakra.

The process was smoother than Uchiha Shigen expected.

and soon,

An ice tent formed in Uchiha Shigen's hand.

"." Using concepts to understand the attributes of Chakra seems to be easier to complete the Nature Transformation of Chakra, and it is also easier to complete the fusion of Chakra attributes. ’

"It seems that my idea is correct. Using concepts to understand the attributes of Chakra is closer to the essence of the attributes of Chakra.

"So, Earth Style does not represent rocks, it can represent quality, or experience?"

"Lightning Style does not represent thunder and lightning, but electromagnetic force, one of the basic forces of the universe?"

“The combination of these five concepts, motion, energy, form, mass, and electromagnetic force, seems to represent the birth of the universe.

"Deeply exploring the power of Chakra may allow me to do more."

[You have a deep understanding of the nature of Chakra attributes, and a deeper understanding of Chakra attributes and Chakra itself. You can more easily complete the Nature Transformation of Chakra, and you can also more easily complete the fusion of the two Chakra attributes].

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