Konoha: Life Simulator, Started With Hinata

Chapter 69 Break the human limit, run 100 meters in 5 seconds!

[You gave him the size of your feet, and then paid 2,000 taels of silver. You plan to make a pair of iron boots for him. 】

"Good guy, do you train with weights as soon as you get up?"

Seeing these iron boots, Tuo Yu couldn't hold back on the spot.

I am running too fast, so do I deliberately increase the difficulty?

[After the transaction is completed, you will go to the practice ground outside Konoha Village as usual and start practicing running. 】

【You bend over, bend your knees, and instantly exert strength!】


[You are blowing like a gust of wind, and the wild flowers on the roadside are all rattled by your Yiyi. 】

[You look at the timer in your hand, 13 seconds 05. 】

[You shake your head, this speed is not enough, it can't surpass Su Shen, so you continue to train. 】

[Long-distance running, sprinting, fast running, jogging... You only have running in your eyes, and you can only feel the authenticity of being alive when you are sprinting at speed. 】

[Your short-term goal is to surpass God Su within a week. 】

[The medium-term goal is to surpass Bolt within a month. 】

[You start working toward these two goals. 】

"My dear, are you going to exceed the limits of human beings as soon as you come up?"

Tuo Yu couldn't help but get excited.

He felt that if he could really achieve this speed, it would still be possible.

To know the general battle, the range of the two sides is only a few meters apart, and the longest is only a few dozen meters.

Unless it's like Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, where large maps are bombarded and the distance stretches, other battles are basically close at hand.

If you can practice the ability of instant speed within 100 meters, your combat skills can be improved several times!

[You start practicing day and night.

[When Naruto and the others were in class, you were running. 】

[You are running when you hit 20 ramen noodles with your hands. 】

【You were running while Third Hokage peeped at the women's bathhouse with a crystal ball...】

【You are like Forrest Gump, you have no desires or desires in your mind, only running. 】

[You are facing the wind and the rain, your figure has become a unique landscape in Konoha. 】

"It's quite positive."

I have to say that Tuo Yu was very moved to see such a pure self.

Especially in the dark and cruel place of the ninja world, it is actually quite good to only focus on doing one thing occasionally.

[After a week, you retest your 100-meter speed. 】

【Strengthen, kick your legs. 】


[You are as fast as a string, and after reaching the end, you look at the timer, 8 seconds 53. 】

【You are shocked. 】

[Because your speed has surpassed your original world's fastest 100-meter sprint speed, Bolt's 9 seconds 58. 】

[You begin to re-examine your abilities. 】

【You decide to go beyond Namikaze Minato, and Fourth Raikage. 】

"It's about the same. 35

Tuo Yu nodded silently.

His runner talent, but at the black level, targeting ordinary humans is simply too petty.

But what surprised Tuo Yu was that his progress was so fast.

In just one week, he can run 100 meters in less than 9 seconds. If he continues to practice, I am afraid he can really surpass the speed of Namikaze Minato and Fourth Raikage!

[You practiced for another week, and your 100-meter speed has already run within 7 seconds. 】

[But at this time, you feel that there is a bottleneck. 】

[No matter how much you train, the speed never increases again. 】

[You guessed that you may have encountered the bottleneck of biology. After all, you are really hard running, and you have not learned the special ninjutsu blessings like Fourth Raikage or Namikaze Minato. 】

[You suspect that you have reached the upper limit of human beings. 】


Tuo Yu could still predict this.

After all, no matter how powerful humans are, there are limits.

For example, no matter how fast human legs are, it is absolutely impossible to run 100 meters in less than 5 seconds, but a cheetah will do.

This is called a genetic lock.

Whether he can surpass the human limit depends on whether he can break the genetic lock.

[You feel it's time to put more weight on yourself. 】

[This day is the graduation day of the ninja school. You took over the custom-made things from the boss. 】

[It is a pair of long boots made of pure iron, each weighing 20 pounds, and there are more than 10 grooves on it, which can be added later. 】

One weighs 20 pounds?

Two 40 pounds?

It is too exaggerated!

Tuo Yu was stunned on the spot when he saw the weight-bearing equipment he actually got.

This level of weight is completely like dragging two children to run on the legs!

Don't know how to go step by step?

[You take the boots, and the people around you cast surprised glances at you. 】

[Because they've never seen anyone wearing such a heavy fit, they're all talking about how you don't go step by step. 】

[But you don't think there is any problem at all, just wear them on your legs silently. 】

【You take two steps】

[Suddenly, you feel an extremely huge resistance, like dragging two children on your legs. 】


"How can this even be the same mental activity..."

Tuo Yu can only say that it is worthy of him.

Even with different talents, his feelings are still the same.

[You take off your iron boots again, put several layers of socks on your legs, put on your iron boots again, and you start running down the streets of Konoha Village. 】

[These matches are indeed a bit beyond your expectations. You run very hard, and every step you take, you feel like it takes all your strength. 】

[After running less than 20 steps, you are already sweating profusely and out of breath. 】

【“Mom, look at that person, he is running in a pair of strange shoes!”】

[Besides, the little girl appeared again, but you don't care about her evaluation, because you are a runner, you only have running in your mind, you just want to make yourself happy by running continuously, you are not interested in other people Indifferent to things. 】

"Are you more focused this time?"

Tuo Yu couldn't help but look at the three words "running" in talent and fell into thinking.

Generally speaking, those with madness are not mentally normal.

Paranoid, stubborn!


But for cultivation, this is just right.

Otherwise, if this is a charge God of War, he will run two steps today and go to the Hinata's house.

Tomorrow I will run for a few more minutes and go to little Sakura's house again.

Let's not talk about how well you practice, your physical fitness can't hold up at all!

[Soon, one day has passed, because of these iron boots, you have run less than 200 meters in total today. 】

[When you get home, you take off your iron boots, and after jumping two steps in place, you feel as light as a swallow. 】

[On the second day, you continued to wear iron boots and run on the street. 】

[On the 3rd day, you met Might Guy and Xiao Li. After you exchanged ideas, they gave you a thumbs up. 】

[On the 4th day, you saw that Might Guy and Xiao Li also made a pair of boots of the same style as yours. 】

Guys, is there still human-to-human transmission?

[On the 5th and 6th days, you still ran hard. 】

[But you are almost used to the weight under your feet. From the first 200 meters, to the later 500 meters, to 1000 meters, you keep breaking the limit. 】

[On the 7th day, you added the first lead plate, 5 pounds on one side, and 10 pounds in total. 】

[It has to be said that after touching the critical load point again, every time you increase the weight, it will feel extremely obvious, and you will be unable to run again. 】

[On the first day you only ran 300 meters, but on the second day, your distance doubled. 】

[After a week, you got used to it completely, and you continued to increase the lead plate for the second time. This time, you were cruel and added 20 pounds on each side. 】

[When you run, it becomes more and more difficult, and you even feel that your legs can't lift. 】

[But your talent as a runner drives you to keep moving forward. 】

【You want to bathe in the wind, you want to be the fastest trapeze in the ninja world, so you grit your teeth and insist!】

【After a month, you finally get used to the weight on your legs. 】

[There is a weight of 70 pounds on each leg, which adds up to an adult who is tied to your leg, but even so, your 100-meter sprint can still run within 10 seconds. 】

[You start adding lead plates, 8th, 9th...050]

[Every 10 pounds of weight added later, it will take you at least two months to get used to it. 】

[One year later, all the lead plates have been filled by you. 】

[It took you another half a year to get used to it. During this period, your exercise never stopped. Because your whole body weighs nearly 300 pounds, a mark will appear on the ground every time you take a step. 】

【After half a year, you are completely used to the weight on your feet. 】

[After you take off your equipment, start testing the limit speed. 】

[Prepare, accumulate strength, kick your legs. 】

[At this moment, you feel that your body is lighter than ever before. Every time you take a step, you can only see the surrounding scenery, and you are retreating quickly. 】

[At the end, you glance at the timer, 6 seconds 01. 】

[You are extremely shocked, because you have far exceeded the speed of the human limit, and you have broken the genetic lock. 】

[You start to load yourself more crazy, in addition to your legs, you also put on special equipment for your whole body. 】

[From head to toe, armed to teeth. 】

[You look like the Mark 1 that Iron Man made in the cave. 】

[It's just that its equipment is powered by energy, while you are powered by flesh. 】

[After half a year, you tested again, your speed has been able to run within 5 seconds, which has exceeded the speed of a cheetah. 】

"I'm going, it's awesome! 39

Seeing the latest results, Tuo Yu was startled and excited.

To know that this speed is enough for him to deal with most of the battles.

Running 100 meters in 5 seconds is equivalent to running more than 20 meters in one second.

In other words, even if the opponent casts a spell on him more than ten meters away, as long as he runs instantly, he can reach the opponent's side within a second!

Close combat is invincible!


Tuo Yu didn't stop there either.

Because he knew that he would never stop.

It can be even faster!

Fast to surpass Fourth Raikage, comparable to Flying Thunder God!.

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