Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 258 The advantage is mine

Xiongda Town, as the main town in the Bear Country, was originally one of the most prosperous places in the Bear Country. From the large number of buildings, it can be seen that there used to be a very large population here and the business was also quite prosperous.

but now.

The streets were filled with trash, with scattered bottles and fallen broken kunai everywhere.

Most of the surrounding buildings have become dilapidated due to lack of human habitation and lack of maintenance. With the bursts of noise, dust and wood chips fall down along with the vibration of the sound.

Noisy, loud noises, fights, everything in the town.


The dark red wooden door was violently kicked open from the inside. A fat middle-aged man shook off the bloody kunai in his hand. He glanced back at the empty room and found that there was nothing worthy of stopping. Wandered out.


After taking two steps, he noticed the muddy feeling coming from the soles of his shoes. The middle-aged man looked down at the shoes that were soaked with dark red blood. The desperate resistance of the people in the room just now appeared in his mind, and he said with a evil smile.

"It's really stupid to regard money and food as important as life."

At this time, a man came from the side. He glanced at the people lying in a pool of blood and said dissatisfied.

"Hey, hey, don't kill people casually. There are not many people in the town. Do you understand what sustainability means to catch all the people in the lake?"

Someone also walked out of the house next to him. He looked at the two people standing on the street, wiped the blood on the kunai, and said, "What does it matter? We have all become wandering ninjas. Who knows if there will be any more after today?" Tomorrow, do you really want to settle down in one place for a long time?"

Hearing this, the fat middle-aged man nodded and continued.

"When I was a regular ninja, I had to be restrained. When I became a wandering ninja, I had to be restrained. Didn't I become a wandering ninja in vain?"

Regular ninja?

Constantly chanting these four words, one of them said with a look of longing on his face.

"But the life of a regular ninja is really good. They have channels to learn ninjutsu, live in a stable living environment, and can even take on tasks and earn rewards."

"Don't have such a dream, regular ninja ≠ ninja ninja, they can't learn good ninjutsu.

Moreover, once you have participated in a real ninja war, you will know that regular ninjas, especially those regular civilian ninjas, are not that easy to be.

They were driven by the Ninja Village and forced to participate in a battle involving nearly a thousand people. The meat grinders were grinding regular ninjas."

The group of wandering ninjas is extremely complex.

Some people become wandering ninjas because their village was wiped out for various reasons during the Great Ninja War, and they do not want to join other ninja villages and become cannon fodder, so they can only become wandering ninjas.

Some people become wandering ninjas because of their poor background. A family that has been civilians for several generations has the means to become a ninja because of some luck.

Then due to various reasons, he did not join the Ninja Village, and in the end he could only become a wandering ninja.

"Hey, did you hear that?"

At this time, a man holding a wine bottle staggered over, burped and said: "In Konoha Village, one of the five great ninja villages, their first generation Hokage has been resurrected and has become the new Hokage." Hokage."

"What the hell?"

The wandering ninjas nearby were all stunned for a moment. They picked their ears, looked at the person who just spoke in disbelief, and asked.

"The first generation is resurrected??"

The man holding the bottle nodded and continued.

"It's been said that the actions of the four major countries have been much smaller recently. The legend should be true. The first Hokage may really be resurrected."


One of the ninjas took a breath. The deeds of Senju Hashirama appeared in his mind, and he murmured, "Is the ninja world about to usher in long-term peace?"

"Then who knows?

It is estimated that all the major ninja villages are now waiting for Konoha's reaction. If Konoha starts to become aggressive, the major powers will unite. If Konoha remains as it is, who knows what the major powers will do.

However, in order to deal with Konoha, they will definitely try their best to enhance their own strength. For those small ninja villages in the ninja world, they will definitely support someone close to them to ascend to the position of "Kage". "

After listening to this man's analysis, the group of wandering ninjas nodded.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Small villages like Star Ninja Village also have jounin, so they are very suitable to be used as cannon fodder in the war of the ninja world.

"You actually know that the First Hokage has been resurrected?"

"Of course, that is the "God of Ninja". One person suppresses the existence of an era. The news of his resurrection cannot be hidden at all, and this matter has been confirmed by "Sir"."

The ninja holding the bottle said proudly.

Then, he blinked, and a look of confusion appeared on his face, because the voice didn't seem to come from the group of people next to him, but from...

He raised his head and saw a man squatting on the roof next to him, looking down at them.

"I thought you wandering ninjas who don't do production or do tasks, but only know how to burn, kill and loot. You don't think about anything else except killing people and seizing resources."

Asuka crossed his arms and stared at them with cold eyes.

"Who are you?"

A group of wandering ninjas took out kunai from their waists and stared at the birds on the roof.

Looking at the nervous guys on the street and the old and new weapons in their hands, Asuka shrugged his nose, and suddenly a faint smell of blood penetrated into his lungs along the air.

"Down there?"

Looking down at the roof under his feet, Feiniao was silent for a moment before raising his foot and stepping on it.


As the house trembled slightly, a hole the size of a foot appeared on the top of the house.

Follow the hole

I saw three people lying on the floor in the middle of the house. One of them stretched out his arms, as if he was trying to catch something before dying, while the other two people looked with wide eyes in a certain direction, with a look of fear on their faces. It did not disappear even after death.

"I won't die with my eyes in peace!"

He bent down to pick up the stones that had been scattered aside after crushing the roof. After weighing them twice in his hand, Asuka threw them directly at the obese middle-aged man.

That guy's trouser legs are still dripping with blood.

call out!

The piercing sound of breaking through the air was instantly captured by this group of people. They looked at the movement of Asuka raising his hand and the almost invisible hidden weapon, and their pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip.


A pitiful wail instantly pulled the group of people out of shock, and they all turned their heads to look in the direction where the scream came from.

I saw a fat middle-aged man holding his stomach and wailing, blood slowly flowing out through the gaps between his fingers.

"Enemy!! Enemy attack!!"

As a wandering ninja roared, a large number of wandering ninjas emerged from the buildings everywhere and gathered in the street.

"Get ready to fight. There is only one person on the other side. Kill him. We have many people. His extremely fast hidden weapon must be expensive to make and the quantity must not be large."

"It's just one person who dares to come to us and cause trouble."

This group of wandering ninjas picked up their weapons and stood on the street shouting.

These wandering ninjas obviously have no fear of the enemy in front of them. They are all trying to make a living with their heads in their waistbands. Who is afraid of whom?

In the tavern in the town, a wandering ninja broke in and shouted:

"Master Si Yi, someone is coming to trouble us!"

In the tavern, a dozen wandering ninjas who looked like the leader were eating and drinking. At one of the tables, there was only one person sitting. That person was wearing a black combat uniform with a bandage on his head. There are several hideous scars on the cheek.

"Why panic!"

From Si Yi's position, he happened to be able to see the wandering ninjas gathered outside. He was holding a large wine glass in his hand, shaking it, and said, "Don't say there is only one person on the other side, it is ten people, a hundred people, etc." It's worth your panic.

Because you have someone to support you this time."

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