Holding freshly baked sweet potatoes in her hands, Xia Tian walked all the way across the ruined streets to the temporary residence of Star Ninja Village.

This is a massive place. There are almost no damaged buildings, and the word [name] on the door reveals the noble status of the people who once lived here.

Standing at the door, Xia Tian looked inside, then turned around and looked outside, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

The inside and outside are simply two worlds.

In front of him was an extremely spacious path with many unknown plants on both sides. At the end of the path was a spacious house. Next to the big house, there were two smaller courtyards.

A young man in gray clothes was wandering at the entrance of a courtyard, seeming to be muttering something from time to time.

"Quan Junshan!"

After saying hello, Xia Tian lightly held the sweet potato in her hand and ran over.

"Where were you just now? I want to treat you to a sweet potato."

Seeing the beautiful figure in front of him, Quan Junshan's frown immediately relaxed. He reached out to take the hot sweet potato, sniffed the special fragrance of the air, and smiled.

"Hahaha~ Xia Tian, ​​I just suddenly thought of an adventure story when I was fifteen years old."

Xia Xia's eyes lit up. She stepped to the steps, took a breath and blew hard. Suddenly the dust on the steps was blown into the air by her.

Waving his hands in the air twice, Xia Tian sat down on the steps, holding his cheeks with his hands, and said impatiently.

"Want to hear it!"

Quan Junshan moved the sweet potato from his left hand to his right hand, then sat cross-legged on the ground, his clothes bulging with his strong muscles.

A very important reason why he has been able to stay alive despite lying for so many years is that there are only five jounin in the Star Ninja Village.

And Quanjunshan is one of them.


After blowing on the hot sweet potato in his hand, Quan Junshan took a gentle breath of air. The girl's body fragrance entered his lungs along his nose, dispelling the haze in his heart.

He looked up.

Xia Xia was seen holding her cheeks with her hands, and the look of anticipation in her eyes became more intense, as if she couldn't wait to hear his story.


With a soft murmur in his heart, Quan Junshan looked up at the girl in front of him. After taking a bite of the sweet potato, he said, "Xia Tian, ​​this time, I want to tell you an adventure story when I was fifteen years old."


Summer chick nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice. When she saw Quan Junshan, she ate the sweet potato in a few mouthfuls without even peeling it. Her eyes suddenly curved into two crescents, and she smiled even more happily.

"Natsuhi, do you know Uchiha? He is the Uchiha who founded Konoha."

"Ah? Izumi Junzan, have you ever met anyone from the Uchiha clan? Are they fierce-looking?"

"It's not all evil. The looks of their clan are a bit extreme, some are really ugly, some are really handsome. The Uchiha tribesman I met back then was very handsome, but at that time he was jealous of my appearance and deliberately caused trouble for me.

Later, we had a conflict. "

Hearing this, Xia Xia looked up.

The man in front of him has slightly thick lips, a big nose, and shiny black curly hair. When he tells stories, his eyes are like black gems, emitting a faint light.

"You know Susanoo, who is now widely rumored in the ninja world, right?"

Seeing Izumi Junzan suddenly looked at him, Xia Tian nodded, recalling Susanoo's records and said, "Susanohu is the ultimate pupil technique of the Uchiha clan. According to rumors, it has the power to destroy the world, and it The last time he appeared in the world seemed to be the night of Nine Tails some time ago.

That is an existence that can fight tailed beasts. "

"That's right!"

Izumi Junzan swallowed and continued, "That year, when I had a conflict with the Uchiha clan, they saw that I was strong, so they called over ninjas who could use Susanoo.

The battle between me and Susanoo has begun."

Seeing the admiration flashing in Xia Xia's eyes, Quan Junshan puffed up his chest subconsciously.

"I punched Susanoo in the chest, sending the giant that was comparable to a tailed beast flying away. Although my attack was powerful enough, the opponent was also a well-known big shot, so he didn't suffer much damage.

That battle lasted from day to night, and we were still fighting each other."

Hearing these words, stars gradually appeared in Xia Xia's eyes. She clapped her hands vigorously and praised.

"Wow!! Quan Junshan, you are so awesome!!"

"Haha, there's a story behind it, listen to me."



"Hahaha, no, I'm going to die laughing."

Hearing the laughter coming from the yard below, the bird perched on the tree pecked its feathers. It looked down at the two people in the yard below who were leaning forward and backward with laughter, and then looked up at the sky. .

“Jijijijiji (a warm and peaceful day)~”

Two hours later.

Quan Junshan stood at the door and looked at Xia Tian's back, the smile on his face gradually disappearing. When he could no longer see her back, Quan Junshan silently turned around and returned to his small courtyard.

Standing in the middle of the yard with his hands behind his hands, he looked at the white clouds in the sky, his vision slowly becoming blurry.

He looked at the white clouds that looked like summer and murmured softly.

"If I lose to Susanoo in one move, Natsuhi will be disappointed in me, right?"


Quan Junshan smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "She no longer cared about these details at that time."

Then, Quan Junshan's aura changed, and he waved to call the two people standing guard outside the door.

The two of them knelt down on one knee and bowed their heads to the man in front of them.

"Lord Quan Junshan!"


"Everything is ready, there are more and more civilians in the town."

As he said that, one of them looked up at the man in front of him and said hesitantly, "Well... do we really want to pay them?"


Quan Junshan crossed his arms and said calmly, "Of course I have to pay this, but it's not money for rebuilding their home, it's money for mental damage, as long as they live to spend it."

The next day, early morning.

Uchiha Asuka got up early. When passing by Konan's room, he heard the snoring inside, his face darkened, and he muttered.

"If you don't return home with rich clothes, it's like walking at night in rich clothes. I'm carrying a heavy burden here, always ready to save the ninja world. It's better for you to sleep soundly in the house."

Thinking that he was about to start a desperate battle with aliens to save the ninja world, Asuka couldn't help but feel a little heavy in his heart.

Yes, that's Otsutsuki.

If I remember correctly, Otsutsuki in his heyday would have no problem beating the Kage level.

As for hammering the six-level powerhouse.

"I don't know if I can reach the peak of shadow level even if I try to be blind!"

With a heavy heart, Asuka walked towards the center of the town with his hands behind his back.

The news of summoning [visitors from outside the territory] was just a random guess among civilians, and then this guess happened to hit his heart.

If I beat up the ninjas of the Star Ninja Village and snatched away the meteorite because of an unfounded guess,


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