Fei Fei always felt that the Uchiha family was quite strange.

In the past, this family was very resolute in doing things, but in recent years, the entire family has been too lack of action or extremely low in action.

Take tonight for example.

The Great Elder clearly wanted Uchiha Asuka to marry a foreign tribe, but his idea only remained in words and had no action at all. Use your ability to confuse the clan members and put extreme pressure on the clan leader and Asuka.

At that time, Fei Fei heard from his grandfather that the Uchiha clan was vaguely divided into three factions.

Once upon a time, Uchiha Setsuna, the representative of the hawks, once said at the clan meeting that the village leaders listed Uchiha as a target of vigilance, which was the glory of our Uchiha and a sign of our Uchiha's strength.

We want peace, we want Hokage.

Then those Uchiha giants with great mobility staged a coup that night.

When his grandfather went for a walk at the police station the next day, he saw those highly mobile Uchiha giants already having breakfast in the prison.

Since then, the idea of ​​Uchiha Ryoichi, the only remaining representative of the hawks, has changed, becoming that the Hokage can have it, but not the coup.

On the day he became a Jonin, Saburo Uchiha (the great elder), a representative figure of the centrist faction, once said at the clan meeting, “We should give up violence to seize the position of Hokage and adopt a gentler approach.

Clan leader, I recently heard that Uzumaki Mito-sama has been closed for a month. Your father and Mito-sama are powerful ninjas from the same era. There must be many topics in common between them.

I suggest that your father visit you every day with a fruit basket. This can not only express our family's concern for Mito-sama, but also allow the two old people to walk hand in hand under the sunset. Maybe this will be a good story in the future. "

Then, Fei Fei heard from his grandfather that Uchiha Saburo had bewitched many clan members at that time, and the clan leader's father had no choice but to visit Mito Uzumaki with a fruit basket due to family pressure.

The person went there at ten in the morning, and the Uchiha clan received a notice from the medical department at ten-thirty in the morning.

The old man is in hospital! !

I heard that Saburo Uchiha was scolded by the clan leader from morning to night. Anyway, when Saburo walked out of the clan leader's house, his thoughts became "Everything you said is right!" But the timing is wrong! hold on! 】

And dove.

Thinking of the doves in his grandfather's words, Fei Fei shook his head vigorously.

It doesn’t matter if that group of people doesn’t mention it, they need mobility but not action ability, they need the ability to bewitch but not the ability to bewitch.


Then, Fei Fei sighed, then jumped from Asuka's shoulder to the sofa. After finding a comfortable position to lie down, a soft and cute voice whispered in his heart.

"As long as the Great Elder Uchiha used his ability to convince the clan to support his ideas, now Uchiha Fugaku has divorced under the pressure of his family.

If the old man tries to seduce him at the clan meeting, maybe Asuka will be forced to marry Uzumaki? ? "

The orange cat suddenly blinked, looked at Asuka with some confusion, and asked.

"Then what was the old man's idea back then? How could Uchiha create a Hokage?"

"Which old man?"

"Uchiha Saburo, you are the great elder."

"Oh, him.

I heard that he wanted his father, who was the last clan leader, to have a twilight love affair with Uzumaki Mito. With Mito's endorsement, Uchiha would not say that he could become Hokage. At least he must speak tougher in front of Tobirama.

Now that you have been tough when talking to the Nidaime Hokage, is it still far away from becoming Hokage? "

Uzumaki Mito Uzumaki Kushina. Uzumaki Mito Uzumaki

As he kept mumbling their names, the orange cat's vertical pupils instantly shrank into a line, and he looked out the window in shock.

Stacking, does the old man plan to change his idea, and then continue to implement the idea of ​​Uchiha and Uzumaki falling in love, and then seek Uzumaki's endorsement?

The paranoid Uchiha, the mentally tough Uchiha Saburo.

Now that Uzumaki Mito is dead, you have set your sights on Uzumaki Kushina.

Then, it ignored the flying bird and immersed itself in the consciousness space again.

But before Fei Fei could find Kushina's position, a white hand suddenly appeared in the void and grabbed her neck.

Suddenly the fat hair on the neck exploded when someone grabbed it, and then it thought that there seemed to be no outsiders here except Kushina, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief and lost its breath.

"Kushina-sama, your sudden appearance really scared the cat to death, okay?"

"Fat cat!"

The faint sound passed through the air into Fatty's ears, causing the cat's hair that had just calmed down to stand up again.


As a sound of swallowing came, it slowly turned its head to look to the left, and Kushina's expressionless face slowly appeared in its sight.

"Kukushina-sama. Good evening."

"My body is not good at all!"

Kushina shook her head, then carried the orange cat to a raised stone and sat down, saying calmly, "I was remembered by others when I was young, and was brought to Konoha from the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

When I grew up, I was still remembered by others. Just after giving birth, I met the mysterious Uchiha, and he pulled out the Nine Tails from my body.

Now that I am like this, I am still remembered by others."

Speaking of this, she stared at the orange cat weighing more than ten kilograms, and the hand holding the back of its neck began to shake it from side to side, "My life is really a life that will be remembered, you say Yes or no?"

Fatty, who was a little dizzy from being shaken, couldn't help but roll his eyes and retorted directly, "Kushina-sama, what happened when you were a child is obviously a conspiracy theory, okay?

And what happens when you grow up has nothing to do with Asuka.

The Uchiha who made you become what you are now is not Asuka. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Fei Fei felt that the frequency of shaking had decreased a little, and he immediately added fire to his words and continued.

"Kushina-sama, don't you want to find out which Uchiha pulled the Kyuubi out of your body that day? It's because of that evil Uchiha that you became what you are now.

You and the Yondaime died at the same time. If it weren't for Asuka using the forbidden technique, you would have fallen asleep in the Pure Land."


I will investigate on my own. "

Kushina interrupted Feifei sharply, then closed her eyes with a look of sadness on her face.

She would never forget the Sharingan that appeared that night.


After a while, Fei Fei sighed and said to himself, "Kushina-sama, don't you sleep without a pillow at night? Why do you have more and more bizarre dreams?"

How can you, an outsider, investigate Uchiha? Is Danzo more clever than you? Is he more powerful than you?

But you see, when he investigated Uchiha Fugaku, didn't he find out nothing?

Even Uchiha Fugaku didn't understand the questions Danzo asked. "

Hear this. Kushina opened her mouth, but the words that poured into her throat still didn't come out.

She also knew about Danzo's interrogation of Fugaku.

Fugaku had only one answer to any question Danzo asked, and that was "I don't know."

Moreover, Fugaku acted very sincerely during the cross-examination, his heartbeat did not speed up at all, and he even passed the lie test, as if he really didn't know anything.

When she heard this from the water gate, she only had two thoughts in her mind.

First, Uchiha Fugaku really didn't know anything.

Second, Uchiha Fugaku knew something, but he didn't say it.

But he is the leader of the Uchiha clan! !

Do you really know nothing?

"The Uchiha clan is in deep water!"

The orange cat licked his beard at this time, and his tone suddenly turned sinister, "The Uchiha clan is a very famous clan in the ninja world, and an equally famous clan like them is Senju Uzumaki Hinata.

A family that is powerful but doesn't have much brains, no matter how hard it is, you all come to sign an alliance with the Thousand Hands Clan. Is it because the Thousand Hands Clan gives you money?

Isn’t it good to live your own life behind closed doors? "

Kushina's eyes narrowed slightly, but she still didn't say anything more.

The Uchiha clan is indeed not simple. There were only a handful of families that could compete with Uchiha back then. The only family that could compete with Uchiha and have a slim chance of winning was the Senju family.

A large part of the reason for this three-to-seven split is due to Senju Hashirama, and the other part is due to their allies who stand behind the Senju clan.


At this time, the orange cat cleared its throat, with a humane and serious look on its face.

"According to Orochimaru's research findings.

People with extreme personalities usually have higher IQs and creativity.

They have extreme views and attitudes towards things, which allows them to think and solve problems in unusual ways. They often have strong decision-making skills and the courage to stick to their own opinions.

Unfortunately, none of the members of the Uchiha clan who are open-minded are not extreme, but the extreme directions are different. "

Hearing this, Kushina fell completely silent.

Regardless of whether Orochimaru's research is accurate or not, judging from her years of understanding of the Uchiha clan, this family is indeed a paranoid and mentally tough family.

Such a family is not only sinister, but also terrifying.

"A family full of highly intelligent people!"

Thinking of those members of the Uchiha clan who were quick to explode, the orange cat suddenly smacked his mouth and couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

It admits that the Uchiha clan has many highly intelligent people, but this family has low IQs and more people with bad tempers. A provoking method can ignite a pile of powder keg.

The key is that even if others can use the same aggressive technique once or twice, Uchiha can use it ten times.

I've been fooled again and again, and it's all the same.

Fooled again and again.

You should be fooled the next time.

Thinking of this, the orange cat suddenly closed his eyes and boasted without conscience.

"Uchiha, what a terrible family!!"

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