The circumstances of spreading rumors are too minor to be held accountable, making the cost of spreading rumors very low.

Sometimes, although the person who spread the rumor can be found, the incident will remain unsolved because the circumstances of the rumor-mongering behavior are too minor to hold the person responsible accountable.

You can't beat Danzo for spreading rumors. The key point is that no one knows whether Danzo is the source of the rumors. If he insists that he is just hearsay, then the matter can only be ignored.

Outsiders can only shame Danzo for his behavior, but cannot do anything to Danzo as a person.


This method works for others as well.

Just like flying birds.

After all, what he is going to talk about next is a story from the Six Paths Sage period. Because the time span is quite large, it is normal for things to be somewhat deviated from the facts and is not considered to be a rumor.

"Thousands of years ago, that is, before the Ninja Sect was founded, there appeared on this land two children who were born with chakra. One of them was called Rokudo Sage and the other was Rokudo Sage's younger brother."

Asuka's deep voice instantly attracted the attention of everyone around him.


At this time, Feiniao shook his head.

"The Immortal of Six Paths and his younger brother had a very happy childhood. Although they had no father, they had a mother, so they did not lack maternal love. This happiness lasted until they reached adulthood at the age of eighteen.

Having said this, he raised his head and glanced at these people, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Recording history not only requires a lot of effort, but also requires financial support. The Uchiha clan not only has financial resources, but also is a descendant of the Six Paths Sage, so the historical stories they record must be closest to the truth.

The story of the Immortal of Six Paths and a snake laying eggs was something that even Asuka, the storyteller, had never dared to think of.

He secretly glanced at the void and couldn't help but feel relieved when he found that there was no strong chakra fluctuation.

"They say a happy childhood heals a lifetime, but an unfortunate childhood takes a lifetime to heal!"

The people around him and Uchiha Asuka were simultaneously silenced by these words.

After they saw the wet woman, the Immortal of Six Paths discussed with his brother and gave the umbrella to the girl, and the two of them went home in the rain.

But what Uchiha Asuka said was another matter.

I have heard dozens of stories like this in recent years. "

Then, Asuka's deep voice sounded again.

No, he is just making up a story. He is making up a story that even the Immortals of Six Paths have never experienced.

The weather was gloomy that day, and it rained heavily all of a sudden. A girl was caught in the rain and had nowhere to hide. But it happened that the Immortal of Six Paths and his younger brother returned from abroad at this time.

There are a lot of things about the Six Paths Sage in the ninja world now, and even if there are some, they are some legends that are spread out and deviated from the basic facts.

"I can probably guess the story behind it. The girl must have returned the umbrella. The two got acquainted with each other and had a secret love for each other. Finally, the Immortal of Six Paths discovered that the girl was transformed into a snake, but he still insisted on staying with her. The snake laid several eggs.

The Uchiha clan has a long history, and its ancestors can even be traced back to the Six Paths Sage. In contrast, most of the ninjas who serve as guards around them can only trace their family history back to their grandfathers.

Before Asuka could continue, he saw the fat man next to him dusting off the dust on his clothes and saying in a rather helpless tone.



The Immortal of Six Paths is not dead!

"The Sage of Six Paths did have feelings for that girl, but that girl was a human named Haori.

Later, just when the two were about to achieve enlightenment, the girl died suddenly."


The fat man's eyes widened instantly and he looked at Asuka in shock.

Is this story so short? Did the knife come so quickly?

Just fell in love secretly and then died suddenly?

Seeing that the people around him had shit-eating expressions on their faces, Asuka threw a piece of candy into his mouth and continued.

"Later, the two brothers encountered a toad again."


The fat man suddenly blinked his eyes and said in confusion, "Isn't it the story of the Six Paths Immortal and the snake? Why did the toad come out too? Could it be that the toad turned into a snake?"

"Listen to me!"

Asuka glanced at him speechlessly, "This toad is a male. It "encountered" the two brothers just to tell the Sage of Six Paths the truth about the death of his little girlfriend.

It turned out that the little girlfriend was beaten to death by the mother of the Immortal of Six Paths. Later, the Immortal of Six Paths became furious and went directly to his mother to argue with him, but his mother refused to acknowledge her life or death. In the end, the two even had a conflict. "


As soon as he finished speaking, the air suddenly became a little solid.

[Because of the death of my little girlfriend, I beat my own mother.]

The people listening to the story looked at each other and saw the look of constipation on each other's faces.

This story sounds like I've eaten a piece of jellyfish, but it's still too dry to swallow.

They looked at the birds and then at the stones on the ground, and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

"Can't beat it, can't beat it, forget it, forget it, just treat it as being fed Tuoxiang."


The story naturally has no end, after all, this is the story of the Six Paths Immortal and the snake.

Feiniao sighed and said to himself without even looking at the people around him.

"As the toad continued to "point", the gap between the Immortal of Six Paths and his mother became wider and wider, and eventually turned into an unprecedented war that lasted for several months.

The Immortal of Six Paths finally lost to his mother and was beaten to the ground."

Hearing this, everyone around him looked at his nose and nose, but they had no intention of answering the question.

As the founder of the Ninja Sect, he must not have died, otherwise there would be no Ninja Sect.

They can probably think of the sequel to this story.

The Sage of Six Paths must have forgiven his mother.

Then, listen to that magnetic voice sound again.

"The Sage of Six Paths, who failed to challenge his mother, was a little decadent. He left the country created by his mother and traveled around the ninja world, where he met the legendary White Snake Sage.

That's right, it's the White Snake Immortal from Longdi Cave, one of the three holy places today.

From then on, the two of them met often, and the relationship between White Snake Immortal and Liudao Immortal became better and better. Soon after, they jointly opened a "Baohetang" pharmacy.

"Baohetang" has cured many diseases and provided medicines to the poor for free. Therefore, the business of the pharmacy has become more and more prosperous. More and more people from near and far come to see the White Snake Immortal for treatment. People regard the White Snake Immortal as a kind person. She is called the White Snake.

Due to the haste of Rokudo Sage's departure at that time, the naturally evil toad's follow-up plan was not implemented smoothly, so the inherently evil toad went to guide Rokudo Sage's younger brother, and guided Rokudao Sage's younger brother to discover the truth about his mother's killing of his eldest brother's little girlfriend. . "

After realizing that everyone was completely attracted by his story, Asuka looked around cautiously again.


There were no toads or old men floating in the air.

"what's next?"

The fat man looked up at Asuka, with a hint of urgency in his tone.

He found that this matter was completely different from what he thought.

It’s so ridiculous and so attractive.

"It turns out that the reason why the mother of Six Paths Sage killed her little girlfriend was just because his mother was being hunted by the enemy and wanted to have her two sons who were born with chakra as helpers. When the time came, the mother and son would work together to resist the enemy.

However, due to their physical problems, chakra will be dispersed as long as they get married and become pregnant, greatly reducing the possibility of successfully blocking the enemy.

In order to prevent this from happening, the mother of the Immortal of Six Paths had no choice but to cut off the possibility of her child getting married. "

Asuka scratched his head and tried to rationalize what happened to Kaguya Otsutsuki so that it would not sound so outrageous.

You definitely can't lift the Otsutsuki tree, nor the sacred tree, nor the Ten-Tails.

As for the moon

The moon can be mentioned.

Looking at the moon that was about to disappear in the sky, Feiniao raised his finger and said.

"After discovering the truth of the matter, the Immortal of Six Paths pondered for several days and made a painful decision.

In order to prevent the enemy from finding his mother, he decided to join forces with his younger brother to seal her up personally, cut off all breath, and asked his younger brother to protect his mother and prevent the enemy from finding her.

Brothers working together can cut through metal.

After a great battle, the two brothers successfully sealed their mother, and then the Immortal of Six Paths embarked on a journey of atonement, during which they met again the Immortal White Snake who had opened a pharmacy together.

His younger brother married a wife, took concubines, had children, and developed the family. As a result, the clan was divided into clans, which is the legendary Hyuga clan.

As for him and the White Snake Immortal, they were happily living their days of opening a pharmacy. "



It works!

The people around looked at Asuka with constipated expressions. They gritted their back teeth and tried to digest this outrageous historical story.

Then, they all clenched their fists and hung their heads hard.

They were afraid that they would be tempted to hit someone if they saw Feiniao's face again.

What a rubbish love story.

The story was completely different from what they thought.

at the same time.

Somewhere unknown in the ninja world.

The sleeping White Snake Immortal suddenly opened his eyes.

I don't know why, but her heartbeat suddenly became much faster just now. It seemed that something related to her was happening in the ninja world, and this matter was not a good thing and might affect her.

Thinking of this, Immortal White Snake picked up the smoke pot and took two puffs, then closed his eyes and let the smoke circulate back and forth in his lungs.

After half a ring.

The White Snake Immortal opened his eyes again, looked up at the direction of the flying bird, and became more and more angry as he thought about it.

"Has the recorded history of that family become so distorted?"

Viewed from a high place, the entire Longdi Cave is shrouded in thick fog, making it impossible for sunlight to penetrate, giving people an eerie feeling.

However, unlike the usual silence, roars continued to be heard from Longdi Cave today, breaking the original tranquility.

"If you don't know how to record history, don't record history. Who the hell asked you to record history like this?"

"Are you recording history and making up stories at the same time?"

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