Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 439 Do you long for power? (2-in-1)

Konoha, on the street near the Uchiha clan.

There is still a bustling commercial street near the Uchiha clan, and there is still a long stretch from the clan land to the edge of the village.

Although the Night of the Nine-Tails has happened, because of the strange behavior of the Nine-Tails running out of the seal and going straight to the Uchiha clan to wreak havoc, the situation of the Uchiha in Konoha has changed somewhat, but not much.

As the only victim of the Night of the Kyuubi, Uchiha was not forced to move to the edge of the village, as was their original fate, but continued to live in the original place.

Half a year later, although Danzo still insisted that Uchiha was the biggest suspect, his words about "Uchiha controlling the Nine-Tails and destroying the Uchiha family" really had no market.

The villagers are more willing to believe that it may be that the Uchiha bloodline was left outside the village, or that Orochimaru's ninjutsu and biotechnology have made significant progress.

They looked at the brand new buildings in front of them, recalling the tragic situation here a few months ago in their minds.

At that time, there were almost no intact buildings on both sides of the street. The remaining walls and ground were covered with huge claw marks. The telephone poles that originally stood on both sides fell in rows on the ruins, and sparks erupted.

Just when they thought it would take a long time for the neighborhood to return to its original state, unexpectedly, only half a year later, the streets here were almost the same as they remembered them.

The only difference is that it is a little too new, and there is even a smell of paint in the air.

"I heard that in this reconstruction, Uchiha contributed one-third, the village contributed one-third, and the villagers living here contributed one-third, right?"

"Yes, otherwise this place would not have been rebuilt so quickly."

"Uchiha's financial resources are really strong. He not only helps the family rebuild, but also helps the villagers near the family rebuild."

"Who allowed several streets around here to be designated under Uchiha's name? These shops were originally built by Uchiha and then subleased to tribesmen or villagers."

Having said this, the civilian who was speaking was startled.

He raised his head and looked around, his eyes lingering on the Uchiha clan emblem on the shop for a moment, then he put his arm around his companion's shoulders and whispered, "I heard someone say that the Fugaku clan leader had to do all the reconstruction work because of certain things. Dumped it to Lady Mikoto.

Later, when the Fugaku clan leader learned that Mikoto-sama had abandoned the clan and took the lead in allocating funds to the villagers for reconstruction, he even had a quarrel with Mikoto-sama. "

"I've heard about this too"

He looked at the brand-new buildings around him, shrugged and said, "Both adults have their own considerations. Mikoto-sama feels that the Sharingan in Kyuubi's eyes is too sensitive. She must do something to give Uchiha and the village nervousness." The relationship cools down.

The Fugaku clan members believed that their family was their base, and everything should be based on their family, and the two of them fought over it. "

"A fight started?"

"I've also heard that in the past six months, the dog barking in the village can tell a rumor in just two sentences. Who knows which information is true and which information is false?"


Looking at the shop with the Uchiha clan emblem engraved in front of him, the man couldn't help but smacked his mouth and said with complex eyes, "Gossips are spreading all over the village, and wild dogs are barking and barking."


Before the man could continue speaking, he was hit hard on the back of the head, his vision went dark, he staggered a few steps and sat down on the ground.

"Shut up!!"

Hearing the cold female voice coming from behind, the civilians who had just been discussing some rumors in the village suddenly trembled. Then they looked back and their bodies straightened up.

"Tsunade-sama, Mikoto-sama!!"

Tsunade looked at the two of them with a dark face, and kept looking at the woman next to her.

Why didn't she know that the villagers loved gossiping so much before, and judging from the clothes of the two people in front of her, they seemed to be from the Uchiha clan. When did this family become so gossipy?

"Let's go!"

Looking at the two trembling people in front of her, Mikoto waved to them and said softly, "Go and do your business."

After hearing this, the two of them disappeared in an instant as if they were granted amnesty.

What could be more embarrassing than meeting the person involved in the gossip when discussing it?


After seeing the two of them disappear completely, Tsunade frowned and said coldly, "Your way of handling it is too gentle. You can't do nothing when faced with this kind of thing."

Hearing this, Uchiha Mikoto lowered her head slightly and stared at the ground for a while.

These streets paved with bluestones are very new, and there are even traces of artificiality on them. Just like the rumors in the village now, there are also traces of artificiality.

As for the person behind the scenes

Thinking of this, Mikoto shook her head and said calmly, "If you are upright, you are not afraid of the shadow. Let them say it. Time will eventually prove that the rumors are really just rumors."

"never mind!"

Tsunade inserted her hands into her left and right sleeves, folded her arms in front of her abdomen, and said, "Leave this matter to me. If it continues to be passed on like this, the outside world may think that Konoha's highest authority is paralyzed."

Hearing that she wanted to help him, Mikoto was stunned for a moment, then bent down and saluted Tsunade.

"Thank you, Tsunade-sama!"

"You're welcome!"

Tsunade waved her hands carelessly and said nonchalantly, "I believe nothing will happen between you and Fugaku, so I am willing to endorse you two with my reputation."

Mikoto smiled bitterly and shook her head without saying anything else.

The relationship between her and Fugaku has now become extremely delicate. It seems that as long as they take a step forward, they can reconcile as before, but if they take a step back, they may completely separate.

at this time.

Her inner feelings were equally complex.

Some of the rumors circulating in the village sounded too real to be true. Whenever these rumors reached her ears, Mikoto would inevitably have random thoughts and feel vaguely uneasy.

When this uneasiness accumulated to a certain level, she couldn't help but ask Fugaku, hoping to get some explanations from him.

But Fugaku never gave her an explanation, and it seemed like there were three words written on his face.


Tsunade noticed that the current atmosphere was not right, so she glanced at Mikoto secretly, and found that her face was a little pale, her expression was a little lost, and she looked like she was thinking of something sad.

Tsunade knew that this topic could not be continued, but she managed to sneak out of the office under the pretext of comforting Mikoto.

Thinking of this, she pointed casually on the street, pointed at the crowd not far ahead, and changed the subject, "Mikoto, what is being sold there? Why are there so many people gathered?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Mikoto raised her head and looked in the direction of her finger.


A bunch of kids!


The air smelled like fried chicken.


This shrill laugh.


"Don't touch me!!"

Hearing Yuan Jian's sharp voice, several black lines suddenly appeared on Tsunade's forehead.

She was very familiar with this voice. It was a smelly civet cat that would come to the door of the Thousand Hands Clan every now and then to cook.

It was also the first time she knew that a civet cat's mouth could be broken into pieces like this. From the moment the pan was boiled with oil until the meal was finished, the civet cat's mouth never stopped talking to itself in the air.

Even when eating, it will take out a fox doll from the tea cauldron and place it opposite, and place a plate and other tableware in front of the doll.

"The talkative tanuki!!"

Tsunade took a deep breath, and after suppressing the urge to hammer something in her heart, she looked at the shop in front of her again.

"Uchiha Fried Chicken Restaurant!!"

After staring at the dark crowd for a while, Tsunade turned her head and looked to her side, wondering, "Has Uchiha Asuka's business always been so prosperous?"


Meiqin glanced at the booming business of the fried chicken restaurant, and her expression immediately turned cold, and she said, "The price of fried chicken is extremely cheap. Villagers can not only buy it for lunch, but also take it to school as a lunch box for their children.

Easy, cheap and delicious”

Tsunade also heard about the price of fried chicken.

It is indeed very cheap, so cheap that ordinary people can eat it every once in a while.


Looking at the crowd in front of her, Tsunade frowned and asked doubtfully, "Is the chicken sold by Uchiha Asuka good chicken? Why is the price of his chicken so much cheaper than other people's?"

Mikoto nodded affirmatively, with a hint of emotion in her voice.

"If Asuka Jounin dared to sell chickens that died of illness in the village, the shop would definitely be closed to him based on Danzo's character. However, after many tests, Danzo had no choice but to hold his nose and announce that this guy's The chicken was fresh within an hour and there were no issues with the meat quality.

It’s like”

She turned to Tsunade and said softly, "I bought a live chicken from the market near noon, and the cooked chicken was served to the table an hour later."

Upon hearing this, Tsunade's frown suddenly relaxed.

Just now, she thought that Feiniao was selling it so cheaply because it was a defective product. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be top quality, and it was also very fresh and top quality. The time from slaughtering to serving was no more than an hour.

After thinking about the breeding farms near Konoha, Tsunade frowned again.

"That brat"

She silently calculated the accounts for Feiniao in her mind, and then saw her shaking her head and saying, "I don't know what he wants to do to make a profit at a loss. Unless he has a way to breed quickly, he will definitely lose money.

By the way, where does the chicken come from? "

Mikoto shook her head.

She usually doesn't ask about her clan's affairs, not to mention that this clan member is Uchiha Asuka?

She is annoyed when she sees Uchiha Asuka's face now, and every time she sees him, she has to squeeze out a smile from her face. What is the difference between her and those hot spring ladies who force a smile to welcome guests?

After Tsunade was silent for a while, she silently kept this information in her mind and prepared to ask Asuka if she had the opportunity in the future.

"Cheap, high-quality, and endless supply of chicken will solve a lot of problems during wartime."

Then, she put her arm around Mikoto's shoulder, shook it slightly, and continued.

"When that brat comes back, I'll give you a good beating. Otherwise, I'll assign him a long-term mission. I feel like his presence in the village will seriously affect the relationship between you and Fugaku."

"You're a kid~"

Uchiha Mikoto gritted her teeth and forced a smile, "It will get better when he gets married in the future. There is no need to transfer him outside the village. I am quite broad-minded, so there will be no problem."

Seeing Mikoto gnashing her teeth, Tsunade wanted to say that the brat has been like this since he was a child, and marriage may not necessarily make things better.

But she is not some garrulous person who likes to say bad things about others behind their backs.


Tsunade shook her shoulders gently and asked, "What kind of woman do you think can change Uchiha Asuka? He is already a grown man, so it's time to urge him."

Hearing this, Uchiha Mikoto replied directly without thinking.

"A woman who is optimistic, cheerful, positive, has a fierce personality, is strong and gentle, no matter what Asuka Jonin does, she will only follow him, but it is different with a fierce personality."

Listening to Mikoto's description, Tsunade slowly sketched a certain family in her mind.

Um! !

Grandma's family members are quite fierce in character, their core strength is also very strong, and they are very proficient in the use of sealing techniques.

Back then, when her uncle talked back, she saw it with her own eyes. Grandma used a sealing technique, pinned her to the ground and gave him a beating.

The skillful way of beating people is something that can only be seen once or twice.

Then, Tsunade put her hands behind her back. She looked at the people coming and going around her, her eyes lingered on their black hair for a moment, and then she asked.

"Mikoto, what do you think of the Uzumaki clan? You Uchiha should not object to intermarriage with foreign clans now, right?"

After thinking for a moment, Mikoto replied softly.

"I'm not rejecting it, but some tribesmen have serious ideological imprints. They like intermarriage within the tribe and don't like the blood of their family to be mixed with the blood of other families.

Uchiha Asuka should not be such a person. "

After hearing this, Tsunade closed her eyes and regretted.

"It's a pity that it's hard to find people from the Uzumaki clan now."


Mikoto also looked at the sky with some regret.

She often wonders when Kushina will be resurrected. If Kushina can marry into the Uchiha clan in the future, she will not only have an extra friend in the clan, but she will also be more confident when facing Uchiha Asuka.


She turned her head and looked to her side, and after thinking for a moment, she asked in a low voice, "Kushina, Kushina, does she still have hope of resurrection?"

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, then fell silent.


After a long time, Tsunade shook her head and said sadly, "I don't know. I have tried every possible method. Jiraiya also asked the Great Toad Sage, but he couldn't find a way to cure Kushina." Method.

Maybe Orochimaru."

Having said this, Tsunade swallowed the rest of her words instantly.

Rather than placing hope on Orochimaru, it is better to place hope on Uchiha Asuka. After all, he was able to take out the vital signs of a dead person, but it is a bit difficult to restore consciousness to a vegetative person.


Mikoto seemed to remember something at this time.

After she was stunned for a moment, she turned to look at Tsunade and asked in a low voice.

"Can an immortal marry a human?"


Tsunade blinked and said in confusion, "Which sage??"

"Just recently I heard the story."

A blush appeared on Mikoto's pale cheeks. She raised her head and looked around. Seeing that no one noticed the two of them, she whispered again, "The story of the Sage of Six Paths and the White Snake."

Upon hearing this, Tsunade understood instantly.

She looked up at a certain location in the ninja world, stroked her chin with one hand, and murmured, "Theoretically, there is reproductive isolation between humans and animals, but immortals have broken away from the category of living things.

I have never thought about this issue. The story you heard was probably made up by Uchiha Asuka. "

"Ah sneeze!"

"damn it!"

In the ninja world, there is a holy place filled with mist all year round.

There was a sudden sound of sneezing in the silent environment, followed by an angry curse from a certain immortal.

Samyi sat up abruptly when he was awakened by the curse. Then he felt his eyes go dark and his brain felt dizzy.

Ignoring the severe pain in her eye sockets and physical discomfort, she immediately opened her eyes and looked around.

There is a ring of black moss growing on the surrounding withered trees, as if there is no sunlight all year round, and the air is filled with a musty smell and the smell of some kind of animal decay.

The thick fog prevented her from seeing the distance, but the curses coming from the distance made her hear them clearly.

Hearing the curses in the distance, Samyi, who had just woken up from a coma, was a little confused.

Then she looked at the gloomy and terrifying environment around her, and then looked at the woman in red floating in the sky.

"Is this the world after death?"


The woman in red covered her mouth and chuckled, and said, "Idiot, this is Ryuji Cave, one of the three holy places in the ninja world. You are not dead. We sensed your unwillingness before comatose and brought you here specially."

As she spoke, she threw the unopened paint in her hand into the rolling mist and played with the clean brush in her hand.

Looking at the iron bucket rolling in the air, Samyi looked at the brush in the hand of the woman in red and said in confusion.

"what is that?"

Sensing that the other party's attention was on the brush, Ruijinji put her hands behind her back and shook her head.

"do not mind the details!"

Then, she was seen throwing the brush into the mist, and then floated in front of Sam Yi, her voice full of bewitchment.

"Do you crave power?"

"Do you desire invincible power?"

"Do you desire the power to defeat Asuka Uchiha?"


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