"My instructor?!!"

Maoyue Xiyan stared at the sky blankly, and did not come back to her senses for a long time.

Every student who graduates from the Ninja School will be assigned an instructor, and those instructors will lead the students to perform at least 8 tasks so that the students are qualified to participate in the Chunin Examination.

Strong teachers will lead students to perform more difficult tasks, while instructors with average strength will lead students to perform less difficult tasks.

Xiyan remembered very clearly that when she graduated from the ninja school, the instructor was not very strong, far from being a top elite jounin like Uchiha Asuka who could tell from the first introduction.

But everything in the photo proves that this young man seems to be her instructor.

"Fake photos?"

Her fingers rubbed a corner of the photo vigorously, until she rubbed the corner of the photo into skin and still did not give up.

This scene made Asuka's eyes twitch.

He quickly stopped Xi Yan who was destroying the photo, and then took the photo from the other person's hand and said with some distress, "Although this photo can still be washed, the owner of that store and I don't have a good relationship. Every time my photo is washed, I have to pay for it." Much more expensive.

No way, who asked me to help him find cats dozens of times and made a lot of money from him.

That guy’s eyes are glowing green now when he sees me.”

Ignoring the nagging voice of the other party, Uoyue Xiyan stared at the flowers in front of her, her eyes gradually becoming sharper.

There are many ways to cheat.

Find a few ninjas who are proficient in transformation techniques and take a group photo like this. No one will notice anything. They can even affect other people's five senses through illusions, making an otherwise ordinary photo become extraordinary.

But among so many deceptive methods, the only one that did not include "finding the client with extremely absurd photos and claiming to be his instructor in front of him." This outrageous lie was wrong, and he treated himself as an idiot.

Thinking of this, she turned to look at the young man standing beside her.

The other party's appearance at this time was about 70-80% similar to the photo. Even the clothes on his body were almost the same as the photo. It looked very much like the Uchiha clan uniform with the clan emblem cut out.

The freckles on my face look very fake

Seeing him standing there trying to smooth out the wrinkles on the photo, Uoyue Xiyan put her hand on the handle of the knife at her waist and said coldly.

"What a poor performance!"


As soon as she finished speaking, Xiyan felt like she was slapped on the head, and then the young man's voice came to her ears, "Xiyan, you don't respect the strong at all, you are always ready to draw a sword."

Suddenly, she felt a light touch on her waist, and she saw that the short knife that had been with her for many years appeared in the young man's hand at some point.

Seeing the black-haired young man playing with the dagger with a relaxed look, Uoyuki Xiyan took a step back unconsciously, watching the other person with vigilance in his eyes.

She then raised her head and looked around, stalling for time to think of a countermeasure, and asked tentatively, "You could have easily taken me down, or even controlled me with ninjutsu, so why did you use such a clumsy lie to deceive me?

Although lies can be exposed, they can still be used at the time, but no one will believe your lie the moment it comes out of your mouth. "


These words were so well-founded that they barely contained the word "bullshit", which instantly caused Feiniao to fall into silence.

He also knew that this was nonsense, but it was the truth!

In the original world, he was indeed Uzuki Xiyan's instructor, and even personally taught him medical ninjutsu.

After a moment of silence, Feiniao raised his head and looked around. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he secretly raised his fingers at the other party.


Xiyan narrowed her eyes when she saw this guy's sneaky appearance, but before she could come up with a countermeasure, the young man's voice came to her ears again, "I'll prove it to you one by one first!"

Hearing this, a trace of doubt emerged in Maoyue Xiyan's heart, and then she saw a scene that she would never forget.

When she saw the dark eyes of the black-haired young man turn scarlet instantly, and the three black magatama spinning clockwise in his eyes, Xiyan's pupils shrank. She had seen this kind of situation before, this was the Uchiha clan Signs of activating the Sharingan.

"You should know that the transplanted Sharingan cannot be opened and closed freely, while the original eye can be opened and closed as desired."

While talking, Asuka kept blinking at her, and every time he blinked, his Sharingan opened.


Uzuki Xiyan saw the pair of Sharingan turning on and off like electric lights, and her body suddenly froze in place.

After she came to her senses, she looked at the black-haired man in front of her as if she were a fool.

With the example of Kakashi, the whole of Konoha knows that after foreigners transplant the Sharingan, they can only keep it open.


Then, he saw her slap her on the forehead, and her clear voice was mixed with a hint of speechlessness, "Okay, okay, stop it. It's like you're sick."

Although the guy in front of her repeatedly emphasized that he was her instructor, Xiyan felt that if she had a choice, she would definitely not choose this guy as her teacher.

However, now it can be proved that what the other party said is not entirely false.

At least

This guy is really an Uchiha, and for some reasons, this guy is probably the only Uchiha except Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke.

Thinking of this, Uoyue Xiyan's guard became slightly less guarded, her eyes looking at the black-haired young man were full of sympathy, and her voice was no longer as cold as before, "When did you come to the village?"

Asuka, who had just finished showing off his Sharingan, subconsciously twitched his mouth after seeing Yugao's completely different attitude before and after.

Although she most likely did not believe what she said, the moment she saw the Sharingan, she still treated herself as an ordinary villager. It has to be said that Uchiha Itachi took the blame very cleanly.


Then, he put his fist to his mouth and coughed lightly, "I came here yesterday. I originally planned to walk around Konoha today, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

Mao Yue Xiyan believed most of these words.

Although she didn't know the purpose of this person's visit to the "Mountain Flower Shop", she came here purely on a whim, and there was no case that the other party deliberately ran into her.


"Although his identity as an Uchiha has been confirmed, it's still very suspicious!!"

Thinking of this, Uzuki Xiyan's heart trembled, and her expression suddenly became serious, "I didn't hear that Uchiha people came to the village recently, you must have sneaked in secretly, right?

And just now you wanted to use photos to deceive me. It always seemed like your purpose was impure. What was your purpose? "

After saying that, she looked into the black-haired man's eyes with careful eyes, trying to see some clues in his eyes.

Hearing this, Feiniao shrugged and said in a rather casual tone, "First of all, I did sneak in secretly; secondly, I didn't use photos to deceive you, you are really my student; finally, there is no purpose for me to reveal my identity and get close to you. , I just saw you falling in love and just wanted to give you some advice.”


Xi Yan frowned slightly, a trace of doubt flashing in her eyes.

This is like walking on the street alone, and a stranger approaches you with some inexplicable evidence. The stranger goes to great lengths to prove his identity just to give you a piece of advice.

"Do not make jokes!"

She looked at Uchiha Asuka, her voice revealing a sense of alienation from being thousands of miles away, "Not to mention that your identity is still very suspicious now, let's just say we... do we know each other?

Do I dare to listen to the advice you give me? "

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the black-haired man in front of her suddenly squatting on the ground, drawing circles with a small branch he picked up from nowhere, with a disappointed look on his face.

Xi Yan was stunned by this scene. It was the first time she saw such a strong man, and her mood changed so obviously.

Then, she was seen standing there hesitating for a moment, then walked to Asuka, squatted down as well, and continued with a slightly gentler tone, "How about we go find the Hokage first?"

Asuka stared at the circle he had just drawn, without even looking at the other person, and said to himself, "Back then, there was also an idiot who didn't listen to my advice, and then died on the battlefield of the Second Ninja War. Afterwards, he My sister was crying so miserably while holding the body."

After speaking, he continued to draw circles with branches.

If I remember correctly, when an important supporting character in Shippuden died, Xi Yan cried so much that she even gave up swordsmanship afterwards and started learning medical ninjutsu instead.

This script is exactly the same as the one Tsunade got back then.

"The Second Ninja War?"

Seizing the key point in this sentence, Uoyue Xiyan squinted her eyes and secretly looked at the young man next to her.

Judging from the other party's age, she should be less than 20 years old, and the Second Ninja War happened 24 years ago. She was not even born when the Second Ninja War ended.

In line with the principle that there is no harm in getting more information, she sat down next to Asuka and followed the other person's words and asked tentatively.

"Were you involved in the Second Ninja War?"

Asuka shook his head and said in a feeble voice, "No, I was only four years old at that time. The village was trying to save some respect and didn't send four-year-old me to the battlefield."

Xiyan was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously.

"Then who did you give advice to?"

"Tsunade's brother, I stopped him and said a few words before he went to the battlefield. Unexpectedly, he was killed by the explosion, and his intestines were blown out."

"The Senju Rope Tree?"

Calculating the time silently in his mind, the expression on Mao Yue Xiyan's face suddenly solidified.

Then she turned her head to look at Asuka and said with an unkind expression, "Liar, you big liar, according to the time you just mentioned, you are at least 30 years old now.

But if you look at yourself in the mirror, you will not look like a 30-year-old. "

Hearing this, Asuka looked at his student blankly and wondered.

"Didn't I tell you just now?"

"say what?"

"I'm not from this world, I came from Konoha in 52 years!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mao Yue Xiyan's eyes widened and she looked at him in shock.

However, the shocked expression quickly turned into contempt, and she subconsciously moved a few steps to the side to distance herself from Asuka, as if she was afraid of being contaminated by the other person's IQ.

The air solidified at this moment, so quiet that only the sound of breathing remained.

An awkward atmosphere permeated the two of them and refused to dissipate.

Pedestrians on the street seemed to be aware of this unusual atmosphere. They chose to avoid the two people sitting on the steps and left in a hurry without even looking at them.

I don't know how long it took, but I saw Xi Yan blinking her eyes, as if she was asking the other party, and also seemed to be asking herself.

"Am I stupid?"

"Not too stupid, but not a genius either."

"No wonder you lie to me one after another. It turns out that I am so easy to deceive in your eyes."

"It's not a lie, after all, it's the truth."

"I'm still lying to you, so I do look a bit stupid in your eyes."

"Xiyan, don't always say that you are stupid."

"Then by making up such ridiculous excuses, aren't you just deceiving a fool? Now that you are telling me those ridiculous excuses, doesn't that prove that I am a fool?"

These words immediately silenced Asuka.

The Uzuki Yuugao of this world seems to have a little more brains than the Uzuki Yuugao of the original world, but this is not as brainy as Uchiha Itachi or Namikaze Minato.

When Uchiha Itachi saw his brother, he guessed that he was from the future, and when Minato Namikaze saw his son, he also guessed that the other brother was from the future.

"Xi Yan is indeed a bit stupid!!"

After Ino wrapped all the white flowers and came out, she saw a man and a woman sitting on the steps, with a long distance between them, with no intention of paying attention to each other.


She shook the scroll in her hand, looked at the black-haired young man, and whispered, "Because there were too many flowers to carry around, I stored them all in the scroll.

If big brother doesn't have chakra, I can help you send flowers. "

"Thank you!"

Before Asuka could finish speaking, Uzuki Xiyan suddenly stood up, took the scroll, and said with a smile, "Ino, you go home for dinner first. Then leave these flowers to me and I will help you deliver them."


Ino was stunned for a moment, and then when she saw that the black-haired man didn't seem to have any objections, she looked up at Yugao Jōnin and said gratefully, "I'll leave it to Yugao Jōnin next."


She smiled and nodded to Ino, then put the scroll in her arms and came to Asuka. After bowing her head and thinking for a moment, she said, "You just said, I am your student, then I will take you to register, no problem." Bar?"

Feiniao's cheeks twitched when he heard this, and his eyes suddenly became wandering, as if he was looking for a way to escape, or as if he was thinking of some excuse.

After a long while, just when Xi Yan was getting impatient in waiting, a magnetic male voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Xi Yan, do you want to know the secret of Bai Ya's suicide?"

"Don't listen, don't listen, I don't listen. Now I just want to take you to meet Mr. Hokage and register your information!!"

"Xi Yan, do you want to know who the real murderer is on the night of the Nine Tails?"

"Don't listen, don't listen!!"

"Xiyan, do you want to know how to get rid of the scar on your butt? It's the one you secretly pierced yourself when you were in Ninja School."


Hearing the dark-haired young man's secret, Mao Yuexi's face darkened. Before she could ask, she heard the other party continue, "Oh, actually I am really your teacher, and I also know many of your secrets."

For example, you are eight years old”

Then, she saw Asuka whispering a few words against her ear.

These secrets were all learned when he was bored and played a big adventure with Xi Yan, but he didn't expect that they would come in handy today.


Listening to those secrets, Mao Yuexiyan's face became darker and darker, and her fists clenched tighter and tighter.

She also didn't expect that the other party knew everything about her childhood. She was the only one who knew many things.


This also shows that the other party does seem to have a close relationship with me.

Thinking of this, Xi Yan stared at his face, and finally gritted her teeth and threatened, "Let's go and worship first. After the worship, we will register again. Don't be mean, or I will really call someone." of."

As she said that, she crossed the flying bird and walked first towards the direction of the memorial monument.

The opponent's strength was much higher than his own, and he even sneaked into the village secretly. If he rashly called for support, this guy would definitely run away. Moreover, Konoha was about to hold the Chunin Examination, and there were many outsiders, so it was not suitable for a large-scale search.

“Even if I’m looking for a teacher, how could I possibly find someone like this to be my teacher?”

Xiyan looked up into the distance, and the afterglow of the setting sun reflected on her cheeks, giving her a rosy look, "She is mentally abnormal, acts as she pleases, and threatens students with secrets.

Is this something a teacher can do? "

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