Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 136 It Doesn't Matter, I Will Make A Move (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 136: It doesn't matter, I will take action (Please subscribe!)

Hokage's orders have been issued.

The news spread, and the high-level officials of Konoha finally breathed a sigh of relief—Fifth Hokage finally spoke up, and the front line of Konoha has hope!

It seems that this Hokage has a strong belief in rules. Even though Xia Yan is such a powerful support, if it were the Third Hokage, he would have found an excuse to let him go a long time ago. But the Fifth Hokage clenched his teeth and didn't speak up for so long...

In the future, it's better not to violate the law in front of the Fifth Generation!

Xia Yan returned home.

As soon as he entered the door, countless wives and concubines cast their passionate gazes at him.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Xia Yan was taken aback and touched his face. "Did I become handsome again?"

However, the wives and concubines looked at Xia Yan with an unimaginable gaze, scanning him up and down.

"Xia Yan, why didn't I know you were so strong?"

Xia Yan was under Tsunade's surveillance before and basically didn't go home.

But whether it was killing Danzo or annihilating the Shimura clan, the achievements had already spread throughout Konoha!

When the news reached the Uchiha residence, many wives and concubines were shocked—how could our Xia Yan be so strong? Are you sure you're not mistaken?

But the subsequent evidence left them speechless, and they could only accept this unimaginable fact...

"You're actually this strong?" Yuhi Kurenai stared with her beautiful eyes. "I can't believe you pretended to be weak in front of me!"

"That's right! That's right!" Uzuki Yuugao nodded repeatedly. "I was originally sent by the Third Hokage as a spy and responsible for protecting the Uchiha!"

"But does the Uchiha really need me to protect them?"

Ringo snorted, "Do you really think he's weak? I won't submit to a weak man!"

Akatsuki stifled a laugh, "So this is the reason for your constant affairs with other women?"

Note: The translation provided is a faithful representation of the original Chinese text. However, it is important to note that the original text contains some colloquial expressions and informal language that may not be directly translatable into English.

Apple: ???

Hakurei, Anko, Uzumaki Haruko, and others all had smiles on their faces.

They may not fully understand, but they have some knowledge of Natsuhiko's strength.

The act of annihilating the Shimura clan has indeed been exaggerated too much.

But if it was done by Natsuhiko, it is not incomprehensible!

The other wives and concubines looked at him with surprise and admiration, their eyes filled with deep love and worship.

Who doesn't love a strong person?

Even in a pure-hearted ninja school, the most popular ones are still the top-ranked Sasuke and Neji, right?

The mentality of admiring strength is prevalent in the ninja world, which occasionally erupts into large-scale battles.

Although the women, after marrying into the Uchiha clan, have accepted Natsuhiko's reputation as a "Jōnin's shame," they still deeply love him.

But that doesn't mean they don't hope their men can have unmatched strength.

In fact, not only them, but all the female ninjas in Konoha exploded completely after Natsuhiko's strength was revealed.

"Natsuhiko is actually this strong?"

"Damn it! I almost became his wife!"

"If it weren't for me despising his reputation as a 'Jōnin's shame' at that time, I would have taken on the high-paying mission to bear Uchiha's child!"

"Damn it! There are too many women eyeing Natsuhiko now. I wasted such a great opportunity!"

Countless cries of despair resounded.

It's as if in a third-rate school, there was a top-tier wealthy second-generation hiding his identity, looking for a girl who doesn't love his money but loves him for who he is.

And even though the girls had a great chance, they gave up on this wealthy second-generation due to some deviation...

Now that the wealthy second-generation has been exposed, they have instantly lost the opportunity they should have had!

How can they not feel regret about this!

Even Xia Yan, who harbored ulterior motives and concealed his true strength, has become the "one who caught Shimura Danzo's evidence of guilt" in the mouths of these regretful women, just a hidden infiltrator before accumulating enough power to eliminate the Shimura clan.

Clearly, he is an ambitious and resilient outstanding young man!

Xia Yan's reputation instantly transformed from the shame of a Jonin to the current "Prince of Revenge"!

All the women outside are like this.

The women within the Uchiha clan are even more excited, with a hint of joy as if they have won a "grand prize".

Of course, not all women are so happy.

Samui's expression is somewhat stiff.

"Raikage-sama, we made a big mistake!" Samui screams in her heart, "How can we proceed with our plan to seize the Uchiha bloodline?"

As an elite Jonin of the Cloud Shinobi Village, Samui has been married into the Uchiha clan for a short time, and the unique charm of the movie is unparalleled among the Five Kage.

The Uchiha's sweet-talking tactics obviously haven't defeated Samui's innermost thoughts!

Even though her belly is getting bigger, she still worries about her mission.

But now...

How can this mission be completed!

Her expression is extremely complicated, just clapping her hands with a forced smile, while her inner thoughts keep changing.

And similarly with a complex expression, there is only Sasuke!

"Xia Yan, brother," Sasuke remains silent for a long time before finally speaking, "Do you already have the strength to defeat Itachi?"

"Sasuke, the power of a ninja is not so easily divided. I have my trump cards, and Itachi has his own." Xia Yan doesn't directly answer his question, but instead smiles and says, "But missions and missions can be clearly divided."

"You go complete your mission, I'll go complete mine."

"Forget already? I'm responsible for reviving the Uchiha, you're responsible for dealing with Itachi... As for how to solve it, that's your problem."

Sasuke opened his mouth, but his body felt light.

He had witnessed his parents covered in blood in front of Itachi, a scene that was too shocking and caused him, a mere student of the Jōnin academy, to activate his Sharingan.

Since then, the responsibility of seeking justice from Itachi weighed heavily on Sasuke's shoulders!

For a certain period of time, that was Sasuke's sole purpose for living!

If Shihiko took away this purpose from him, Sasuke couldn't imagine what he would become!

However, the clever Sasuke accurately grasped Shihiko's words of "how to solve it".

The previous method was to kill Itachi, seeking revenge for his parents and the Uchiha clan.

But with the revelation of Danzo's involvement, there were many doubts surrounding the Uchiha's extermination, and Sasuke had some suspicions as well.

And now, Shihiko's words almost directly informed Sasuke - Yes, your doubts are correct, there is indeed something wrong with the Uchiha's extermination!

Regardless of whether your solution is to kill Itachi or spare him, or any other form of punishment, it's your problem!

"Thank you, Shihiko-nii!" Sasuke took a deep breath and lowered his head.

Shihiko's words indicated that he had given up on blaming Itachi!

If Itachi truly had reasons, if there were circumstances, as long as Sasuke forgave Itachi, perhaps he could become the older brother he used to be!


Sasuke's expression was incredibly complex.

However, he took a deep breath and his face once again became resolute.

Letting Itachi go was simple, Shihiko-nii had already made his stance clear. As long as Sasuke forgave Itachi, then naturally all problems would be resolved.

But the problem is - how can I justify this to Xia Yan ge (brother Xia Yan)!

"I will make a decision," Sasuke said seriously.

On the other hand, Xia Yan didn't think too much - he was a standard protagonist template, with both parents deceased, no sisters, and a house. Apart from a little Fire Style ninjutsu and additional support from the clan, the Uchiha clan didn't have much else to offer him.

Most of the Uchiha clan members were relatively aloof, and Xia Yan had limited contact with them due to his time travel, so their relationship was not deep and they had little communication.

So no matter what decision Sasuke ultimately made, Xia Yan could accept it.

After all, from a perspective of self-interest, if it weren't for Itachi wiping out the entire clan, making it convenient for him to use the Uchiha clan's resources to establish a foundation for himself and gather wives and concubines, Xia Yan probably wouldn't have this kind of strength now.

Xia Yan comforted Sasuke a few more times, then shifted his gaze to Lin Guoyou.

Lin Guo's belly was getting bigger and she was approaching her due date, so she obviously couldn't go out with him like before.

And this time, he was prepared to end things quickly and didn't plan to bring his wives and concubines to the battlefield.

"Oh, by the way, Lin Guo," Xia Yan thought for a moment and slapped his forehead. "I have a gift for you."

As he spoke, he took out a storage scroll.

With a clap of his hand, two large knives appeared on it.

One was the Lightning Blade Fang that Lin Guo had longed for.

The other was the Twin Blades Plaice that he had confiscated some time ago.

"You beat up Genshirou Mangetsu?" Lin Guo's mouth twitched, and she sighed lightly. "That guy is really unlucky!"

"So Xia Yan, you are now..." she hesitated and looked at Xia Yan, making some guesses but not daring to believe it was true.

"It's for you," Xia Yan smiled. "Do you like it?"

"I remember our agreement was three children, and I haven't fulfilled it yet...." Lin Qin swallowed a mouthful of saliva and pretended to be indifferent, saying, "I gave you the reward in advance. Aren't you afraid that I won't be satisfied with what you give me?"

"Except for you, no one here can stop me!"

"Then I must have misjudged you." Xia Yan blinked his eyes. "Even my Sharingan can make mistakes!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Qin felt somewhat moved.

She seemed unwilling for others to see her current expression, slightly lowering her head and saying, "Is that so? Anyway, the ninja code is all about deception. Maybe I've deceived your Sharingan's perception. It's not too late to regret now."

"Oh, is that so? I regret it then."


Lin Qin suddenly raised her head, her eyes wide open.

But Xia Yan laughed heartily and pushed two ninja swords towards her, saying, "I was just teasing you, really... But after accepting my gift, shouldn't you show some appreciation?"

"To be honest, doing the same thing over and over can get boring. How about after you give birth, you can show off your 'not being inferior to others' personality?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Qin's face turned red, filled with embarrassment.

Ignoring her big belly, she grabbed the lightning blade and swung it towards Xia Yan.

"Hey! Don't be impulsive!"

"Be careful with the child! Be careful with the child!"

Xia Yan stayed at home for a day.

Then he headed straight to the battlefield of the Mist Ninja Village.


It was quite miserable from the fighting!

Although the Mist Ninja Village had fewer people, it was second only to the Wind Country's Sand Shinobi Village in terms of limited funds.

But there are many experts! Not only are there top-level ninjas like the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, even ordinary ninjas have the qualifications that make them among the best in the Five Great Nations. After all, being in a country with frequent internal conflicts, they often engage in life-or-death battles with enemies.

Those who are not strong enough or cautious enough have long been taken out by others.

Although the Mist Village, even after Terumi Mei's efforts, still has some level of distrust among the Mist ninjas and their teammates, their level of trust in their teammates may not be as high as that of the future Shinobi Alliance. But they are still much stronger than the Leaf Village, which is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of quantity and quality of top-level ninjas.

Large areas of land have been occupied, a large number of military facilities have been captured, and a large number of Konoha Shinobi with a power level of 760 have been killed. Even with the blood, sweat, and tears of temporary commander Nara, he is powerless to stop the progress of the Mist Village.

And now...

Natsuhiko has finally arrived!

"You finally came!" Nara grabbed Natsuhiko's arm, his eyes filled with anger. "You said you would come back soon, but is this your idea of soon?"

Even with Nara's cautious nature, he could clearly express such words, showing his full resentment.

Natsuhiko shrugged. "First, you should ask Tsunade about this matter, and second, you should ask yourself."

"I clearly said to hold on until I came back by trading space for time. Why did you have to fight the enemy to the death?"

In reality, although the Mist Village has the advantage, the Leaf Village should not have suffered such great losses.

If Natsuhiko's plan had been followed, conceding territory and allowing the Mist Village to act freely, the loss of territory might have been significant, but the casualties would definitely not be as severe as they are now.

However, how could Nara ever do such a thing?

"This is our Leaf Village's territory!" Nara shouted loudly. "How can we abandon our own land?"

Natsuhiko smirked.

Loss of land means loss of people, loss of people means loss of land; preservation of people means preservation of land, preservation of land means preservation of people....

It's a shame that you are from the Nara clan and yet you don't understand this principle.

But he couldn't be bothered with his hesitation and said directly, "How is the current situation on the battlefield?"

Nara took a deep breath.

"The Mist Village has captured our supply warehouse. Gekko Hozuki led a team to attack our transportation convoy, and we are facing a shortage of supplies."

"On the front lines, Terumi Mei led a major offensive. We keep retreating, and our current camp was just repaired yesterday, so it has very little defensive capability."

"We have suffered heavy losses these days, and the village's support has reached its limit. There is no more support available."

"Meanwhile, the Mist shinobi have abundant manpower. Not only that, the Mist shinobi, who used to have internal unity issues, have now gained a large number of spoils of war due to multiple victories, boosting their morale and increasing their internal unity..."

It's all bad news!

Not a single piece of good news!

Nara's voice sounded tearful as he spoke.

At this moment, the alarm in Konoha suddenly sounded - the enemy shinobi were attacking again!

"How, how, how... How do we fight this?"

Nara completely broke down.

The Konoha shinobi were already at their limit, while the Mist Village's attacks were relentless.

How do we fight this?

However, Natsuhiko glanced in the direction of the Mist shinobi in the distance and smiled faintly.

He stood up and walked towards them with big strides.

"It doesn't matter, I will take action."

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