Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 158 Big Stomach King Hinata (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 158: The Great Stomach King Hinata (Please subscribe!)

As a girl with a peculiar thought process, Sakura was actually seriously considering this question.

However, just three seconds later, Sakura snapped back to reality and her face instantly turned red.

Marry the older brother, Hachihiko, and then marry the younger brother, Sasuke?

What kind of absurd idea is this!

"What the hell am I thinking!" she exclaimed.

"Forget it! Forget it all!"

She slapped her own cheeks as if the rosy color on her face was caused by her own slaps, rather than natural embarrassment.

This attracted the attention of countless people.

"What is Sakura doing?"

"I don't know, probably complaining about some weird things again."

"She still wants to compete with me for Sasuke like this?"

Ino, Shikamaru, Kiba, and others looked at her with strange eyes.

Only Chōji remained focused on his goal as always.

"Ah, Chef, the meat looks good. Please give me ten servings, thank you."

Hachihiko sat nonchalantly on the side.

As always, he lived a leisurely life even after becoming the strongest in the ninja world. He continued to work hard to revive the Uchiha clan, spent his days with his wives, and maintained his excellent habits of not drinking, not smoking, and working hard with early bedtimes and late wake-ups.

However, no matter how peaceful his life may be, the reputation of being the strongest in the ninja world should never be underestimated!

After a while, Naruto came over and said sneakily, "Xia Yan ge, Xia Yan ge!"

"Hmm?" Xia Yan looked over.

"How about becoming my teacher?" Naruto's eyes were full of excitement. "Since we're graduating, we need a teacher... Xia Yan ge, why don't you teach us?"

Xia Yan blinked his eyes. "Who are you referring to?"

"Of course it's me, the number one person in the ninja school, and Sasuke, who always lags behind, and little Sakura!" Naruto said confidently. "Don't worry, we'll definitely be the best students! We'll listen obediently!"

"With you around, we'll definitely be able to complete the most difficult missions on the battlefield and become the most shining stars of Konoha!"

"Xia Yan ge, carry me and show off!" Naruto said, holding onto Xia Yan's thigh with a pleading expression.

Xia Yan's mouth twitched. "Never mind when you became the number one in the school, but when did Sasuke become a laggard..."

"I don't want to go to the battlefield," Xia Yan casually said. "I just came back from there. What's the use of killing so many people? Can you give me a few girls?"

"I'll pay you 300 to be my disciple," Naruto thought wishfully.

Even though he was very ugly.

"You have your own teacher, I don't want to accompany kids on missions," Xia Yan waved his hand. "It's too troublesome."

"Do you know who our teacher is, Xia Yan ge?" Sasuke walked over and asked curiously.

Unlike Naruto, he had known for a long time that it was impossible for Shigehiko to be his teacher. How could he let a shut-in like him go out? No way!

Even if Xia Yan was willing, Sasuke wouldn't be—what would happen to the Uchiha's revival if he didn't work hard? Did they not need new blood for the clan anymore?

As for the selection of the teacher...

It is naturally confidential to the students, but for high-ranking and influential ninjas who want to know the teachers of their own children, it is really simple.

Not only the team leader, but also the selection of teammates assigned by the Hokage in principle, the wishes of high-level ninjas will also be an important reference.

Privilege is everywhere.

"I know, he is considered a master, and he can easily rank in the top five in Konoha..." Xia Yan casually said, "He is the direct disciple of the Fourth Hokage back then."

Of course, it is Kakashi!

Kakashi is specialized in the corresponding field, and he has connections with Naruto's father and Sasuke's clan. His own strength is also reliable. Although he is not yet at the Kage level, he has grown a lot in this Ninja World War and is about to touch the threshold of the Kage level.

He belongs to the top-level ninja of Konoha!

But Naruto and Sasuke, who have a broader vision, don't think highly of Kakashi.

"Not even second place in the top five?" Sasuke's expression was a bit unfriendly, and Naruto also looked disappointed.

We were taught by the strongest ninja in the ninja world, Xia Yan!

Now, the "ninja world" has changed to "Konoha," but the "strongest" has directly been downgraded to "top five."

The gap is really too big!

The two of them decided unanimously—to just follow Kakashi and carry out the missions.

If they have time, they will have to invite Xia Yan to teach!

What can Kakashi compare to Xia Yan?

"What about teammates? Who are my teammates?" Sasuke asked.

"You and Naruto and little Sakura."

Xia Yan doesn't want to change this iron triangle combination.

The other three teams have changed. Ino-Shika-Chō has been directly split up. Hinata has joined Ino from the split, and Tenten, who volunteered to lead a team on the front lines, has been transferred. This forms a new combination.

Originally, Tsunade did not plan to split up Ino-Shika-Chō, but she couldn't refuse when Neji volunteered.

Although he is young, Neji possesses the Hyuga clan's bloodline secret technique, knowledge gained from training with Shikamaru, and strength surpassing that of a Jōnin. He is more than capable of being an excellent team leader!

Especially after Neji stood up against the Mist shinobi, displaying a strong personality, his prestige in Konoha has further increased.

His request, Tsunade also has to give him some face...

As for why he insists on bringing three girls along...

The reason given to Hiashi is to find a best friend for Miss Hinata.

The reason given to others is that Ino represents Ino-Shika-Chō, an old force in Konoha, and they are classmates every day. In addition, she comes from a prestigious family of ninja tool merchants, which aligns with Uchiha's industry. As for Hinata, she is the hope of the Hyuga clan...

However, the real reason is...

Although Xia Yan treats his wives and concubines equally, there are always a few exceptional women in the original work that make him feel a bit special.

In fact, the women in the original work do not necessarily represent strength, such as Mao Yue Xiyan.

While she is indeed talented and has decent strength, she is still inferior compared to some of the elite female ninjas that Uchiha has taken in nowadays.

But perhaps due to factors like a collector's obsession, Xia Yan always pays extra attention to these individuals.

And Ino and Tenten are clearly among the objects of his special attention!

Neji is a clever person. He even wants to marry off his cousin Hinata and Hanabi. Is he afraid of getting more "disciples"?

However, when Xia Yan mentioned the team assignments.

Little Sakura's eyes lit up.

Ino let out a sigh, but immediately felt lucky—although the Ino-Shika-Chō trio has natural coordination and a level of trust that surpasses others, she really doesn't want to be with Shikamaru, who is always complaining, and Chōji, who is constantly eating!

As for the male side...

"It's little Sakura! How wonderful!" Naruto immediately became excited.

Although he had tasted the flavor of women more than once, Sakura was still his first love!

He wasn't as obsessed as before, but being on the same team with her was obviously a good thing.

Sasuke, on the other hand, frowned and looked dissatisfied at Sakura.

"Sakura, don't hold me back."

Naruto was one thing, although he couldn't beat himself, he was indeed not weak.

But what was Sakura?

Coming from a common family, she was below average in any ninjutsu, genjutsu, or taijutsu.

Her theoretical knowledge was strong, but can theory kill enemies?

Sakura's smile froze. "Sasuke, I..."

Xia Yan sighed lightly. "No, Sasuke, you underestimate Sakura too much."

"I always thought Sakura was a hidden talent. Her talent should not be underestimated, right, Sakura?"

As he spoke, he rubbed Sakura's head with one hand, his eyes shining.

Sakura was also a genius!

Despite her current appearance of being in love, she was the only ninja among the twelve genin who kept up with Naruto in the later stages.

Even without considering medical ninjutsu, in terms of combat power alone, she surpassed all the other genin except Naruto!

Upon hearing this, Sakura felt somewhat moved.

She didn't know her own talent, but she knew how much Sasuke despised her.

Naruto may welcome her on the surface, but in reality, she doesn't welcome her role as a teammate.

What Xia Yan recognizes is her own potential!

"Yes! Xia Yan ge!" Little Sakura is energized. "I will work hard!"

No wonder so many women disregard the rumors of Xia Yan being a "scumbag" and still wholeheartedly support him...

Sasuke, the cool guy, is not bad, but Xia Yan, the warm-hearted guy, is the one who knows best!

Sasuke furrows his brow, not thinking that little Sakura plays any significant role.

But since Xia Yan spoke up, he casually says, "I understand. So, little Sakura, work hard to become stronger."

"It's okay if I can't become stronger. Regardless of the teammate, it won't affect my performance."

Sasuke, as always, confident!

He holds a bottle of "Barley Juice" in one hand and a few wine glasses in the other.

As he speaks, he pours wine into the glasses.

He drinks a glass himself, and his face instantly turns red from the alcohol.

"Huh, Sasuke, when did you start drinking?" Xia Yan curiously asks. "Didn't you always refuse to drink?"

The Hokage world has strict regulations on alcohol.

But Xia Yan doesn't care at all—when you can fall in love at the age of seven, graduate at twelve and go kill people, but then you're not allowed to drink before the age of twenty?

Are you kidding me!

Although Xia Yan doesn't care, Sasuke has never drunk alcohol.

Alcohol can numb a person's reaction, reduce sensory perception of the outside world, and distract one's attention...

In order to become stronger, Sasuke, like Xia Yan, never touches alcohol.

However, when he heard Xia Yan's words, Sasuke's face turned black.

Next to him, Naruto chuckled and said, "Xia Yan, it's because he just lost to me in a game, so he's being punished with alcohol."

Sasuke doesn't drink, but Naruto is a regular at the bar, so how could he not know how to drink?

But Xia Yan blinked his eyes and curiously asked, "Wait a minute, with Sasuke's personality, why would he play a drinking game with you?"

"Yeah!" Naruto nodded repeatedly. "At first, Sasuke said, 'This kind of game has no meaning, it doesn't affect our strength at all, so what's the point of playing?' He didn't agree to play together."

Xia Yan nodded. "That's Sasuke's style."

Naruto covered his mouth and chuckled. "Yeah, but when I said, 'Actually, you're just afraid of drinking, right?' he agreed."

Zhen Yan:

Yeah, that's also Sasuke's style...

Not far away...

"Hinata-sama, please have this." Neji presented the freshly grilled meat from the chef and handed it over.

"Thank you, Neji-nii-san." Hinata's face blushed slightly as she silently accepted it. "But I can do this myself."

"No, this is also my duty." Neji smiled and said, "Xia Yan-sama told me that he feels like you've always seemed hungry, so he specifically asked me to have the chef prepare more for you..."

"Hinata-sama, in the Uchiha clan, you can eat to your heart's content and enjoy a good meal."

Upon hearing this, Hinata's face blushed, showing both shyness and embarrassment.

As a top noble family in Konoha, the Hyuga clan has always upheld aristocratic etiquette. They don't speak while eating and have several procedures for every meal.

Hinata, who has been reminded since childhood "not to eat too quickly, not to eat too much, as it goes against etiquette," has always been in a state of not being able to eat enough—not because of the lack of food in the Hyuga clan, but because Hinata is a hidden big eater!

Konoha once held an Ichiraku Ramen eating contest, with a time limit of thirty minutes. Naruto, who loves ramen the most, ate thirty bowls, averaging one bowl every ten minutes.

Yamato, however, crushed Naruto with a score of thirty-one bowls.

But what surprised everyone was that Hinata won overwhelmingly with forty-six bowls, completely surpassing both of them.

Even though Ichiraku Ramen held eating contests multiple times in the future, with even adult participants like Akimichi Chōji and the Akamichi father and son, the most anyone could eat was around forty-two bowls.

Hinata was also known as the "Queen of Big Eaters"!

However, forty-six bowls were not actually Hinata's true capacity. After all, the time limit was thirty minutes, and this time she wasn't intentionally restricting herself.

With this capacity, the Hyuga clan, which demands high table manners, naturally couldn't meet Hinata's needs.

So some people have said that Hinata actually had amazing talent, but unfortunately, the rigid rules of the Hyuga clan limited her development...

However, Hinata's face turned red—eating so much clearly didn't conform to her education.

"Even Neji-nii knows..."

Steam rose from her head.

Hinata struggled hard, trying to salvage her ladylike image. "Um, Neji-nii, actually, what Shikamaru heard was just a rumor. I'm a delicate girl, how could I eat so much?"

Neji: "Shikamaru said that when you come to the Uchiha's, just relax as if you're at home. Don't be polite... If you're polite, it means you treat him as an outsider."

Hinata: "Even delicate girls can't give up their pursuit of good food, Neji-nii, please help me ask the chef to grill three more servings."

Neji stood there dumbfounded, taking a while to react.


He quickly ran to the chef's area, but after taking three steps, he couldn't help but turn back.


Is something not right?

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