Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 248 Naruto: Please Don't Bother Me! Thanks! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 248 Naruto: Please don't bother me! Thank you! (Please subscribe!)

In fact, Xia Yan has always known that the Sage of Six Paths is alive—the reason why Naruto Sasuke was able to seal Kaguya Ji was the work of this Sage of Six Paths!

With the help of the power of the Sage of Six Paths, they officially set foot on the Six Paths level, and they can join forces to compete with Kaguya Ji!

Thinking about it deeply, there are many ninjutsu resurrected in the ninja world.

Impure World Reincarnation that can activate the dead, reincarnation that distributes life to others, Rinnegan's pupil technique Rinne Tensei...

Gaara died and came back to life, Uchiha Madara died and came back to life.

They can do it, why can't a legendary figure like Sage of Six Paths be resurrected?

"You say so, it is indeed possible."

Hearing this, Black Zetsu frowned slightly, and his eyes were filled with fear.

He didn't think of it before, but thinking about it now...

The possibility is great!

Immediately looked apprehensive.

The reason why Black Zetsu has been silent, plotting secretly, and never showing up is actually because he is afraid of what the Sage of Six Paths brothers may leave behind-backhands!

Such as Tenseigan on the moon, and those Ōtsutsuki

"But if he can come back to life, why has there been no news about him?" Kaguya Ji frowned slightly, with a sad expression on her face.

"Maybe not." Xia Yan said with a smile: "Do you know Huangquan...or Netherland?"

"I think the underworld of this world is created by Sage of Six Paths."

Create hell?

Speaking of ancient times, it seems that there is really no similar name.

The two "ancient people" frowned and meditated. They vaguely remembered that in Kaguya Ji's era, there seemed to be no such thing as hell, not even the so-called Shinigami.

So why did everyone get used to the existence of Pluton and Huangquan after the Sengoku period?

"You think he created it? Why?"

The two couldn't help asking.

"I don't have any direct evidence." Xia Yan spread his hands: "But I think there is always something wrong with the ninjutsu of Impure World Reincarnation. Just think about it. When the soul is summoned, it can instantly have infinite Chakra and an immortal body. ...."

"The immortal body is nothing, but the infinite Chakra must have a source, right?"

Chakra, the body of Impure World Reincarnation, is infinite!

The corpses do not need to obtain from the caster, they can directly perform their ninjutsu.

What limits their strength is actually only the output efficiency of the attached body.

But not the amount of Chakra itself!

However here is the question - where does this infinite Chakra come from?

Even the Chakra of the Ōtsutsuki family is not infinite, and the sacred tree needs to swallow a large amount of natural energy to breed the Chakra fruit. How can a ninjutsu randomly developed by Second Hokage break the law of energy conservation?

Although seeking science in an unscientific world like the ninja world is an unreasonable thing.

But it is indeed impossible!

No matter from the point of view of science, or the point of view of phantasm......

Both Kaguya Ji and Black Zetsu are silent, this infinite Chakra even they have never heard of, Ōtsutsuki does not have this technology - if they have the technology, they still need to invade the Shi Huangqiu!

Wouldn't it be perfect for Chakra to directly let the sacred tree devour the corpse of Impure World Reincarnation?

Then there is only one answer - the Chakra of Impure World Reincarnation was supplied to them by an unknown existence!

And this existence is likely to be the Sage of Six Paths!

"In other words, Netherland is the arm of Sage of Six Paths..." Black Zetsu asked curiously: "Although it is not difficult to create a Netherland, why did he do it?"

Creating the underworld is not difficult......

This kind of words can also be said from people like Black Zetsu and Kaguya Hime.

But to be honest, although Xia Yan is still not sure about the creation method of 'Huangquan', it is actually not difficult for him to create a world of Huangquan - the space can be based on the space ninjutsu that almost everyone in the Datong family can do.

There are also a lot of ninjutsu in terms of souls, and Rinnegan even has the ability to specifically target souls in hell.

Difficulty naturally exists, but it is not impossible.

It just takes a lot of time to develop a special supporting technique.

But why did he do this?

Sage of Six Paths is already invincible in this world!

What is he doing--

It's just that Black Zetsu just said it, and his expression changed slightly in an instant.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's expression also changed slightly, and then he sighed lightly.

"It seems that you all understand." Xia Yan shrugged: "Yes, it should be to deal with the pursuers of the Ōtsutsuki family."

"As a mature powerhouse, I don't think that Sage of Six Paths would still play peace plans leisurely after knowing that there may be pursuers coming at any time, without making any preparations for battle."

Check out Tsunade et al!

After they discovered that Xia Yan and Kaguya Ji had transferred to a different space, even though they knew that the two of them might not come back from where they were, they also knew that even if they built enough fortifications, they would not be able to stop their level of casual blow …

But Tsunade and others still acted!

Made my best effort!

This kind of fighting attitude is necessary for every mature master.

Just like Kaguya Ji chose to make White Zetsu to serve as his own soldiers under the pressure of the pursuers of the Ōtsutsuki family.

Sage of Six Paths also likely chose the dead to serve as their soldiers!

There are so many dead people in the ninja world every day, and many of them are masters with rich combat experience.

This ninja-incarnate soldier is much stronger than White Zetsu, not only immortal, but also far more powerful than White Zetsu.

In terms of quantity, with the accumulation of endless years, it is definitely far more than White Zetsu!

This is really.....

"Hehe, Yuyi is really hypocritical, preventing mother from making White Zetsu, and then starting to imprison human souls." Black Zetsu sneered a few times, his voice full of disdain.

"It may not be hypocrisy, it may be too much pressure." Kaguya Ji said something fair.

She was also kind before, and was even endorsed by the Sage of Six Paths.

But in the crisis that Ōtsutsuki's chasing moment may come, he finally chose to attack humans.

It's just that Sage of Six Paths is still alive......

Kaguya Hime and Black Zetsu suddenly tensed up.

That is the legendary man who sealed Kaguya Hime!

"Don't worry." Xia Yan caressed Kaguya Ji's smooth back and slowly hugged her into his arms: "I have everything... Your only job is to raise the baby obediently and give me more babies." A big fat boy!"

Kaguya Ji froze, then slowly lowered her head as if she was not used to it, and finally leaned lightly on Xia Yan's shoulder, with a relaxed expression on her face.

at the same time.

Infinite Tsukuyomi's dream is shattered.

Everyone gradually began to return to normal life.

Tsunade was busy contacting Wukage to comfort people.

When Luo Sha, Terumi Mei, Onoki and others saw the information given by Tsunade, they fell silent immediately.

To be honest, they all panicked when they found out that they were under the illusion of the enemy.

According to the time, I was hung up for a full three months!

For three months, everyone had no ability to resist at all, and was directly hung up...

"Is this Xia Yan's power?" Everyone sighed softly, with complicated expressions.

Although Tsunade clearly stated that it was not Xia Yan who did it, but Kaguya Ji, the enemy.

But everyone knows how powerful an existence that can easily throw the entire ninja world into illusion is!

It can be said that in the face of such an enemy, Ninja Village doesn't even have the mind to fight - anyway, no matter how you fight, you will lose!

But this Kaguya princess was defeated by Xia Yan and entered into the Uchiha clan?

"Is our resistance really useful?"

Everyone is preoccupied.

Whether it's Terumi Mei, who is committed to Xia Yan, or Luo Sha, who looks like a dog leg, in fact, the one who puts the first place in his heart is his Ninja Village!

They can give up the interests of Ninja Village, or they can give everything of themselves.

But the ultimate goal is not to please Xia Yan, but for the village.

But now...

Facing such an enemy, how can they deal with it?

The life and death of Ninja Village depend on Xia Yan's thoughts?

Once he thinks that Tsunade's proposal of "Unifying the Ninja World" is good, and he really does it himself, then...

Luo Sha and the others all have the consciousness to die for Ninja Village, but at that time, I am afraid that they will really have to die!

Don't say that Xia Yan is not interested in unifying the ninja world, not Tsunade and the others, can't they use various temptations to arouse his interest?

How could a mature master, a mature politician, bet his life on the goodwill of others?

And the pursuers of the Ōtsutsuki clan who don't know when will come

Besides Xia Yan, who can solve it?

"I can't help it, it seems that I just accept my fate."

Several people smiled wryly, and took out the pretense of a Uchiha family meeting.

Started to publicly put the "Uchiha Family Meeting" on top of Ninja Village, admitting that the other party has the right to manage Ninja Village, and began to transfer benefits...

The Ninja Alliance Council is formally formed!

Although the name of this alliance council is called "Uchiha Family Council", all the members are Xia Yan's wives and concubines...

But under this framework, the thinking is completely unified!

After Tsunade got the reply, the corners of her mouth turned up—yes, the reason why she shared the information with the major ninja villages for free is to make them bow their heads completely!

Even the chasing soldiers of the Ōtsutsuki clan are trying to warn the major ninja villages, threatening them to speed up joining the alliance!

While drawing big cakes for everyone with the interests of the open universe, at the same time threatening and deterring with the pursuers of the Ōtsutsuki clan...  

This is a big stick in one hand, and a big pie in one hand.

Tsunade is indeed the granddaughter of Second Hokage!

The result is that Xia Yan wakes up and finds that the entire ninja world has become Uchiha's sphere of influence.

"This way of dominating the world is a bit magical." Xia Yan blinked and remained silent.


In order to fight for the interests of the ninja village in their own country, this time, no matter it is the land of wind, the land of thunder or the land of water, they all desperately sent their elite ninjas to the Uchiha clan.

...asking for flowers......

Different from before, the current "Uchiha Family Conference" has completely become the superiors of each ninja village. All outstanding female ninjas are trying to climb to the top, so they must marry into Uchiha!

The scheming Onoki even announced at a high point that he would pass on the position of Tsuchikage to his granddaughter, who was married to Xia Yan and had a child with Heitu.

Luo Sha's reaction was not slow, and immediately said that the position of Kazekage would be passed on to his daughter Temari.

Cloud Shinobi's reaction was a bit slow, but under Darui's urging, he decided to send

Going out of the diplomatic mission to Konoha—not to persuade Konoha to do something, but to persuade their movie masters to stop being stubborn, and quickly bow their heads obediently and recognize the reality.

Then work harder under Xia Yan for Cloud Shinobi Village!

This is the case in the five major countries, and other small ninja villages have not hesitated to announce that they will give up the position of leader of their ninja village to a certain Uchiha's wife and concubine.

Of course, the specific government affairs are still handled by the original leader. After all, the wives and concubines need to be busy serving Xia Yan, and their time is limited. It is impossible to go all the way to Ninja Village to work...

So Xia Yan's family has Hokage Tsunade, Mizukage Terumi Mei, Raikage, Wooden Golem, Kazekage Temari, Tsuchikage Kuroto, and a group of ninja village leaders.

"What am I?"

"The Habsburg dynasty won half of Europe with their lower body, but I won the whole ninja world with my wife?"

Xia Yan even felt that he could take a photo when he was with his wife and concubine.

Wooden Golem gave Raikage two backs.

Tsuchikage Kuroto beat his leg.

Hokage Tsunade fed fruit to Xia Yan with his slender hands, Kazekage Temari ran behind Xia Yan and squeezed his shoulders, Mizukage Terumi Mei sat in his arms...

Perhaps this photo can be named: 'Five Kages Meeting'!

The ninja world, there will be peace at once!

Of course, there is still some competition for fame and fortune, but the methods are much milder.

The "Uchiha Family Meeting" also unceremoniously used Xia Yan as a labor force, and begged him to do several major environmental improvement projects similar to the Land of Winds.

——Of course, after the request, there are naturally a lot of benefits that should be available, and even after the reluctant two were joined by Wooden Golem, it showed an extremely introverted mode!

This extremely firm-willed Master Raikage, with the mentality of "everything is for Ninja Village", no matter how excessive Xia Yan's request is, he agrees without hesitation!

In her words: "The mere matter of men and women can only make life better for the people of the Kingdom of Thunder, why do you want to let it go like you do?"

She was also shy, and her movements were even more jerky.

But the firm will brings overwhelming action power—the other people look sullen, you are driving up the price!

If you are like this, how can we please Xia Yan in the future?

Had to also enter the state of involution.

But that is Uchiha internal bloody, roll non-stop.

The ninja world completely quelled the fight because of the 'Uchiha family meeting'.

Naruto got the permission to go out because the Akatsuki aiming at Nine Tails has been shattered.

He who was forced to stay in Uchiha for a long time, of course he chose to go out!

————Then he shot a feint and came back to the Uchiha Clubhouse

"Hey, mom must have thought that I was finally free, and would want to go out for a walk, to get some fresh air?" Naruto's mouth was filled with a tricky smile: "But where are you?

You know, how can the outside clubhouse be more comfortable than the clubhouse in Uchiha?"

"I am a distinguished Xinyue member of the Uchiha Club, enjoying the best service!"

"Manager, give me three—"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly found that the scene in front of him had changed.

In front of an old man who was sitting in the distance.

His skin is loose, but his brows are kind.

He was dressed in white, with a few lines of jade on the neckline.

There are fleshy horns on both sides of the forehead, and a Uzumaki-like pattern printed in the middle.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the mysterious circle of Rinnegan in his eyes shone with a strange demeanor.

"I'm Sage of Six Paths!" Sage of Six Paths' voice was deep, with a unique charm: "Child of Destiny, the most dangerous moment in the ninja world has not yet passed away, and your destiny has not yet ended.

"The shadow of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya still hangs over the ninja world, and Uchiha Xiayan's mind is still unclear. As the child of destiny, you have to-"

"Wait a minute!" Naruto said suddenly, interrupting the Sage of Six Paths' narration.

"Um, do you have any questions?" Sage of Six Paths was taken aback.

"Grandpa, although I don't know what you want to do with me, can you come back to me in a few hours." Naruto said seriously, "I'm in a hurry here.

If it's later, maybe all the good girls will be picked up by others..."

"And the time my mother gave me to go out and hang out is so long, I can't waste him listening to your grandfather's speech."

"So, shall we talk about it in a few hours?"

Naruto has a calm face, his eyes filled with the itinerary.

-Grandpa, please don't disturb my daughter-in-law Chang! Thank you!


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