Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 260 Dressrosa Cracked! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 260 Dressrosa Cracked! (Please subscribe!)

No one will lie to ants specifically.

Naturally, Xia Yan wouldn't either.

Intrigue Kakuzu is for opponents of the same level.

And obviously, there is no such opponent here!

"That is to say, you think we are all ants?" Doflamingo was a little bit embarrassed when he heard this.

who is he

Seven Warlords of the Sea!

Along with Four Emperors and Naval Headquarters, it is an existence that dominates the age of great exploration!

Even if he is as arrogant as Kaido, he will not think that Doflamingo is an ant!

However, Xia Yan just glanced at him lightly.

"Is not it?"


He supported Mahabas with one hand, spitting blood from the mouth.

Under Xia Yan's palm, the chest cavity is deeply imprinted——the disadvantage of the ton-pressed fruit is that the impact caused by increasing its own weight will cause damage to itself.

But now when all the pressure is concentrated on Xia Yan's hands, the force-bearing area is reduced, and it's five o'clock!

His breastbone has been completely shattered!

Xia Yan threw it away at will, but with his huge body, it seemed as easy as throwing a piece of trash.

Then he took a random step and let go of Senor Peake who was trampled under his feet, but the other party didn't respond - he had already fainted, and his internal organs were already injured!

The cadres of the Donquixote Family fell down in an instant!

Totally vulnerable!


"How dare you underestimate our Donquixote Family?"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Torrebol, Lao G, Gladius, Jorah and other cadres all shot together.

Torrebol launched the sticky chain, flung out the brown slippery slime, and rushed towards it.

Lao G made a weird Di Weng Fist posture, and made a fierce attack.

The body part of the black armor wrapped by Gladius' lower arms continued to expand, and he went straight to Xia Yan...


Xia Yan glanced at the sticky mucus, then looked at the disgusting posture of the old man Rao G, the corner of his mouth twitched.

"It's disgusting. For people like you, it should be..."

next second!

His eyes change pattern 02 instantly.

Rinnegan's mysterious circles, above his pupils.

"How many floors can a bag of rice resist?"

God Luo Tianzheng!

A powerful repulsion is formed instantly!

A wave of air blasted out with Xia Yan as the medium size!

The earth was blasted into a deep pit!

The cadres of the Donquixote Family bear the brunt and are all recruited!

Torrebol spat blood.

Lao G has a broken bone.

Gladius flew upside down, blood flowing...

"I don't want this disgusting thing to approach me, so can you stay away from me?" Xia Yan said seriously, with the same expression as before, extremely calm.

But the power that flew so far upside down, even directly making them disappear from his sight, added a bit of color to this calmness!

Doflamingo's expression finally turned serious.

"Weird power...... What Devil Fruit ability user are you?" Doflamingo's momentum was low, and his voice was oppressive.

"Repulsion, giants, and those strange eyes... No wonder you dare to call me and ask me for this face!"

"But it's a pity!"

A turbulent aura exploded from his body in an instant.

As if there was boundless pressure falling, the surrounding bikini girls rolled their eyes and passed out directly.

"This face, why don't you come!"

A strangeness flashed in Xia Yan's eyes, this is Haki from Conqueror's!

There are two types of power systems in One Piece World, one is the Devil Fruit with different abilities, and the other is the Haki that almost everyone in the New World knows!

Xia Yan is familiar with Devil Fruit, the dog dog fruit is on his adopted mother!

But Haki is a blind spot...

Knowledge color, armed color, and the rarest and most powerful Conqueror's

"That's interesting!"

Xia Yan smiled slightly, his eyes flickering: "I'm doing you a lot of face, Doflamingo.

"Look, you said it's not good to be condescending, so I walked down."

"I gave you face, but you don't give me face..."

"So what?" Doflamingo strode forward, his five fingers spread apart in the shape of animal claws.

He pointed at Xia Yan and grabbed it directly.

Five Color Strings!

Five silk threads shot out from his five fingers respectively, showing the shape of a piano thread, grab it hard!

He is a person with the ability of String-String Fruit, who can freely control the lines that are so thin that they are invisible to the naked eye through the subtle manipulation of his fingers.

It can control puppets, cut enemies, and entangle opponents like spider silk...

It is an extremely useful ability!

The sharp silk thread, like a sharp sword, slashed fiercely!

Even cut off five deep marks on the earth, and continued to expand away!

In front of his silk thread, steel is no different from tofu!

Violet's expression changed slightly: "Be careful, Xia Yan!"

That is Seven Warlords of the Sea, Heavenly Yaksha, Don Quixote Doflamingo!

"There's nothing to be careful about."

Xia Yan smiled slightly, and his eyes became Mangekyō again.


A pure black flame instantly ignited in the air, igniting the engulfing threads.

The unquenchable black flame, along the silk thread, went straight to Doflamingo!

Doflamingo's expression changed slightly, he waved his hand without hesitation, and scattered the thread.

The black flames raged violently, burning up the silk thread in an instant, and then remained firmly on the ground to continue burning

"Even Shichibukai is the same."

Xia Yan walked over slowly: "If you don't give me face and refuse to die obediently, I will be very embarrassed.

He walks with ease, but is surprisingly fast.

Almost instantly, the distance with Doflamingo was shortened.

Then he punched me flatly.

Doflamingo scrambles to block, palms and wrists solid black — Armament Haki!

Xia Yan smiled slightly, and started to fight one after another.

punch, kick, knee, elbow

The movements are not hurried or slow, as if with a special charm.

Doflamingo hastily fought back.

Although he is an ability user, his physical skills are not weak either!

Although the shape is gaudy and the movements are a bit weird, they stopped Xia Yan's attack in time.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two fought.

In Xia Yan's eyes, Sharingan spun rapidly, but his movements were still unhurried.

The two sides fought back and forth.

Fierce battles broke out, with the sound of hands and legs colliding with each other, with a sense of rhythm

"So that's it, this is Armament Haki..." Xia Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Of course he didn't show his true skills, because he really wanted to experience Haki's feeling.

Every punch, every "arm" and leg of Doflamingo will be accompanied by a pure black color - that is the result of the dewy covering of the armed color!

Xia Yan punched down, and when he didn't burst into Chakra, he actually felt pain in his hands and feet, and his wrist, which had been bumped against the enemy many times, was even a little red and swollen.

Although it quickly disappeared under his self-healing ability, it did appear red and swollen!

"So hard!"

Xia Yan nodded.

His body is the body of the Ōtsutsuki clan, and the extent can be imagined.

But it was still blue and red by Doflamingo

Haki of One Piece World has a special flavor!

Of course, this is also the reason why Xia Yan didn't use his full strength. Now he is just fighting Doflamingo with Taijutsu, without using strange power, Lightning Style Chakra armor and other ninjutsu with augmented Taijutsu.

But I have to say that Haki in One Piece World is really interesting.

This method of instantly hardening the body and enhancing its destructive power can be exploited in many ways!

Also extremely useful!

"Then what about knowledgeable color?"

Xia Yan smiled slightly, and his movements suddenly accelerated.

Doflamingo's expression changed slightly, but he also quickly parried.

His actions are decisive, as if he can see through every attack of Xia Yan, he always reacts when Xia Yan just launched an attack, and responds in time.

This look is very similar....

"Three Tomoe Sharingan without illusion or pupil.

Xia Yan gave an evaluation in his heart.

Sharingan's insight is almost the same as the performance of knowledge color!

They are all accurately grasping the enemy's movements, so that they can counterattack...

But it lacks all kinds of magical pupil techniques of Sharingan.

Of course, it is not without advantages. Knowledge and knowledge are just perception, even if you are blindfolded, you can use them freely.

After all, Sharingan is not a blind eye with a 360-degree viewing angle. As long as the view is blocked, it will not work—although a real Uchiha master will rarely let himself fall into this situation.

Conqueror's, armed color, knowledge color....

Xia Yan has experienced everything on Doflamingo.

"It's just a pity, none of Doflamingo's are top-notch." Xia Yan thought to himself.

Armed with colored internal destruction, he would not.

He can't predict the future with knowledge and knowledge.

Conqueror's Haki is entangled, and he's even worse!

This made Xia Yan less expected.

However, Doflamingo is not without his highlights. His strongest point is not Haki, but...

"Super Strike Whiplash!"

Doflamingo stretches his palm back, sprays dozens of almost transparent thin silk threads from his palm, and then winds these threads together to form a thick thread column like hair

Then throw it out hard.

Xia Yan turned sideways slightly, the silk whip skipped past Xia Yan, and directly cut off a palace behind him!


His strongest point, is the ability of Devil Fruit!

"I want to see, what capital do you have to underestimate our Donquixote Family!" Doflamingo snorted coldly.

Bullet String!

Dropping Ruffian String!

Leg Shave String!

Moves one after another, used from his hands, Devil Fruit's abilities emerge in endlessly, and each one is amazing!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The site that was originally similar to the swimming pool of the Fu Second Generation villa was cut into pieces by him.

The earth was drawn with deep marks!

The bikini girls, and the few remaining cadres fled.

"Damn it! The young master is angry!"

"Withdraw! Get out of here first!"


Violet also opened her mouth, and as soon as she gritted her teeth, she was about to take a big step back—this place was no longer a place for her, an auxiliary cadre with average combat effectiveness, to stay.


"Why are you running?" Xia Yan glanced at her: "Didn't you want to save your father?"

Violet's eyes lit up: "You mean, let me take this opportunity to release father

Release it?"


Now that Xia Yan is entangled with Doflamingo, and the other cadres retreat one after another, she can just go to the center of the palace to rescue her father!

"No, I mean..."

Xia Yan lowered his head slightly and narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the next second, his speed skyrocketed!

With lightning arcs flashing on his body, Chakra surged away.

Lightning Style Chakra armor + monster power!

Xia Yan punched out suddenly, crossed Doflamingo's defense lightly, and punched him in the chest.


The strong force caused Doflamingo to vomit blood, flew out backwards, smashed into the palace, and collapsed a series of rooms.

Xia Yan said calmly.

"I've seen all three kinds of Haki, the matter here is over, we can go to your father."

Violet stared at Xia Yan with wide eyes and beautiful eyes.


Just one punch!

The notorious Tianye 627 crossing of the Grand Line actually fell down immediately?

What is this man...

"Hey, aren't you leaving?" Xia Yan asked.

"Oh! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Violet finally came to her senses and said hastily.

And she just took a step.

In the next second, an angry voice sounded.

"It's not over yet!"

Doflamingo slammed the rubble away from him.

His sunglasses were shattered, revealing eyes full of fierce light inside.

"Do you really think that my Donquixote Family is the one who comes and leaves whenever you want?!"

He roared and pressed his hands to the ground suddenly.

"White Line of Wasteland!"

Arrange tens of thousands of thin transparent white lines horizontally to form a raging attack like a sea wave.

Huge waves of white lines swept away, everything around him was turned into white lines, and they continued to assimilate...

Turn the surrounding miles into white.

It's coming like a giant wave!

Violet's expression changed slightly, and baby-5's expression changed drastically.

This is

"Xia Yan, be careful! That's Devil Fruit awakening!"

It is a higher level of ability of Devil Fruit!

After Paramecia's ability is awakened, she can affect things other than the person with the ability.

After Zoan's ability is awakened, it can greatly improve recovery ability and combat effectiveness!

The reason why Logia is sought after by thousands of people, and its value ranks at the top of all Devil Fruits, far surpassing Paramecia and Zoan, is because it is born in a semi-awakened state!

This is also the highest peak of Devil Fruit's ability!


"Sorry, I'm interested in Haki's apex, but Devil Fruit..."

Xia Yan's eyes were flat: "I'm really not interested."

The abilities of Devil Fruit are too diverse, and the performance of awakening is also different.

Unlike Haki, Devil Fruit's awakening has little reference.


Xia Yan stepped back, and a deep purple Chakra appeared on his body.

Bones, muscles, skin, armor...  

The gigantic Susanoo resurfaces again!

He is extremely tall, comparable to a mountain.

He is mighty Haki, his momentum is like a rainbow!

Susanoo, who was extremely tall, ignored the white line that had already fallen at his feet, and calmly drew out his katana.

"Your Excellency, please die."

Then - chop!

The gigantic sword glow directly chopped down towards Doflamingo.

It's as if you can cut the whole Dressrosa open!

Violet and baby-5 trembled - no! It wasn't as if, it was really hacked!

Under the horrified gaze of countless Donquixote Family cadres, there was a click on the entire island.

Suddenly split!

"No! Young Master!"

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