Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 441 First Blood Achievement Achievement (Please Subscribe!)

I stood there for about five to ten minutes.

Guy Telin's father still hasn't recovered from this information.

He felt that his family would flourish in his own hands.

Because once this kind of thing is manufactured, their combat effectiveness will increase!

The thing that Xia Yan gave him was the blueprint for the pacifists.

It's just that there are many things that are needed.

The first is a super capable person, as a template.

But for nobles like them, it doesn't matter what they sacrifice.

What matters is what the end result is.

So he took a very long-term view.

After looking at Xia Yan again, Guy Telin's father had tears in his eyes.

"Your gift is simply too precious, I really can't express my gratitude in my heart.

After he finished saying this, Xia Yan waved his hands in disdain, "Since I gave it to you, hold it carefully, don't make such a mess."

The person next to him didn't know what happened in the middle.

All I know is that after Xia Yan handed them a few pieces of paper, the Gilaman family went crazy.

Guy Trine's mother was one of the top auditors in Piltoff.

Basically, the daily work content is about the economic construction of the entire Piltover.

Because no matter what world you are in, the first thing is economics and politics.

Without politics, there will be no national security, and without economics, there will be no national defense.

So these two are the most important things in a group.

The Gilaman family is another very old aristocrat.

But it is a pity that in the past few decades, their family has been dilapidated to the point that they have no social status.

But because of their relatively deep foundation.

Therefore, once their strength is expanded again, I am afraid that other families will have no way to compete.

Except the Gilaman family.

The Myrdalda family, the Guy Wald family, the Abino family and the Philos family are all witnesses of this marriage.

Although they don't know exactly what Xia Yan gave.

But since it can make Gilaman so happy.

Then it must be the key that can change the entire pattern.

Therefore, the Myrdalda family, the Guy Wald family, the Abino family, and the Philos family looked at each other.

They all saw the thoughts in their hearts from the eyes of each other.

So they all left.

Planning to discuss how to deal with this matter.


Now that the influence of these things has expanded to the point where the entire upper-level forces can be reorganized.

Then a plenary meeting would have to be called.

With the withdrawal of these top families, this welcoming ceremony is coming to an end.

Xia Yan naturally went to the Gilaman family with Guy Terin.

The family can have their own guards.

It's just that it can't exceed 3,000.

And their address is in a villa area in the center.

Xia Yan just arrived here, and was shocked by their luxury.

Because when I was in the Hokage world, most of the residences were relatively small villages. Even the upper classes of various countries lived in houses made of wood.

But in Piltover, basically very advanced materials are used.

Light is the material at the door that can emit light, and is heat and radiation resistant, and even impact resistant. Putting it in the Hokage world is the best choice for making armor.

However, these materials were used on the fence at the entrance!

"Your house looks quite beautiful." Xia Yan stood beside Guy Terin.

"It's okay, our family can only be considered average." Guy Telin's words were not modest.

Because the taller people stand, the farther they can see.

Then Xia Yanbing came to Guy Telin's room.

Here is a large bedroom filled with pink.

Judging from the appearance alone, Guy Telin should be regarded as a woman who is more royal.

So Xia Yan felt that her room should not be so childish.

It's not that naive, it can only be said that it is more girlish.

"You're not going to laugh at me." Guy Trine sat on the corner of the bed.

His face flushed a little.

Because it was the first time Guy Trine was in a room with a man other than her father.

So naturally it seems a little cautious.

But Xia Yan is already familiar with this kind of thing.

So a step by step guide.

It was dark outside the window.

The sound of the wind blowing the leaves was accompanied by the heavy breathing of the two.

A night without words......

Early the next morning, Xia Yan got up early to go to the courtyard to exercise.

This noble family is different, but the extended corridor outside is enough for those commoners to live in a hundred people.

And there are some guards in every place.

It is to ensure the safety of the people inside.

I just don't know if Guy Trine will be able to get pregnant this first time.

In a hidden corner of the entire garden, Xia Yan came here and set up a magic circle.

This is the five-element formation he got from the Hokage world before.

Just twist it according to the set rules.

It can absorb the remaining energy in the air. Although Xia Yan is still not sure which type of rune power it belongs to, it is better to absorb it than to absorb it.

This five-element magic circle can absorb these energies all the time, and store them in a specific container as a minister.

It's like a nuclear weapon.

Once a sufficient amount of energy has been accumulated, it can be compressed to form a powerful weapon.

And Xia Yan will give this weapon to the Gilaman family.

At that time, whoever has the strength to destroy the entire city-state will be able to have the right to speak in this world.

Although the other four major families seem to have a high reputation, the soldiers under their banners are even larger.

But in front of Xia Yan, these are not enough to see.

After Guy Telin finished changing in the room, he came out to look for Xia Yan.

"`||Why did you come out and run around on the first day, why didn't you stay with me?" Guy Telin looked a little embarrassed.

Xia Yan rubbed her head.

"Don't worry, the affairs of your family will be my affairs in the future, and we will be a family in the future."

From Xia Yan's bright smile, Guy Telin felt Xia Yan's love for her.

But the next Xia Yan told her very frankly.

"If I find you some sisters in the future, won't you be unhappy?"

Guy Telin froze on the spot, not quite understanding what Xia Yan meant.

"Sister... Sister?".

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