Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 81 I, Uchiha, Are Born Evil

Chapter 81: I, Uchiha, am a naturally evil clan (First release, seeking first subscription!)

Shizune burst into tears, unable to contain her sadness.

Tsunade also realized what had happened and felt a bit embarrassed.

Mainly because Hayato is so generous, I've never seen such a small amount of interest on a loan before.

It was also the first time she had seen it, so it was inevitable that she would get excited and borrow a few more times...


"It's okay, even though the money is gone, we are shinobi, we can hunt for our own food!" Tsunade said seriously, "Shizune, I just wanted to train your wilderness survival skills..."

And at this moment...

"But don't forget the money you owe me." Hayato walked over slowly, "A total of 1.3 billion, thank you."

Although Hayato only brought 200 million.

But he forcibly lent Tsunade 1.3 billion!

That's the benefit of gambling with Tsunade...

No wonder the Senju clan gradually disappeared. With a clan leader like her, there wouldn't be enough family assets for her to spend!

"Don't worry, I will pay it back!" Tsunade waved her hand nonchalantly, "You have to believe in my reputation as a Sannin!"

Well, she will definitely pay it back. Tsunade is not the kind of person who bullies ordinary people with her strength.

But when will she pay it back...

In the next life?

"If you help me treat the young lady next to me, our debt will be cancelled, and I can treat you both to a big meal." Hayato made his request.

"Oh? Treating an illness, sure, let me take a look." Tsunade didn't mind and directly reached out to examine.

As the strongest medical ninja in the ninja world, she has seen thousands of patients, and they are all wealthy people.

This is also her source of income - especially when she just cured a patient, it's the easiest time to borrow money from those wealthy people!

So even though Tsunade has a reputation for not repaying debts, many people still borrow money from her because of this!

Of course, it is Shizune who actually takes action. Tsunade only does some examinations and judgments, at most giving a few instructions.

Upon hearing this, Shizune's eyes filled with hope again.

Yes, this person came specifically to lend money to Lady Tsunade, probably hoping that Lady Tsunade could treat a patient.

Could it be that we can have a good meal?

However, before Shizune could be happy for long, Tsunade's expression suddenly became serious.

She had a solemn expression, Chakra surged in her hands, and she began to carefully examine Ringo Ameyuri.

After a long time...

She finally sighed.

"Sorry, I can't cure her illness."

"Shizune, let's go."

Saying that, she directly pulled Shizune away.

Apple rain stood there dumbfounded, then let out a bitter smile.

The problem that even the strongest medical ninja in the ninja world cannot solve seems to be truly unsolvable.

"Such is fate!" Apple sighed deeply.

After years of hard training to obtain this level of strength, now it only takes a few years to learn the Thunder Blade from Xia Yan and become one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, which has been Apple's dream since childhood.

Unfortunately, is it all just a dream in the end?

"Don't worry." Xia Yan suddenly spoke, squinting his eyes.

"There may still be a turning point in this situation."

Meanwhile, on the other side, Tsunade directly grabbed Shizune and started wilderness survival training.

Luckily, both of them are skilled ninjas, so they easily caught three rabbits and started roasting them over the fire.

"This tastes awful." Shizune tearfully gnawed on the rabbit.

They don't have any money on them, let alone seasoning for the roasted meat, not even basic salt.

How could it taste good under these circumstances!

"As long as we have something to eat, it's fine. Ninjas should be accustomed to endurance! I spent all my money on purpose, just to train your willpower!" Tsunade casually made up an excuse and took a bite of the rabbit meat, then immediately spat it out.

It's really disgusting!

Shizune pursed her lips. She wouldn't believe a single word Tsunade said, not even a punctuation mark.

"Lord Tsunade, is this person's illness really that severe? Even you can't solve it?" Shizune couldn't help but say, "If we help them, with their wealth, we can definitely have a big feast tonight!"

Tsunade sighed softly, "Yes, it is indeed unsolvable. It requires surgery..."

"Even if you command and I perform the operation?" Shizune was puzzled.

Tsunade suffers from hemophobia and is unable to perform surgery.

That's why when they encounter patients who need surgery during their travels, Shizune performs the operation while Tsunade only plans and conducts some examinations before the surgery.

Shizune's medical skills are also not weak, and with Tsunade's guidance, they can almost solve all the patients' problems.

"This patient, you can't solve it." Tsunade sighed, "She has a terminal illness, there is a problem with her hematopoietic tissue... It needs to be cleared at the cellular level, removing all the diseased cells."

"You can't do this delicate work at all, no one in the entire ninja world can do it to this extent, unless I do it myself..."

However, the problem is that Tsunade cannot perform the surgery.

Upon hearing this, Shizune fell silent.

Tsunade made this decision based on all these factors.

And at this moment...

"What? It's clearly treatable, isn't it?" A voice with a hint of impatience sounded.

Apple Rain gritted her teeth, looking displeased. "If you can solve the problem by using a knife, why don't you use it?"

Tsunade and Shizune were both startled, they were actually heard?

The next second, Shizune's expression changed instantly.


This person's strength is not right!

She can actually hide from Lady Tsunade's perception?

"No! There's another person!" Tsunade's voice was low, she suddenly turned her head, a hint of seriousness flashed in her eyes.

Xia Yan was right behind them!

These two are both experts!

"When did the ninja world have two Kage-level powerhouses? I've never heard of your names?" Tsunade sneered, but a hint of seriousness flashed in her eyes.

Afflicted with hemophobia and burdened by Shizune, if they were to fight with them...

"We are just insignificant people, not as famous as the legendary Sannin." Xia Yan chuckled and said, "But since you have a solution and owe me money..."

"I can only persistently pester you and ask you to cure my wife's illness..."

Tsunade narrowed her eyes and snorted coldly.


There was no actual fight between the two sides, Tsunade simply rejected the request for treatment once again, and then left with Shizune.

They didn't even eat the roasted rabbit, the scent of grilled meat wafted through the simple campsite.

"Damn it!" Linqin cursed angrily, "She clearly has the ability to heal, and I'm willing to pay. Why won't she do it?"

"Did she find out that I'm from the Mist Village?"

"Xia Yan, if it weren't for you stopping me, I would have gone and severely injured her little lackey, used them as a hostage, and forced her to do it!"

...Seeking flowers...

"What are you thinking?"

Linqin's heart was in turmoil, sometimes thinking she could be cured, sometimes thinking there was no hope, making her itch to give Tsunade a stab.

But her Kage-level self-control allowed her to restrain herself, and in the end, she listened to Xia Yan and didn't take action.

But she still couldn't understand.

"It's useless to do something like this," Xia Yan smiled and said, "But it's okay. With sincerity, even a stone can be moved. I believe that as long as you try your best to plead with her, she will eventually lend you a helping hand."

"What if she refuses?" Linqin Yuyuri replied sarcastically.

"Then I'll have to do what an Uchiha should do," Xia Yan said, suddenly laughing, "By the way, do you know how Tsunade's grandfather, the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, evaluated our Uchiha clan?"

"How did he evaluate us?" Linqin asked curiously.

"He said that we Uchiha are a naturally evil clan...

Tsunade and Shizune went far away.

Perhaps they were worried about being followed by Xia Yan and the other two Kage-level experts behind them. They traveled day and night, shuttling through deep mountains and old forests for a long time, and finally arrived at a commercial town.

"Damn it, just because I ran into them, I haven't had a decent meal in days," Tsunade complained, patting her somewhat disheveled face. "This time, I'm definitely going to take a painful loss."

"And alcohol, I want to drink three bottles in a row."

"Yes, Lady Tsunade," Shizune said eagerly. "I want to eat something delicious too!"

Previously, both of them had lost all their money gambling, but with their skills, they could easily make a fortune by casually enforcing the law or taking down some thugs and bullies.

As long as Tsunade didn't gamble, they wouldn't go hungry.

They had been running around in the mountains for three days, eating nothing but plain grilled meat without any seasoning. Now, both of them were craving normal food like regular people.

So, they quickly entered a hotel and got a room.

But as soon as they had put down their luggage and walked out of the room, they went down to the lobby.

Tsunade and Shizune were both stunned there.

Because the originally quiet hotel lobby had now turned into a gambling scene.

The sound of dice rolling was incessant.

Gamblers were shouting loudly.

At the same time, a very familiar person appeared in front of them.

Xia Yan smiled and asked, "Lady Tsunade, long time no see."

"How about it, want to play a game?"

As he spoke, he shook the dice cup in his hand.

Tsunade subconsciously salivated.

Come to think of it, she hadn't gambled in three days...

Should she play a game first?

Shizune, seeing Tsunade's expression, had a drastic change in her face. "Lady Tsunade! Be rational!"

"We don't have much money left, we can't afford to play!"

"This money is only enough for food and accommodation!"

"Don't you want to sleep on a soft bed and eat normal food like regular people?"

"How can this little money satisfy your desires?"

Shizune looked anxious and tightly held Tsunade's hand.

Tsunade, upon hearing this, gradually lost interest.

With so little money, it really wasn't that exciting to play.

Xia Yan said, "It's okay, if you're short on money, I can lend you some. The interest is only ten thousand taels."

Shizune looked at Tsunade's changing expression and a look of despair gradually appeared on her face.

Ringo looked at Xia Yan, then at the excited Tsunade and the despairing Shizune, and sighed in her heart.

The Second Hokage was right!

The Uchiha clan is truly inherently evil!

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