Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 150 This Class Is Not A Ninjutsu Theory Class, You Took The Wrong Book

In the end, Senju Tsunade reluctantly agreed.

Of course, this matter itself is not a difficult matter.

She is the current Hokage of Konoha, so just explain this kind of thing.

But she needs to adopt an attitude and not allow other people to break the original rules casually.

Although the first to destroy is her own.

But other people will not be dissatisfied with her because of this, but if this kind of thing happens frequently, the ninjas will definitely find it very convenient. After all, they occupy the upper echelon of Konoha and are used to this kind of thing.

But civilian ninjas will definitely be very dissatisfied, thinking that they cannot take this fast lane.

If the difference is too large, it will lead to misunderstanding between the two parties.

Senju Tsunade cannot afford to let this possibility happen.


Uchiha Fugaku, who got the permission, immediately brought the ignorant Uchiha Itachi to the ninja school.

To be honest, the current Uchiha Itachi is only over two years old, not even three years old.

Even more exaggerated than Niwu and Luffy.

Moreover, although Ni Wu and Luffy are only a little over three years old, their height is not much different from other six or seven-year-old children, and their strength is far beyond.

In contrast, Uchiha Itachi is purely like a two-year-old child, small in stature and unable to speak clearly.

Also, since it was a temporary visit, Uchiha Itachi was not a transfer student.

"Students, let me introduce a new classmate who came today."

A female teacher Chūnin stood on the podium and spoke to the children with a pleasant face.

Next to her is Uchiha Itachi, who is carrying a schoolbag and looks dazed.

He looked at the six or seven-year-old children on the opposite side, and felt that he was out of place here.

Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here?

Uchiha Itachi was completely dazed, not knowing what to do.

At this time, the teacher also briefly introduced the situation of Uchiha Itachi, then bowed his head and said to Itachi.

"Itachi-san, please introduce yourself to everyone."

Uchiha Itachi said obediently.

"My name is Uchiha Itachi, from the Uchiha family, please give me your advice in the future."

Although at a loss, Uchiha Itachi's tutor is not bad, after all, he comes from Uchiha, a famous Konoha family.

Education in this area is impossibly poor.

After hearing Uchiha Itachi's self-introduction, most of the children who are civilian ninjas immediately started talking.

"It's from the Uchiha family, do you think he will be Sharingan?"

"Probably not? He looks so small, as big as my two-year-old brother. Is he not nourished?"

"Are you kidding? Uchiha's kids will be malnourished?"

"Didn't you listen carefully? He is only two years old, not yet three years old."

"Isn't this younger than Niu and Luffy? I remember that Niu and Luffy are already three years old?"

Niu and Luffy were arranged to sit in the middle and back row of the classroom.

Niu, who is conscientious and studious, sits in the middle, and Luffy, who likes to be mischievous, is arranged in the back row.

This is not an arrangement made by the female teacher, but an arrangement made by Senju Tsunade herself.

Although Senju Tsunade does not deny Luffy's talent, but Luffy is too naughty.

Especially after awakening his talent and obtaining a rubber-like body, it was even more out of control.

Because the ordinary blow hit him, he didn't feel any pain at all, and he immediately started running wildly.

What makes Senju Tsunade most angry is that Senju Xingye doesn't care about it, but instead asks Might Dai to teach Luffy to learn Eight Inner Gates!

What is Eight Inner Gates? That is a desperate move that hurts one thousand enemies and damages oneself eight hundred.

A move that must not be used until the last moment.

As a result, Senju Xingye asked Luffy, who was only three years old, to learn this!

An angry Senju Tsunade insisted on chasing Senju star Yoruichi all night, turning the entire Kaishou station upside down.

Fortunately, in the end Senju Tsunade found out that the Third Gate was the same as playing before Luffy opened it, and there was no side effect at all, and then gradually calmed down.

It was because she discovered that the side effects of Eight Inner Gates didn't seem like a burden in front of Luffy's special physical talent.

However, for the final move of Eight Gate, which kills as soon as it is opened, she can't teach Might even if she dies.

Not even what Senju Xingye taught!

At this moment, the eyes of the two who also went to school on the first day also fell on the little Uchiha Itachi on the podium.

"It's so small, it feels about the same age as my younger brother."

"It should be because he's older, brother Mu isn't speaking so well now.

Niu looked Uchiha Itachi up and down, and immediately checked with his younger brother Senju.

……… Ask for flowers…

Muku and Kuangsan have also started to practice now, but of course their progress is not as good as their three older sisters, big brother, and a younger sister.

Compared with ordinary people, there is also a big gap.

After all, the aptitude of the two children almost reached Kage-level.

The aptitude of the peak Kage-level can show some clues when he was a child.

Luffy glanced at it, then didn't care, and started chatting with the new friend next to him.

Strong affinity is the powerful temperament displayed by Luffy, which makes people around him curious about him, and finally follow him willingly and fight for him

This is also the ability under the subtle influence of Luffy's talent.

Just after entering school, Luffy made friends with a few students in the back row.


They have even made an appointment where to play after school.

As for the transfer student Uchiha Itachi, in Luffy's opinion, he is too young, and there is no attraction for him.

Uchiha's identity?

Sorry, Luffy, who has a carefree personality, doesn't care about these things.

He only cares about the things he is interested in, and Uchiha Itachi has nothing to attract him.

Ni Wu also paid attention to it for a short time, then withdrew his gaze.

Although curious about Uchiha Itachi's age, now is obviously not a good time to ask.


It seems that someone specially instructed Uchiha Itachi to be arranged by Niu's side by the female teacher.

"Hi, my name is Uchiha Itachi, please give me your advice."

Uchiha Itachi finished speaking obediently and seriously before sitting down.

Ni Wu saw that the other party had already introduced herself politely [of course she should also show corresponding politeness.

"My name is Senju Niwu, you can call me sister Niwu, I should be one year older than you."

One year older?

Uchiha Itachi looked at Niu in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Is it true that beating my sister is only three years old today?"

Niu nodded with a smile.

"Can't you tell? But I'm three years old."

Uchiha Itachi nodded ignorantly, then began to silently take out the textbook, ready to start class.

But obviously, Uchiha Itachi, who has just started school, is still a little immature.

Ni Wu saw it and couldn't help but said.

"This class is not a ninjutsu theory class, you took the wrong book.".

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