Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 193 Little Crazy Three Wants To Play With You!

No way, Senju Starry Night can only split Shadow Clone to find it.

But he found that the number of Little Kuangsan was still increasing.

This made it even more difficult to find Xiaokuangsan.


After discovering that someone was looking for her, Xiaokuangsan directly regarded it as a game of hide-and-seek and was having a great time playing it.

Where is Xiao Kuang San's body at this time?

While avoiding the others, she searches for the whereabouts of Ni and Luffy.

Xiaokuangsan finally remembered the reason why he came out.

Suddenly, Xiaokuangsan's eyes lit up.

She saw a familiar person.

"Sister Hong! Sister Hong!"

Little Kuangsan ran away.

Hearing the familiar voice, Yuhihong turned her head and rushed over in surprise.

"Little Kuang San? Why are you here? No, why are you outside?"

While Yu Hihong stepped forward to hug Xiaokuangsan, she turned her head left and right to look for possible guardians.

Like Senju Starry Night or others.

But no one saw it.

"Why did you run out alone?"

Yuhihong couldn't figure out how Xiaokuangsan escaped from the Senju station.

For a long time, Senju Starry Night has worried that the children are still too young, and they are prone to accidents when going out, and the range of Senju's resident is also large enough.

So just let the kids play at home.

Anyway, he has many children, so he shouldn't be his playmate.

There is no need to worry about the child being alone.

That kind of thing can't happen to his Senju starry night child.

"I'm here to play with Sister Niu and Brother Luffy!"

Xiaokuangsan said loudly, then turned his head and looked around.

She remembered that every time Yuhihong came to Senju's residence, she always came with Ni Wu and Luffy.

Xiaokuangsan suddenly had a stereotype in his simple brain circuit.

Once you find Red Sunset, you will find Niu and Luffy.

"Are you here to play with your older brothers and sisters?"

Yuhihong felt that her heart was about to melt.

If she had such a cute little sister, she would hold her in her hand every day, play with her, and buy her anything she wanted.

In short, just give her everything.

However, Rihong is still sensible in the end.

"By the way, have you told your parents what happened when you came out?"

Xiaokuangsan shook his head and said.

"Kang San is playing peek-a-boo with his father, many fathers come to look for it together, and the hunter must hide well so that he cannot be found by his father.

Xi Hihong suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

Obviously anxiously looking for you with the avatar, but in the end, did you think he was playing with you?

At this time, He Luffy, who had completed the task of finding the lost cat, walked over.

Seeing Kuang San, Ni Wu said in surprise.

"Kuang San? Why are you here?"

Luffy hugged the cat that kept moving and trying to escape, and his face was almost scratched.

Kakashi was holding a small book, reading it intently, and walking slowly.

It seems that he has no interest in the outside world.

In fact, taking Niu and Luffy to do this kind of D-level mission without difficulty is basically equivalent to a vacation for him.

However, his vacation came to an abrupt end with a surprise cheer.

"Sister Niwu!"


Kakashi raised his head suddenly, this immature childish voice and this title represent too many things.

There are and only other children of Senju Starry Night who can call Niu an older sister.

There is no other possibility!

At least for now, that's the only possibility.

Since the other children of Senju Xingye are here, does it mean that Senju Xingye himself is not far from here?

If Senju Xingye sees him reading this kind of unsuitable book when he takes his children to do tasks, what will happen?

Kakashi didn't dare to think about it, he could only immediately put the book into the ninja bag on his waist.

Then look up.

Fortunately, Senju Starry Night was not seen.

The crisis is resolved.

Feeling relaxed immediately, Kakashi also set his eyes on Kurumi.

At a glance, he saw the most special place on the Mad Lord.

The right eye is white, but what is the golden eye on the left?

I don't know if it was his illusion, but Kakashi seemed to see the hour and minute hands of a clock in Kurumi's right eye.

At this time.

He thought of Ni Wu's introduction to her younger siblings when the team was just formed.

"Little Kuang San always conjures many, many, very cute ones." "

become many?

Clone Technique or Shadow Clone?

Kakashi doesn't know why.

But this child who is obviously only about two years old, can't use Shadow Clone?

Even if this child is Senju Xingye's daughter, Kakashi can't believe that he can master (Wang Qianhao) Shadow Clone at such a young age.

If it is Clone Technique, he can still accept it.

At this time, he noticed that there were shadows flying close to the ground in the distance, merging into Kuang San's shadow.

"What are these shadows?"

Kakashi was a little curious.

Ni Wu naturally knew what was going on.

"This is the other Little Crazy Three."

"By the way, Little Kuang San, you haven't told me why you ran out?"

"Did father and mother know?"

Ni Wu's expression was a little harsh, as the eldest sister, she naturally had to show enough majesty in front of her younger siblings.

But obviously, this set is useless to Xiaokuangsan.

Little Kuangsan said with a grin.

"I wanted to play with you, so I came out."

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