Konoha: Something's not right with this Uchiha

Chapter 100 Thoughts (11W please subscribe)

Chapter 100 Thoughts (1.1W please subscribe)

The stone cave completely collapsed under the power of ninjutsu, and the huge rocks and darkness slowly swallowed Uchiha Obito.

But before his death, Uchiha Obito's mood was unexpectedly calm.

"I'm really unwilling to accept it. It's obvious that I have just eased the relationship with Kakashi, and I haven't confessed to Lin yet. I'm obviously going to become the hero of Konoha, ha..."

With a bang, all the stones were pressed down, and the next moment, these images disappeared instantly, and Obito, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Am I dreaming?"

In the darkness, Obito weakly opened his remaining right eye and looked around.

"It doesn't seem to be a dream. Am I dead?"

Obito was a little confused about his current situation. Perhaps he had been unconscious for too long, making him a little confused.

But the next moment, when he wanted to move a little, a heartbreaking pain came from the right side of his body.

The severe pain made his face become distorted, and he unexpectedly found that his right half was wrapped without any gaps, and he could not move at all now.

"What's going on?"

Obito was a little confused now, but at this moment, a sound of 'ta, da' suddenly came from his ears.

This voice made Obito's hair stand on end, and he subconsciously opened his Sharingan.

Only at this moment did he realize that it was the sound of a cane hitting the ground, because what caught his eye was an old man with gray hair walking towards him, holding a cane and looking like he was dying.

"You are now between death and reality, Uchiha clansman!"

The old man - Uchiha Madara spoke quietly, his voice contained a hint of the old man's unique hoarseness, but there was also a special rhythm in it.

"Isn't this old man crazy?"

Obito's face darkened when he heard Uchiha Madara's words, but when he looked up and saw Uchiha Madara's scarlet three-magatama Sharingan, he was stunned.

"Your eyes. Could it be that grandpa is also a member of the Uchiha clan?"

"Well, it's up to you to guess."

Uchiha Madara said calmly, and had no intention of answering him now, but looked at Obito quietly.

To be honest, he wanted to choose a suitable person, but it was not that easy to find him.

Therefore, he originally adopted a strategy of casting a wide net. As long as the Uchiha who was active on the battlefield in the Kingdom of Grass and who was relatively young would be the target of his observation.

What's a pity is that none of the people he observed before were considered to be in line with his wishes.

There is no other reason. At least in his opinion, the character of those people is not a very suitable person.

Uchiha Obito was an unexpected surprise. At least this guy suddenly appeared in front of him, as if it was a gift sent from heaven.

Especially after Uchiha Madara asked Bai Zetsu to conduct a careful investigation, he found that Uchiha Obito was really a very interesting person.

He is kind-hearted and loves Konoha, which is incompatible with other Uchiha, and has his own inner persistence, and has even opened the Sharingan.

Such a person is really the best choice for him!

In particular, he heard Bai Jue say that this kid seemed to have traveled through his body after being hit by a boulder, which made him even more interested.

"Did he save me?"

Uchiha Madara remained silent, but Obito couldn't help but start thinking wildly in his heart.

"But in that situation, how did he do it?"

Thinking of this, Obito reluctantly turned his head and looked around, and asked while observing.

"You said this is the gap between death and reality, but where exactly is this place?

It's too dark here to see anything clearly. Also, grandpa, who are you?

It can't be the God of Death, the guy who brings people to hell. "

It has to be said that Obito's character is naturally extremely optimistic, and under such circumstances, he is still in the mood to joke.

But as he glanced lightly, he suddenly saw a huge black scythe placed against the wall not far away.

This immediately shocked Obito, as if the joke just now was confirmed. Could it be that he really met the God of Death?

Under the strong desire to survive, he instantly said a lot of begging for mercy without thinking.

"No! I don't want to die yet. Help, I just saw the scythe. You are indeed the God of Death, the God of Death who is in charge of the Uchiha family!

Since I was a child, helping the elderly in need has been my life principle, although I have indeed done many bad things and broken many rules.

But, it shouldn’t cancel out all the good things, oh, it hurts. "

Before he finished speaking, Obito suddenly felt pain all over his body. Such pain made it impossible for him to continue talking.

"Does it hurt?"

Uchiha Madara was really speechless at this time, but he didn't delve into it that much.

"Since you feel it, you should know that you are still alive, although you are not far from death."

"Is that so?"

Obito was relieved when he heard that he was not dead, but he soon became doubtful again.

"So, grandpa, who are you?"

"You will know who I am later, but you'd better not move now. It's a miracle that you survive."

Uchiha Madara glanced at Obito, and then he spoke slowly and calmly.

“It’s really interesting that the huge rock didn’t smash you to death, it seemed like it passed through you.

But even so, the right half of your body was almost crushed.

I'm just giving you a simple bandage now. Whether you can survive depends on you, but your vitality is beyond my expectation. "

"Uh!" Obito looked stunned, then smiled and said: "Sure enough, it was grandpa who saved me, thank you."

"It's too early to say thank you."

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara gave a rare chuckle, and then he said with meaning.

"I will let you repay this kindness properly, but not now."

"Isn't it now?"

Obito muttered to himself. He didn't quite understand what Uchiha Madara meant, so he asked tentatively.

"Is it possible that grandpa is going to let me stay as a servant to take care of you?"

"." Uchiha Madara's smile faded, and then he looked at Obito seriously, and finally nodded: "That's okay."

"No, grandpa, I can't stay here forever!"

Obito was a little depressed by Uchiha Madara's words, and he spoke hurriedly.

"I will definitely go back to Konoha. There is a war going on right now. I finally opened the Sharingan. This time I can finally protect my companions better!"

"Better protect your companions?" Uchiha Madara remained indifferent: "With your current body, I'm afraid you can't continue to be a ninja."


Obito was really dissatisfied when he heard Uchiha Madara's words, but he still remained patient.

"How can this work? I finally opened the Sharingan. I believe that now I will be able to cooperate more beautifully with my teammates."

"Look at the reality. There are unsatisfactory things everywhere in this world."

Unfortunately, Uchiha Madara just shook his head calmly, and his voice seemed to have become a little rough.

"The longer I live, the more I feel that reality is filled with only depression, pain and loneliness, and everything else is meaningless."

"What is this old man talking about?"

Listening to Uchiha Madara's words, Obito couldn't help but secretly complain.

He really felt that he should have fallen into the hands of an Uchiha tribesman who didn't know how long he had lived, but who definitely had a brain problem.

This made him sigh inwardly, why was he so unlucky?

However, Uchiha Madara didn't know what he was thinking at this time, so he continued to talk to himself.

"Listen, everything in this world is the same. Where there is light, there will be darkness. As long as there is the concept of a winner, there will definitely be a loser.

The egoistic will to protect peace will lead to war, and to protect love, hatred will be born. This is a cause and effect relationship that cannot be separated."

"It's over. This old man has obviously entered the state. That's what old people are like. Once he talks about it, he won't stop talking."

Obito looked troubled, he knew these old people relatively well.

Keep talking like this, "Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah", who knows when it will end. After thinking about it, he could only interrupt.

"Well, can I ask a question, where is this?"


Uchiha Madara paused for a moment, then ignored Obito and continued.

"It's because you were injured that some people could be rescued. I'm not wrong."


Obito was silenced by Uchiha Madara's question, but soon his remaining right eye became extremely determined and he spoke.

"You are so nagging, no matter what, I have to get out of here!

Although I am grateful that you saved me, and if the war is over, I will come back to help you, but definitely not now! "

"It's up to you. If you want to leave, no one will stop you, if you can still move."

Uchiha Madara looked at Obito calmly, and followed him as he turned around and walked towards his stone chair.

As he moved, the chakra pipes connected behind him slowly appeared.

Now Uchiha Madara really needs to rely on the heretic demon to stay alive.

He is already too old, and this old age is indeed a huge blow to him, because he cannot use his powers at all.

Now he also has to maintain a certain degree of patience with Obito. After the conversation just now, he has made further progress and determined that Obito is a person worth cultivating.

"With such a kind heart, once what he cherishes in his heart is destroyed, he will inevitably fall into darkness quickly."

Uchiha Madara slowly closed his eyes. He already has a plan, but this plan will take some time to implement.

"Take your time, I still have a little time.

It's just that I am a little disappointed to have to survive in this world with such a meager body.

But it doesn't matter, Hashirama, I will prove that everything you have created is wrong, and true peace will only appear in my hands! "


"I'm sorry, Mr. Zong, I didn't expect things to get to this point."

In the command room of the Konoha camp, Namikaze Minato held Kakashi's head and bowed slightly to the Uchiha clan.

Jiraiya wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say a word.

The battle of Kannabi Bridge is over. With the collapse of the bridge, Iwa Ninja Village lost its most important supply line.

Although they have not completely retreated at this time, the Konoha ninjas on the front line can already feel the low morale of these Iwa ninjas.

You don't need to think too much to guess that it won't be long before these rock ninjas will be defeated.

And now is just their last madness, or now is the last darkness before dawn.

This time should actually be a time for Konoha to celebrate, but Namikaze Minato and Kakashi had to face the Uchiha Sect directly, and had to make such a humble apology.

This is not because of Obito's death. In fact, every ninja who goes to the battlefield is already prepared to die.

In the meat grinder of the battlefield, no matter you are a genius or an ordinary beast, everyone is actually the same. This is the fate of ninjas.

The reason why the master and disciple had to make this gesture was entirely because Kakashi got Obito's Sharingan!

As the most proud power of the Uchiha clan, it is impossible and absolutely impossible to give your Sharingan to others no matter what the reason or circumstances.

This is the power that belongs to one's own bloodline. How could it be given to someone who has nothing to do with the family's bloodline?

And Kakashi's success is a huge disaster, because it indirectly proves that Uchiha's Sharingan can be used by others!

Obito is indeed the 'Kenji' recognized by the ninja school. He just gets mad and starts messing around, but Minato Namikaze doesn't dare.

You must know that Namikaze Minato is a really smart person. After he saw Kakashi's Sharingan, he immediately knew that this was going to happen.

To be honest, Namikaze Minato was also very confused at the time, because both Kakashi and Obito were his disciples.

Obito saved Kakashi with his own life, and finally gave him his eyes, allowing him to move forward with his own will.

This is the hero's will, and Namikaze Minato is not willing to destroy it, and Kakashi may be able to go further with his Sharingan.

But considering the relationship between Konoha and Uchiha, Namikaze Minato had to explore it carefully.

As a disciple of Jiraiya, he certainly knew that the relationship between the village and Uchiha was not good, and he really didn't want to further worsen the relationship between the two parties because of this incident.

Therefore, in the original work, he finally chose to report it to Konoha.

As a result, he got the outrageous news that Kakashi became the Sharingan hero?

What's even more outrageous is that Uchiha Fugaku actually agreed to let Kakashi hold the Sharingan?

This operation was unexpected by Bo Feng Shuimen in the original work, but he eventually objected to it.

But things are different now. The Uchiha clan is the hero of Konoha, and he is also the leader of the Uchiha team this time. It is conceivable that the Uchiha clan should have a strong say in the family.

Since the members of the family involved are here, Namikaze Minato naturally does not need to report to Konoha. Instead, after the mission is over, he directly presses Kakashi to find the Uchiha Sect.

Jiraiya also knew the seriousness of this, so he hesitated to speak. In the final analysis, he was the kind of person who was as wise as a fool.

"No need to apologize. Minato Jounin has made it very clear. Kakashi cannot be blamed for this."

The Uchiha clan is actually very upset. Although they know that such a thing is happening, but it is happening in front of them and they have to deal with it by themselves, it is really a headache.

In fact, he quite likes Kakashi who has the Sharingan. After all, this guy is really handsome in the original work.

But at that time, he was just a spectator, so he could naturally eat hot pot, sing songs, and watch them having fun.

Well now, he has become a client of the Uchiha clan, and he is still the clan leader, so he naturally has to deal with this kind of headache.

In the original work, Uchiha Fugaku did not take back this eye. The big reason is probably that this guy wanted to please Namikaze Minato and make investments.

Of course, it is also possible to please the third generation family behind Namikaze Minato, but it turns out that this is of no use.

"The situation was special at that time. Chunin Obito gave this eye to Kakashi so that Kakashi could have the strength to take Lin away. This was also a last resort choice."

Although Uchiha Zong had a lot of things on his mind, he appeared very calm and determined on the surface. He spoke slowly.

"And subsequent missions also proved that temporarily giving this eye to Kakashi is very valuable."

At this point, Uchiha Zong stopped, but his meaning had been made clear.

Both Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya instantly understood. There was no way they could not hear the terms 'a last resort' and 'temporary'.

Kakashi's body stiffened slightly, and then his already lowered head couldn't help but bury it deeper.

"I understand, Sou-kun." Namikaze Minato couldn't help but sigh slightly when he saw this scene, and then he said seriously: "I will handle this matter."

"Minato Jounin, I'm sorry."

Seeing this, Uchiha Sect sighed slightly, and then he said seriously.

"In fact, personally, I am willing to respect a hero's choice and respect the will of the deceased.

But this matter is of great importance. The blood-successor ninja family has always been watched by people in the ninja world, especially some ambitious people who enjoy it.

It's just whether he can adapt to himself, which has become a huge problem. In addition, if he does so, he will be chased by Uchiha, so few people try.

Even if you try, the end will often be ugly. After all, this is a pair of eyes and not anything else.

Although Kakashi's success is a special case, it also gives hope to those who are full of ambitions.

I'm afraid they will only act crazier and more reckless, hoping crazily that they will be the next 'Kakashi'.

So for the sake of the family and the consideration of the family's descendants, I'm sorry that I have to take back this eye. "

Uchiha Sect's words were sincere and well-founded. After all, this kind of thing really happened in the future of the original work!

Just look at Danzo's arm and the Sharingan hidden in his eye sockets, and you can see how crazy this guy is.

Maybe this guy was inspired by Kakashi, and Orochimaru made progress in the research on the first-generation cells, so he could step by step reach the point where he is neither human nor ghost.

"Okay, Zong-kun, we all know what you mean, and I believe Kakashi can understand it too."

At this moment, Jiraiya had to speak.

"This matter does have a very big impact. In order to avoid worse consequences, I will not let this news spread."

"Then please leave it to Jiraiya-sama."

Uchiha Sect withdrew his gaze from Kakashi, and then nodded to Jiraiya.

"I see."

It seems a little weak and a little firm.

"Obito gave me his eyes to protect Lin, but I can't cause huge problems for his family because of these eyes."

Kakashi slowly raised his head, his eyes looked particularly firm at this moment, and it seemed that he had made up his mind.

"I can't be so selfish. Although I can't continue to see the path of this world clearly with Obito's eyes, it makes me feel very regretful.

However, even without these eyes, I believe I can still fulfill my promise, the promise between me and Obito! "


"Why, I look like a villain."

After carefully checking the two Magatama Sharingan in his hand, recalling Kakashi's lonely look, and thinking about Nohara Rin's sad eyes, Uchiha Zong didn't know what to say for a while.

Shaking his head helplessly, he simply sealed the eye that he had just watched taken out of Kakashi's eye socket into the scroll.

Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato are both reasonable people, and many things will become easier if you reason with them.

Uchiha Zong was reasoning while showing his tough attitude. As a result, Obito's eyes were successfully taken back by him, and Jiraiya had to help him cover up the news!

For such a good thing, it was too clear how to choose him.

"Then the next step is to wait for the war to end, and then deal with the problem of Obito."

Putting away the scroll, Uchiha Zong began to seriously think about Obito's situation.

He did have a plan, but there were many details in this plan that he had to think over and refine.

He knew very well that Obito should be considered an accident. The old guy Uchiha Madara had been squatting in secret. Even without Obito, there would probably be someone else to take on everything for him.

In this case, Uchiha Zong felt that instead of having a stranger come and make things difficult to control, it would be better to have someone he is familiar with to make it easier to handle.

"In particular, Obito's diagnosis is the best to handle."

When he thought of the reason for Obito's blackening, Uchiha Zong couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

In fact, if you think about the Uchiha Super Boys in the original work, they are really weirder than the last.

Uchiha Fugaku sacrificed his entire clan for his family, and Uchiha Shisui's mentality exploded at a critical moment and he committed suicide directly.

Uchiha Itachi didn't have good guidance and education. After being fooled by Konoha, Ryuba became enlightened and directly transformed into a Fudi Demon. For the sake of the village and his younger brother, he came to say "I will kill my entire clan".

But Uchiha Obito was for a woman, and then turned the entire ninja world upside down.

"It can be said that apart from me, there is no normal person who owns the contemporary kaleidoscope. They are all lunatics!"

When he thought of this sad fact, Uchiha Zong was somewhat depressed, but fortunately he could still distinguish reality from the original work.

Shisui was changed by him, Uchiha Fugaku was crushed to death by him, and Orochimaru had a 'Hokage dream'. He believed that there would be absolutely no problem with him!

"Obito's darkening was due to Kakashi's betrayal and Rin's death."

Obito's diagnosis couldn't be easier. On the one hand, Kakashi promised him that he would protect Lin.

On the other hand, he regards both Lin and Kakashi as his most important people, and he really likes Lin in his heart.

As a result, when he saw Kakashi, one of the most important people to him who had promised him.

Not only did he break his promise, but he also killed Nohara Lin, another person he loved and was the most important to him.

Under such multiple blows, the mentality of an ordinary person would collapse, let alone an Uchiha.

So it's really not surprising that Uchiha Obito directly turned into a psychopath.

"So, Nohara Rin can't die!"

Uchiha Zong silently murmured in his heart that his original plan would not let Nohara Rin die.

It’s just that he directly stepped forward to save Nohara Rin, or did he let Obito go dark and then enter the incarnation of Uchiha Madara to get the resources, and then tell him that Nohara Rin was not dead?

This question bothered him for a second, and he had already made a decision.

Ninja is a technical job, because the knowledge reserve required by ninja is one of the best, but the current level of education of Obito is probably only one of the best.

But after this kid turned black, apart from his really poor combat foundation, he has grown significantly in other aspects.

Obviously, that's what Hei Jue taught me!

Uchiha Madara thought that the black Zetsu he summoned was the incarnation of his will, and then he decisively became the hands-off shopkeeper and went directly to the Pure Land to find his Hashirama.

Obito's growth is really inseparable from the teaching and training of Black Zetsu. Even the Six Paths Technique he mastered was taught to him by Black Zetsu.

This was really hard work for Hei Zetsu. If Hei Zetsu hadn't lived for so many years and never seen anything bad, he might not have been able to lead Obito.

"So, after Uchiha Madara goes to find his beloved, I will find an opportunity to let him tell him everything, and let Nohara Rin meet him."

As soon as they meet, Obito, no matter how dark he is, can turn into white!

In this case, Obito can continue to work in the Akatsuki organization and continue to give him information about the Akatsuki organization.

By the way, you can also let him give himself everything Black Zetsu taught him.

"It's all about gathering wool anyway. Now that we've started to gather it, why not gather it to the end?"

The pursuit of excitement can be pursued to the end like Pinru, so it’s not too much to gather the wool of Uchiha Madara, Black Zetsu and the Akatsuki organization, right?

When the time comes, I'll stuff everything in, and then help myself do some things that are inconvenient for me to do, and let the Akatsuki organization take the blame, isn't it too much?

The more he thought about this, the brighter Uchiha Zong's eyes became, and at the same time he became more and more determined that nothing could happen to Nohara Rin!

"Anyway, I will be the head of ANBU from now on. I can announce to the outside world that Nohara Rin is dead, and then send her directly to ANBU.

This kid Kakashi will also join ANBU in the future, wait until this kid sees that Nohara Rin is not dead."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Zong couldn't help but laugh. I'm afraid this kid will also have a "someone wandering for half his life"

"No, it should be 'Yes, Mr. Minister'."

In fact, strictly speaking, Kakashi is also a very miserable person.

In Uchiha Sect's memory, his life experienced three changes.

His first change was the death of his father.

Kakashi, who was originally naive and romantic and extremely proud of his father, became seriously suspicious because of his father's suicide.

He suspected that his father was wrong, and he suspected that his father's teachings to him were also wrong.

This suspicion caused Kakashi to start a darkening process. He only had missions and ninja principles in his eyes, and anything other than that could be abandoned.

This kind of change didn't change slightly until the appearance of Uchiha Obito.

Uchiha Obito was a person who was incompatible with him, but what was interesting was that the two of them developed a deep bond and friendship.

Although the two of them had a huge disagreement after Lin was captured, the Obito Mouth Release without the blackening was really no worse than Naruto.

That sentence, 'Those who break the rules of the ninja world are called trash, but those who don't know how to value their companions are worse than trash.'

and 'I think Konoha White Fang is a hero', these two sentences deeply pierced Kakashi's heart.

It can be said that these two sentences made Kakashi's original serious doubts return to his affirmation of his father.

That's why Kakashi did something that 'violated the mission guidelines' and ran over to rescue Nohara Rin.

But it's a pity that this incident also started Kakashi's second transformation.

That is Obito chose to sacrifice himself to save him, and asked Kakashi to protect Nohara Rin forever.

The occurrence of this incident made Kakashi deeply sad. At the same time, he also had a new goal, which was to 'try his best to protect Nohara Rin'.

It's just that a tragic thing happened again. It's really difficult for people targeted by Uchiha Madara to have a good ending. Nohara Lin finally died at the hands of Kakashi.

This incident was a devastating blow to Kakashi.

To put it bluntly, even if it was not his fault to kill Nohara Rin himself, it would still be devastating to him.

However, something happened next that changed him again, and that was the death of Namikaze Minato.

He was locked in a safe area outside the village by Konoha on the grounds of 'protecting the future of the village'.

After witnessing his teacher giving up his life to protect the entire village, he seemed to realize something.

That is, he still has something worth protecting!

Obito's dream is to become Hokage so he can protect Konoha.

Nohara Rin died in his own hands, in fact, to prevent the Three-Tails from breaking out in Konoha, so as to protect Konoha!

It can be said that his teacher and his companions are all struggling with the same dream, even if they sacrifice their lives for it.

With such a crack, and the fact that Akai and others never left him, he slowly came out of the haze.

It wasn't until he saw himself in Team 7, the shadow of his former team, that he gradually became a normal person.

Kakashi's life was actually really miserable. Even if he became a normal person, he actually saw the shadow of many people in him.

It can be said that Kakashi is no longer living for himself.

He is living for his former companions and teachers, and he is living with the will of others on his back.

"But why didn't this kid go find Naruto after he came out of the haze?"

Uchiha Zong rubbed his chin, but in the end he decided to divide the pot between the third generation and Danzo.

It goes without saying how ruthlessly these two monitored Naruto as a child, and Kakashi had been running missions before he quit the ANBU.

Most likely, there is no time or opportunity to get in touch, right?

"Forget it, don't think about this."

Silently stood up, and after Uchiha Zong put the scroll and the scroll with Uchiha Fugaku's eyes together, he let out a smile.

"Just think of it as a reward for being so honest in handing over the Sharingan. And I'm also curious about how you will develop without the Sharingan."

To be honest, Kakashi without Sharingan is not weakened but strengthened!

Even Konoha White Fang doesn't have the Sharingan, but how strong is he?

Kakashi's talent is already strong. Although his father died long ago and did not teach him too much, he is not Sasuke, so he still has the information he should have.

After sorting things out and choosing a path that suits him, and with Minato Namikaze's guidance, this guy will be right.

"Besides, when he was the Sixth Hokage in the original work, his thunder escape was also ridiculously strong. Now that he doesn't have the Sharingan, maybe he can get it in advance."

Thinking of this, the smile on Uchiha Zong's face became even brighter, and he held the three Minato team members in his hands. This is definitely a future worth looking forward to.

However, he also knew that in the next period of time, he would have to keep an eye on Nohara Lin! ——

The cruel war is still going on, but everyone knows that Iwagakure is now at the end of its life.

According to reliable information, Iwagakure has not sent anyone to rush to repair the Kannabi Bridge. At the same time, they have also sent people to contact Konoha. It seems that they are going to negotiate.

However, this time is often the most dangerous. Iwagakure's negotiation is obviously to make a dignified exit and at the same time concentrate on dealing with Kumogakure.

So how to get what they want during negotiations is the time to show their own strength and will.

It is not unusual to talk while fighting, and although this world does not have the idiom "a sad soldier must win", there is still a similar meaning.

Iwagakure has become a trapped beast, and if you really push it, it will bite you hard.

Moreover, Iwagakure's background is really not bad, and it is definitely not comparable to the likes of Sunagakure Village.

Therefore, even though Iwagakure knew that he was leaving, in order to get enough dignity and benefits, they did not stop now.

Even now, they are getting even crazier.

In order to protect its own interests, Konoha has to continue to spend money.

It's just that the situation in Konoha is really not good now. After fighting for so long, we are almost at the end of our rope, and we meet such a madman.

Who can bear this, and Jiraiya is even more direct. His hair is now gray with worry, or so he said.

"Tell me, what are we going to do now?"

In the Konoha conference room of the Land of Grass, Jiraiya said helplessly.

"Negotiations have been going on for more than two months, but there is still no result, and Iwagakure's group is getting more and more fierce, and they have completely ignored it.

On our side, our hands are a little tied up. After all, no one wants to die during the negotiation. "

The negotiations between Konoha and Iwagakure were not concealed. In order to boost morale, the matter was directly told to all participants in the war.

They had good intentions at first, but now because of the announcement of this news, they are not as motivated as those mad dogs in Iwagakure in terms of combat enthusiasm.

Uchiha Zong was not surprised by this situation. He guessed that Iwagakure would not let it go. He had even thought about stopping the message from being transmitted.

But after much thought, he finally didn't do it.

If you don't seek death, you won't die. The Third Raikage has given you a warning. Sarutobi Hiruzen is still seeking death. Who can blame him?

What's more, he still remembered that in the original work, Konoha was the victorious country, but it lost a lot of things to Iwagakure.

Of course, this is not without the idea of ​​​​Sarutobi Hiruzen wanting to support Iwagakure and let them fight with Kumogakure.

But the fact is that the Third Hokage was severely beaten in the face, and Iwagakure and Kumogakure did not fight at all.

On the contrary, Kumogakure went directly to Konoha a few years later and forced Sarutobi Hiruzen to sell Hyuga Hizashi.

This incident made Hinata lose face. At the same time, it also made Hinata Hizashi hate the Third Hokage. It was a severe thunder for Konoha.

Many years later, during the Chunin Examination, Hinata Hizashi, who was still in the examination room a second ago, disappeared instantly after the battlefield broke out.

After confirming that Sarutobi Hiruzen was dead, he led the Hyuga clan to start a counterattack.

"No one has any good options in this situation."

Uchiha Zong spread his hands helplessly. He glanced at Minato Namikaze who was thinking deeply and said quietly.

"How about we send someone to contact Kumogakure? Is the enemy of my enemy a friend? Let's attack from both sides and destroy Kumogakure together?"

"A good idea, but we and Kumogakure are also enemies."

Jiraiya sighed, looking a little depressed.

"Kumogakure has ceased war with us, but there is no agreement. This shows that they may still have ambitions, and they will not negotiate with us unless something unexpected happens."

Kumogakure's ambitions are not only great, but he has been keeping an eye on Konoha and making strategic plans.

"How about we take the initiative to go out and give it a try?" Namikaze Minato also thought about it for a long time, and finally he couldn't help but say.

"Morale is not good now, and everyone's will to fight is not strong. They are all waiting for the war to end. I'm afraid the effect of taking the initiative will not be good." Jiraiya couldn't help but shook his head slightly after hearing this.

Jiraiya also has a headache now. Why are Konoha so anxious to use this method to boost morale?

Doesn’t this deceive frontline commanders like them?

"Sir, this is bad!" Just when the three of them were at a loss what to do, a Konoha ninja suddenly ran in.

"What's wrong?" Jiraiya scratched his head of white hair and asked.

"Iwagakure is attacking again." The Konoha ninja said immediately: "They advanced from four directions at the same time, and are now fighting with the people on the front line!"

"Again?" Jiraiya stood up immediately: "And is it that big this time?"

"It seems that they have also tested that our morale and fighting will are not high before." Uchiha Zong said calmly: "As long as we retreat, then they will have the advantage in negotiations."

"These guys are so annoying." Namikaze Minato was also a little angry: "If you keep doing this, don't they take their own lives seriously?"

"Minato, stop talking." Jiraiya heard this and immediately interrupted Namikaze Minato: "Let's organize ourselves and fight back as soon as possible."

Compared with the interests of the village, the life of a ninja is really worthless, otherwise Konoha would not be able to send a six- or seven-year-old kid to the battlefield.

Although Jiraiya also hated this approach, because in his opinion, the village was not there to protect them all.

But this is what his teacher did, so who has he to blame others?

"Let's see, you two are in charge of the organization, and I'll go to the front line to take a look."

Uchiha Zong had no intention of participating in this matter. He stood up directly and said that the most important thing for him now is to keep an eye on Nohara Rin.

Therefore, he planned to go directly to the frontline position where Nohara Lin was located to ensure that no accidents would happen.

"Zongjun, do you want to take action?"

Jiraiya was stunned for a moment, then he nodded.

"Okay, I understand, Zongjun, which direction are you going?"

Uchiha Zong pretended to look at the map, and then he pointed to a location.

That is, a position in the direction of Caoyin Village.

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