Konoha: Something's not right with this Uchiha

Chapter 117 Sasuke (11W please subscribe)

Chapter 117 Sasuke (1.1W please subscribe)

"Sir, there is nothing wrong with your body. On the contrary, it is getting better and better."

In the ANBU laboratory, Uchiha Zong heard Uzumaki Kasai's words, and he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Although he can also feel that his physical condition is constantly developing in a good direction.

But just like going to the hospital to see a doctor, you should always return regularly to listen to the opinions and judgments of professionals, so that you can more accurately understand what your situation is.

Uzumaki Kōsai is his professional. Others who have carefully read so many books and learned so many things are definitely much better than the dabbler Uchiha Sect.

"Is that so? This is really good news." Uchiha Zong couldn't help but smile and nodded: "Thank you, Xiangcai, having you here is really reassuring."

"No, sir, actually I should be the one thanking you."

Xiangcai shook her head and said with a smile.

"If you hadn't saved me, I would still be in that dark cage now.

If adults hadn't given me a chance, I might never know what my value is.

It was adults who made me find the meaning of my existence, which is different from the meaning of being an experimental subject, so it should be me who thanks adults. "

Uzumaki Kasai's words made the Uchiha clan feel a little embarrassed. To put it simply, they were really a bit of a loser.

Although considering Uzumaki Kasai's miserable experience that could almost be included in the "Misery-free Kunoichi" series, it seems understandable why she would say such a thing.

But Uchiha Zong was still a little embarrassed and couldn't bear it. After thinking about it, he decided to change the topic.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, Xiangcai, when do you think it is more appropriate for my next experiment?"

"Next time, I think we should wait until the adults have completely adapted to the current changes before starting."

Xiangcai said without thinking, obviously she had already thought of everything.

"Sir, actually based on my observation, your situation seems a little different.

Although the cells injected into adults are incompatible with your cells, they resonate miraculously.

This kind of resonance allows the adult's body to start to become stronger, but after becoming stronger, it needs to be familiar with and understand its own situation.

So my suggestion is that adults should first familiarize themselves with their current situation and then make plans. "

Uzumaki Kakasai's words made Uchiha Sect think deeply. Indeed, such a change is very big.

And such changes do take time to slowly adapt to.

Although for Uchiha Sect, his own feeling is not that big.

This may be due to the changes brought about by his kaleidoscope. His control of the body is really exaggerated, so he can still control it after the body changes.

However, in order to be on the safe side and at least avoid making any mistakes during the crucial battle, he still agreed to Uzumaki Kosai's proposal.

After all, counting the time, this boy Naruto is about to be born.

"No problem, then I'll do what you want." Uchiha Zong said seriously: "Anyway, thank you and thank you for your hard work, Xiangcai."

"Sir." Uzumaki Xiangcai just smiled and bowed slightly. She didn't say much, but she seemed to have said everything she needed to say.

After completing this routine examination, Uchiha Zong casually chatted with Xiangcai for a few words and then left the laboratory.

Although Xiangcai was already very good, she obviously wanted to do better, so she continued to study and train without relaxing at all.

Therefore, Uchiha Zong did not intend to disturb her, not to mention that he himself had things to do.

During the last gathering with Kurenai, he had already decided to try to develop the second stage of Susanoo.

But due to various reasons, there has been no progress in this matter, but now he has time to give it a try.

Arriving in a training room deep underground in the ANBU, Uchiha Zong checked the surroundings and his chakra began to surge.

This training room is very large, and because it is used to test and develop ninjutsu, its sturdiness can be relied on.

Moreover, the sound insulation effect of this training room is also very good, which is more in line with the needs of the Uchiha Sect.

"Then, let's begin!"

Thinking in his mind, his eyes turned into kaleidoscopes almost instantly, and blue chakra emerged from his body.

This chakra was so cold that it was suffocating. As this chakra continued to spread, a chakra giant quickly appeared on him.

This giant is covered in bones and is obviously the first stage Susanoo!

Feeling the power emanating from his body, Uchiha Zong immediately noticed something different.

"It seems that this Susanoo can absorb more energy, and its size has also become much larger."

Uchiha Zong muttered silently in his heart, and the next moment the carat in his body exploded again.

With the continuous blending of chakra and eye power in his body, the skull-shaped Susanoo's body changed again.

His chakra continued to explode, and huge changes occurred inside Susanoo.

Between Susano's bones, the torrent of chakra continued to surge. This chakra quickly spread over Susan's body, condensing like flesh and blood.

And inside these "flesh and blood", there are countless chakras stretched into slender lines, which quickly wrap around Susanoo's body like meridians.

"This kind of change is completely building the shape of a human body!"

Uchiha Zong felt the changes in Susanoo covering his body, and he couldn't help but nodded silently in his heart.

He had seen the entirety of Susanoo in his own consciousness. Although he had a chakra structure, he was indeed in a 'human' form.

The most powerful moment for Susanoo is when he completely restores the appearance of a 'normal person'.

Chakra is still being constructed. When the 'muscles' completely cover the blood vessels and meridians, a coat of chakra quietly appears.


Amidst the violent roar of chakra, the Susanoo on Uchiha Sect suddenly increased in size, reaching a height of nearly twenty meters!

And this height is slowly growing, but he has stopped forcibly.

"Although it has not completely reached the limit, if it continues, it will probably consume the eye power on a large scale."

Uchiha Zong secretly thought that he was very satisfied with the current situation at this time.

Especially when I feel that Susanoo's consumption in the second stage is within his actual control range. This consumption is not huge and he can be effectively recovered after supporting him to complete the battle.

But if he goes further, he can't guarantee that the situation will still be so good.

Everything has its own limit, and now this situation has reached its most reasonable limit.

Even if he continues, he can feel that he will not be able to reach the third stage. The most he can do is make his Susana bigger again.

But the cost of doing this is that his pupil power will drain away like a flood. This is definitely not worth it!

"And even so, I don't know how many times stronger I am than before."

Uchiha Zong clenched his fist slightly, but at this moment he frowned, and then he quickly turned around to look.

A figure with blond hair suddenly appeared in the room, and when he saw Uchiha Zong's appearance at this time, he was stunned——

"Sorry, Mr. Minister, I didn't expect to disturb you."

In an office of the ANBU, Namikaze Minato looked at Uchiha Sect with an embarrassed look on his face. It was obvious that he was embarrassed by his previous rashness.

He was actually dealing with some matters at hand, but what he didn't expect was that he suddenly felt an unusual chakra fluctuation from the flying thunder god kunai left in the basement.

Normally, Namikaze Minato would not pass. After all, he was aware of the ANBU's various ninjutsu experiments.

But the chakra situation he felt this time was really unusual. The fluctuation of chakra was obviously unusually powerful. If something went wrong, no one knew what the result would be.

But what he really didn't expect was that the person under there was actually his immediate boss, the ANBU Minister.

And everything that just happened in front of him really left an indelible impression on him!

Recalling the blue chakra giant, he even found that the giant's face seemed to be clearly visible to him even now.

It is like a Rakshasa in the temple, ferocious and terrifying, making people feel terrified just by looking at it.

And the chakra it emits is even colder to the extreme. It is a kind of destructive chakra, and it is also a kind of chakra that makes people feel desperate!

In his opinion, this kind of power really does not seem like the power possessed by human beings, and now he seems to have a clearer understanding of how terrifying his minister is.

"Okay, this isn't a big deal. I'm just experimenting with my newly developed technique, and you're doing it for ANBU too."

The Uchiha clan seems relatively calm. Although he has never explicitly admitted the kaleidoscope, everyone who knows these eyes has probably assumed that he has it.

This kind of thing cannot be hidden in the first place, is it possible to expect him not to use these eyes when fighting?

Now this is not realistic, especially since his growth is closely related to the constant use of his eyes.

Anyway, now that Uchiha Madara has temporarily gone to the Pure Land to find Senju Hashirama, and Obito is already in place, what's the point of worrying about it?

"It just feels like it disturbs the minister's interest." Namikaze Minato was still a little embarrassed.

"Well, speaking of which, I haven't congratulated you yet." Uchiha Zong smiled and shook his head: "Congratulations, you are going to be a father."

"Thank you, Buchou-sama." A bright smile appeared on Namikaze Minato's face at this moment.

Although it is still some time before the birth of his child, he has already begun to enjoy such joy.

Of course, I have to face the anxiety of having another child, but the joy is still greater than anything else.

Although the people in charge of Kushina's safety this time were not handled by the ANBU, he was also willing to believe in the decisions of the Hokage and his minister.

"By the way, why didn't you see Lin?" Uchiha Zong glanced around, and then he asked curiously: "I remember she was with you, wasn't she your assistant?"

For the sake of Lin's confidentiality, the Uchiha Sect asked Minato Namikaze to keep an eye on Lin. At the same time, he also gave instructions not to let Lin have contact with Kakashi for the time being.

And Namikaze Minato has always done a good job. He simply let Lin be his personal ANBU, teaching her while protecting her, and nothing has happened until now.

"Kakashi is on vacation today, so I asked her to move around. She should be in the medical room now."

Namikaze Minato said immediately after hearing this, and then sighed.

"Although she has never complained, life is a bit depressing for her now, so I think she should be given some appropriate relaxation."

"Is that so? It's up to you to decide that you are his teacher." Uchiha Zong thought for a while, and then he didn't care: "But you should be careful, it is not suitable for her to be exposed now."

"I understand." Namikaze Minato nodded extremely seriously: "Mr. Buchou."


Within the ANBU, Kakashi walked alone towards Namikaze Minato's office.

Although today was his day to rest, after he went to the cemetery to meet Lin and Obito in the early morning, he felt empty again.

Although Akai and the others have been trying to find ways to help him recover and try their best to find him to go out and do activities together, for him, he really has no such intention.

What he hopes more now is to perform more tasks and perform tasks wholeheartedly. Only in this way can he try not to think about the grief in his heart.

Only in this way can he have the opportunity to meet Lin and Obito this morning!

Therefore, he did not choose to continue resting, but chose to return to the ANBU. Resting really didn't mean much to him.

Everyone in the ANBU kept quiet in a tacit understanding. Although many people talked to each other, everyone controlled their volume in this relatively serious place.

This kind of silence makes Kakashi feel very comfortable, and now he prefers a quiet environment.

Many people noticed him, but none of these ANBU members understood him, just like his situation in Konoha just after his father died.

After all, he is still the same now as he was before, he will not leave any room for anything, and he will even harm other people.

Such people are unpopular no matter where they are.

But Kakashi doesn't care, maybe this would be better for him?

He walked all the way towards Namikaze Minato's office, but as he was walking, he suddenly found someone in front of him blocking his way.

The man walked very slowly, seeming to be looking at something while walking. This move made Kakashi frown.


However, just when he was about to speed up and overtake that person directly, he suddenly froze in place!

Looking at the back of the man in front of him and his short brown hair, an inexplicable sense of familiarity pierced his heart.

Such a familiar feeling made him tremble inside. He didn't understand why he felt like this, but he knew that he seemed to be suffocating!

"This is. This is"

Kakashi wanted to rush over to see who that person was and to figure out what was going on.

However, at this moment, he couldn't move at all. His body seemed to be frozen, preventing him from moving.

Maybe he was afraid in his heart, afraid that the joy of regaining something would disappear in an instant, afraid that it was just a misunderstanding.

Afraid that the beautiful feeling would be shattered, afraid that he was just dazzled

"It's really profound. It seems like I should ask someone else."

Just when he was hesitating, the owner of the figure suddenly murmured.

The voice was very small and thin, although it was impossible to hear what was being said.

But the sound instantly made Kakashi's pupils dilate, and the feeling that hit his soul became even more intense at this moment!

That kind of voice has always been lingering in his dreams, and that kind of voice will never be forgotten for the rest of his life!

Suddenly, Kakashi moved, gritting his teeth and running forward.

However, he stopped in place for too long, and the figure had turned around and entered an entrance.

When Kakashi chased after him, there was no one left!

He stood blankly in front of the closed entrance, looking a little dazed for a moment.

After a long while, he took a deep breath, and then he headed towards Namikaze Minato's office with his eyes full of hope——

"Hiruzen, the place where the Kyuubi will be produced has been chosen."

In the base of the root, Mito Kabuto and Koharu Koharu sat together, while Sarutobi Hiruzen sat on the minister's seat.

Mito Kadoyan was reporting some necessary things, and after he finished speaking, Koharu went to bed and sighed.

“Too passive, Hiruzen, our situation now is too passive.

That guy Orochimaru keeps putting his hands into various departments. He has forgotten your teachings and is now determined to completely erase your influence.

And the last thing you should do is to take over the defense task of Nine-Tails' production this time. He is weakening your control range in disguise. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but shook his head after listening to Kaori Koharu's words. He didn't know the consequences, but could he really refuse?

Obviously he couldn't refuse, because everyone knew that he was the best person to do it, and everyone knew what Orochimaru wanted to do.

But now Orochimaru is the Hokage, and even if they want to support him, they will only support Orochimaru.

"Xiaochun, stop talking."

Mito Monoyan shook his head and whispered.

"Hiruzen can't refuse, no matter whether he is the most suitable person or not, he can't refuse.

That guy Orochimaru has been corrupted ever since he got together with the Uchiha people, so don't expect anything from him.

Instead of complaining here, let's think about how we deal with these problems. "

Mito Kadoyan is still very calm. After all, he has been in a high position for many years, and he still controls his emotions very well.

He knew very well that complaining about the situation was of no use, and that handling the current problem was the most important thing.

"Just choose, I will let the people from the root pass." Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally heard the conversation between the two of them, and he said quietly.

He was also in a very bad mood at this time. It could be said that ever since the Uchiha Sect came with Orochimaru's order, his mood had been particularly bad.

Danzo's death allowed them to obtain a large amount of evidence. In order for him to have a chance to return to the core in the future, he must sever his relationship with Danzo.

Therefore, he had to pay some price to let Orochimaru turn the story around.

The Mission Department and the Ministry of Finance were just two departments that were taken away by Orochimaru. Although they were replaced with a root, their losses were still huge.

What's more, the ANBU corresponding to the root is also in Orochimaru's hands. It can be said that he really suffered a heavy loss this time.

In fact, it was not that Sarutobi Hiruzen had no intention of attacking ANBU, but he knew that Danzo wanted ANBU and had already reached an agreement with Orochimaru.

Although Danzo had his own ambitions, Sarutobi Hiruzen was confident that he could suppress them.

And at that time, he felt that Orochimaru just had his own ideas and had not reached the level of rebellion, so he allowed the development of ANBU without any interference.

But he never dreamed that Orochimaru would go back on his word and give the ANBU to the Uchiha Sect. This was really the biggest backstab to them.

This is exactly what the so-called three things to do when a new official takes office. After Orochimaru took office, the first thing to do was to burn his mentor.

And now this guy and Uchiha are going to attack the root, which is unbearable. This has completely challenged his bottom line, and he must fight back!

"You are right, we have indeed done something." Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes were a little solemn: "If we continue to let Orochimaru and Uchiha collude like this, Konoha will definitely collapse in their hands!"

"Hiruzen, what are you going to do?" Upon hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Koharu and Mito Kadoen's eyes instantly brightened up when they went to bed.

"Don't Orochimaru want us to go on a defensive mission? Then let's do our best!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen lit his pipe, took a deep breath and said quietly.

“Although I have tempted him to increase the number of limited teams at the root, as expected he refused.

In this case, don’t blame me. If we directly shift our focus to defense tasks, then some things will be insufficient, such as "

"For example, we are short of manpower and thus lose intelligence sources outside the village?"

Zhuanqing Xiaochun understood immediately, but she couldn't help but say after thinking about it.

"But a lot of things here also belong to the ANBU. Will this make the ANBU... Wait, I understand!"

"The configuration of the Root Department and the Dark Department is the same, but the levels of responsibility of both parties are different, and both parties supervise each other."

Mito Menyan nodded silently, and he spoke quietly.

"Anbu already has a lot of tasks. If they take over, it will involve our authority, which is tantamount to crossing the line.

Even if Orochimaru is partial, are their manpower really enough to support the current intelligence situation?

Once they expand, then we will have the need to expand, and the most important thing is."

"Those intelligence sources were trained by Danzo and will only be loyal to their roots."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said helplessly. To be honest, he was very disgusted with Danzo's behavior at the beginning. What Danzo did could not be hidden from him at all.

But now he had to thank Danzo for doing so and sending a large number of intelligence personnel, while also developing a large number of intelligence personnel outside the village.

These people's data, information and other things are in their hands, and this has become their most important weapon at present!

"Actually, now, I'm looking forward to the ANBU expanding. Although they have a lot of reserve personnel, there will always be time to recruit new personnel."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff from his pipe and said slowly while exhaling the smoke.

"Although I have retired, there are still many people who are willing to follow us, and many of them have already received training in the root reserve team.

Their identities have not been completely exposed. Once the ANBU accepts new personnel, they can definitely join it, even if it is just a reserve team.

In this case, ANBU will have our people again. "

“Indeed, it’s really worth looking forward to.”

Mito Monoyan nodded, and suddenly he seemed to have thought of something.

"Hiruzhan, there are actually some people we can try to win over."

"I know that Orochimaru is very proud this time, and he is too proud."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath from his pipe again, and his eyes became sharper.

“He used Zhuludie’s people, but he abandoned the real heir because the three of them rejected him.

This does give us an opportunity. Since he has given the opportunity, we must seize it! "

Having said this, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up. His eyes became a little blurred in the smoke, but his tone became firm.

"He does have the decisiveness that Hokage should have, but he does not have the kindness that Hokage should have. After all, he is still a young man.

Young people symbolize the future and they belong to the future, but now."

"It should belong to us!"


Uchiha Zong didn't know what Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others were going to do. If he knew, he would only admire him for being the Third Hokage.

Danzo's style of play and process were inherited so perfectly by him. They were indeed disciples of the Second Hokage.

In fact, this is really not a strange thing. After all, what Danzo masters is really good for Konoha and Konoha.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen is really confident that he can suppress Danzo, so he will not stop it even if he disdains it.

However, it turned out that his mentality at that time was basically: I am not the one who charges in the war anyway, so I can brag and defeat the evil fire.

Now it's his turn, it's 'really fragrant'.

But just how fragrant it is, Uchiha Zong still doesn't know yet, because he is slightly troubled by one thing, and that is Kakashi.

He still remembered that Namikaze Minato guy found him a few months ago and told him the news with an embarrassed look on his face.

That kid Kakashi has noticed Lin!

It was a coincidence that Namikaze Minato gave Kakashi a vacation, but this guy ended up returning to ANBU early.

As luck would have it, he happened to meet Lin returning to the office.

However, he was unlucky and passed by Nohara Rin. Although Namikaze Minato was also shocked, he did not tell him any news.

But Kakashi has no intention of giving up now. He has been relentlessly pursuing the truth.

He obviously had no intention of giving up. After all, this was the first time he had truly seen the light after the deaths of Lin and Obito, and he was tirelessly pursuing that light.

Namikaze Minato didn't have any good solutions to this, although he strictly followed the Uchiha Sect's requirements and said nothing.

But looking at Kakashi's look, he finally made a decision.

"Kakashi, you are also an ANBU ninja. You should know the rules. There are some things I cannot tell you. This is a matter of principle unless you can get the minister to speak."

Namikaze Minato kicked the ball directly to Uchiha Zong, which made Uchiha Zong helpless and he could only make one decision, to have a good talk with Kakashi.

In fact, he had long wanted to talk to Kakashi, but Kakashi was so slumped that he wanted to "kick his legs off and live in peace".

Even if they talk, nothing will come of it.

Now that we encounter something like this, maybe it will be a good opportunity to talk, right?

"Mukai, please let Kakashi in." Uchiha Zong thought for a while, and he said to little Hinata Mukai beside him: "Help me guard the door later and don't let anyone come near."

"Yes, sir." Xiao Hinata Mukai walked out of the shadows. He nodded to the Uchiha Sect and walked out directly.

Not long after, Kakashi walked in from the outside, the door was closed, and he lowered his head and half-knelt on the ground: "Mr. Minister."

"I heard Minato say that you always wanted to see me."

The Uchiha clan didn't let him get up, so he spoke calmly.

"But you still obeyed the rules and didn't force yourself to see me. Tell me what you want from me."

Strictly speaking, what Kakashi did was an overstep. Faced with such behavior, the Uchiha Sect, as the minister, must show sufficient dignity.

"Sir, actually I have always had a question that I would like to have answered."

Kakashi raised his head slightly and looked at Uchiha Sect, his expression became extremely serious, and he whispered.

"I once saw a person in the ANBU, a ghost-like person, and this person was a light to me!

I tried to ask the teacher, but he was very secretive about it. He only told me that some things can only be answered by adults.

Sir, I have been in darkness and lost everything, I beg you to give me a chance. "

Looking at Kakashi's firm gaze in front of him, Uchiha Zong was somewhat moved, although he was a little embarrassed by Kakashi's words.

For some reason, Kakashi's tone was somewhat similar to that of Uzumaki Kasai, but he still adhered to the principle of 'don't persuade others to be good until they have finished their suffering' and didn't say anything more.

As for Kakashi's question, he actually already had an answer. Although he was really curious about whether Kakashi turned on the "Whisper of Hell" to attract Obito.

But it is said that some people end up buried in the dust, while others grasp the fate of the times.

Naturally, the Uchiha Sect couldn't let himself be buried in the dirt, and he even choked the person who was fighting for his life in this era.

If the conversation doesn't go well, he will just throw Kakashi to the border of the Land of Wind to eat sand, and he will turn into Kakashi himself and activate the 'Whispers of Hell'!

"Opportunities are for those who are prepared. Are you really ready, Kakashi?"

Although he was thinking about a lot of messy things, his expression remained unchanged and even seemed a little indifferent.

"The ninja world is so big, and there are so many people who have fallen into darkness, but you are not the only one left.

You want to pursue the answer. This is your right, but you haven't even got a ticket to pursue the answer. Why do you make this request in front of me? "

Uchiha Zong's words made Kakashi's face turn pale. He lowered his head and gritted his teeth without saying a word, but the determination in his eyes did not change at all.

"However, since we are classmates and you were very cooperative when I recycled Obito's eyes, I will give you a chance."

When Uchiha Zong saw this scene, he felt that it was about the same, so he spoke directly.

"I've read your action report. Your strength has remained unchanged and you don't look like the 'genius' you once were.

Moreover, your behavior has seriously affected your teammates. If it was not your teacher who wanted to give you a chance, you would have quit ANBU long ago.

What I want you to do now is to change all of this. You must do a good job in terms of strength and task behavior.

And you must at least have a decent personality, otherwise the 'light' in your heart will be extinguished sooner or later. "

Having said this, Uchiha Zong stretched out his hand and tapped the table gently, and he whispered with a crisp sound.

"Finally, I give you a little hope. What you see is not a ghost, but if you want to know all this, it depends on your own choice."

After saying this, Uchiha Zong tapped the table harder, even bringing a trace of chakra.

In just a moment, the door to the minister's office was opened. Kakashi looked at Uchiha Zong with twinkling eyes, and then he stood up and bowed deeply.

"Thank you, Sir, for giving me a chance. I will not let you down!"

"You only have three months of inspection period, go ahead."

"Yes, Sir Minister!"

After saying this, Kakashi respectfully left the office.

Uchiha Zong sat on the chair and thought for a moment, then he called Shisui over.

"Former Minister, you are looking for me."

Shisui came very quickly. After all, he and Kohinata Mukai directly followed the Uchiha Sect, so the distance was definitely not too far.

"Okay, there are only two of us here." Uchiha Zong shook his head: "You should have seen Kakashi just now, right?"

"Well, did senior tell him?" Zhisui nodded, and then he asked curiously.

"It doesn't count, but it gives him some hope." Uchiha Zong said: "But during this period, I hope you can follow him, whether it is as a teammate or as a spy, I need to figure out some things."

"Okay, just leave it to me." Shisui didn't ask why. He had already trusted Uchiha Sect wholeheartedly.

"Thank you for your hard work." Uchiha Zong smiled: "I'm afraid you are a little busy during this period and can't take care of that little guy Itachi."

"I'm afraid that kid doesn't want to see me now." Zhisui couldn't help but laugh after hearing this.

"Huh?" Uchiha Zong was a little curious: "How can I say, doesn't he already regard you as his brother?"

"Yes, but" Shisui spread his hands: "From today on, he may also become an older brother himself."


In a hospital in Konoha, Uchiha Itachi waited outside the delivery room with his grandfather, the Sixth Elder.

He seemed calm, but underneath his calm appearance was a pair of extremely excited eyes.

After all, Uchiha Itachi is still young and he doesn't know how to hide his emotions.

He kept shaking his fingers and looking into the delivery room from time to time. This kind of waiting actually made him very tortured.

"Don't be nervous, Itachi." The Sixth Elder seemed to see Itachi's mood, and he couldn't help but comfort him: "Everything will be fine, don't worry."

"Thank you, grandpa." Itachi forced a smile, and then kept the same look as before.

The Sixth Elder looked at his grandson's performance and couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

Although they had a difficult time because of Uchiha Fugaku's incident, he did not blame Uchiha Itachi.

The child was innocent, Liu Zhang knew this in his heart, and the Uchiha Sect did not take action against him and the orphan and widowed mother, and there was no voice from the outside world to blame them.

This made him less likely to express his anger and blame his grandson, not to mention that he really liked his grandson.

Although this kid always likes to pretend to be an adult, he is calm, polite and very talented, and even the new clan leader and the elders are training him.

What else is he dissatisfied with about this child?

Now he is basically in a semi-retired state. After what happened with Uchiha Fugaku, although the Uchiha Sect did not trouble him for various reasons.

But he also understands that sometimes taking a step back is the best choice.

In addition to fully supporting the clan leader and others, he now gradually hands over the matters in his hands to his successor, and looks at the changes in the Uchiha clan from a third party's perspective.

And what he had to admit was that the Uchiha clan was really getting better, and the Uchiha clan was indeed much more capable than Uchiha Fugaku!

"It would have been better if this kid had been born ten years earlier."

Maybe because people have become more relaxed, the Sixth Elder can't help but think randomly, but every time he thinks about it, he will stop suddenly, and he will feel a little funny.

But to be honest, if the Uchiha clan had been born ten years earlier, these things might have happened long ago, and his daughter would not have suffered such hardship.

"Wow wow. wow."

Just as he was thinking, suddenly the baby's cry came from the delivery room.

It was a little intermittent at first, but soon the crying became extremely loud.

Uchiha Itachi had already stood up eagerly. He had been waiting for this moment for too long, while the Sixth Elder seemed much calmer, but he also stood up when the door to the delivery room opened.

"Congratulations, mother and son are safe." When a female medical ninja saw the two of them, she couldn't help walking over and said with a smile. Then she looked at Itachi: "Kid, you will be an older brother from now on."

"Brother." Itachi murmured softly, a feeling he had never felt before rippled in his heart.

At this moment, a decision flashed through his heart - he swore that he must protect his younger brother and make his younger brother a person that the family can be proud of!

Thinking in his mind, Itachi followed his grandfather into the delivery room, because Uchiha Mikoto had just given birth and still needed to be observed.

However, Uchiha Mikoto is also a ninja, so this observation time does not take too long.

"Mother." Itachi walked in, his eyes already on the baby in Mikoto's arms.

"Father, Itachi, you are here." Mikoto smiled, not looking weak.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mikoto." The sixth elder sighed slightly, and then he also looked at the child in Mikoto's arms: "Have you thought of a name for this little guy?"

"Well, I had already thought about it before he was born." Mikoto said softly, "His name is Sasuke."


In Konoha's cemetery, a strange chakra suddenly emerged, and then the entire space rippled.

The next moment, Obito walked out of this twisted space and walked directly to Lin's tombstone.

He has been here for some time. Strictly speaking, he is still somewhat unaccustomed to being here this time.

Because every time he comes here, he will meet that guy Kakashi, but today he has been waiting for a long time and has not seen him yet.

However, he was unwilling to wait any longer. It might be better for him without Kakashi to disturb him.


Standing in front of Lin, Obito put down the flowers in his hand, stretched out his hand and gently touched the tombstone.

After a long while, he whispered in a voice that was almost audible to himself.

"As expected, I will take action in three months, and this time I will face the teachers and others.

Although I don’t know how it will end, let alone what I am thinking, there is one thing I am absolutely sure of.

No matter what the ending is, I am eager to get an answer, no matter what choice I will make in the future!

Lin, I miss you."

I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival~!

PS: The Nine-Tails event will start tomorrow. I hope you will support me a lot. Newbies please subscribe and monthly votes. Thank you everyone~!

PS2: When it updates automatically, maybe I'm either on the ice floe or in the hospital looking at my arm - I hope it doesn't really happen.

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