Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 869 Once again!

It worked!

Perfectly captured his "next attack"!

Sure enough, the complete Dumen mode can predict the next attack to the maximum, and control the time perfectly,

It’s still too reluctant if it’s just the critical state of the wounded door mode, and the speed of obtaining body information is a bit slower. However, in the Dumen mode, the dynamic vision has been completely increased, although the field of vision and night vision are still the same as the wounded door mode. , is only within a range of 100 meters, but the dynamic vision and enhancement degree are more than double that of the critical state of the wounded door mode. Those movements and micro-expressions that were not clearly seen or needed to be "carefully" watched can also be seen. Instantly see clearly.

This greatly shortens the time for prediction, and also greatly shortens the analysis time required for predictive thinking.


As long as you can see the third generation of Raikage, even if it is just a glimpse, you can get the most body information, and the more body information you have, the higher the success rate of prediction!

This time, the attack prediction can only be perfected in the Dumen mode!

Feeling the more and more intense pain on the elbow, the emerald green inner rings in Chiba's eyes slowly shrank, and in his peripheral vision, all the body information of the third generation of Raikage was captured without omission.

In his heart, he was subconsciously analyzing the confrontation just now.

After all, this is the first time he has used Dumen mode in actual combat, and it is an unprecedented perfect transformation.

It can be said that now he is using the most complete Dumen mode, and as one of his future reliance, Chiba must clearly understand the extent of what the Dumen mode can achieve, and only by knowing the limit of the Dumen mode can he be sure that Dumen The tactical thinking in the mode, the so-called tactics, its success rate is directly proportional to the degree of "knowing the enemy and knowing yourself".

Knowing what the opponent can do and what one can do is the most basic condition for increasing the success rate of tactics!

But...the opponent in front of me...

After the analysis, Qianye's eyeballs moved slightly, aiming a little behind her left.


At this moment, amidst a loud cracking sound of hard objects, the scaly rocky skin shattered under the puncture of Hell's hands, and turned into powder and dissipated in the air. And the hand surrounded by the sharp blue chakra moved forward slightly, directly piercing the light green glowing outline.

"Ka Ka...Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Immediately, the luminous outline that was originally cracked like some kind of light green luminous transparent glass hard object, the cracking speed suddenly increased at the moment of the hell's hand stab, and the spider web-like cracks spread to the upper part in an instant. The arm and forearm were interrupted, and it seemed that in the next second, this thin layer of glowing outline would collapse instantly like the rocky skin!

It's not a guy who can be dealt with simply by "perfect prediction of one attack"!

As the eyeballs moved slightly, Qianye's face flickered with pain, and his teeth were bitten.


At the same time, on the top of his head on the right back, the figure of the third generation of Raikage was falling, his right hand was already raised, and the sharp blade of thunder in his hand converged, as if he was about to slash towards Qianye's hair fluttering on the back of the neck.

Indeed, a perfect prediction of an attack can almost completely dodge, even obstruct, intercept and other combat defense actions, but a perfect prediction of an attack cannot solve all combat situations.

For example, now!

While the thunder was flashing, a thought flashed in the mind of the third generation of Raikage, although this Taki Chiba's strength has improved greatly, and there is another attack that perfectly predicts such a predictive skill, which can almost confront him head-on.

However, this will scare him and make him powerless?

Do not make jokes!

In his life, he has encountered so many powerful enemies. This Taki Chiba is very special and strong, and his tenacious belief in not knowing what death is also surprised him. However, this is only special and eye-catching.

He has never encountered an opponent who is more difficult than Taki Chiba, and even more than once!

Moreover, among these difficult opponents, there is more than one who is stronger and more cunning than this Taki Chiba!

He is the majestic Yun Yin, the third generation of Raikage, how can he be stopped by just a leap forward sublimation?

But now, my left hand is restrained by my hell kangaroo, and the whole body is restrained by this backward elbow strike. No matter whether he tilts his head, lowers his body or what kind of movement, to avoid the attack of my right hand, he can only take back the attack on me. The elbow with the left hand hell pierces through the hand, when the time comes, dodge the attack of the right hand, but can't dodge the attack of my left hand, block the attack of my left hand, and can't dodge the attack of my right hand!

This situation...

At this moment, the third generation of Raikage's reflection, Chiba squatting down and twisting his body with his left hand and elbowing back with his left hand, the murderous intent in his eyes soared, and the radiating Lightning Chakra coat on his body seemed to be affected by his emotions. He straightened up a bit, and slowly floated up with a cruel smile.


However, at this moment, the smile that had just floated on the corner of his mouth froze suddenly, and his eyeballs suddenly wanted to look down.

At this moment, in the light of the thunder, there was a "click", the force of the elbow on the left hand suddenly increased, and the right hand struck down without any hesitation, but Taki Chiba's head slowly rotated down. , the whole face turned towards him.

And in his falling figure, a foot kicked straight from below, heading towards his abdomen.

I saw that Taki Chiba supported the ground with his right hand, twisted his body, and the whole lower body came out of the ground, and raised his left hand, and actually took advantage of this left-handed momentum to intensify the force of the elbow. Remember to prop up the ground and turn left to the side, lift your left foot and come quietly!

And his eyes, with a feeling of seeing through everything, fell on his eyes with the tendency of turning left.

At this moment, the eyes met!

The attack of the right hand, I have already guessed it!

From those eyes that seemed to see through everything, such a message came quietly along with the left foot that had already kicked on his chakra coat!

Feeling the imminent eruption of strength contained in his left foot, and seeing himself slashing down the lightning blade emitting blue and white lightning in his sight, the third generation of Raikage's eyes flickered with surprise, and in the previous moment in his mind, The scene of the elbow hitting his hell hand flashed by.

In his mind, he pictured a coherent movement of the young man right now, hitting his left elbow, putting his right hand on the ground, taking advantage of the momentum to rise up to the left, and taking advantage of the momentum of the rotation to kick out with his left foot in the air.

Too late!

I am slow!


It's not that I'm slow, it's that he used this action earlier than me!

This kid's squatting left-handed elbow strike is just the initial movement of the whole ground-supporting volley and kick!

At this moment, he suddenly understood that from the very beginning, this Taki Chiba was doing the left-handed elbow strike just for the kick in his abdomen, not just to stop his hell Kanshou!

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