Konoha: This Uchiha just wants to lie down

Chapter 174 Huang Quan: I’m so high!

Boundary Canyon West!


Looking at the terracotta warriors and horses advancing around him, Huang Quan laughed wildly.

"Yes, that's it. Let me be more happy. Let everyone surrender to the great Lord Sprite!"

At this time, he was so excited that he felt that no one could stop him from establishing a thousand-year dynasty.

Terracotta Warriors and Horses!

Endless terracotta warriors and horses appeared from the direction of the Swamp Country, and then headed towards the Ghost Country in the direction of the canyon.

From the time he unblocked the monsters until now, he has been using the opponent's strength to create terracotta warriors and horses. It was only now that the number reached the limit that he launched a general attack.

As long as he can liberate the souls of the monsters in the sealed temple and combine them with his own body, he will gain more power.

The border defenders of the Kingdom of Ghosts were currently knocking the terracotta warriors into pieces to prevent them from being resurrected.

But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, a gradually getting louder sound rang in their ears.

Boom, boom!

The movement, like a dense drumbeat, made everyone involuntarily raise their heads and look toward the west of the canyon.

Tens, a hundred...the densely packed terracotta warriors and horses marching in uniform steps.

In the center of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses is a gorgeous chariot.

Four tall stone horses pull the chariot, making it look heavy and unstoppable.

Not to mention other aspects, at least it is full of momentum.

Faced with this scene, the thousands of border defenders in the Kingdom of Ghosts immediately lost their will to fight.

Dang, Dang!

Weapons such as spears, hammers, bows and arrows fell to the ground unconsciously.

"Can't win!"

"How terrible!"

"Ghost Army!"

They are just ordinary people. With their numerical advantage, they can still block a few terracotta warriors and horses. Even if there are casualties, they can endure it because they can see the hope of victory.

But facing this ghost army with no hope of victory, despair instantly defeated their will.

But even so, there were no deserters.

Because their home is behind them, they have no way to retreat.

"Die under the power of Lord Demon!"

Huang Quan's excited and proud voice echoed in the canyon.

In front of him were the defenders who were about to be crushed by the ghost army.

"Isn't it difficult to just want someone to die with such little power?"

The ridicule sounded from the air, interrupting Huang Quan's complacency.

He looks up!

A figure carrying a person on his back fell towards the chariot where he was, with his feet spraying flames.


The figure landed steadily on the chariot.

It was a black-haired young man wearing a black combat uniform, with a figure on his back that haunted Huang Quan.


His voice was a little shrill.

Because he never even dreamed that the only target that Lord Sprite was afraid of would appear in front of him like this.

Once you kill the other party, no one can threaten your master anymore.

But before he could take action, he was interrupted by the voice of a black-haired boy.

"I advise you to think carefully!"

Tang Ping released murderous intent while speaking.

Well, the opponent's current strength is at most an elite Jonin, and no more.

The murderous aura that was as heavy as substance made Huang Quan's right hand stop touching the scalpel.

Because he had a feeling that if he touched the scalpel, his life would be ended.

Monsters are indeed immortal!

But he is not a carrier of power. At most, he has a strong vitality.

"You...who are you?"

Huang Quan managed to ask.

The existence that can possess such powerful murderous intent is definitely not an unknown person.

"Donate your eyes to those in need!" Dohei pointed his right hand at the forehead protector, "Can't even the Konoha ninjas recognize you?"

The other party didn't even recognize his forehead protector, so it's no wonder that he thought he could conquer the five major countries.

Maybe he has never left the land of ghosts and the land of swamps.

"Is it a Konoha ninja?"

Huang Quan muttered to himself.

At this time, he has not yet turned into the greasy middle-aged man he will be in the future. He has shawl black hair and looks a little strangely young and handsome.

"That's right, I am a Konoha ninja hired by His Highness Miroku to stop you!"

Tang Ping's straightforward showdown prevented Huang Quan from being dealt with.

"and you…?"

While Huang Quan spoke, he commanded the terracotta warriors and horses to surround the chariot.

"Don't worry, I won't take action against you now, at least not until the demon is completely resurrected!"

Of course Tang Ping could see the movement around him and interrupted him directly.

He didn't want to hit the other person first now.

"What's the meaning?"

Huang Quan was about to take action, but stopped temporarily when he heard these words.

"I want to fight the demon, so before he is completely resurrected, not only will I not attack you, but I will help you!"

Tang Ping did not hide anything.

Because this is a conspiracy.

Even if Huang Quan and the monsters behind him knew that he had other plans, they could only do what he said first.

After all, it is a fact that there will be more powerful power after resurrection.


Huang Quan finally felt relieved a little.

If an ordinary ninja said this, he would definitely not believe it.

But if it was said by such a powerful ninja, it would certainly be somewhat credible.

The ninja world is now extremely 'simple', and they can even die for promises and words.

Just like those who will follow Orochimaru in the future, they will have to compete with each other to become his body.

"After you defeat me, Maitreya will be at your disposal. Before that, if you want to play any tricks, I will deal with you first!"

Tang Ping piled on the next harsh words.

He believes that the other party knows how to choose.


Huang Quan controlled the urge to take action, preparing to wait until Lord Demon was completely resurrected before tearing this arrogant Konoha ninja into pieces, so that the other party would understand what it means to be strong and not to be humiliated.

Seeing that the other party lowered his head in a pragmatic manner, Tang Ping looked with satisfaction at Maitreya beside him, who looked shocked at his actions.

"Okay, it's your turn next!"

The task of clearing the way for the Ghost Legion must naturally be left to the other party.

"I, I..."

Maitreya looked confused.

As a miko, her mission is to seal the monsters, and it is precisely for this reason that mikos in the Demon Kingdom have a special status.

But now, asking her to help the ghost army clear the way is completely like "Why did your majesty rebel?"

"I can also make a decision for you, but I don't know what the consequences will be!"

Tang Ping gave clear instructions indifferently.

That means that if the other party doesn't cooperate, you will take action, but the casualties that occur are none of your business.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen can destroy the country, why can't I? .

At the same time, he is not the Holy Mother, so he has no scruples at all.

"No, I do!" Miroku naturally understood what Dohei said, and quickly shouted an order to the defenders blocking the ghost army: "Soldiers, as a witch from the Kingdom of Ghosts, I order you to get out of the way! "

Even if this makes oneself spurned, it is enough as long as it can reduce casualties.

With Maitreya's order, the defenders who were already prepared to die subconsciously moved to both sides.

Huang Quan looked at Tang Ping beside him, but in the end he did not order the Terracotta Warriors to attack the defenders.


Be patient first!

After Lord Demon is completely resurrected, no one will be able to stop him anymore.

Huang Quan is not a brainless type. He naturally understands what the top priority is now, so he suppresses all kinds of thoughts.

Tangping knew all about his little thoughts, but he didn't care.

A mere alien monster who wants to establish a thousand-year dynasty has a too small pattern. Like Otsutsuki, he simply harvests the entire planet. This is called a 'pattern'.

With this beginning, the next progress of the ghost army will be smooth.

After all, the witches voted, how could others not vote.

The Kingdom of Ghosts did not have the strength to resist the ghost army. The only one who could resist surrendered again. Unless they wanted to commit suicide, no one would jump out and die.

And Tang Ping also gained some sealing witchcraft and sealing skills from Maitreya in the past few days.

The magic power is used to complete the shadow mirror body turning technique, and the sealing technique is regarded as the reward.

Although the opponent's system is completely different from the ninja's chakra system, it still has many merits.

As for the three little ones and Kiyoo Ashasa, they were following behind the ghost army and watching all this.

If Tang Ping hadn't made a cut on his forehead, they might have thought he was going to rebel against the village. After all, what he did was too scary.


After several days of sleepless march, the ghost army finally arrived at the Temple of Sealing.

And arriving here also means that the monster will be resurrected soon.

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