On the airship!

Dohei controlled the airship, which was more than ten meters long, and flew slowly towards the castle tower.

The power was the thrust generated by the rotating propeller at the tail.

The energy source was a specialty of Dohei.

Chakra core!

It was just an enlarged version.

The speed was really not good. Even with the wind, it was only 100 kilometers per hour, and with the wind, it might be only about ten kilometers.

The small airship made by Orochimaru naturally had no decoration in the cabin. There was only a flight rudder and two chairs, which was terribly simple.

However, in such a short time, not only was the airship technology researched and integrated, but also a finished product was made by hand. This efficiency was really amazing.

If it was the world before the crossing, it would take several years from research and development to finished product, and a large number of people would be needed.

But in the ninja world with chakra, can it be done by just looking at a sentence?

‘I think…’

As long as there is enough knowledge and chakra, it is almost as if everything you want has come true.

If it were Dohei, he could do it if he was determined.

But he would definitely work so hard that he would vomit blood!

He had no choice before, but now that he has Orochimaru, who is the chosen one to study the holy body, he will naturally not work so hard.

And the fact that the height of the airship can be adjusted freely is also due to his contribution.

Gravity barrier!

Anti-gravity barrier!

All these are technologies obtained from the air fortress, and the Lieyang has already used them, but now they are only used on the airship.

It can be said that some technical difficulties of the airship were all overcome by Dohei and Orochimaru with technology, and they successfully created this kind of transportation or transport that can change the ninja world.

With the airship, even ordinary people can experience the feeling of "traveling a thousand miles a day".

It took Dohei and his friends less than a few days to go from the Sound Village in the north of the Fire Country to the castle tower in the south.

It's simply scary!

Although this speed is far less than that of the jonin who use the instant body technique regardless of consumption, it is definitely faster than the chunin and genin.

Go straight and don't rest!

With these two advantages combined, even if the jonin can be faster in a short time, they can't beat the airship in a long time, after all, chakra is not infinite.

However, when the airship passed through the Land of Fire, it also fell into the eyes of some forces.

Forget it before, the sky is really not a target for defense.

But it's different now.

The sky is also a target for monitoring by major ninja villages.

However, before Konoha could react, the airship flew directly to the castle tower.

And this information also made the major forces boil.

No one is a fool!

Whoever controls the sky controls the ninja world!

This sentence has been put forward by Nara Shikaku, the military strategist of Konoha, and has been recognized by major forces.

Major ninja villages have already focused their research and development on related projects.

Not to mention flying ninja tools, some flying ninjutsu have also been put on the research agenda.

For example, Ohnoki's 'Super. Light and Heavy Rock Technique' is an A-level earth escape secret technique. Let's not talk about whether it will be taken out for people to learn, the difficulty of learning alone is a problem.

After all, the higher the level of ninjutsu, the harder it is to learn and the more energy it consumes.

Don’t think that A-level ninjutsu is easy to learn just because the two masters of Chidori and Rasengan mastered them not long after graduation in the original plot.

You should also look at their bloodline!

One is a descendant of the wealthy Uchiha clan, and the other is a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, not to mention that they are the reincarnations of the chakras of the two sons of the Six Paths Sage.

They are simply the "celestial dragons" in the ninja world, and it is normal for them to learn A-level ninjutsu.

For ordinary graduated Genin, learning a C-level ninjutsu can be used as a big move. Even the Twelve Little Strongmen of Konoha in the plot mostly only master C-level ninjutsu.

This shows the difficulty of learning and using ninjutsu.

So there is no possibility of popularizing A-level flying ninjutsu.

Now, all ninja villages are developing some secret techniques that can make people fly.

It was at this time that a target was targeted.

But before they could take action, they found the airship, a better prey, so they had to choose to gather intelligence first.

Castle tower, top of Lieyang Building!

Dohei jumped off the airship with Hinata Cangyue.

"Is this the airship?"

Uchiha Mei, who came to greet them, looked at the airship with airbags on top and pods on the bottom, and her tone was a little curious.

Because she knew what kind of changes this thing would bring to the ninja world.

Although Lieyang was more magical, it was their trump card, so they naturally couldn't take it out, so they kept the news blocked.

Even the Ghost Country, which was running the "Belt and Road", tried every means to clear the venue.

Since it was located on the edge of the ninja world, the major ninja villages naturally wouldn't waste their strength there, so they didn't know the information about Lieyang.

But the airship was different.

This was the technology that Dohei was going to use.

The reason was the same as explained before. Only by changing the new track could the castle tower have an advantage.

Otherwise, the caravans in the castle tower would have no chance to build a transport team. Horses, vehicles, trade routes, etc. are all monopolized by the major chambers of commerce, and there is no chance for them to have a chance.

For example, the United Fruit Chamber of Commerce now has many ships on the sea, but very few land transportation tools. The key is that they are stuck everywhere, which greatly affects their development.

Therefore, Tang Ping directly turned the table over.

Innovate the mode of transportation!

Don't play with carriages, play with airships.

Compared with airships, carriage transportation efficiency is completely rubbish.

Although it is easy to imitate a low-end version due to the low technical content, it can at least give the castle tower an advantage in this field.

And Uchiha Mei has seen this kind of thing once in the flying unit, so she is so concerned about this airship.

Even the supporting facilities have been built, and the materials have been purchased in large quantities, just waiting for production.

The good news is that the production of airships is much more convenient than that of ironclad ships.

But there are also difficulties.

The gas refining technology developed by Orochimaru for them requires a raw material.

Black oil!

Something produced on the border between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire.

Well, it can be regarded as the ninja version of "petroleum". Although it can also be burned, the burning effect is not very good, and because it will pollute the land, it is called "blood of evil spirits" by the natives of the ninja world.

The rules of the ninja world are different from the world before Dohei traveled through time.

So even though there is oil, it has lost its value because of the weakened flammability.

How could Dou Ping not know about this thing? He just thought it was useless before, but who would have thought that this thing would have other uses under the development of Orochimaru.

The gas of the airship needs black oil to be refined, and we must find a way to solve it.

Since the oil field is located at the border of fire/wind, with the Rain Country above and the River Country below, we can only do it quietly.

Of course, it is impossible to let the River Country do it.

Although the United Fruit Chamber of Commerce controls that area, those who are interested naturally know the relationship between the other party and the castle tower. If they really do it, they will expose their own situation.

So we can only ask the Wind Country to buy it.

But it's a bit funny to think about it.

Before Dou Ping traveled through time, the Wind Country was completely a place of "poor mountains and bad waters".

If it weren't for this, the Sand Ninja would not have thought of invading the Fire Country every time the mission share was robbed.

Because they rely on mission shares to survive. You, Konoha, are not human, and you even rob the foundation of my survival. If you don't invade, who will you invade? .

This is also the reason why Konoha appeased the Sand Ninja after the war.

They can't survive the invasion, so it's useless to just fight back. It's better to take out something to appease them and let them survive.

"Let's not talk about the black oil. Now the castle tower is very lively!"

Uchiha Mei looked down at the bottom of the tea mountain.

Well, the airship is now parked on the top of the castle tower building, so this is the highest point in the city, and it's naturally looking down to other places.

Uchiha Mei said this because there are spies with a lot of power now, who are staring at this airship.

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