Konoha: This Uchiha just wants to lie down

Chapter 588: Naruto Civil War!

White Zetsu!

These two words came to Dohei's mind.

This is the only reason that could make the first and second generations soar so horribly.

And all of this was caused by the flapping of his butterfly wings.

If the White Eyed Wolf hadn't intervened, Orochimaru would definitely not have been able to get this thing.

But compared to using White Zetsu as a sacrifice, Dohei was more worried about another thing.

Did the other party send White Zetsu to Orochimaru for research? .

Once that happened, the situation would be very likely to get out of control.

Because although White Zetsu's strength is not very good, it is an Outer Path Demon Statue... that is, a product of the Divine Tree, and countless things can really be researched from it.

For example, Orochimaru's Undead Reincarnation, if reincarnated into White Zetsu, not only would there be no sequelae, but it would also greatly improve his strength, and it would even be possible to find a way to obtain Wood Release.

With White Zetsu as the material, how many forbidden techniques could Orochimaru come up with? It's unimaginable.

So... should we take the opportunity to send Orochimaru to death? .

In the end, Dohei gave up the idea.

Orochimaru is now under the influence of Kotoamatsukami + Heaven's Curse Seal, and is considered his "ally". No matter how dangerous it is, the research given to him has been completed.

But once he dies and resurrects, it is uncertain whether he will be affected by Kotoamatsukami and Heaven's Curse Seal, so this plan can only be abandoned.

"This breath... Who are you?"

Senju Hashirama took the initiative to ask Dou Ping.

This also surprised Senju Tobirama, because he knew his eldest brother's character. From the tone, he knew that the guy in front of him wearing a bone mask and a cloak was not simple.

"I am a member of the Kara organization, an organization for love and justice. This time I am here to deal with people who pretend to be our organization. Your family affairs have nothing to do with me!"

Dou Ping spread his hands and ignored the ungrateful wolf.

The other party is in a virtual state, and he really can't do anything to him, at least without exposing his sealing skills.

But once he wants to attack me, it will be very easy to deal with him, which is equivalent to setting a trap for him.

But the ungrateful wolf... Obito is not stupid.

In the short fight, he already understood how difficult Dou Ping was, so he had no intention of attacking him and kept a safe distance.

Anyway, his target was Konoha, not the Kara organization, so it was good enough to hold the other party back, and he could just turn around and run away if he encountered danger.

"Two Hokage, the chat is over!"

Orochimaru came up with two kunai tied with talismans.

Obviously, he felt that he couldn't drag it on.

Who made the situation in Konoha more and more chaotic, which was completely different from his plan.

In his plan, the attack of the Sand Ninja would at most cause a little chaos, and it would not cause much damage at all.

But now, most of the entire Konoha area was shrouded in flames and black smoke.

And the damage caused by those Sand Ninjas was still spreading.

Even Jiraiya was held back by Ye Cang, and under the burst of firepower of the Scorch Release, he directly razed several areas, causing amazing damage.

Yes, the greatest damage to Konoha was Ye Cang's masterpiece.

As a Sand Ninja, destroying Konoha was her dream.

Even if she has now turned into the shape of Dohei or the castle tower, it does not mean that she has given up her hostility towards Konoha.

Therefore, she was at full firepower during the battle.

With her current strength, any move can cause huge damage.

Although Jiraiya can easily avoid it, he cannot guarantee that the surrounding buildings will not be destroyed.

That is to say, he can continue to summon various toads to help in the battle, otherwise Ye Cang may be able to achieve the achievement of "carrying rice".

Seeing Ye Cang's performance, Hyuga Sogetsu, who was disguised as Dohei, was very excited.

She dreams of "carrying rice" in Konoha.

But Dohei does not want the Six Paths to take sides now.

So it is okay to let the "Sand Ninja" Ye Cang go.

It is not okay to let Hyuga Sogetsu of the castle tower go!

Orochimaru is determined to end the battle at this time, so he will speed up his actions, otherwise, he will naturally not be stingy with this little time.

Of course, it is also to see what changes the Impure World Reincarnation will have after using the "sacrifice" given by the other party.

Orochimaru was very concerned about those white corpses.

Unfortunately, the other party was watching too closely and only let him use them for the Impure World Reincarnation, not giving him any chance to get any "hairy" materials.

Now, it's time to see how much improvement there will be after changing the sacrificial materials as the other party said.

Before the talisman kunai was placed in the heads of the two, Dou Ping saw some clues.

That is control!

If Orochimaru had moved a little slower just now, he might have been uncontrolled.

As the founder of this forbidden technique, no one knows this technique better than Tobirama Senju.

Although it has been improved a lot, it is still within the framework he created, so he has been trying to crack it.

Unfortunately, he was interrupted by Orochimaru.

Thinking about it this way, he kept asking questions just now, which was contrary to his previous calm personality. He should have been buying time.

"Second-generation Hokage, it's terrible!"

Orochimaru looked at the other party's emotionless eyes, and this thought flashed through his mind.

He almost lost control just now.

Fortunately, when he was studying this forbidden technique, he saw the shortcomings of the forbidden technique.


If he couldn't control the Edo Ninja, then it would be troublesome.

That's why he specially studied the control spell.

Although it will reduce the wisdom of the filthy ninja and affect their combat effectiveness, it is better than losing control or backstabbing.


Orochimaru made a seal.

Completely wipe out the wisdom of the first and second generations, turning them into combat tools.

Next, it will be a "Hokage War".

And Dohei can also enjoy this battle to prove "I am the strongest Hokage".

Not long after the battle began.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was beaten up by two Hokage and even his face was deformed, Dohei stood at the highest point of the roof and admired.

What a famous scene!

It's a pity that I can't bring a camera with my current personality. Otherwise, I will take a picture of the other party being beaten. I will see how the other party has the nerve to say "the strongest Hokage" in the future.

In the past, I boasted because no matter whether it was the first or the second generation, it would be impossible for them to get up from the grave to refute.

But now, the dream has come true.

The first and second generations really got up from the grave to beat you, the third generation Hokage, and you can't brag anymore.

"Kara Organization, I hope we'll see each other again in the future!"

The ungrateful wolf left after leaving a harsh word.

That's right, with the real Kara Organization, Dohei, there, he couldn't shirk responsibility or do anything. He just did it for this incident, and it's not surprising to retreat when encountering an accident.

And Dohei didn't take it to heart at all.

Whether it's him or Uchiha Mei, if they really want to kill him, killing him is like killing a chicken.

It's just that when he stands in front of the stage, those behind the scenes won't go on stage directly, so they indulge him to move freely.

It's a pity that there is no watermelon around.

Otherwise, you can eat watermelon while watching Sarutobi Hiruzen being beaten.

What a sin!

Sarutobi Hiruzen is indeed not weak, even at this age, he can still exert the strength of the Kage level.

All kinds of combat skills and ninjutsu combinations are exactly like textbook standards.

But facing the two Hokage now, it's really not enough.

If it weren't for the fact that the two of them occasionally broke away from the offensive rhythm and gave Sarutobi Hiruzen a chance to breathe, he might have knelt down long ago.

Obviously, this is because the strength is too exaggerated, resulting in the control of the talisman is not absolute.

"Water Style. Hard Whirlpool Water Blade!"

Senju Tobirama directly hit an A-level water style.

Fortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen had been prepared for this kind of rigid ninjutsu, and directly dodged it with a clone.


But Senju Hashirama kicked Sarutobi Hiruzen who dodged the ninjutsu away, and even one of his teeth fell out, which shows how hard the kick was.

Next, there was another round of physical skills.

However, while Senju Tobirama was beating his disciple, Senju Hashirama clapped his hands, and the terrifying chakra began to burst out, obviously going to use the big move.

Soon, Dohei knew that this ninja god was going to use that move.

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