Konoha: This Uchiha just wants to lie down

Chapter 637: Forbidden Danzo!

Pale tree-shaped arms and right leg.

Hashirama cells!

Anyone who is not blind can see that this arm and right leg are composed of Hashirama cells.

And there are bright red Sharingan inlaid on it.

There are more than dozens of Sharingan in total, which makes people's scalp numb just by looking at them.

"I didn't expect that the Senju clan and the Uchiha would actually 'fuse' in this way. If they knew about it, they might crawl out of their graves to celebrate!"

Tang Ping's sarcastic remarks sounded.

Society is dead!

Danzo died on the spot.

And this time he is really dead, the kind that no one can protect.

Because Uchiha and Senju are the two clans that founded Konoha, especially the Senju clan, their prestige is even more astonishing.

The reason why the Hokage faction is as powerful as it is today is because it inherited the legacy of the Senju clan. Otherwise, do you really think that the Hokage faction can get so much support by relying on its own abilities? .

The last time I used Hashirama cells to create Yamato, I could still argue that it was 'for Konoha'. This is also the fundamental reason why the major ninja clans will no longer pursue it.

But this time, Danzo used Hashirama's cells on himself, plus the Sharingan. This could not be said to be for Konoha in any case.

"How dare you, Danzo..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't even know what to say.

What the other party did was indeed beyond his bottom line.


Tsunade knocked Danzo away with one punch, her eyes boiling with murderous intent. If there wasn't a trace of reason left, the opponent might have taken advantage of him.

"Damn Danzo, how dare you desecrate my grandfather's body!"

After knocking the opponent away, she gritted her teeth and shouted.

At this time, Tsunade had the desire to kill.

"Tsk, tsk, Danzo still has dozens of sharingan eyes on his body. Maybe the annihilation of the Uchiha clan is related to him. The sharingan eye is such a useful bloodline, so naturally it must be controlled by the consultant elders!"

Tang Ping started ‘talking to himself’.

"Uchiha Dohei, shut up!"

Xiaochun turned to bed and looked at Tang Ping fiercely, as if if he said one more word, he would take action immediately.

In this regard, the goal has been achieved, and Dohei, who has ruined the reputation of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, will naturally not continue to take action.

Nonsense, it was already like this. Neither Sarutobi Hiruzen nor Danzo had a chance to stand up. Another step would only arouse the hatred of Konoha ninjas. He would only continue if he was stupid.

However, after what he did, it was just a dream for Hiruzen Sarutobi to retire from the position of Hokage honorably.

After all, his relationship with Danzo is well known.

It was with his connivance that Danzo became so rampant. Now that the other party has done something like this, he, the Hokage, cannot escape the blame.

Coupled with what Dohei said before, he could only go to Konoha Prison to stay.

After all, those things he did could be said to be 'incompetent', but indulging Danzo was a 'crime'.

Do you really think you can go unpunished if you commit a crime? .

We are all ninjas. If you dare to play like this, don't blame them for killing yourself with seventeen kunai in your back when you went to the battlefield.

"I think the Sandaime and Danzo should be put in prison first and then dealt with after the new Hokage is chosen. What do you think?"

Forced by Mito Kadoyan's gaze, Shikaku stood up bravely.

Now, only he, the 'Konoha Military Advisor' and 'Jonin Squad Leader', has the status and qualifications to make such a suggestion.

If it were Koharu and Mito Kaden who were sleeping together, everyone would know their relationship with Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen. If something like this happened, no one would believe them.


Tsunade nodded with a dark face.

After all, she knew very well that Konoha's top priority now was to elect a new Hokage, not internal strife.

So even if he wanted to tear Danzo's hands off, he had to endure it until the new Hokage took over.

Even she, the biggest sufferer, nodded, so naturally others couldn't say much.

Tang Ping, in particular, was stared at by countless eyes, fearing that he would reveal some big information again.

Fortunately, Tang Ping shrank aside 'obediently', as if this situation had nothing to do with him.


Everyone's eyes twitched.

He had caused so many things, even sent Danzo and the Third Hokage to prison together, and even acted like he had nothing to do with him. This was so unbecoming of a human being.

If Tang Ping could hear their voices, he would definitely say that this is not the case.

He was not prepared to keep the 'great achievements' of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo a secret, and was prepared to make up jokes and gossip to publicize them.

This is the most cruel place!

If only the shinobi and strong people on the field knew about it, there would only be more than two hundred people in the sky. Although it is not easy for the Hokage department to block the news, it is not impossible.

But once the news spreads, there will be no way to turn the matter around, and we will have to deal with the two of them seriously.

If it is not dealt with, the Hokage system will still have the majesty of Mao Xian in the future.

After all, you have done so many things and you are not even punished. Who will obey you in the future? .

Every matter, every matter, Tang Ping will help promote the Hokage series.

After seeing it today, there is no way the Hokage faction has the face to rule Konoha.

And there is another benefit to Tang Ping's attack at this time.

Let Kumo Ninja and Iwa Ninja see the opportunity!

As long as the other party knows that Konoha is in civil strife, they will definitely not be dilly-dallying like they are now, but will go all out to attack.

By now, the results of the Hokage election have come out.


Because of the four candidates.

Danzo became the "forbidden type" Hokage, Tsunade gave up, and Dohei did this again, even if the Hokage type wanted him to be "hokage", there was no chance.

So Jiraiya was left alone.

The last step, that is, getting the daimyo to recognize this is not a problem at all.

'It's just that, how long you, Hokage, can sit still is another matter! ’

Tang Ping thought to himself.

Even if Jiraiya is in charge, his position is definitely not stable in the current situation.

At the same time, after he takes office, there is still a 'trolley problem' waiting for him.

How to deal with Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen? .

If the punishment is severe, what will the Hokage system think of him? .

If the punishment is light, how will Tsunade think of him and how will the villagers think of him? .

Therefore, this problem is almost unsolvable.

"Jiraiya, now that Hiruzen can no longer temporarily act as Hokage, how about you act as the agent?"

After sleeping, Xiaochun suggested.

If Hiruzen Sarutobi hadn't been beaten down, he would have been able to temporarily act as Hokage before the Hokage was officially elected.

But now that he was beaten like this by Tang Ping, he had lost even the slightest bit of face, so how could he still be qualified to be Hokage?

Under normal conditions, their two advisory elders can temporarily replace the Hokage's duties.

However, according to the information revealed by Dohei, although their responsibilities are not as big as Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo's, they definitely cannot escape their responsibility.

Apart from other aspects, as long as you investigate the development of the ninja clan behind the two of them, you will know how much benefit they have brought to the family since serving as the advisory elder.

It’s not that no one knows these things, it’s just that no one dared to reveal them before.

Now Tang Ping directly broke through this layer of 'Emperor's New Clothes' in front of so many people, which made them so embarrassed.

If they knew that Tang Ping would find a way to publicize these things later, it wouldn't be surprising that they might kill him directly.

Because these things cannot be said or done at all.

If the villagers and Konoha ninjas knew that the assets of several high-level officials had increased dozens of times, and the population and the number of ninjas had increased at least ten times in the decades they had been in office, their views would definitely change dramatically.

Words and actions can deceive people, but data cannot!

"I'm also a candidate for Hokage. Why can't I be the agent? Otherwise, let Jiraiya compete with me to see who is stronger and who can temporarily act as the agent. Anyway, we ninjas respect our strength!"

Tang Ping interrupted.

This time is different from before.

Before, the Hokage department was planning to plot against themselves and make themselves 'Hokage'.

But now that something has happened to Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, if he becomes Hokage again, it won't be the Hokage department who will take over him, but he will take over the Hokage department.

If the other party really dares to put himself in the position, he really dares to take it.

With Konoha's family background, it's just a basic idea to fight one against two. The real enemy is actually within.


Xiaochun instinctively objected when she went to bed.

Because she knew very well that she really couldn't let Tang Ping get any power now, because they couldn't control each other at all.

"Really? Then I'll withdraw from this Hokage election!"

Tang Ping nodded calmly and led the people away.

Next, he was eager to spread the news, not only in Konoha, but also in the entire ninja world.

If it were a Konoha ninja, it would definitely be impossible to do this.

But he wanted to see the other party make a fool of himself, so how could he keep it secret?

But his departure also silenced the jounin hall, which was in disarray, because no one expected him to do this.

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