Konoha: This Uchiha just wants to lie down

Chapter 65 Fire and Wind Border!

On the carriage.

"This is Maruichi, Hideji, and Yukino!"

"Our team has been established for more than two years!"

Shan Satoru introduced three students to Tang Ping.

In terms of age, these three are one or two years older than Tang Ping.

But in terms of status, Tang Ping was on equal footing with their teacher.

To this.

No matter Shan Satoru or these people, they are all used to it.

Ninjas only care about strength and status, not age.

And it is natural for geniuses to receive special treatment.

Just like Kakashi!

A seven-year-old is a chuunin, who would treat him as a child? .

Teenage chuunins like Dohei were definitely considered the elite of the village, and their future status would be far above that of their civilian team.

"Senior Wu, what is this convoy transporting, and what is its destination?"

Tang Ping asked about the mission content.

The content of the mission scroll given to him is vague. The purpose should be to capture him alone, so naturally it will not be too clear.

"It's supplies shipped to the Firewind border camp!"

Shan Satoru would naturally not hide anything about this kind of information that did not need to be kept secret.

"Is this so!"

Tang Ping finally understood why the mandatory mission was like this.

Maybe they felt the threat from Sunagakure, so they rushed to deliver supplies.

A small team used to be more than enough.

After all, the bandits who blocked the road and robbed them were absolutely no match for ninjas.

That's different now.

We must prevent the Suna Ninja from destroying us.

Along the way.

Tang Ping also got a lot of information from Shan Satoru, a middle-aged uncle.

The other party spent most of his time outside performing tasks, so he knew a lot of things, and it also gave Dohei a deeper understanding of the ninja world.

All he could say was that the ninja world was much more cruel than he imagined.

Countless people starve to death or are killed every day.

Where there are Ninja Villages, there is still some order. If it is a small country without Ninja Villages, chaos and famine will exist all the time, and it will be like hell.

Of course, this is what Tang Ping thought after hearing this.

The nobles of the ninja world are so inhumane.

Productivity was not developed to begin with, and the nobles reaped most of the benefits, which naturally pushed ordinary people to death.

That is to say, he is not a virgin, otherwise he would have to go to these nobles to "carry rice" and let them understand what pain is.

Future Nagato's classmates were looking for Konoha to carry rice, but they were looking for the wrong person.

Because the source of chaos in the ninja world is less than half the nobles and most of them are the 'Otsutsuki' family, the Ninja Village is nothing.

Escort mission on the way!

I really encountered several ‘dangers’.

Tang Ping was dumbfounded by some 'thieves' who came to rob with wooden forks.

There is no need for him to take action against these people. As long as the other party finds out that there are ninjas in the team, they will escape immediately.

Well, that's the benefit of having a ninja escort.

Without the ninja escort, these thieves would have robbed all the goods.

Moreover, facing the caravan's solicitation, Shan Satoru and the three genin were indifferent throughout the whole process. They would rather eat rice balls than eat what the other party handed them, and they lived separately.

It's like we have a simple 'employment' relationship, only talking about tasks and nothing else.

This is the case, and Tang Ping also knows the reason.

During the escort mission, you must maintain vigilance and distance from the team.

This way you can avoid some accidents.

It took almost half a month for their team to arrive at the border camp between the two countries, Fire and Wind.

This camp is used to guard against the Sand Ninja from the Kingdom of Wind.

The permanent number is one brigade.

300 people!

Note that this refers to the number of ninjas, not ordinary people.

For ordinary people, it would not be an exaggeration to station hundreds of thousands of people.

But because there is an extraordinary group of 'ninjas' in the ninja world, ordinary guards are meaningless in front of them, so only the number of ninjas is counted.

The camp was built from huge boulders and was located halfway up the mountain. It was dotted with high towers and shooting holes, making it look extremely solid.

Even if you are surrounded, you can still hold on with the help of the right location.

Patrol teams are usually dispatched to monitor the nearby area of ​​hundreds of kilometers to prevent the Suna Ninja army from attacking.

For ordinary people, the patrol range of dozens of kilometers is the limit.

But for ninjas, a few hundred kilometers is about two hours at full speed, so this camp closely monitors the border area between the Fire/Wind countries.

The originally peaceful border camp was extremely lively during this period.

Convoys, ninja squads... crowded this border camp, which was called a camp but was actually a fortress.

And you can also smell the strong smell of blood.

Although conflicts with the Suna Ninja have never ceased, they were not so frequent in the past.

It was these signs that made Konoha rush to replenish the number of people and supplies.

After entering the camp, Tang Ping handed in the mission and prepared to report.

Just came out of the place where the task was handed in.

A fat man whose body shape was not suitable for being a ninja rushed over quickly.


It's the Honda Eagle, and their team is here too.

But it seems that he has not just arrived, but has been here for a while.

It's not impossible.

Tanghei was escorting the convoy, so the arrival speed was naturally slow. But if it were a ninja march, it would take a few days to reach the border camp from Konoha.

"How long have you been here?"

Seeing his best friend, something bad flashed through Tang Ping's mind.

Because his team, which had just graduated for less than a year, would not normally come to the border.

"We have been here for more than half a month, and have been patrolling during this period..."

Honda Ying replied in a low voice.

In fact, their team left Konoha with Dou Ping, but they reported directly to the border camp, so they were able to arrive so early.

At the same time, Dou Ping also learned about the situation of this fire/wind border camp from him.

Very dangerous!

There are a large number of injured ninjas in this period of time alone, and even the instructor of Honda Ying's team was injured and was lying in the camp to recuperate.

As for the healing potion? .

Sorry, this kind of strategic material is not something that ordinary Chunin can use.

Honda Ying did have a few bottles that Dou Ping had given him before, but they had been used up long ago.

As for the medical ninja? .

There are indeed some, but there are not many, and the number that can be treated is not large. If there are many injured people, they can only wait in line.

"In other words, your team's patrol mission during this period..."

Dou Ping frowned and asked.

Without the guidance of the instructor, they can only leave it to fate if they encounter the Sand Ninja team during patrol.

"Well, I won't say any more. I'm leaving first!"

Honda Ying found that his teammates were waving at him, so he was ready to turn around and leave.

"Wait!", Tang Ping stopped him, took out several bottles of healing potions (not original liquid) and antidote potions and handed them over secretly, "Be careful!"

The potions were all packed in ordinary bottles with the names of the potions engraved on them, so there was no need to worry about using them wrongly.

This best friend of his helped him a lot.

For example, he was responsible for collecting all the materials for the clearing agent. How could he not help when he encountered it?

Of course, Tang Ping could only help here, after all, he still had a mission to do.

After completing the escort mission, Tang Ping could not go back to the village directly, but had to serve at the border camp.

But when he saw the person in charge of the camp, his face suddenly sank.

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